Who beat Private Sychev? The truth can be scarier than it seems. Private Sychev five years after the tragedy The Sychev case and Russian politics

In 1989, during the days of the Czech Velvet Revolution, demonstrators carried around Prague the corpse of a student killed by police. The corpse was wrapped in the national flag, everything was beautiful and solemn. After two days of unrest, President Gustav Husak resigned.

The Federal Assembly of Czechoslovakia elected the dissident Vaclav Havel as its new president, Alexander Dubcek, the leader of the Prague Spring of 1968, as its speaker, and also changed the name of the republic, replacing the word “socialist” in it with a more neutral “federal” one. That "murdered student" is still alive - and with pleasure tells random interlocutors about how at night, getting out of the coffin, he went to drink beer. This, however, is no longer important - anyway, Husak then left, and Havel came. And the country was renamed.

“Each lie pursues a very specific goal, and when this goal is achieved, you can blink your eyes and admit:“ Well, yes, we lied. I'm sorry"

A few months later, in the Romanian town of Timisoara, someone accidentally discovered the mass graves of local residents of Hungarian origin, who were killed on the orders of President Nicolae Ceausescu. Unrest, demonstrations, clashes between demonstrators and the police began in the country, a few days later part of the country's leadership and the army went over to the side of the demonstrators. President Ceausescu and his wife Elena were shot by a specially created tribunal. The fact that there were no mass executions in Timisoara, but there were corpses and television cameras brought from the surrounding mortuaries, helpfully fixing a fresh mass grave, was first said a few months after the execution of Ceausescu. The new authorities did not even really deny the fact of falsification. However, no one had ever cared before. Romania already had a new president, Ion Iliescu, and the slandered Ceausescu had long since rotted in the grave. “What is interesting, together with his wife,” as the poet said.

In the spring of 2003, US officials announced that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, according to their information, was secretly producing weapons of mass destruction, and if Hussein was not stopped now, then tomorrow he would destroy the whole world with these weapons. To prevent this from happening, the United States, together with its allies, launched a military operation against Iraq. A month later, President Hussein fled, the territory of Iraq was completely occupied. A few months later, the US authorities admitted that they had no data on weapons of mass destruction. But who could care? Saddam was already in prison by that time, the invaders were establishing oil production and building a new state system.

In the fall of 2004, presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko appeared in public with a mutilated face. According to Yushchenko himself, he was poisoned by the secret services, who were trying to prevent his participation in the presidential elections. This story excited the Ukrainian society, and when Yushchenko lost in the first round of the elections, thousands of Ukrainians took to the main square of Kiev, demanding a recount - according to their logic, if the authorities managed to poison Yushchenko, then it did not cost them anything to falsify the election results. To the accompaniment of rallies, Yushchenko, however, lost the second round as well. And again people said: this is a falsification. They poisoned our candidate, and now they don't let him win. Contrary to all laws and common sense, a third round was arranged, which Yushchenko nevertheless won. Now he is the president of Ukraine. The fact of poisoning, especially poisoning by special services, has not yet been proven, and who cares now? Only the most inquisitive researchers.

All these cases have one thing in common. In each of these episodes of recent history, the lie was calculated for a very short period. For a day, two, a week, a month at most. Until the power is changed, until the war starts, the president will not be executed. After that, the lie may be revealed - it doesn't matter anymore. Everything has already happened. It is impossible to endlessly deceive an entire nation, but no one needs to deceive anyone endlessly. Each lie pursues a very specific goal, and when this goal is achieved, you can blink your eyes and admit: “Well, yes, we lied. Excuse me."

In this sense, Russia has been lucky lately, pah-pah-pah. We have a large country with long historical cycles, and what works in Iraq, in the Czech Republic, in Ukraine, we are mired in our endless expanses and our endless time. Lies also fade.

For example, there was such a lie: they once said that in 1999 houses in Moscow were blown up not by terrorists, but by special services. Someone even began to believe in this lie, especially after Alexander Prokhanov's talented book "Mr. Hexogen" published in 2002. If, for example, a presidential election was expected in Russia that year, the lie about the bombings of houses could somehow affect their outcome. But the elections were held only in 2004, by that time those who spoke about the involvement of the special services in the attacks could not prove their case. The lie dissolved, went to the periphery of public consciousness. Focus failed.

In January of last year, heartbreaking articles appeared in the newspapers about the horrors that took place on the eve of the New Year in the Bashkir town of Blagoveshchensk. The newspapers wrote that riot police from Ufa came to the city “to warm up”, policemen broke into houses, took everyone in a row, beat men, raped women. It was not difficult to believe in this - that "cops are goats", the whole country knows without newspapers. If in those days the fate of the country was being decided - again, some kind of elections, a political crisis - then, most likely, the story of the police beating the inhabitants of Blagoveshchensk could very well have influenced something. But there were no elections, no crisis. It was a calm year, which was enough to conduct an investigation and a trial and find out: there was a big criminal showdown between two clans existing in the city, the militants of one of these clans attacked the policemen and, calling for the help of blessed human rights activists, tried to portray everything as if the police arranged in the city "cleansing". The provocation, which in any small country - from Ukraine to Serbia - would be enough at least to change the government, failed in Russia.

