Meaning of names in drama. The symbolic meaning of names and surnames What do the names and surnames of Ostrovsky's thunderstorm mean

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The disclosure of the meaning of names and surnames in the plays of A.N. Ostrovsky helps to comprehend both the plot and the main images. Although surnames and names cannot be called “speaking” in this case, since this is a feature of the plays of classicism, they are speaking in the broad - symbolic - sense of the word.

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Wild in the northern Russian regions meant "stupid, crazy, insane, half-witted, crazy", and wild - "fool, beat, go crazy." Initially, Ostrovsky intended to give the hero the patronymic Petrovich (from Pyotr - “stone”), but there was no strength, firmness in this character, and the playwright gave Diky the patronymic Prokofievich (from Prokofy - “successful”). This was more suitable for a greedy, ignorant, cruel and rude person who at the same time was one of the richest and most influential merchants in the city. Actor M. Zharov

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Martha - "mentor", Ignatius - "unknown, who put himself." The nickname of the heroine could be formed from two words that equally deeply correspond to the essence of her character, either - a wild ferocious pig, or a boar - a block of ice. Cruelty, ferocity and coldness, indifference of this heroine are obvious. Kabanova is a wealthy widow; this description has both social and psychological meaning. Actress V. Pashennaya

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Wild, self-willed characters, except for the Wild, are represented in the play by Barbara (she is a pagan, a “barbarian”, not a Christian and behaves accordingly). Her name means "rough" in Greek. This heroine is really quite simple spiritually, rude. She knows how to lie when necessary. Its principle is “do whatever you want, as long as it’s sewn and covered.” Varvara is kind in her own way, loves Katerina, she helps her, as it seems to her, find love, arranges a date, but does not think about what consequences all this may have. This heroine is in many respects opposed to Katerina - according to the principle of contrast, scenes of a date between Kudryash and Varvara, on the one hand, and Katerina and Boris, on the other, are built. Actress O. Khorkaova

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"Self-taught mechanic", as the hero presents himself. Kuligin, in addition to the well-known associations with Kulibin, also evokes the impression of something small, defenseless: in this terrible swamp he is a sandpiper - a bird and nothing more. He praises Kalinov as a sandpiper praises his swamp. P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky, in his review of The Thunderstorm, wrote: “... Mr. Ostrovsky very skillfully gave this man the famous name of Kulibin, who brilliantly proved in the past century and at the beginning of this century what an unlearned Russian person can do with the power of his genius and unbending will.” Artist S. Markushev

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Larisa Dmitrievna - “girl; dressed richly but modestly. Larisa in Greek means "white seagull". Actress L. Guzeeva

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Larisa in “Dowry” is not surrounded by “animals”. But Mokiy is “blasphemous”, Vasily is “king”, Julius is, of course, Julius Caesar, and even Kapitonych, that is, living with his head (kaput - head), or maybe striving to be the main one.

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Moky Parmenych Knurov - the name of this hero sounds vulgar, heavy, "inelegant" (unlike Sergei Sergeevich Paratov), ​​and the surname Knurov comes, according to Dahl's dictionary, from the word knur - "boar, boar, boar". Actor A. Petrenko

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Vasily Danilych Vozhevatov - the name and patronymic of this merchant are quite common, and the surname comes from the word vozhevaty - "a cheeky, shameless person." Actor A. Pankratov-Cherny

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Julius Kapitonych Karandyshev - the combination of the name and patronymic of the hero sounds unusual, grotesque - the name of the Roman emperor and the common people's patronymic. With such an unusual combination, the author immediately emphasizes the complexity and inconsistency of the hero. The surname Karandyshev can be interpreted by looking into Dahl's dictionary. Pencil means "short, short". Actor A. Myagkov

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And finally, Harita - the mother of three daughters - is associated with the Kharites, the goddesses of youth and beauty, of which there were three, but she also destroys them (remember the terrible fate of the other two sisters - one married a cheater, the other was stabbed to death by a Caucasian husband). Harita Ignatievna Ogudalova - "a middle-aged widow, dressed elegantly, but boldly and beyond her years." Harita - a name meaning "charm" (charites - the goddess of grace); In the 19th century, a gypsy was called Ignat in general, like, for example, Vanka - a cabman, like Fritz - a German during World War II, etc. Thus, the gypsy theme, so important in this play, begins literally with a poster. Actress L. Freindlich

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Former merchants are turning into millionaire entrepreneurs. The relationship between Larisa and Paratov is reminiscent of the relationship between predator and prey. Larisa received a Europeanized upbringing and education. The right decision?... But after all, the ability to get carried away and prodigality does not at all reject a sober calculation. Photo 1911. But in fact, the characters of Katerina and Larisa are rather antipodes. Become a rich kept woman? .. Or maybe here's the right decision: Knurov's frank proposal ....

