Ukrainian pop star broke up with a guy. Ukrainian pop star broke up with a guy Ukrainian singer ognevich

Ukraine continues to celebrate the victory at Eurovision and congratulate Jamala on her success. In the meantime, Dnepropetrovsk music lovers were pleased with a solo concert by the previous representative of our country at the international song contest - Zlata Ognevich. The singer specially came to our city the day before the performance to talk to local journalists. In particular, she spoke about the pitfalls of the largest musical event in Europe, her personal life and told where she plans to relax this summer.

Tattoos and fireworks

— Zlata, welcome to Dnepropetrovsk region. With what emotions do you come to us?

— This region is very close to me. We are practically countrymen, since all my relatives live in Krivoy Rog. Many people work at the mine and know firsthand about the hard work of miners. I remember that as a child, my grandmother took me with her, led me to the elevator, on which the miners descended directly into the face. I saw their eyes, reddish faces - these are special emotions.

- In our city you have a rather active fan club. How do Dnepropetrovsk fans please their favorite artist?

- They give poems, paintings, fireworks. One girl in 2013 made herself a tattoo in honor of the song "Gravity", with which I represented Ukraine at Eurovision. She decided to inspire me and herself just before the trip.

- What do you think, what was not enough for you to win this competition? And how did Jamal conquer him?

“In my opinion, we had a decent performance. To get from the semi-finals to the final is also an achievement. During my participation in Eurovision there were some pitfalls. In response to our every request to the organizers for TV shooting, the use of special effects, etc. We were told: "This is impossible." I had to change my number on the spot. But overall, I was satisfied. This year, all the cards have come together. The issue in the context of which Ukraine was presented could not go unnoticed. Our country needs events that unite the people. And I am very glad that Eurovision is back here again.

— Are you a spectator of Eurovision? Perhaps you watched not only on TV, but also with your own eyes?

- I was not an ardent fan, but this competition has always attracted me. Performing on a stage watched by tens of millions of people is worth a lot. The team works very well there. Everything is calculated down to the second. If you have to put on headphones at exactly 9.21 - at this time you must stand still, otherwise a scandal will break out.

Madeira or Mykonos

- What funny things happen during your performances?

- Recently, at a concert in Chernihiv, our drummer tore the plastic on his instrument. Sometimes guitar strings break. In addition, we have imperfect DCs. Therefore, I am surprised that I have not yet fallen off the stage, “strewn” with cracks. Maybe it will happen soon (laughs). There will be something to remember.

— What do you do in your spare time?

— I love going out of town, cycling or walking, enjoying the beauty of nature, the aromas of forests and fields. From time to time I visit an equestrian club, communicate with horses. They say animals choose people. There are horses in the club that do not leave me, allow themselves to be stroked, put their heads on my shoulder - this is an incredible emotional release.

— I know that you like to travel. What are your plans for the summer?

- If somewhere near Kiev there were my favorite resorts - a piece of Spain, Italy, Crimea and the Black Sea - I would not go anywhere at all. This year, friends advise Portugal, there is a very beautiful island of Madeira. Maybe I'll go to Greece to Mykonos.

Neither friends nor enemies

— What creative novelties can we expect from you?

- Recently, preparations have begun for filming a video for the song "For Summer, For Spring." This will be one of the most difficult video works. Technical implementation and visual effects - on a team from Poland. In addition, in between performances, I record new songs, organize a big solo concert, which will take place in the autumn in the capital.

- And how are things in your personal life?

- What can I tell you? (smiles). Everything is complicated, because I am a difficult person, not only as a person, but also as a female artist who is often not at home. A close man suffers from this, it is not always possible to find mutual understanding. From time to time, of course, information about my personal life appears (smiles), I am a living person and I need inspiration. But now it's very difficult for him.

- With whom from the representatives of the Ukrainian show business do you maintain friendly relations?

“I don’t have many friends at all, you can count them on the fingers of one hand. I'm not friends with the artists, but I'm not hostile either. We are just colleagues.

Bjork fan

- Zlata, how did you feel as a coach of the TV project "Battle of the Choirs"?

