Where does Oblomov Tarantiev propose to move. The composition “Tarantyev Mikhey Andreevich is Oblomov's countryman. Tarantiev Mikhey Andreevich

OBLOMOV (Roman. 1859) Tarantiev Mikhey Andreevich Oblomov's compatriot. Where he came from and how he got into the confidence of Ilya Ilyich is unknown. T. appears on the very first pages of the novel - “a man of about forty, belonging to a large breed, tall, voluminous in the shoulders and throughout the body, with large features, with a large head, with a strong, short neck, with large protruding eyes, thick-lipped . A cursory glance at this man gave rise to the idea of ​​​​something rough and unkempt. This type of bribe-taking official, a rude person, ready to scold everyone in the world every minute, but at the last minute cowardly hiding from a well-deserved reprisal, was not discovered in literature by Goncharov. It is after Goncharov that it becomes widespread, in the works of M.E.

Saltykov-Shchedrin, A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin. T. is that “coming Ham” that gradually reigned throughout Russia and which grew into a formidable symbol in the image of the Sukhovo-Kobylin Rasplyuev. But there is T.

another interesting feature. “The fact is that Tarantiev was a master only to speak; in words he decided everything clearly and easily, especially as regards others; but as soon as it was necessary to move a finger, move off - in a word, apply the theory he created to the case and give it a practical move ... he was a completely different person: here he was not enough ... ”This trait, as you know, characterizes not only rude and uncouth characters of the named writers, but to some extent "superfluous people".

Like T., they also remained “theoreticians for life”, applying their abstract philosophy to the place and not to the place. Such a theoretician needs a number of practices that could bring his ideas to life. T.

finds his “godfather” Ivan Matveyevich Mukhoyarov, a morally unscrupulous man, ready for any meanness, not squeamish about anything in his thirst for accumulation. At first, Oblomov believes that T. is able to help him with the worries on the estate, in changing the apartment. Gradually, not without the influence of Olga Ilyinskaya and Andrei Stolz, Ilya Ilyich begins to understand what a quagmire T. is trying to drag him into, slowly forcing Oblomov to sink to the very bottom of life.

T.'s attitude towards Stolz is not so much the contempt of a Russian person for a German, with whom T. rather hides behind, but the fear of exposing the grandiose machinations that T. hopes to bring to an end. It is important for him, with the help of proxies, to seize Oblomovka, receiving interest on the income of Ilya Ilyich, and even to confuse him himself, having obtained proof of Oblomov’s connection with Pshenitsyna. T.

hates Stolz, calling him "a blowing beast". Out of fear that Stolz will still take Oblomov abroad or to Oblomovka, T., with the assistance of Mukhoyarov, is in a hurry to force Ilya Ilyich to sign a predatory contract for an apartment on the Vyborg side. This contract deprives Oblomov of the possibility of any action whatsoever. Following this, T. persuades Mukhoyarov, "until the boobies are gone in Rus'," to hurry to marry Oblomov the new manager of the estate, Isai Fomich Zated, very successful in bribes and forgeries. The next step T.

is the implementation (with the help of the same Mukhoyarov) of the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bOblomov's "duty". As if offended for the honor of his sister, Mukhoyarov must accuse Ilya Ilyich of claims to the widow Pshenitsyna and sign a paper on compensation for moral damage in the amount of ten thousand rubles. The paper is then rewritten in the name of Mukhoyarov, and the godfathers receive money from Oblomov. After the exposure of these machinations by Stolz, T. disappears from the pages of the novel. Only at the very end is he mentioned by Zakhar, who, when meeting with Stolz at the cemetery on the Vyborg side, tells how much he had to endure after the death of Ilya Ilyich from Mukhoyarov and T.

Wanting to kill him from the world. “Mikhei Andreevich Tarantyev strove everything, as you pass by, kick him from behind: there was no more life!” Thus, T. took revenge on Zakhar for the neglect shown by the servant in those days when T.

came to Oblomov to have lunch and ask for a shirt, a vest, a tailcoat - of course, without a return. Each time, Zakhar stood up for the protection of the master's good, grumbling like a dog at an intruder and not hiding his feelings for a low person.