"Ostrovsky's play" Dowry "" - Romance. Love for Larisa. The mystery of Ostrovsky's play. What gives the gypsy song to the play and the film. Gypsy song. What is Karandyshev. Karandyshev shot. Acquisition of text analysis skills. Poetic lines. What kind of person is Paratov. Ostrovsky. Cruel romance. Does Larisa Paratova need it? Analysis of the play. Bridegroom of Larisa. Problem questions. A sad song about a dowry. Expression skills.

"Heroes of Thunderstorm" - The idea of ​​the drama Thunderstorm. Acceptance of contrast. Love. Social activities of A.N. Ostrovsky. N.A. Dobrolyubov. The meaning of the title. I. Levitan. How was Katerina raised? The meaning of the title of the play "Thunderstorm". Features of Ostrovsky's style. Inability to be hypocritical. Human feelings. Two conflicts. National Theatre. Monument to A.N. Ostrovsky. The play "Thunderstorm" was written in 1859. Columbus Zamoskvorechye. Who is scarier - Kabanova or Wild.

"Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm"" - Journey along the Volga. Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna - the embodiment of despotism, covered with hypocrisy. The action takes place in the city of Kalinov, located on the banks of the Volga. Describe the speech, manner of speaking, communicating Kabanova. Barbara - translated from Greek: foreigner, stranger. Why did Katerina decide to publicly repent of her sin? Kabanova Marfa Ignatievna is a typical representative of the "dark kingdom".

"Heroes of the Snow Maiden" - The ideals of the author. The power and beauty of nature. What heroes are just fabulous. Lely's image. V.M.Vasnetsov. Goblin. A celebration of the senses and the beauty of nature. Huge strength. Morning of love. Test results. Shepherd's horn. Rimsky-Korsakov. Characters. Cold creature. Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov. Love. Songs. folklore. Musical instruments. Father Frost. Dancing birds. Ancient Russian rite. Tests for fixing on the topic.

"Ostrovsky's "Dowry"" - At first glance, the first two phenomena are an exposition. Creative ideas of A.N. Ostrovsky. The symbolic meaning of names and surnames. What do we learn about Paratov. Karandyshev. Characters. The purpose of the lesson. A.N. Ostrovsky Drama "Dowry". Paratov Sergey Sergeevich. Discussion of the image of L.I. Ogudalova. Analysis of the drama "Dowry". Usually the name of Ostrovsky's plays is sayings, proverbs.

  • International designations of types of symmetry (symbols of Herman-Mogen).
  • The peculiarity of the conflict in the play by A. N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm"
  • According to contemporaries, Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm" was very significant for that time in that it perfectly reflects a strong folk character that opposes outdated foundations. The role of the other characters in the play, their interpretation as acting or extra-plot persons, depends on the critic's understanding of the general conflict of the work. If the basis of The Thunderstorm is understood as an everyday drama, then it is difficult to attribute most of the characters beyond the plot, but if we perceive it as a “tragedy of the soul”, then, undoubtedly, playing a big role for the work as a whole, all the characters, except for Katerina, do not carry an effective loads. Now let's move on to the description of the characters themselves and their role significance.

    Let's start with a general description of them. Here it is necessary to recall the symbolism of names, which, as in the works of other authors, plays an important role in Ostrovsky's plays. The first person we meet in the list of persons is Savel Prokofievich Dikoi. According to the biblical story, Savel is connected with Paul, that is, Wild in his essence is close to God. But at the same time, the name Paul is distorted, which may indicate the rigidity of his views, namely, that the desire for God in him is suppressed by some kind of bitterness, savagery. This impression is supported in us by the name of the character. Next on the list of persons we see Boris Grigorievich. This hero is clearly alien to the atmosphere of the town, and he himself, like others, is aware of this. Looking ahead, it must be said that all critics agree that this person is out of plot, in particular, Dobrolyubov wrote: "Boris relates more to the situation." Further we see the name of Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova. The image of Marfa Ignatievna fully corresponds to its biblical prototype. She sees the salvation of the soul in the external manifestations of obedience to God, Martha attaches great importance to the internal structure of the house. Tikhon also lives up to his name. He belongs to the category of people "neither this nor that." On the one hand, he is allegedly harmless by his indifference, but on the other, his inaction turns out to be disastrous. The next character of interest to us is Barbara. She is, as it were, an "antonym" to Katerina. It has barbaric beginnings and, accordingly, pagan ideology. Kuligin is a self-taught mechanic. His name is associated with a sandpiper, but it can be translated as a quiet swamp. However, in itself it does not carry a semantic load and is interesting only in a conversation with Wild. After that come Vanya Kudryash and Shapkin . These names contain elements of nationality. Their names clearly show that they belong to the same type as Varvara. Feklusha is a very interesting character in terms of the plot. Her name, translated as divine, fully corresponds to the image of a wanderer. The last in a series of characters is Glasha, which means sweet in translation. And indeed, she loves to listen to various "sweet" Feklushina stories and conversations of the owners.