- I was very surprised when they gave me a team from Donetsk, and not from Sevastopol, which went to Irina Bilyk. I decided that the guys and I will do our best to captivate the audience. We took second place, letting Ruslana and the choir from Lvov go ahead. But it was very revealing that the Donetsk people sang Ukrainian songs, calling for peace, friendship and unity just at the time when the well-known sad events in our country began. In addition, the project connected the hearts of two of my wards, a married couple formed. This is doubly pleasant, I understand that everything was not in vain (smiles).

Do you perform any rituals before going on stage?

— I always read a prayer. I also have a special acting chest, from which I get emotional memories and thus set myself up for the performance.

What artists are you inspired by?

I love jazz music, the warm sound of vinyl and I collect records. At one of my last concerts, a fan gave me a limited edition Frank Sinatra collection. She listened to the holes. I like Sting, Cole Porter, from the new ones - Adele, Arctic Monkeys, I love
Coldplay team and dream of getting to their concert. Once upon a time I really wanted to go to the performance of Sting. For the sake of this, she flew to Krakow and only in the evening, ordering a taxi to the Arena, she learned that Sting fell ill and canceled the concert.

Who would you like to duet with?

- There are many wonderful musicians in the world - Pharrell Williams, Andrea Bocelli. I like what David Guetta's team is doing. But most of all I want to perform with Björk. I am a long time fan of this singer.

Elena Tkach,

photo from the Internet

Zlata Leonidovna Ognevich is a Ukrainian pop artist, a participant in the Eurovision 2013 contest.

The future singer was born on January 12, 1986 in the north of the RSFSR, in the city of Murmansk. At birth, the girl received the name Inna Leonidovna Bordyug. Father Leonid Grigoryevich Bordyug was engaged in military surgery, mother Galina Vasilievna Bordyug taught Russian language and literature. For five years the family lived on the shores of the Barents Sea, after which the father was transferred to Leningrad.

The family did not live long in the northern capital, since soon a decision was made at the family council to move south, to the Crimea. In Sudak, little Inna began to study music - playing the piano. After the collapse of the USSR, the girl's father went to serve in the Ukrainian Navy, and her mother went into business. Inna has a younger sister, Yulia, who is now studying to become a lawyer.


After leaving school, Inna entered the R. M. Glier Music College and moved to the capital of Ukraine. When it came time to choose a university, the girl entered two higher educational institutions at once: the Music Institute with a degree in jazz vocals and the National Aviation University at the Faculty of Psychology. In addition to her studies, Inna managed to work in the State Song and Dance Ensemble of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and also became the soloist of a small musical group performing in the Latino style.

After graduating from a music institute, the girl changed her name to the creative pseudonym Zlata Ognevich and began performing with solo projects. But for real success, the artist lacked participation in competitions. Therefore, the goal of Zlata from the very beginning of her musical career was to participate in the Eurovision video contest. In 2010 and 2011, the singer became a participant and finalist of the qualifying national rounds, but each time she lost to her rivals.

During these years, Zlata creates the first songs "Angels", "Passion", "Island", "Cuckoo". The first clips were filmed for the singles. Ognevich worked not only solo, but also performed in a duet with J Shamshudinov with the song Kiss.

In 2010, the artist performed at the International Music Festival "Slavianski Bazaar", in 2011 she won the Crimea Music Fest competition. A year later, Zlata becomes the face of an advertising campaign for a recreation area on the Crimean Peninsula. Photos of the Ukrainian star are posted in international travel publications and on the Internet. In 2012, Ognevich pleased her fans with a new hit "For the Forests of the Mountains".

2013 becomes a turning point in the musical biography of the singer. After the third attempt to get to Eurovision, Zlata's dream comes true: Ognevich's hit "Gravity" wins the national qualifying round. Speaking in Sweden, in the city of Malmö, Zlata Ognevich scored 214 votes and became the owner of the third place, losing to Denmark and Azerbaijan.

In November of the same year, the Ukrainian singer became the host of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest, which took place in Kyiv at the Ukraine Palace. Ukrainian TV journalist Timur Miroshnichenko was chosen as Zlata's co-host. In 2013, Zlata Ognevich received the title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Crimea.