However, this does not insure against new provocations. For the whole last week, even more, the whole country has been cursing Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov. The essence of the claims boils down to the fact that the question "What can you say about the beating of a group of soldiers in Chelyabinsk?" Ivanov replied that he had not heard anything about this beating, but believed that nothing serious had happened, because otherwise he would have been informed.

By this time, the whole country already knew that in the Chelyabinsk Tank School a group of old-timers (several dozen) brutally beat a dozen young soldiers, and the most brutally beaten Andrey Sychev was also raped (he was raped by tying him to a bed with tape), and then taken to hospital, where his legs and genitals were amputated. Against this background, the minister's statement looked like a mockery. It is not difficult to assume that if, say, any elections were scheduled in Russia on January 31, their results would turn out to be much less predictable than one might expect.

But there were no elections. And there was nothing at all. And now, when the hysteria has passed, we already know that the very background against which Ivanov's words sounded mocking, this background was the most ordinary lie.

Because there were no ten beaten soldiers, Andrey Sychev was neither tied to a bed, nor raped - gangrene arose as a result, most likely, of a long-standing venous disease. The only proven episode after three weeks of work by a brigade of 41 investigators from the Main Military Prosecutor's Office (it has been at war with the Ministry of Defense for a long time and is interested in as much dirt as possible on the army) is that Sychev squatted for some time in front of the now arrested junior sergeant Sivyakov, whom You can’t call him a “grandfather” - he served exactly a year and had just become a “scoop” according to the army classification.

Everything else was invented by the chairman of the Chelyabinsk Committee of Soldiers' Mothers, Lyudmila Zinchenko, who, having given out a dozen interviews to the liberal media, is now cowardly hiding from the investigators.

The lie is revealed. As always in such cases, it is especially disgusting. Because people who in political speculation use the tragedy of a nineteen-year-old guy, the tragedy of his family, the compassion of the average layman, they are not people at all.

The lie is revealed. The lie did not reach its goal. And this means that it is worth waiting for a new lie. Even more vile and cynical.

Hopefully, she will not achieve her goals either.

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In the midst of the hype surrounding the "case" of soldier Andrei Sychev, who was left without legs, two officers were beaten in Chelyabinsk. From the tank school where Andrei served. They say this is not hooliganism, but revenge for a crippled soldier. The attackers left: know how to mock the green soldiers. And on February 6, telephone operator Natalia died of a stroke; she connected with the Bishkil battalion. The woman was very worried that some of them were exposed as the Gestapo. I watched the news release in the evening, the pressure rose, and in the morning she didn’t get up anymore ... - We are all called bastards here, - she cried. - It is impossible to pass in a trolleybus. Or maybe it was he who crippled himself like that? In general, opinions are polarized. This is understandable: the case of Sychev is terribly complicated, and besides, he was involved in political games. Nevertheless, we tried to look for answers to questions that worry our readers and to which officials have not yet given an answer.


"I was kind of beaten..."

A very important, but not the most important question: what happened on New Year's Eve 2006 in the battalion where Sychev served? Did they beat Andrew? (Why this question is not the most important, a little later). On March 19, the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Ground Forces, Colonel General Alexei Maslov, stated: “I can report that there were no facts of mass drinking on New Year’s Eve among the battalion’s military personnel. ". And on the air of the Rossiya TV channel they showed a short interview with Sychev. When asked if he was beaten, Andrei vaguely answered: “No matter how…” Or rather? - When Andrey came to us, he kept saying: "No one beat me," Chelyabinsk doctors of the third city hospital say. - Then the deputy chief physician asked: "Man, well, admit it! What happened?" And Andrey whispered: "They beat him..." - Let's suppose that the guy really was not tortured by anyone, - the doctors reasoned about that TV report, - And his legs "fell off by themselves". Then why didn't he admit it? Why didn’t he say to the TV camera: “No one is to blame here, no one mocked me. It all happened by itself.”

Let us also recall the note that Andrei wrote to his mother immediately after the operations ("KP" published it): "They beat me on the ankle of the left leg." It is unlikely that he would have lied to his mother. “There were no signs of beatings in Sychev,” Alexander Maksimov, head of the medical unit of the tank school, said almost a month after the incident. - And all sorts of bruises can appear as a result of gangrene. But then what about the statement of the prosecutor's office that on the night of December 31 to January 1, Sergeant Alexander Sivyakov, who was in a state of intoxication, "for the purpose of mockery and mockery" put Andrey Sychev in a half-crouch for three hours and beat him on the legs. "As a result of this violence, the victim developed positional compression of the lower extremities and genitals, which led to the development of gangrenous inflammation," the prosecutor's office said in a statement. In general, the situation is very contradictory, as they say, believe what you want ...

So what happened on those days?

