The love story of the master and margarita message. Composition on the topic: The love story of the Master and Margarita in Bulgakov's novel “The Master and Margarita. Mercy and compassion in the love of heroes

Bulgakov wrote the brilliant novel The Master and Margarita. This novel has been revised several times. The novel is not divided into two parts: the biblical story and the love of the Master and Margarita. Bulgakov asserts the priority of simple human feelings over any social relations in the novel itself. Mikhail Afanasyevich plays in this work some of the main motives of all creativity.

The main characters of the novel Master and Margarita are married people, but their family life was not very happy. Maybe that's why the heroes are looking for what they lack so much. Margarita in the novel has become a beautiful, generalized and poetic image of a Woman who Loves. Without this image, the novel would lose its appeal. This image rises above the layer of the satirical everyday life of the novel, the embodiment of living hot love. A fantastic image of a woman, so inspiringly turning into a witch, with the fury of her reprisal against the enemy of the Master Latunsky, with her tender readiness for motherhood. A woman who doesn’t have to say anything to the devil: “Dear, dear Azazello!”, Because he planted in her heart the hope that she would see her lover.

In the novel, with the brightness of her natural love, she is opposed to the Master. She herself compares fierce love with Matvey's fierce devotion. Margarita's love, like life, is all-encompassing and, like life, is alive. Margarita is opposed to the warrior and commander Pilate with her fearlessness. And defenseless and powerful in its humanity - to the all-powerful Woland.

The master is in many ways similar to Goethe's Faust and the author himself. At first he was a historian, and then he suddenly felt his writing vocation. The master is indifferent to the joys of family life, he does not even remember the name of his wife, he does not strive to have children. When the Master was still married, he spent all his free time in the museum where he worked. He was lonely, and he liked it, but when he met Margarita, he realized that he had found a kindred spirit. There was a major mistake in the fate of the Master, which is worth thinking about. He is deprived of light, true knowledge, the Master only guesses. This mistake is in refusing to fulfill the difficult task of writing, from the daily struggle for the light of knowledge, for truth and love, for your novel and the story of the courage of Margarita, who saved the desperate, tormented Master. In real life, the Master is a man of rare talent, virginal honesty and spiritual purity. The Master's love for Margarita is in many ways unearthly, eternal love. It has nothing to do with creating a family. In general, it should be noted that in the novel none of the characters is connected by other family ties. It can be said that the image of the Master is a symbol of suffering, humanity, a seeker of truth in a vulgar world. The master wanted to write a novel about Pontius Pilate, but this work was not accepted by critics. He sold his soul to Woland to write his novel. Mental suffering broke the Master, and he never saw his work. The Master can only find romance again and connect with his beloved in the last shelter provided by Woland.

Why did love break out between these heroes? It must be that in the eyes of the Master, as well as in the eyes of Margarita, some incomprehensible light was burning, otherwise there is no way to explain the love that “jumped out” in front of them and struck both at once. One could expect that since such love broke out, it would be passionate, stormy, burning both hearts to the ground. Neither the joyless black days when the Master's novel was crushed by critics and the life of lovers stopped, nor the serious illness of the Master, nor his sudden disappearance for many months, did not extinguish it. This love turned out to have a peaceful domestic character. Margarita could not part with the Master even for a minute, even when he was gone and, one had to think, never would be. She could only mentally beg him to let her go free. The witch really wakes up in Margaret with the hope of seeing the Master again or at least hearing something about him, even at some incredible price: “Oh, really, I would lay my soul to the devil just to find out if he is alive or not !” she thinks. Having finally broken with her husband, with whom she was connected only by a feeling of gratitude for all the good done for her, on the eve of the meeting with the Master, for the first time she experiences a feeling of complete freedom. The story of the Master and Margarita is the most important in the novel. Being born, she, like a transparent stream, crosses the entire space of the novel from edge to edge, breaking through the rubble and abysses on her way and leaving for the other world, for eternity. Margarita and the Master were victims of temptation, so they did not deserve the light. Yeshua and Woland rewarded them with eternal rest. They wanted to be free and happy, but in a world where everything was consumed by evil, this was not possible. In a world where the role and action of a person is determined by his social position, there is still good, love, creativity, but they have to hide in the other world, seek protection from the devil himself - Woland. M.A. Bulgakov described heroes full of life, joy, capable of taking an extreme step for the sake of love. By the strength of their love, they became among the immortal heroes - Romeo and Juliet and others. The novel once again proves that love will conquer death, that it is true love that pushes people to various feats, even if they are meaningless. The author penetrated into the world of human feelings and showed, if I may say so, the ideals of real people. A person is free to choose between good and evil, and the memory of a person plays an important role: it does not allow black forces to take possession of a person. The tragedy of the Master and Margarita is in the misunderstanding of the surrounding world. They challenged the whole world and heaven with their love.