In addition to her solo career, Zlata Ognevich appeared as a mentor of the collective project "Battle of the Choirs-2013". The wards of the singer - Donetsk choir - took second place. In 2014, Zlata Ognevich decided to try his hand at politics. The artist becomes a people's deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from the faction. Zlata dealt with issues of creativity, culture and spirituality. But, having worked in the legislature for less than a year, the singer removes her parliamentary powers. Seeing the political kitchen from the inside, the girl realized that nothing but the redistribution of power and money was happening there.

In 2014, the singer recorded songs of a patriotic nature - "Hymn of Ukraine", "Pray for Ukraine". In 2015, the singer returns to concert activity. Zlata creates new hits "Lace" and "Fire the fire", for which she later creates clips. The premiere of the second song took place on the Ukrainian channel "Inter". The singer releases the song Ice & Fire in a duet with Eldar Gasimov, the winner of the Eurovision 2011 contest from the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Personal life

The girl hides information about her personal life. In 2016, the singer broke up with her boyfriend, who served in the ATO troops. But after a while, Zlata has a new boyfriend, with whom Ognevich is thinking about starting a family.

The girl does not disclose the name and occupation of the new young man, but it is known that he loves to spoil the bride with gifts, flowers and jewelry.

Zlata Ognevich now

In 2016, the singer delighted fans with the new single "WaterVogon", which she recorded together with the Scriabin group and soloist Zhenya Tolochny. The producer of the joint project was Milos Yelich, musician of the Okean Elzy group. In the same year, the singer's solo track "For Summer After Spring" was released, for which Zlata immediately began filming a video. The plot of the video was based on the story of an Indian wedding.

The ceremony of the ancient rite was recreated on the screen, in which the singer was given the main role of the bride. The role of the groom was played by a swarthy Indian actor. Scenes with kisses of on-screen lovers were negatively perceived by the current young man Zlata Ognevich. In order not to lose the location of her beloved, the artist had to change the script and cut out some scenes. The premiere of the long-awaited clip took place only six months after the start of filming.

In April 2017, a new video of the singer for the song "Tantsyuvati" was released. On the YouTube channel, the clip has already collected 35 thousand views.

In early May, the central TV channel Inter hosted a concert dedicated to the Victory Day called “Victory. One for all”, in which Zlata Ognevich performed the premiere of the song “Nocturne”. In addition to the traditional military musical compositions "Victory Day", "At a Nameless Height", "Cranes", "Our Tenth Airborne Battalion", "It's time to hit the road", songs by modern authors performed by Ukrainian pop stars were performed at the celebration: Vlad Sytnyk, musical groups "Aviator" and "Brothers Karamazov".

Now Zlata Ognevich is touring the country with a new show program "My Story". The first concert performance took place in Kyiv, at the Palace "Ukraine" with a full house. In addition to the hits of past years, the singer delighted the audience with a duet with the Scriabin group "VodaVogon" and a flamenco musical composition "My Dear", which the girl performed together with the Gypsy Lyre ensemble. The guests of the evening were the musicians of the KADNAY group with the hit Freedom in my mind.


  • "Angels" - 2010
  • "Addicted" - 2010
  • "Cuckoo" - 2010
  • "Japan" - 2011
  • "Far" - 2011
  • "Behind the forest-mountains" - 2012
  • Gravity - 2012
  • "Fire the Vogon" - 2015
  • "Lace" - 2015
  • "For summer, for spring" - 2016
  • "Tantsyuvati" - 2017

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ZLATA (real name and surname Zlata Miroevskaya) is a Russian singer, songwriter and composer.

The girl was born on November 1, 1988 in Pavlodar (Kazakhstan). Since early childhood, I wanted to become a singer, since I had all the necessary data for this, and most importantly, talent and inspiration for writing my own compositions.

She has been involved in music since childhood. She graduated from music school in piano. Won several piano competitions. Then she graduated from high school with a degree in psychology. During her studies, she continued to actively engage in creativity.

In 2012, she moved to Moscow to record her solo album. She signed a contract with the famous sound producer Sergey Kuptsov, who took part in the creation of many hits for popular artists (Dima Bilan, 5sta Family, Elvira T and many others).

The first composition that Zlata recorded was called "Merci". The track was instantly stolen by connoisseurs of good music.