On January 31, we put things in order in the unit. I was on duty then, - recalls Sergeant Evgeny Ulyanov. - The young were sent to clean the toilets in the barracks. And it's cold there, and it was frosty. They told everyone to dress comfortably. Like, until everything is done, no one will be released from there. All the boots were put on, and Sychev went in slippers. There was something wrong with his legs. (We will also return to these slippers - ed.). - Maybe someone beat him there, in the restroom? we asked. - So there were some young people! Who will beat him? - We chipped in for the new year: we bought cakes, cut salads ourselves, - says Private Ruben Atoyan. - The table was laid on the second floor. There was no alcohol (according to the stories of others - "drank a little, in moderation - approx. Ed.) At three o'clock they went down to the barracks, went to bed. If someone had been beaten, I would have woken up. After all, this cannot be done silently "The whole bedroom is visible at a glance: the light is not completely turned off. There are no nooks and crannies, it is impossible to hide. After Sychev's legs were amputated, in Bishkil, one commission began to replace another. - At first they expressed the version: on New Year's Eve, Sychev was tied to chairs and raped for 4 hours , - says Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Shiyan, commander of the battalion for ensuring the educational process of the tank school (now he has been removed from his post.) - Therefore, those who checked every single soldier undressed and looked for signs of beatings and sexual abuse. They didn’t even find an old bruise on anyone! Of course, we it would be important to talk to the main defendant - Alexander Sivyakov, the same sergeant who, as the investigation believes today, mocked Andrey. He is sitting in the civil pre-trial detention center of Chelyabinsk N2 and there is no access to him yet. - In order not to provoke any scandals and fights with comrades in misfortune, Sivyakov was settled with "first movers," we were told in the press service of the penitentiary department. - His neighbors are quiet, two are arrested for drugs, the third - for fraud. In the pre-trial detention center, by the way, almost no one knows anything about the sergeant: Alexander is taken away for interrogation for the whole day, and the staff is strictly forbidden to have any contact with him, they say, otherwise the head of the pre-trial detention center will fly. There is no access to Sivyakov. But we managed to talk to his mother.

"Mom, don't trust anyone"

The first words that Sasha told me were "Mom, don't trust anyone or anything," Natalia Sivyakova told us. "I didn't do it, and I never could." It hurts to look at my son, he is haggard, there are huge bags under his eyes. Sasha said that immediately after his arrest he was put in a cell, without even saying what he was detained for. What about interrogations? How can a person withstand interrogations for 12-15 hours a day? So he was also raised in the middle of the night and again taken for interrogation. - But he signed the confession. - Allegedly. It is on him that the prosecutor's office is now focusing. This confession was forced to sign Sasha by the first lawyer appointed by the state, Pavel Sterligov. He said that if Sasha signs, everyone will leave him behind, and most likely the case will end with a suspended sentence. What are the witnesses for the prosecution? I talked to the soldiers of the battalion where my son served. So they said that Nikitin agreed to testify after he himself was caught stealing from bedside tables. And the accusation? Prosecutor's officials say: Sergeant Siviakov did not like that Sychev was hemming his tunic at an after-hours. On New Year's Eve, at four in the morning! Would anyone believe this? A soldier was squatted behind the collar, and he sat in this state for three hours? But I was told that the officers decided to conduct an investigative experiment themselves. So, the strongest, heftiest man was able to sit in this position for exactly 28 minutes, after which he fell. According to the mother, today her son has also become a pawn in some big political war: - Do you know that another general came to Chelyabinsk from Moscow? Already after General Maslov's statement that Siviakov did not beat Sychev on New Year's Eve. He didn't introduce himself to our lawyer. He just said: "They didn't want to get seven years for good, get ten in a bad way!" I'm sure that the military prosecutors considered it a point of honor to imprison at least someone. We listened to all these stories about the night of the state of emergency in Bishkil, Chelyabinsk, Rostov endlessly. But still, they were mostly retellings of other people's words. We knew that the prosecutor's office chose three main witnesses - Nikitin, Gorlov and Ulyanov. Who knows the whole truth. But when Sychev's case exploded like a bomb and they started talking that not only the head of the tank school, but even the Commander-in-Chief, could fly shoulder straps, the prosecutor's office officials said: "Until the end of the case - no comments." And those most important witnesses who clearly saw the New Year's showdown with Sychev were so hidden that there were even rumors: the guys were gone. How they vanished into thin air!