    Plays by A. Ostrovsky are full of various symbols. First of all, these are symbols associated with the natural world: forest, thunderstorm, river, bird, flight. The names of the characters also play a very important role in the plays, most often the names of ancient origin: ancient Greek and Roman. The motives of the ancient theater in the works of Ostrovsky have not yet been sufficiently studied, so it is difficult to take into account all the semantic overtones of Greek and Roman names here. It is clear, however, that these names were not at all randomly chosen by the author, their sound composition, imagery and their meaning in the Russian language are very important. We will dwell on these points in more detail.

    Yu. Olesha admired the names of Ostrovsky's heroes. Paratov is both a parade and a pirate. One can add to Olesha's observations the unconditionally suggestive comparison of Paratov with a “horned” beast, that is, powerful, predatory, strong and merciless. Mother leader, for example. His predatory behavior in the play is best described by this surname.

    The names of Dikoy and Kabanov do not need to be commented on. But let's not forget that Dikoi is not only the all-powerful Savel Prokofievich, but also his nephew, Boris. After all, Boris's mother "could not get along with her relatives", "it seemed very wild to her." So, Boris is Wild by his father. What follows from this? Yes, it follows that he failed to defend his love and protect Katerina. After all, he is the flesh of the flesh of his ancestors and knows that he is entirely in the power of the “dark kingdom”. Yes, and Tikhon - Kabanov, no matter how "quiet" he is. So Katerina is rushing about in this dark forest among animal-like creatures. She chose Boris almost unconsciously, the only difference between him and Tikhon is his name (Boris is Bulgarian for “fighter”).

    Wild, masterful characters, except for Wild, are represented in the play by Varvara (she is a pagan, a “barbarian”, not a Christian and behaves accordingly) and Kudryash, on whom the corresponding Shapkin is located, reasoning with him. Kuligin, in addition to the well-known associations with Kulibin, also evokes the impression of something small, defenseless: in this terrible swamp he is a sandpiper, a bird - and nothing more. He praises Kalinov as a sandpiper praises his swamp.

    Women's names in Ostrovsky's plays are very bizarre, but the name of the main character almost always extremely accurately characterizes her role in the plot and fate. Larisa - “seagull” in Greek, Katerina - “clean”. Larisa is a victim of Paratov's pirate trade deals: he sells "birds" - "Swallow" (steamboat) and then Larisa - a seagull. Katerina is a victim of her purity, her religiosity, she could not bear the split of her soul, because she loved - not her husband, and severely punished herself for this. It is interesting that Kharita and Martha (in "Dowry" and in "Thunderstorm", respectively) are both Ignatievnas, that is, "ignorant" or, scientifically, "ignoring". They stand, as it were, aloof from the tragedy of Larisa and Katerina, although both, of course, are to blame (not directly, but indirectly) for the death of their daughter and daughter-in-law.

    Larisa in “Dowry” is not surrounded by “animals”. But these are people with great ambitions, playing with it like a thing. Mokiy - “blasphemous”, Vasily - “king”, Julius is, of course, Julius Caesar, and even Kapitonych, that is, living with his head (kaput - head), or maybe striving to be the main one. And everyone looks at Larisa as a stylish, fashionable, luxurious thing, as an unprecedented high-speed steamer, as a luxurious villa. And what Larisa thinks or feels about herself is the tenth thing, which does not interest them at all. And the chosen one of Larisa, Sergey Sergeevich Paratov - “highly venerated”, from a kind of arrogant Roman patricians, evokes associations with such a famous tyrant in history as Lucius Sergius Catilina.

    And finally, Kharita - the mother of three daughters - is associated with the Kharites, the goddesses of youth and beauty, of which there were three, but she also destroys them (remember the terrible fate of the other two sisters - one married a cheater, the other was stabbed to death by a Caucasian husband).