“I am very pleased with the resulting collaboration and full of energy to carry my creativity further. I wrote a huge number of different songs, which I hope you will hear in the very near future, but "Merci" was not chosen by chance as the first single. It was especially important for me that the listeners first appreciated this particular composition, which at some point became autobiographical for me.- said the singer.

Soon, an equally successful video was shot for the song, directed by clip maker Vadim Shatrov, who had previously worked with such artists as MakSim, Dolphin, Zveri, Spleen and many others. The video clip is based on the story of the relationship between two lovers, which develops simultaneously in two parallel realities. Thus, the viewer is given the opportunity to see two different scenarios.

Later, in November 2012, the track "Fingerprints" is released, an excellent groovy musical composition.

And already in December, the shooting of another video for the song "Under the Sky of the Megapolis" began.

Singer ZLATA collaborates with the largest record company Gala Records. At the moment, 14 tracks have already been recorded, which will be included in the singer's solo album in the near future.

Zlata also wrote songs for already popular performers (Jasmine, Irina Ortman, etc.)...

In 2013, several songs were released at once, including: "Distance", "I'll Survive", "It's Fake, Not Me", "You and Me (feat. Soundstage)", "By the Minute", "Magician".

Everything that is done is for the better. Perhaps this is exactly what Zlata Ognevich told herself when she lacked some smallness to get into the Eurovision Song Contest 2011 from Ukraine. And although her song "The Kukushka" became an indisputable hit, and the singer herself became the favorite of the audience voting, another went to Dusseldorf ... "All my awards are yet to come," she is sure.

Two years later, Zlata Ognevich got a chance to represent Ukraine at the prestigious Eurovision 2013 contest. In our opinion, the talented singer has all the data to make a real breakthrough to the song Olympus.

- So, Zlata, welcome to Viva! Let's get acquainted.

Good afternoon I am very pleased to be the heroine of your magazine. I have been reading it for many years, even when I lived in Sudak, I always bought a fresh issue.

- Did you think then that you would get on its pages?

Of course, I really wanted this, but I was sure that it was unrealistic.

- Do you have low self-esteem?

(Laughs) Not that low. But I don't have self-love either. However, I am working on myself ... In show business, this is necessary.

- So, you are a Crimean.

Actually, I was born in Murmansk, lived there until I was five years old, a little bit my parents and I lived in St. Petersburg - my dad is a military surgeon. But at some point, my mother delivered an ultimatum: “Listen, my dear husband, I’m tired of living in the cold, let’s move to the sea!” So we moved to Sudak. At first, my mother was very afraid for me, she would not let me out alone, even into the yard, although I was a fairly independent child - my mother encouraged this quality in me. In St. Petersburg, I was even allowed to go to the store for bread.

- What happened to the move to the Crimea?

Firstly, a foreign city, you never know what can happen. And the proximity of the sea ... There was a tragedy in our family - the first child, a boy, drowned, so my parents were doubly worried about me. But in general, I remember my southern childhood with great tenderness. Someone was constantly visiting us, sometimes up to 30 people crowded into our tiny two-room apartment ... I remember how at night we swam in the sea, went to the mountains. So I am a water-mountain child.

- That's why you so famously jumped on the heels on the stones in your video The Kukushka.

In fact, on the set, I fell several times on the set - you don’t feel very comfortable on the rocks in heels. And the director Oleg Stepchenko was perplexed every time: “Well, what's so terrible here? What are you afraid of?" I almost fell off the wall once when we filmed an episode in the fortress! Everyone froze for a second, and I say: "Everything is fine." “Well, since everything is fine, then let's go on shooting,” the director said. And also, while preparing for the shooting of the video, I learned to ride and fell off the horse - my leg got stuck in the stirrup, and the horse jerked. At that moment, my whole life flashed before my eyes!

You went through a serious stunt school! And this, mind you, is not for the sake of a big role in the movie, but for the sake of a three-minute clip.

Yes, then I got into the image so much, so dispersed that I was ready to jump off a cliff into a mountain river with ice water! If the director told me to do this, I would not hesitate for a second.

Is it worth it to make such sacrifices?