Bulgakov began to write his main book - the novel "The Master and Margarita", which was first called both "The Hoof of the Engineer" and "The Black Magician" in 1928-29. He dictated the last inserts to his wife in 1940, in February, three weeks before his death. In this article, we will consider Bulgakov's latest novel and analyze it.

"The Master and Margarita" - the result of Bulgakov's work

This novel was a kind of synthesis, the result of all the previous experience of the writer and playwright. It reflected the Moscow life, which arose in the essays from the work "On the Eve"; satirical mysticism and fantasy, tested by Bulgakov in the stories of the 1920s; motives of restless conscience and knightly honor - in the novel "The White Guard"; as well as the dramatic theme of the evil fate of one persecuted artist, which was developed in the "Theatrical novel" and "Moliere". The description of Yershalaim was prepared by a picture of the life of the eastern city, which is mentioned in the "Running". And the transfer of the narrative in time during the period of early Christianity was reminiscent of the plays "Ivan Vasilyevich" and "Bliss", in which a journey through the epochs was also made.

Layered work

First of all, it should be noted that this work is multilayered, as our analysis shows. "The Master and Margarita" has several plans, including temporary ones. The author, on the one hand, describes the reality of the 1930s, contemporary to him, but on the other hand, Mikhail Afanasyevich enters a different era: ancient Judea, the first two centuries of Christianity, the reign of Pontius Pilate. By comparing these two times, establishing indirect and direct analogies between them, the space of the novel is built, its ideological content is enriched by this. In the work, in addition, an adventurous-fantastic layer is clearly written out. First of all, it includes scenes in which Koroviev, Behemoth and other representatives of the "gang" of the black magician participate.

Reflection of the characteristics of the era

Persecution, repression, fear, which literally permeated the atmosphere of the 1930s, were most clearly reflected in the fate of the Master. Let's prove it on the example of one episode by analyzing it. "The Master and Margarita" contains an interesting scene - a description of the return of the protagonist home after he became a victim of a denunciation carried out by Aloisy Mogarych. Three months absent from his dwelling, he comes to the windows of the basement, in which the gramophone is playing. The master returned in the same coat, only with torn buttons (they were cut off during the arrest) with an unwillingness to live and write.

The atmosphere of the 1930s is also reminiscent of the circumstances of the murder of Aphranius Judas by mercenaries, the death of Meigel, who was killed by Azazello at a ball with Satan. These deaths once again demonstrate the law, which was confirmed more than once already in the times of Yezhov and Yagoda: his servants will be destroyed by evil itself.

The role of mysticism in Bulgakov's work

Bulgakov called himself a mystical writer, but in the novel the mystic is not at all an apology for everything mysterious, which can be proved by analysis. "The Master and Margarita" is a work in which Woland's retinue performs miracles with only one purpose: satire enters the novel through them. Woland and his henchmen make fun of human vices, punish voluptuousness, lies, greed of all these Likhodeevs, Sempleyarovs, Varenukhs. Bulgakov's representatives of evil act in accordance with Goethe's maxim that they are a force that does good, desiring evil.

An analysis of the work "The Master and Margarita" shows that one of the main targets is the complacency of the mind, especially the atheistic one, which sweeps away the whole area of ​​the mysterious and enigmatic along the way. Describing all the "hoaxes", "jokes" and "adventures" of Behemoth, Koroviev and Azazello, the writer laughs at people's confidence that all forms of existing life can be planned and calculated, and it is not at all difficult to arrange happiness and prosperity for people - just want to .