"Missing" Witnesses

No one was lost anywhere with us, - they cut off at the prosecutor's office when we asked about this loss. - But where are the witnesses - we will not say. Secret investigation. We found out that they were taken away from the tank school on January 8th. Parts of the Chelyabinsk garrison began to "wool" at random and naively called all three names at the checkpoint. In one part, the move worked! A short soldier came out to us with a frightened look. At first, the conversation did not go well, but then the witness (we agreed not to give his last name until the trial) spoke: - That New Year's Eve, we were sitting, eating cakes. And after lights out, when the chiefs left the barracks, we hummed again. - And they say there was no drinking. - No ... Well, they drank a little ... According to him, then Sivyakov began to "dig into Sychev" so that he hemmed the collar and shaved. And at the same time he decided to educate the rookie: "Shut up and come to me in the third cockpit." In the "third cubicle"? But we knew that the investigators were just carefully looking for a room where they could squat the soldier so that others would not see. The soldiers were interrogated more than once. But all the rooms, except for the one where the battalion duty officer was, were sealed. - Wait, but the officers said that all your premises were sealed? - check with the witness. - Well, yes. So after all, you can carefully peel off a piece of paper, and stick it again in the morning - no one will notice. In general, Sychev filed and went ... Here our interlocutor fell silent for a long time. - And Sivyakov started beating him? we ask impatiently. - From my place it was hard to see ... But I would have heard the blows. He just made him squat down. Not even in a semi-squat. It's much easier. When I was young, I used to stand half-crouching all night: from lights out to wake up. The words of a soldier - that's curious! - coincide with the opinion of the Minister of Defense. On February 15, at a government hour in the State Duma, Sergei Ivanov said: "Sychev suffered significant damage to his health as a result of prolonged forced sitting in a sitting position." At the same time, he stressed that, according to the Ministry of Defense, "he was not subjected to other bullying." - And before Sychev, young people were muzzled in your unit? We continued to question the witness. - The previous call was generally harsh. Our grandfathers beat us on the head with a stool (in Bishkil, stools are heavier than usual, and their legs are made of strong metal - ed.). On the second hit, you lose consciousness. You can't open your eyes in the morning - your face is swollen. The officer will ask what is the matter with you, you say - you fell. And a new call has come: they will be forced to do push-ups, and they run to complain. - Was Sivyakov with Sychev all night? - He left and returned. The guys say that Sychev squatted almost until half past six. Three hours, maybe more. That's why he was left without legs! we sigh. - No ... When he arrived to us, it was clear that his leg hurts. Even the company commander told us not to put too much pressure on him. - Did Sivyakov know about this? - Certainly.

Why was Sychev silent?

It is a shame to complain that the "grandfathers" humiliated. Yes, and it is not accepted. - Why didn't you resist when "grandfather" beat you? - we asked after a meeting in the Chelyabinsk garrison court of one recruit-victim. - He's a head lower than you! The soldier did not understand at all (!) our question: - He has been serving for a long time! It's supposed to be. We here among ourselves - those who served and not - talked a lot about hazing. And everyone who went through the army after the indignation said in the same way: yes, this is accepted. Almost normal. You join the army, they rot you. Then you yourself spread rot all the young. We have exactly two institutions of society that live not according to the law, but according to "concepts" - the prison and the army. Although here and there heaped up orders or charters through the roof! So Andrey Sychev, most likely, thinks in "concepts." And according to them, both in the zone and in the Red Army, taking offense and complaining about "authorities" is "zapadlo". And, as his mother Galina Pavlovna told, even in childhood Andrei never complained about his offenders.

(Continued in the next daily issues of "KP").

Andrei Sychev really wanted to serve in the army. The guy could not wait until he turned 18 and the summons from the military registration and enlistment office came. In May 2005, Andrei was called up. And in January 2006, the whole country learned about him. "The Case of Private Sychev" to this day remains the loudest among the stories about army "hazing" ...

"No one has called us for a long time"

Five years ago, only the lazy did not write about the bullying of army "grandfathers" over Private Sychev, who served in the Chelyabinsk Tank School's supply battalion. The story of the crippled Andrei Sychev did not leave the television screens, from the pages of newspapers and magazines. Correspondents tormented Andrei's mother and sisters with calls and questions, often tactless. Today is silence.

“No one has called us for a long time,” says Andrey’s mother Galina Pavlovna. “Well, they made some noise and forgot - a common thing. Is it possible to be offended by someone. Every day there is so much grief in the world. And our misfortune is no longer news.”

The main offender of Andrey Sychev, Alexander Sivyakov, was given four years. He's already free. Makes plans for the future and implements them.

In 2007, the Ministry of Defense provided Sychev with a three-room apartment in Yekaterinburg. True, not on their own initiative, but only after the direct instructions of Vladimir Putin. Andrey and his mother live in this apartment on Nadezhdinskaya Street today.

Andrei has his own room, there is a computer in it. He replaces his friends.

New Year not according to the charter in a single military unit

Andrei still does not like to talk about what happened to him on New Year's Eve on January 1, 2006. Answering questions, more often than others, he says the word "I don't know." But more often than not, he just stays silent. He has a hard look, and only when he smiles, his face becomes completely different. But he rarely smiles.

“The old-timers drank that night,” Andrei recalls. “At three o’clock in the morning we cleared everything from the tables after them. Then we went to bed. Sergeant Sivyakov lifted me out of bed and took me to the far corner of the barracks. There he made me squat. on a chair. I asked him to let me go, but this angered him even more. He was "under the fly." Sivyakov had bullied me before: called names, kicked. "

On the second day, Sychev's left leg began to hurt. On the third day, the pain intensified so much that he was no longer able to go to the morning formation.

“They put me in the infirmary. They gave me aspirin, they said that no one would take care of me until January 10 anyway,” says Sychev. “Then they sent me to the hospital, and then to the third city hospital of Chelyabinsk.”

“I called him from Krasnoturinsk before the New Year,” says Galina Pavlovna. “He didn’t want to stay there for the holidays, he knew that there would be a booze. Those who live nearby were taken home by their parents. to him that I won’t come. I still can’t forgive myself for this. Who knew then that half a body would be returned to me.”

Andrei later told his mother that the "grandfathers" prepared thoroughly for the New Year.