In general, I realized that on the set, the actress is not a person, but an object for realizing the director's ideas. The main thing is that he understands exactly what should be in the frame. I got lucky with the director.

- Then the question arises by itself: does cinema not attract you?

Yes, I dream of playing both a dramatic and comedic role. While no proposals have been received, I just work out my inner baggage, observe people, notice some mise-en-scenes that life around is so rich in. Especially interesting are children and tramps, they behave so directly, absolutely freely, without any conventions and frameworks. And what: suddenly you have to play a tramp?

- And if you were offered to reincarnate as a decrepit old woman, would you agree?

Easily. Remember, there was such a movie "Monster", where Charlize Theron played? I would try to do something similar. It's a game! The only thing I wouldn't want to play is a witch and a murderer. You can’t joke with evil spirits, all this is then reflected in karma.

Speaking of witches. At first we wanted to make a video in the style of the Venetian Middle Ages, all in dark colors, and in the story, the inquisitor shoots the cuckoo girl. But they outplayed it - and the result was a beautiful romantic story. In general, the time of knights and beautiful ladies is my favorite. We have a Genoese fortress in Sudak, where my friends and I played knights and princesses.

- Naturally, you got the main role.

(Laughs) To be honest, I never felt like a 100% smart and beautiful woman. I constantly delve into myself and think: what else to work on? But at the same time, I accept compliments with pleasure, although I am a little embarrassed.

Well, then I want to compliment you: you are not just a beautiful girl, but also a talented singer. I realized this when I looked at all your performances on YouTube: duets with Asan Bilyalov on the Narodna Zirka project, in which you won, and auditions for Eurovision, and clips ...

Thank you very much, it's flattering to hear these words.

And your fans also edited and posted on the Web a biography film “The Story of a Singer”. He talks about how one day the girl Zlata packed a bundle of belongings, said goodbye to her parents and went to conquer the capital ... Then you tell me.

I was 17, and I realized that I needed to get out into the big world. My parents told me: “Go, daughter, and good luck to you, we certainly won’t help you there.” I came to Kyiv and entered the Glier Music College. There was a double holiday at home: firstly, I entered, and secondly, on the budget. I have always said that if I have to pay for my studies, I will change my profession.

What else could you do besides music?

Diplomatic activity or psychology. After all, in parallel with the music school, I went to NAU, to the faculty of psychology. At first I thought that music is good, but maybe it's worth trying something else. As a result, it turned out that psychology sucks energy and salvation out of me only in creativity. When I got to the hostel of Gliere, in the “musical madhouse”, as it was called, I met like-minded people there, just like me, obsessed with music, I realized that I was at ease. I studied for five hours in the studio, fortunately, she was in the hostel, and I listened to how much music! This stuff still feeds me.

Classes for five hours in the studio, raising the educational level ... Pretty somehow. But what about the charms of a wild student life?

Of course, we fooled around, had parties, organized all sorts of KVN, poured salt into the kettle, broke eggs under the guys door, sealed the exit from the room with tape. It was very funny.

- But it's more like pranks in a pioneer camp.

Well, if we talk about adult entertainment, then the girls and I went to almost all Kyiv clubs.

- Where did they get the money from?

Well, it's known that every club can be free until a certain time.

- Did the guys you met there treat you, obviously?

No you! I am generally opposed to all this. I am an independent and independent girl. This is what my parents brought up in me, for which I am very grateful to them.

What else did I do as a student? She loved to go to museums, theaters, to the club "44". Jam sessions were held there every Sunday, in which Kyiv musicians participated. I also went to concerts. I spent all my money on tickets.

- So, with appetite ate spiritual food.

Yes, and if you spent money not on tickets, then on cosmetics. And food is not the main thing.

- Diet from: more music and cosmetics, less food.

(Laughs) Approximately. Although in fact I lose kilograms at concerts. Sometimes it takes up to a kilogram for a performance. But most of all, by the way, opera singers lose.

- Hmm, looking at plump tenors with impressive bellies, you can't tell.

So they eat at night! And all this puts pressure on the lungs and diaphragm, as a result, a disease such as bulimia develops. A prime example is Luciano Pavarotti. He didn't go anywhere without his chef!