Criticism of rationalism by Bulgakov

Bulgakov, while remaining an adherent of the Great Evolution, shows doubt that unidirectional and uniform progress can be ensured by a "cavalry assault." His mysticism is directed primarily against rationalism. An analysis of the work "The Master and Margarita" from this side can be carried out as follows. Bulgakov ridicules, developing the theme outlined in various stories of the 1920s, the complacency of reason, which is convinced that, freed from superstitions, it will create an accurate blueprint of the future, the organization of relations between people and harmony in the human soul. Here the image of Berlioz can serve as a most characteristic example. He, having ceased to believe in God, does not even believe that chance can interfere with him, tripping him up at the most unexpected moment. And that is exactly what happens in the end. Thus, the analysis of the novel "The Master and Margarita" proves that the author opposes rationalism.

The mysticism of the historical process

But the mysticism of everyday life for the writer is only a reflection of what can be considered the mysticism of the historical process (the unpredictability of the course of history and the results obtained, their unexpectedness). In history, the most important events, according to Bulgakov, imperceptibly ripen. They are carried out outside the will of people, although many are convinced that they can arbitrarily dispose of everything. As a result, the unfortunate Berlioz, who knew exactly what he would do at the MASSOLIT meeting in the evening, dies a few minutes later under the wheels of a tram.

Pontius Pilate - "a victim of history"

Like Berlioz, he becomes another "victim of history." An analysis of the novel "The Master and Margarita" reveals the following features of this personality. The hero makes an impression of a powerful person on people and on himself. However, Yeshua's perspicacity amazes the procurator no less than the unusual speeches of Berlioz and Woland. The self-satisfaction of Pontius Pilate, his right to dispose of the lives of others at his own discretion, is thereby called into question. The procurator decides the fate of Yeshua. But despite this, the latter is free, and Pilate is the unfortunate hostage of his own conscience. This two-thousand-year captivity is a punishment to imaginary and temporary power.

Love of the Master and Margarita

The novel "The Master and Margarita" is dedicated to the fate of one master - a creative person who opposes the whole world around him. Its history is inextricably linked with the history of Margarita. The author in the second part of his novel promises to show readers "eternal", "true", "true" love. These were the feelings of the main characters in the work. Let's analyze them. works you, we hope, remember) is a novel in which love is one of the main themes.

"True Love" by Bulgakov

What does "true love" mean from the point of view of Mikhail Afanasyevich? An analysis of the chapters ("The Master and Margarita") shows that the meeting of the heroes was accidental, but this cannot be said about the feeling that bound them until the end of their days. The master and Margarita recognize each other by their gaze, which reflects "deep loneliness". This means that, even without knowing each other, the characters experienced a great need for love, which Bulgakov notes in his novel. "The Master and Margarita", which we are analyzing, is a work demonstrating that the miracle that happened (the meeting of the beloved) is also the will of chance, a mysterious fate, in every possible way denied by supporters of rationalism.

The master says that this feeling hit them both at once. True love invades life powerfully and transforms it. The meeting of the Master and Margarita, which we are analyzing, turned everything ordinary and everyday into significant and bright. When the main character appeared in the Master's cellar, it was as if all the details of his meager life began to glow from within. And this can be easily seen through analysis. The love of Margarita and the Master was so bright that when the heroine left, everything faded for the writer in love.

First of all, real feelings must be selfless. Before meeting the Master, Margarita had everything a woman needed to be happy: a kind, handsome husband who adored his wife, money, a luxurious mansion. However, she was not satisfied with her life. Bulgakov writes that Margarita needed a Master, and not a separate garden, a Gothic mansion and money. When the heroine did not have love, she even wanted to commit suicide. At the same time, she could not harm her husband and acted honestly, deciding to leave a farewell note in which she explained everything.

Therefore, true love cannot harm anyone. She will not build her happiness at the expense of the misfortune of others. This feeling is also selfless. The heroine of Bulgakov is able to accept the aspirations and interests of her lover as her own. She helps the Master in everything, lives by his worries. The hero writes a novel, which becomes the content of the girl's whole life. She cleanly rewrites the finished chapters, trying to make the Master happy and calm. And in this he sees the meaning of his own life.