In the village, next to the military unit, they overstocked moonshine.

Of course, the servicemen for decency were slightly "encrypted". They mixed the purchased moonshine with soda, poured it into plastic ketchup bottles.

"The military remained silent to the last"

On January 6, late in the evening, Galina Pavlovna received a phone call from the surgeon of the third Chelyabinsk city hospital, Renat Talipov.

“He told me that Andrei’s leg would be amputated on January 7, that I must definitely come, because he has little chance of surviving,” recalls Galina Sycheva. “I don’t know how he found my phone. He was also surprised why I Nobody said anything about what happened to Andrey. True, the military remained silent until the last moment - until it was already impossible to hide what had happened.

From Krasnoturinsk to Chelyabinsk about a thousand kilometers. It's dark outside. Galina Pavlovna and Andrey's older sister Natalya barely managed to catch the last bus leaving at two o'clock in the morning for Yekaterinburg.

We drove for five hours. In Yekaterinburg, in order to get to Chelyabinsk, I had to change trains. The beginning of January is the time of student holidays, there are no vacancies.

"We missed three buses. And when it was the turn of the fourth, I just stood at the door and told the passengers with tickets what happened to us. There was a company - three students, they immediately gave way to us."

In two months, Andrey underwent six operations

Andrei for a long time did not give consent to the amputation of his left leg, which was already affected by gangrene.

You can understand a 19-year-old guy. Losing a leg when you have your whole life ahead of you is scary. But dying at this age is even worse, and he agreed.

Then they cut off his right leg and other vital organs.

In just two months, Andrei underwent six operations. Five amputations and one abdominal cavity - on the basis of stress, he had a severe ulcer.

“When I saw my brother after the first operation in intensive care, I didn’t recognize him. Andrey was always a thin boy. And here on the bed was some kind of huge, swollen one,” recalls Andrey’s sister Marina Mufert.

But an even greater shock awaited both Andrei's mother and sisters at the Chelyabinsk Tank School, where they went after the hospital.

“Of course, no one was waiting for us there. They were surprised at our arrival,” says Marina Mufert. he pulled his own legs with a tourniquet so that he would be discharged from the army.

Marina adds that in those days when they were fighting for Andrei's honor, when everything was written about him in the newspapers, the support of ordinary people helped them a lot. She believes that Andrei was able to survive and survive then only because he knew that there are people who think about him, sympathize with him, pray for him.

"Andrey is our youngest in the family. Mom first gave birth to us, three girls from our first marriage, and then Andrey from the second. My brother has always been such a homely boy, quiet, calm. Everything in his life was according to plan. He knew that you first need to finish school, then a technical school, then serve in the army, and only then build a real adult life, ”says Marina.

Andrey plus stroller

Andrei believed that the army should be in the life of any guy. He wanted to work as an auto mechanic after the service. Before the army, Sychev graduated from a professional lyceum in this specialty.

He planned to complete the house, which his father did not manage to build under the roof. Then he wanted to get married, wanted a daughter, wanted to buy a car.

He wanted a lot of things ... Of all this, he now has only a car - with a specially made control.

A used but well maintained Ford is a joy in Andrey's life. Private philanthropists helped him with the purchase of a car, and from his disability pension he saved what he could for two years.

But in order to get behind the wheel, you first need to get to it. Mom accompanies Andrei to the car, then puts the wheelchair in the trunk.

Without outside help, this joy would not have been available to Sychev.

“Only when Andrey became disabled, we only then realized how terrible it is to get a life-long injury in our country, where people like my son are practically denied entry everywhere,” says Galina Pavlovna. “Take the same ramps. not enough in our city. When we started going to the authorities for information for Andrey, we were exhausted. Try, get into the district court or the prosecutor's office. "

Andrei weighs about 60 kilograms, the stroller is about 10. In order to lift her son up the stairs, Galina Pavlovna has to drag up to 70 kilograms on herself.

“I didn’t know how to tell him that the doctors refused him an operation”

Every six months Andrey has to go to the hospital to replace the stent - catheter. This procedure is quite painful. It is done under local anesthesia. For the rest of his life, he is prescribed to drink drugs that thin the blood. He agrees.

Andrey's full rehabilitation still requires a lot of time and a lot of money.

All these years he has been waiting for an operation, which for him - a young guy - is simply vital. Five years ago, doctors from the military hospital named after Burdenko reassured that such a thing is quite possible.

But recently, specialists from the same hospital told his mother that it was better for Andrey to forget about this operation. It's complicated, and he's in such a state that this surgery could cause thrombosis again.

“I didn’t know how to tell him that the doctors refused him an operation. But still I had to - where to go. He didn’t leave his room for three days. He lay, not getting up, buried in a pillow. I didn’t react to anyone. I got scared then, how do I know what's on his mind. Yes, I'm still afraid, "says Galina Pavlovna.

The Sychevs pack surgical shoe covers at home

From the outside, Sychev gives the impression of a deeply withdrawn person. Sometimes it seems that he has lost interest in life.

"You know the last time his eyes burned - in 2008. Then your colleagues, German journalists from the RTL TV channel, taught Andrey computer editing. He told me how interesting it was, how he liked it," recalls his sister Andrey Marina Mufert.