It's not the same for everybody. For example, I don’t eat meat - only fish, seafood, mushrooms. When she lived in the North, she overate black caviar. Now I can't look at her.

- What happens often?

(Laughs) No, not often. I have a dream: when I earn enough, I will send my parents on a cruise. My mother dreams of visiting Paris and Italy.

- Definitely make money. Is it true that you were going to leave for Europe?

I was going to. When I came to the studio, I sang voice songs, jazz, blues, and they told me: “Listen, who needs this? Let's make three chords, two strings and go work out corporate parties. I was so afraid of this prospect that I decided to go to Europe, to prepare to get into some kind of musical. After all, there are many of our guys both in Europe and on Broadway. Finding a job there is not a problem if you know the language, are hardworking and talented.

- They say that the blues is when a good person is sad, and pop is when a bad person is happy ...

Well, if it's pop like Aguilera and Jackson, then that's cool. But if there are three notes and "umts-tsmts-umts", then it's terrible.

- That is, you want to say that your career can develop both in Ukraine and in Europe.

I would like to. Moreover, I received the approval of our European colleagues, especially when I sang the song Japan.

- Did you write this song when there was an earthquake in Japan?

You can’t stand aside when this happens: here you are fine, but there people are in grief, families are dying. This song became a musical and social action, to which other artists and the symphony orchestra responded. There is a site on the Internet where the world's musicians post their tracks, they can be downloaded, and all funds go to help Japan.

- Zlata, apparently, you are not indifferent person?

I perceive trouble - whether with people or animals - with bare nerves.

- Surely, in childhood, you picked up cats, dogs and brought them into the house to the delight of your mother?

(Laughs) Snails. I can imagine what it looked like: a whole colony of slugs spreading all over the house. Poor mother, how she endured it! Well, dogs and cats are sacred! For as long as I can remember, they fed them.

I'm sure you got a lot of attention from the guys. Have you ever had situations where you accepted courtship only out of pity?

This has only happened once, and hopefully the first and last. I became nervous, irritable and suddenly decided to end this relationship. One conversation - and you understand that you are free, that the sun is shining again! Now my heart is free.

- Do you like this state or do you live in anticipation of a meeting with true love?

I love freedom, but this does not prevent me from being in a certain premonition. Because the more I want something, the harder it will be for me. This has already been tested and more than once. Therefore, I rely on fate.

Tatiana Vityaz

- the one who is equal to thousands of fans. She is successful in music, sets the tone in fashion, motivates others to be creative and not afraid of experiments. We managed to slightly open the door to the personal space of the star. Read on for an exclusive interview with Zlata Ognevich for I WANT.


Singer, ex-politician, participant of Eurovision 2013 - this list of achievements and talents of Zlata Ognevich can be continued indefinitely. Recently, she also shone as a participant in the "" project, which, according to a large army of fans, she left too early. But whether it will still be (on the third attempt).

Zlata Ognevich returned to her usual activities. On October 18, the singer will give a concert in the capital's Caribbean Club. On the eve of her show, Zlata answered our questions about various areas of life.

"About creativity"

  • What peaks would you like to reach in creativity?

At the end of autumn I plan to release the album. This is my first album, and therefore very desirable. I hope you find songs there that will surprise and inspire you.

  • Who would you like to record a duet with?

If we talk about Ukrainian performers, I really like the artist, an incredibly talented singer and composer! And also, I would love to record a duet with my favorite singer Sade.

  • Who do you look up to from world stars?

I look up exclusively to myself, and follow the work of many musicians. I can single out Jessie Ware, Jessie J, Ariana Grande, they are delighted with the new Florence and The Machine album. And, of course, Sam Smith is in my heart forever.

  • Do you feel the envy of other Ukrainian show business singers?

Even if these are the case, I don't feel anything.

  • What are you willing to do to be successful in your profession?

There are fundamentals, the understanding of which gives an answer to the question, are you ready to devote your whole life to the stage? I am ready, I consider this my calling and happiness. The profession of an Artist is incredibly difficult, it requires constant work on oneself, dedication, and search. The scene does not tolerate betrayal and halftones, it is always in the first place. From that, there are so few happy stories about the personal lives of artists.

  • What new area would you like to try yourself in?