The novel "Oblomov" is a classic, in which interest either subsides, or, on the contrary, flares up with great force. The thing is the character of Ilya Ilyich, who becomes a symbol of some eras, and a negative hero of others.

Oblomov's guests and the purpose of their arrival will help to understand the nature of a complex character.

Oblomov's guests

Throughout the novel, few guests come to Oblomov. All of them are different in nature, appearance and age. Alekseev and Tarantiev come to Ilya Ilyich more often and more diligently. At first glance, these are two opposite characters: noisy and quiet, rude and timid, arrogant and meek. But in fact, they have a lot in common: the inability to build a career, the desire to eat at the expense of others.

The rest of the guests were infrequent visitors to Ilya. They were brought to him by accidental circumstances. They flew in for a minute and, not seeing the point in communication, quickly left the uncomfortable house. Such guests understood that they could not reciprocate the host, reported some not very important news and left. Friends were an annoyance in Oblomov's life. They tried to return him to a stormy and ebullient life, but their views did not coincide. Oblomov disliked them more and more. He pushed them away, not wanting even ridiculous friendly contact. They were cold from the street, and it was cold not only in the literal sense of the word, but also figuratively.


A cheerful young man is carefree and cheerful. He shares the latest news with Ilya, boasts of new things. The guest is a fashionista who loves to flaunt clothes from the latest collections. He has a beautiful hairstyle. Volkov's life is a stormy holiday. He manages to visit 10 different places in one day:

"Ten places in one day - unfortunate!"

Volkov is trying to change Oblomov's attitude towards women. Thoughts, and not to fall in love, visited the owner and immediately melted away. A busy life did not arouse envy in Ilya. He felt that his balanced and calm lifestyle was better.


The guest is a former colleague of Oblomov, they served together in the office. Sudbinsky has a speaking surname. He is the builder of his own destiny: he makes a career, strives for promotions, receives awards. Sudbinsky came to visit a friend, to invite him to go with him to Ekateringof. The story about the affairs of the service did not arouse Oblomov's interest. He is glad that he does not need, as a guest, to get bogged down in a career "fuss". In the conversation of friends, the theme of the essence of man is raised, which fades into the background, leaving on the surface the desire for rank and service. Good earnings and eternal employment - what Sudbinsky colleague wanted to call for.


With a proposal to go to Yekateringof, the young writer Penkin came to Oblomov. But before pronouncing the purpose of the visit, the guest spoke about his article, about literature in general. He excited Ilya with thoughts about fallen people and changes in society. Ilya even jumped out of a comfortable bed, but it was a momentary splash. Writing even at night is too wrong. Selling your thoughts is also absurd. Oblomov compares Penkin to a machine that spins without stopping every day. Life without sleep and rest is for Ilya Ilyich a synonym for an unhappy existence.


The purpose of his visit to Oblomov, like his whole life, is to eat. He invites Ilya to dinner with a mutual friend, and after dinner to go with friends to Yekateringof. Oblomov offers to stay and dine with him. Alekseev is a timid man who is afraid of himself. He does not advance in the service, does not have his own opinion, adapt to others, gradually losing face. It becomes unremarkable externally and internally. But only to this quiet guest Oblomov was able to voice his problems.


Countryman and friend of Ilya Ilyich Tarantiev is a noisy and rude guest. Without asking consent, he tries to lift Oblomov out of bed. At the request of Tarantiev, the servant Zakhar dresses the master. Oblomov sits down in a chair. Tarantiev was an invited guest, he was invited to dinner, but another purpose of the visit was to beg for a black tailcoat. Only the servant prevented the impudence of the guest. Tarantiev constantly scolds, grumbles and swears. He is dissatisfied with everything in the world, looking for profit, an opportunity to deceive and cheat.