After Andrey learned to mount, he tried to get a job. Not a single local television and radio company wanted to see a disabled person among their employees.

Only after the intervention of Tatyana Merzlyakova, Commissioner for Human Rights in the Sverdlovsk Region, was Sychev taken to one of the regional channels. But, as it turned out later, only for pro forma. Andrey was given the opportunity to edit only two videos, after which his services were refused. Without explaning the reason.

“These people once again reminded him that he was not like everyone else. First they gave him hope, and then they took him away,” says Marina Mufert. “Yes, and the family needs money. it got to the point that mom and Andrey took work home.

Galina Pavlovna's pension is 4400 rubles, Andrey's is 13 thousand. The Sychevs pay about five thousand for an apartment. Some of the medicines they buy at their own expense.

That is why Andrei and his mother pack surgical shoe covers in plastic containers at home.

A pair of rammed shoe covers - 20 kopecks. To earn at least 200 rubles a day, you need to kill 12 hours. But after three hours, according to Andrei, the hands become wooden. However, Sychev had no other options until recently.

He will succeed

Since May 2011, Andrey has been working as a video editor in the RIA Novosti video editorial office. From home. That makes him more comfortable. And he's doing well...

If you want to help Andrey Sychev, then you can transfer funds to the following bank details:

Account No. 42307810316265012024

Railway OSB No. 6143/0393 Yekaterinburg

TIN 7707083893 OKAPF 90

OKVED 65.12 OKPO 02813457

OKATO 65401368000 OKAFS 41

BIK 046577674 KPP 667102004

R / sch. 47422810616269906143

K / sch. 30101810500000000674

Ural bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation. Yekaterinburg

Sychev Andrey Sergeevich

Andrei Sychev really wanted to serve in the army. The guy could not wait until he turned 18 and the summons from the military registration and enlistment office came. In May 2005, Andrei was called up. And in January 2006, the whole country learned about him. "The Case of Private Sychev" to this day remains the loudest among the stories about army "hazing" ...

"No one has called us for a long time"

Five years ago, only the lazy did not write about the bullying of army "grandfathers" over Private Sychev, who served in the Chelyabinsk Tank School's supply battalion. The story of the crippled Andrei Sychev did not leave the television screens, from the pages of newspapers and magazines. Correspondents tormented Andrei's mother and sisters with calls and questions, often tactless. Today is silence.

“No one has called us for a long time,” says Andrey’s mother Galina Pavlovna. “Well, they made some noise and forgot - a common thing. Is it possible to be offended by someone. Every day there is so much grief in the world. And our misfortune is no longer news.”

The main offender of Andrey Sychev, Alexander Sivyakov, was given four years. He's already free. Makes plans for the future and implements them.

In 2007, the Ministry of Defense provided Sychev with a three-room apartment in Yekaterinburg. True, not on their own initiative, but only after the direct instructions of Vladimir Putin. Andrey and his mother live in this apartment on Nadezhdinskaya Street today.

Andrei has his own room, there is a computer in it. He replaces his friends.

New Year not according to the charter in a single military unit

Andrei still does not like to talk about what happened to him on New Year's Eve on January 1, 2006. Answering questions, more often than others, he says the word "I don't know." But more often than not, he just stays silent. He has a hard look, and only when he smiles, his face becomes completely different. But he rarely smiles.

“The old-timers drank that night,” Andrei recalls. “At three o’clock in the morning we cleared everything from the tables after them. Then we went to bed. Sergeant Sivyakov lifted me out of bed and took me to the far corner of the barracks. There he made me squat. on a chair. I asked him to let me go, but this angered him even more. He was "under the fly." Sivyakov had bullied me before: called names, kicked. "

On the second day, Sychev's left leg began to hurt. On the third day, the pain intensified so much that he was no longer able to go to the morning formation.

“They put me in the infirmary. They gave me aspirin, they said that no one would take care of me until January 10 anyway,” says Sychev. “Then they sent me to the hospital, and then to the third city hospital of Chelyabinsk.”

“I called him from Krasnoturinsk before the New Year,” says Galina Pavlovna. “He didn’t want to stay there for the holidays, he knew that there would be a booze. Those who live nearby were taken home by their parents. to him that I won’t come. I still can’t forgive myself for this. Who knew then that half a body would be returned to me.”

Andrei later told his mother that the "grandfathers" prepared thoroughly for the New Year.

In the village, next to the military unit, they overstocked moonshine.

Of course, the servicemen for decency were slightly "encrypted". They mixed the purchased moonshine with soda, poured it into plastic ketchup bottles.

"The military remained silent to the last"

On January 6, late in the evening, Galina Pavlovna received a phone call from the surgeon of the third Chelyabinsk city hospital, Renat Talipov.

“He told me that Andrei’s leg would be amputated on January 7, that I must definitely come, because he has little chance of surviving,” recalls Galina Sycheva. “I don’t know how he found my phone. He was also surprised why I Nobody said anything about what happened to Andrey. True, the military remained silent until the last moment - until it was already impossible to hide what had happened.