I like to create clothes, I would like to learn how to do it at a professional level.

  • What attracted you to the Star&Orchestra project?

The head of Kaska records band Anatoly Shmargun attracted me to this project, and I thought: "Why not." Moreover, I have been on good terms with jazz since childhood. The best jazz musicians of Ukraine play in this band, and it is an honor for me to be on stage with them.

  • How did you select the jazz repertoire? Are these your favorite pieces?

I chose songs with the idea that they would tell my story, among them are well-known jazz tracks, and I also perform my songs, only in an unusual arrangement. I would say, some of them in general - in an unexpected interpretation!

  • What awaits the audience at the concert on October 18 at the Caribbean Club?

We are preparing a special concert for you! In addition to songs, I will share my personal stories, which few people know about. I invited very charismatic guests, famous musicians. An unforgettable evening is waiting for you, I look forward to seeing you all!!!

"Dancing with the Stars"

  • Did you think that you would leave the project so early?

I am grateful to the creators of the show for giving me the opportunity to do real creativity and concerts. It is difficult to imagine how it was physically possible by taking part further - after all, it is impossible to be in several places at the same time.

  • Who do you consider your main competitor?

The main competitor is myself and the excitement that is present on live broadcasts.

  • Did the experience of ballet help you in preparing the numbers in "Dances"?

Of course, sports training helps me a lot, including maintaining such a difficult tour schedule.

  • Do you think you managed to open up on the project? If not, why not?

I think that our couple was very beautiful and harmonious, especially gentle and passionate rumba in our performance! I think we have succeeded.

"About beauty, care...."

  • You are considered by many to be a style icon. Are there any favorite Ukrainian designers?

Thank you for such a flattering compliment! I always follow our designers and it is incredibly pleasant when world celebrities choose clothes from Ukrainian brands. As was the case with Dua Lipa, she appeared dressed as Xenia Schneider. In my wardrobe you can find clothes from Elena Reva, Dafna May, Elena Burba, Omelya T-dress, The Coat SK, Iva Nerolli, OBRANI, SevenEleven. I like to combine complex brands with simple ones and don't forget about things from past collections. Everything needs imagination, and this applies directly to clothing.

  • What are your TOP 3 daily beauty rituals?

I start my morning with a glass of warm water. Then I cleanse my face and apply my favorite serum from the IMAGE brand, which contains as many as four types of hyaluronic acid. This is the most magical product I have ever tried. Also in my arsenal there are always patches under the eyes, the nuance is to store them in the refrigerator.

  • What is in your cosmetic bag and what are your taboos in terms of personal care?

I'll tell you about the taboo right away. I don't use alcohol-based tonics and lotions. I don't do a facial scrub, instead I use acid peels for home care or laser carbon peels. And the third taboo is to never go to bed with makeup on your face. In my cosmetic bag you can find thermal water, lip balm and perfume Jo Malone "Red Roses Cologne"

  • How do you feel about sports and how often do you exercise?

I do sports all the time, it's already a part of me. I would like to place special emphasis now on . Do not forget to stretch, 20 minutes, 3-4 times a week. This will help get rid of excess puffiness, there will be good drainage and overall well-being!

  • Have you ever been on a diet, and if so, what diet would you categorically recommend to fans?

I don't recommend dieting. Just don't overeat, especially at night. Eat a little of everything and arrange fasting days.

"About private life"

  • You talk little about your personal life, do not advertise your relationship, but on the sidelines of show business they have long been talking about your romance with a famous politician: what can you say about this?

Rumors always make me smile. Following them, I should have had an island in the Maldives with a snow-white yacht for a long time. In the first place, I personally have a rumor about my husband, an Arab sheikh. That's why Arabic? If, in fact, the sheikh calls me to marry, I will invite the entire Ukrainian show business to our party and sing for them with the best musicians!

  • Have you ever dreamed about what your wedding / wedding dress will be like?

Continuing the theme of the wedding, I will be frank - I do not want a magnificent wedding in a magnificent dress. Everything should be very stylish, modern and tasteful. Including my outfit.

  • What is the best advice you would give to your unborn child?

Be a citizen of the world.

Zlata Ognevich was so extremely frank with us.