    In the play "Forest" Aksyusha is completely alien to this world of evil spirits. The forest can be understood as a new "dark kingdom". Only not merchants live here, but kikimoras like Gurmyzhskaya and Julitta. Aksyusha is a stranger because her name means in Greek “foreigner”, “foreigner”. In light of this, the questions that Aksyusha and Peter ask each other are noteworthy: “Are you yours or someone else’s?” - “Whose are you? Is it yours?”

    But the name Gurmyzhskaya (Raisa - in Greek “careless”, “frivolous”) is very suitable for her, it just seems to be an overly delicate characteristic for this witch. Ulita (Julia) is again related to the Julii family, famous in Rome, but this name may hint more directly at her depraved nature. After all, in the old Russian story “On the Beginning of Moscow”, Ulita is the name of the criminal wife of Prince Daniel, a traitor and a deceiver.

    The names of the actors Schastlivtsev and Neschastlivtsev (Arkady and Gennady) justify their pseudonyms and behavior. Arkady means “happy”, and Gennady means “noble”. Milonov, of course, has something in common with Manilov and Molchalin, and Bodaev, both by name and manner, is Sobakevich's heir.

    So, revealing the meaning of names and surnames in Ostrovsky's plays helps to comprehend both the plots and the main images. Although surnames and names cannot be called “speaking” in this case, since this is a feature of the plays of classicism, they are speaking in the broad - symbolic - sense of the word.

    Plays by A. Ostrovsky are full of various symbols. First of all, these are symbols associated with the natural world: forest, river, bird, flight. The names of the characters also play a very important role in the plays, most often the names of ancient origin: ancient Greek and Roman. The motives of the ancient theater in Ostrovsky's plays have not yet been sufficiently studied, so it is difficult to take into account all the semantic overtones of Greek and Roman names in Ostrovsky's plays. It is clear, however, that these names were not at all randomly chosen by the author; their sound composition, imagery and their meaning in the Russian language are very important. We will dwell on these points in more detail.

    Yu. Olesha admired the names of Ostrovsky's heroes. Paratov is both a parade and a pirate. To Olesha's observations, one can add, of course, the obvious comparison of Paratov with a “paraty” beast, that is, powerful, predatory, strong and merciless. Mother leader, for example. His predatory behavior in the play is best described by this surname.

    Surnames and Kabanova do not need to comment. But let's not forget that Dikoi is not only the all-powerful Savel Prokofievich, but also his nephew, Boris. After all, Boris's mother "could not get along with her relatives", "it seemed very wild to her." So Boris is Wild by his father. What does this mean? Yes, that means that he will not be able to defend his love and protect Katerina. After all, he is the flesh of the flesh of his ancestors and knows that he is entirely in the power of the “dark kingdom”. Yes, and Tikhon - Kabanov, no matter how "quiet" he is. So Katerina is rushing about in this dark forest among animal-like creatures. She chose Boris almost unconsciously, the only difference between him and Tikhon is his name (Boris is Bulgarian for “fighter”).

    Wild, masterful characters, except for Wild, are represented in the play by Varvara (she is a pagan, "barbarian", not a Christian and behaves accordingly) and Kudryash, on whom the corresponding Shapkin is located, reasoning with him. Kuligin, in addition to the well-known associations with Kulibins, also evokes the impression of something small, defenseless: in this terrible swamp he is a sandpiper - a bird and nothing more. He praises Kalinov as a sandpiper praises his swamp.

    Women's names in Ostrovsky's plays are very bizarre, but the name of the main character almost always extremely accurately characterizes her role in the plot and fate. Larisa - "seagull" in Greek, Katerina - "clean". Larisa is a victim of Paratov's pirate trade deals: he sells "birds" - "Swallow" (steamboat) and then Larisa - a seagull. Katerina is a victim of her purity, her religiosity, she could not bear the split of her soul, because she loved - not her husband, and severely punished herself for this. It is interesting that Kharita and Martha (in "Dowry" and in "Thunderstorm") are both Ignatievnas, that is, "ignorant" or, scientifically, "ignoring". They stand, as it were, aloof from the tragedy of Larisa and Katerina, although both, of course, are to blame (not directly, but indirectly) for the death of their daughter and daughter-in-law.