From Krasnoturinsk to Chelyabinsk about a thousand kilometers. It's dark outside. Galina Pavlovna and Andrey's older sister Natalya barely managed to catch the last bus leaving at two o'clock in the morning for Yekaterinburg.

We drove for five hours. In Yekaterinburg, in order to get to Chelyabinsk, I had to change trains. The beginning of January is the time of student holidays, there are no vacancies.

"We missed three buses. And when it was the turn of the fourth, I just stood at the door and told the passengers with tickets what happened to us. There was a company - three students, they immediately gave way to us."

In two months, Andrey underwent six operations

Andrei for a long time did not give consent to the amputation of his left leg, which was already affected by gangrene.

You can understand a 19-year-old guy. Losing a leg when you have your whole life ahead of you is scary. But dying at this age is even worse, and he agreed.

Then they cut off his right leg and other vital organs.

In just two months, Andrei underwent six operations. Five amputations and one abdominal cavity - on the basis of stress, he had a severe ulcer.

“When I saw my brother after the first operation in intensive care, I didn’t recognize him. Andrey was always a thin boy. And here on the bed was some kind of huge, swollen one,” recalls Andrey’s sister Marina Mufert.

But an even greater shock awaited both Andrei's mother and sisters at the Chelyabinsk Tank School, where they went after the hospital.

“Of course, no one was waiting for us there. They were surprised at our arrival,” says Marina Mufert. he pulled his own legs with a tourniquet so that he would be discharged from the army.

Marina adds that in those days when they were fighting for Andrei's honor, when everything was written about him in the newspapers, the support of ordinary people helped them a lot. She believes that Andrei was able to survive and survive then only because he knew that there are people who think about him, sympathize with him, pray for him.

"Andrey is our youngest in the family. Mom first gave birth to us, three girls from our first marriage, and then Andrey from the second. My brother has always been such a homely boy, quiet, calm. Everything in his life was according to plan. He knew that you first need to finish school, then a technical school, then serve in the army, and only then build a real adult life, ”says Marina.

Andrey plus stroller

Andrei believed that the army should be in the life of any guy. He wanted to work as an auto mechanic after the service. Before the army, Sychev graduated from a professional lyceum in this specialty.

He planned to complete the house, which his father did not manage to build under the roof. Then he wanted to get married, wanted a daughter, wanted to buy a car.

He wanted a lot of things ... Of all this, he now has only a car - with a specially made control.

A used but well maintained Ford is a joy in Andrey's life. Private philanthropists helped him with the purchase of a car, and from his disability pension he saved what he could for two years.

But in order to get behind the wheel, you first need to get to it. Mom accompanies Andrei to the car, then puts the wheelchair in the trunk.

Without outside help, this joy would not have been available to Sychev.

“Only when Andrey became disabled, we only then realized how terrible it is to get a life-long injury in our country, where people like my son are practically denied entry everywhere,” says Galina Pavlovna. “Take the same ramps. not enough in our city. When we started going to the authorities for information for Andrey, we were exhausted. Try, get into the district court or the prosecutor's office. "

Andrei weighs about 60 kilograms, the stroller is about 10. In order to lift her son up the stairs, Galina Pavlovna has to drag up to 70 kilograms on herself.

“I didn’t know how to tell him that the doctors refused him an operation”

Every six months Andrey has to go to the hospital to replace the stent - catheter. This procedure is quite painful. It is done under local anesthesia. For the rest of his life, he is prescribed to drink drugs that thin the blood. He agrees.

Andrey's full rehabilitation still requires a lot of time and a lot of money.

All these years he has been waiting for an operation, which for him - a young guy - is simply vital. Five years ago, doctors from the military hospital named after Burdenko reassured that such a thing is quite possible.

But recently, specialists from the same hospital told his mother that it was better for Andrey to forget about this operation. It's complicated, and he's in such a state that this surgery could cause thrombosis again.

“I didn’t know how to tell him that the doctors refused him an operation. But still I had to - where to go. He didn’t leave his room for three days. He lay, not getting up, buried in a pillow. I didn’t react to anyone. I got scared then, how do I know what's on his mind. Yes, I'm still afraid, "says Galina Pavlovna.

The Sychevs pack surgical shoe covers at home

From the outside, Sychev gives the impression of a deeply withdrawn person. Sometimes it seems that he has lost interest in life.

"You know the last time his eyes burned - in 2008. Then your colleagues, German journalists from the RTL TV channel, taught Andrey computer editing. He told me how interesting it was, how he liked it," recalls his sister Andrey Marina Mufert.

After Andrey learned to mount, he tried to get a job. Not a single local television and radio company wanted to see a disabled person among their employees.

Only after the intervention of Tatyana Merzlyakova, Commissioner for Human Rights in the Sverdlovsk Region, was Sychev taken to one of the regional channels. But, as it turned out later, only for pro forma. Andrey was given the opportunity to edit only two videos, after which his services were refused. Without explaning the reason.

“These people once again reminded him that he was not like everyone else. First they gave him hope, and then they took him away,” says Marina Mufert. “Yes, and the family needs money. it got to the point that mom and Andrey took work home.