The purpose of visiting the doctor is Oblomov's health. He warns Ilya about the possibility of a stroke (stroke), about the need to change his lifestyle, but he does not listen to his advice. The doctor is elegant and attractive. He enters the homes of wealthy patients, so he is reserved and calm. The doctor has a good income, his behavior is of interest.

Mikhey Tarantiev

Mikhey Andreevich Tarantiev is a character that appeared from the first pages of the novel Oblomov, a fellow countryman of the protagonist, who managed to gain his confidence for a while. Outwardly, he resembles a rude and untidy bribe-taking official, of which there were many then. He is large and voluminous in the shoulders, looks 40 years old, has a large head and a short neck, thick lips and bulging eyes. In words, he could solve anything, but when it came to actions, he lacked the spirit. In order to translate his ideas into reality, he finds

his “godfather” in the person of I. M. Mukhoyarov. The latter was a vile person and did not disdain anything in pursuit of money. He is the brother of Agafya Pshenitsyna, who is constantly trying to push her around. The goal of Tarantiev is not just to ingratiate himself with Oblomov, but also to seize the property of the protagonist.

At first, he believes that Mikhei Andreevich wants and can help him with the estate and housekeeping. Gradually, Stolz intervenes in this matter, whom Tarantyev hates fiercely, not so much because he is half German, but because of the fear of exposing his machinations. To achieve his dishonorable goals, Tarantiev is ready for anything. He is even ready to convict Oblomov in connection with Pshenitsyna, so that with the help of Mukhoyarov he will receive a decent penalty for “moral” damage. Stolz nevertheless exposes the villain, and he disappears from the pages of the novel. He is mentioned only at the very end by the servant of Ilya Ilyich - Zakhar. He tells how Tarantiev did not let him live and took revenge for the neglect shown by the servant. And Zakhar only defended the master's property and openly grumbled at the intruder.

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Where he came from and how he got into the confidence of Ilya Ilyich is unknown. Tarantiev appears on the very first pages of the novel - "a man of about forty, belonging to a large breed, tall, voluminous in the shoulders and throughout the body, with large features, with a large head, with a strong, short neck, with large protruding eyes, thick-lipped. A cursory glance at this man gave rise to the idea of ​​​​something rough and unkempt. " But Tarantiev has another curious feature. “The fact is that Tarantiev was a master only of speaking; in words he decided everything clearly and easily, especially with regard to others; but as soon as it was necessary to move a finger, move off - in a word, apply the theory he had created to the case and give him practical move ... he was a completely different person: he was missing here ... "This trait, as you know, characterizes not only the rude and uncouth characters of the named writers, but to some extent "superfluous people." Like Tarantiev, they also remained "theoreticians for life", applying their abstract philosophy to the place and not to the place. Such a theoretician needs a number of practices that could bring his ideas to life. Tarantiev finds himself a "godfather" Ivan Matveyevich Mukhoyarov, a morally unscrupulous man, ready for any meanness, who does not disdain anything in his thirst for accumulation.

At first, Oblomov believes that Tarantiev is able to help him with the worries on the estate, in changing the apartment. Gradually, not without the influence of Olga Ilyinskaya and Andrei Stolz, Ilya Ilyich begins to understand what a quagmire Tarantyev is trying to drag him into, slowly forcing Oblomov to sink to the very bottom of life. Tarantiev's attitude towards Stolz is not so much the contempt of a Russian person for a German, with which Tarantiev rather hides behind, but the fear of exposing the grandiose machinations that he hopes to bring to an end. It is important for him, with the help of proxies, to seize Oblomovka, receiving interest on the income of Ilya Ilyich, and even to confuse him himself, having obtained proof of Oblomov’s connection with Pshenitsyna. Tarantiev hates Stolz, calling him a "purge beast". Out of fear that Stolz would still take Oblomov abroad or to Oblomovka, Mikhei Andreevich hurries, with the assistance of Mukhoyarov, to force Ilya Ilyich to sign a predatory contract for an apartment on the Vyborg side. This contract deprives Oblomov of the possibility of any action whatsoever.