    Larisa in "Dowry" is not surrounded by "animals". But these are people with great ambitions, playing with it like a thing. Mokiy - "blasphemous", Vasily - "king", Julius - this, of course, is Julius Caesar, and even Kapitonych, that is, living with his head (kaput - head), or maybe striving to be the main one. And everyone looks at Larisa as a stylish, fashionable, luxurious thing. Like a steamship of unprecedented speed, like a luxurious villa. Which of them, in modern terms, is "cooler"? And what Larisa thinks or feels about herself is the tenth thing, which does not interest them at all. And the chosen one of Larisa, Paratov, Sergei Sergeevich - "highly venerated", from a kind of arrogant Roman patricians, evokes associations with such a famous tyrant in history as Lucius Sergius Catilina.

    And finally, Kharita - the mother of three daughters - is associated with the Kharites, the goddesses of youth and beauty, of which there were three, but she also destroys them (remember the terrible fate of the other two sisters - one married a cheater, the other was stabbed by a Caucasian husband).

    In the play "Forest" Aksyusha is completely alien to this world of evil spirits. The forest can be understood as a new "dark kingdom". Only not merchants live here, but kikimoras like Gurmyzhskaya and Julitta. Aksyusha is a stranger because her name means in Greek “foreigner”, “foreigner”. In light of this, the questions that Aksyusha and Peter ask each other are noteworthy: “Are you yours or someone else’s?” – “Whose are you? Is it yours?

    But the name Gurmyzhskaya (Raisa - in Greek "careless", "frivolous") is very suitable for her, it just seems to be an overly delicate characteristic for this witch. Ulita (Julia) is again related to the Julii family, famous in Rome, but this name may hint more directly at her depraved nature. Indeed, in the old Russian story “On the Beginning of Moscow”, Ulita is the name of the criminal wife of Prince Daniel, a traitor and a deceiver.

    The names of the actors Schastlivtsev and Neschastlivtsev (Arkady and Gennady) justify their pseudonyms and behavior. Arkady means happy, and Gennady means noble. Milonov, of course, has something in common with Manilov and Molchalin, and Bodaev, both by name and manner, is Sobakevich's heir.

    So, revealing the meaning of names and surnames in Ostrovsky's plays helps to comprehend both the plot and the main images. Although surnames and names cannot be called “speaking” in this case, since this is a feature of the plays of classicism, they are speaking in the broad – symbolic – sense of the word.

    A person controls his own destiny. A. N. Ostrovsky

    A remarkable play of the late period of A. N. Ostrovsky's work is the drama "". Conceived in 1874, it was completed in 1878 and staged in Moscow and St. Petersburg the same year. The best actors of the capital's theaters - M. Yermolova, M. Savina, and later V. Komissarzhevskaya took up the role of Larisa Ogudalova. Why did this heroine captivate them so much?

    The heroine of Ostrovsky is distinguished by truthfulness, sincerity, directness of character. In this respect, she is somewhat reminiscent of Katerina from Thunderstorm. According to Vozhevaty, in Larisa Dmitrievna "there is no trick." With the heroine of "Thunderstorm" brings her and high poetry. She is attracted by the trans-Volga distance, the forests across the river, the Volga itself beckons with its expanse. Knurov notes that in Larisa "the earthly, this worldly is not." And in fact: it is all as if raised above the dirt of reality, above the vulgarity and baseness of life. In the depths of her soul, like a bird, a dream of a beautiful and noble, honest and quiet life beats. And yes, she does look like a bird. It is no coincidence that her name is Larisa, which means "seagull" in Greek.

    What attracts me to Ostrovsky's heroine is her musicality. She plays the piano and the guitar, besides, she sings beautifully, she deeply experiences what she performs, so that she awes and delights her listeners. Gypsies are close to her, in whom she appreciates the thirst for will and a penchant for an exciting song. he portrayed Larisa in his play in such a way that in the mind of the reader her image is inextricably merged with the romance:

    Do not tempt me unnecessarily With the return of your tenderness! The disappointed are alien to All the seductions of former days!

    Larisa, however, is still far from disappointed (this will come to her later), but she has many “seductions”, “temptations”. She, in her words, "stands at a crossroads", is in front of a "choice".

    Shouldn't you prefer your mother's lifestyle? Harita Ignatievna, left a widow with three daughters, is constantly cunning and cunning, flattering and fawning, begging from the rich and accepting their handouts. She set up a real noisy “gypsy camp” in her house to create the appearance of beauty and splendor of life. And all this in order to trade as living goods under the cover of this tinsel. She had already ruined two daughters, now it was the turn of the third to trade. But Larisa cannot accept this way of life of her mother, it is alien to her. The mother tells her daughter to smile, but she wants to cry. And she asks her fiancé to tear her out of this "bazaar" surrounding her, where there are a lot of "all sorts of rabble", to take her away, beyond the Volga.