Galina Pavlovna's pension is 4400 rubles, Andrey's is 13 thousand. The Sychevs pay about five thousand for an apartment. Some of the medicines they buy at their own expense.

That is why Andrei and his mother pack surgical shoe covers in plastic containers at home.

A pair of rammed shoe covers - 20 kopecks. To earn at least 200 rubles a day, you need to kill 12 hours. But after three hours, according to Andrei, the hands become wooden. However, Sychev had no other options until recently.

He will succeed

Since May 2011, Andrey has been working as a video editor in the RIA Novosti video editorial office. From home. That makes him more comfortable. And he's doing well...

If you want to help Andrey Sychev, then you can transfer funds to the following bank details:

Account No. 42307810316265012024

Railway OSB No. 6143/0393 Yekaterinburg

TIN 7707083893 OKAPF 90

OKVED 65.12 OKPO 02813457

OKATO 65401368000 OKAFS 41

BIK 046577674 KPP 667102004

R / sch. 47422810616269906143

K / sch. 30101810500000000674

Ural bank of Sberbank of the Russian Federation. Yekaterinburg

Sychev Andrey Sergeevich

The case of private Andrei Sychev could be a turning point in the fight against "hazing" in the Russian army. But it won't. In the same way, no corruption scandal, even if it has been promoted, will become a turning point in the fight against Russian corruption. There is only one reason: hazing in the army, like corruption in the economy, is a backbone phenomenon.

After a trip with Anatoly Kucherena to Chelyabinsk, in the fresh wake of this tragedy, my mood was cloudy. On the one hand - silent, some kind of frozen children - soldiers in slippers. On the other hand, seasoned, quite intelligent officers who speak without looking back at their superiors. They directly say that they are ashamed to go out into the street in military uniform and tell how it all happened without shielding themselves. Yes, and where can we shield ... Everything is already clearer than clear. Then the doctors added more. Moreover, civilian doctors did not even roll a barrel at military doctors, to whom Sychev first got. Well, what could they, the military, do? They have no equipment. One pill for all diseases - that of the flu, that of flat feet. They did everything they could - they turned the guy around for a day, flinched, realized that he was getting on - and threw him to the civilians. And they did exactly the right thing. And already civilians - and among them professors, and even one academician, an active surgeon who did not forget how to hold a knife - Sychev was saved. Cut off everything for him. And legs, and above. There were no other options. And they barely made it. Local fathers-commanders at first hid everything that was possible. And then, when the soldiers' mothers sounded the alarm, and at their suggestion - the military prosecutor's office, the fathers split and, smearing tears and snot, reported to the authorities.

Reached the Minister of Defense. The case of Sychev fell exactly into the cross section of the difficult relationship between Minister Ivanov and the chief military prosecutor, behind whom the figure of Prosecutor General Ustinov was easily visible. The Public Chamber at first showed sincere stormy activity, but, realizing that it was between Scylla and Charybdis, it correctly limited itself to performing its prescribed functions. The materials were submitted to the court - and thank God. Now, after the change in the leadership of the Prosecutor General's Office, this interesting storyline no longer exists. Interdepartmental, or rather personal conflict brilliantly resolved at the highest level. The hazing remains.

Sychev's offender - Sergeant Sivyakov received four years. The prosecutor demanded six. In this case, there is no fundamental difference. I saw Sivyakov, talked to him. He was confused, he changed his testimony, he was pathetic. And he was sorry. And it was a pity for his mother, who was standing outside the door. But I also saw Sychev's mother. Sivyakov, in my opinion, mocked Sychev. The scale of bullying is difficult to ascertain. But doctors say that Sychev has naturally healthy, normal blood vessels, which means that in order for what happened to happen, it was necessary to scoff thoroughly. Doctors in a conversation with me did not even rule out rape: there were signs. But it was impossible to prove it. The truth, however, is that our army rests on people like Sergeant Sivyakov. He has authority in the company - all the silent, deaf-mute soldiers in slippers protect him. We are for Sanya. Sanya is a real boy! And Sanya himself honestly does not understand what is to blame. Of course, there was no talk of rape, and Sychev himself denied it. And keep on your haunches and beat on the legs? How gentle we are! And Sivyakov was beaten, and Sivyakov was beaten. How else? How else to teach the young?

I repeat: Sivyakov's punishment, if his direct guilt is proved, is fair. Otherwise, this is a direct connivance with all the criminal lawlessness that is happening now in the barracks. But any necessary punishment for Sergeant Sivyakov personally will not only not solve the problem of hazing, but will not bring it one step closer. This problem can be solved only by changing the principle of manning the army (meaning not only the troops of the Ministry of Defense, but also the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the KGB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.). As long as those whose fathers drink without spilling, and whose mothers are not able to save up for a bribe to the military commissar in their entire lives, the order in the barracks will not differ from the order in the zone. Only professional and reasonably transparent to the public Armed Forces can be largely (there is still no absolute guarantee, it is difficult to fight bad old habits) insured against hazing. But it is already obvious now that we will not receive such Armed Forces in the foreseeable future. And because the unfortunate Andrey Sychev suffered in vain. No matter how much they rolled into his tormentor, Sergeant Alexander Sivyakov.