Following this, Tarantiev persuades Mukhoyarov, "until the boobies are gone in Rus'", to have time to marry Oblomov the new manager of the estate, Isai Fomich Zated, very successful in bribes and forgeries. Mikhey Andreevich's next step is to put into practice (with the help of the same Mukhoyarov) the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bOblomov's "debt". As if offended for the honor of his sister, Mukhoyarov must accuse Ilya Ilyich of claims to the widow Pshenitsyna and sign a paper on compensation for moral damage in the amount of ten thousand rubles. The paper is then rewritten in the name of Mukhoyarov, and the godfathers receive money from Oblomov. After the exposure of these machinations by Stolz, Tarantiev disappears from the pages of the novel. Only at the very end is he mentioned by Zakhar, who, when meeting with Stolz at the cemetery on the Vyborg side, tells how much he had to endure after the death of Ilya Ilyich from Mukhoyarov and Tarantiev, who wanted to kill him from the world. "Mikhei Andreevich Tarantiev strove all the way, as you pass by, hit yoga from behind: there was no life!" Thus, Tarantiev took revenge on Zakhar for the neglect shown by the servant at the time when Mikhei came to Oblomov to dine and ask for either a shirt, or a vest, or a tailcoat - of course, without return. Each time, Zakhar stood up for the protection of the master's good, grumbling like a dog at an intruder and not hiding his feelings for a low person.

Alekseev- a petty official, unremarkable, but a very friendly person. Goncharov describes him this way: "Nature did not give him any sharp, noticeable feature, neither bad nor good." This person is so invisible that no one ever remembers his name or surname. “His presence does not add anything to society, just as his absence does not take anything away from him,” Goncharov notes.

There are no features in it, it is not distinguished by either wit or originality. He doesn't even have an opinion. But he can love all people without judging them, and this makes his character attractive to Oblomov. During the stay of the protagonist on the Vyborg side, Alekseev becomes his desired and necessary interlocutor.

Mikhey Andreevich Tarantiev- petty official, countryman Oblomov. He is the complete opposite of Alekseev. This is an angry, unfriendly and always dissatisfied with everything person.

By nature, Tarantiev is endowed with extraordinary abilities, but he cannot find a worthy application for them. The hero uses his lively mind to cheat and turn any business in his favor.

Tarantiev is a bribe taker by nature; he seeks to get money wherever possible. In relation to Oblomov, Tarantiev shows extreme dishonesty and meanness.

Ivan Matveevich Mukhoyarov- brother of Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, petty official, bureaucrat and bribe taker. He strives to lead an outwardly modest life: he dresses poorly, rarely changes his underwear. However, the hero is distinguished by secret gluttony, constant concern for the table. His meanness, dishonesty is most fully manifested in relation to Oblomov. Mukhoyarov deceives Oblomov, seeks to live at his expense. After the death of Oblomov, Ivan Matveyevich essentially survives from the house of the old Oblomov servant Zakhar.

Baron von Langwagen- a typical secular person, This is the guardian of Olga's small estate. He often visits her aunt's house. The baron is polite to the point of refinement, always dressed in the latest fashion. However, some coldness, and sometimes indifference, are hidden behind external courtesy.

The image of Oblomov's mother appears in his dream. Ilya loved his mother very much. She was a kind, caring, extremely pious woman, selflessly loving her son. She is the central person in that patriarchal world, which is depicted in the ninth chapter of the first part of the novel.

Stolz's mother- Russian noblewoman. She gave her son an excellent upbringing and brought up in him the high principles of noble honor. Mother surrounded her son with love and affection, instilled in him a love for music, for high art.

L.I. Matyushenko, A.G. Matyushenko

Matyushenko L.I., Matyushenko A.G. Textbook on the history of Russian literature of the XIX century. - M.: MAKS Press, 2009.