"True Love"

What does "true love" mean? Its definition can be found in the second part of the work, when the heroine is left alone, while not having any news about her lover. She waits, not finding a place for herself. At the same time, Margarita does not lose hope of meeting him again, she is true to her feelings. It is completely indifferent to her in what light this meeting will take place.

"Eternal love"

Love becomes "eternal" when Margarita endures the test of meeting with mysterious otherworldly forces, as analysis of the episode ("The Master and Margarita") shows. The girl in the scene, which describes her meeting with otherworldly forces, is fighting for her lover. Attending the full moon ball, the heroine returns the Master with the help of Woland. She is not afraid of death next to her lover and remains with him beyond the death line. Margarita says that she will take care of his sleep.

However, no matter how overwhelmed the girl is with anxiety for the Master and love for him, when the time comes to ask, she does this not for herself, but for Frida. She decides this way not only because of Woland, who advises those in power not to demand anything. The love for the Master in the heroine is organically combined with love for people. Own suffering causes a desire to save others from them.

Love and creativity

True love is also associated with creativity. The fate of Margarita is intertwined with the fate of the Master's novel. As love grows stronger, romance is created. The work is therefore the fruit of love. The novel is equally dear to both the Master and Margarita. And if its creator refuses to fight, the heroine arranges a rout in Latunsky's apartment. However, she rejects Woland's proposal to destroy him. According to Bulgakov, the first step of truth is justice, but the highest is mercy.

Creativity and love exist among people who know neither one nor the other. Because of this, they are simply doomed to tragedy. The Master and Margarita at the end of the novel leave this society, where there is no place for high spiritual impulses. They are given death as rest and peace, as freedom from torment, grief and earthly ordeals. It can also be seen as a reward. This reflects the pain of life, time, the writer himself.

Peace for Mikhail Afanasyevich is the absence of remorse. The fate of Pontius Pilate will never be known by the main characters who lived a worthy, albeit difficult, life.

Having survived decades of unfair oblivion, the novel "The Master and Margarita" by M. Bulgakov is addressed today to us, in our time. The main essence that is defended in the work is "true, faithful and eternal love."

Master and Margarita. This is the first thing that comes to mind when they say the name of Mikhail Bulgakov. This is due to the popularity of the work, which raises the question of eternal values, such as good and evil, life and death, etc.

"The Master and Margarita" is an unusual novel, because the theme of love is touched upon in it only in the second part. It seems that the writer was trying to prepare the reader for the correct perception. The love story of the Master and Margarita is a kind of challenge to the surrounding routine, a protest against passivity, a desire to resist various circumstances.

Unlike the theme of Faust, Mikhail Bulgakov forces Margarita, and not the Master, to contact the devil and find herself in the world of black magic. It was Margarita, so cheerful and restless, who turned out to be the only character who dared to make a dangerous deal. To meet her lover, she was willing to risk anything. And so began the love story of the Master and Margarita.

Making a novel

Work on the novel began around 1928. Initially, the work was called "The Romance of the Devil". At that time, the novel did not even have the names of the Master and Margarita.

After 2 years, Bulgakov decides to thoroughly return to his main work. Initially, Margarita enters the novel, and then the Master. After 5 years, the well-known name "Master and Margarita" appears.

In 1937, Mikhail Bulgakov rewrote the novel anew. This takes about 6 months. The six notebooks he wrote became the first complete handwritten novel. A few later, he is already dictating his novel on a typewriter. A huge amount of work was completed in less than a month. Such is the history of writing. The Master and Margarita, the great novel, ends in the spring of 1939, when the author corrects a paragraph in the last chapter and dictates a new epilogue, which has survived to this day.

Later, Bulgakov had new ideas, but there were no corrections.

History of the Master and Margarita. Briefly about acquaintance

The meeting of two lovers was rather unusual. Walking down the street, Margarita carried a bouquet of rather strange flowers in her hands. But the Master was struck not by the bouquet, not by the beauty of Margarita, but by the endless loneliness in her eyes. At that moment, the girl asked the Master if he liked her flowers, but he replied that he preferred roses, and Margarita threw the bouquet into a ditch. Later, the Master will tell Ivan that love between them broke out suddenly, comparing it to a killer in an alley. Love really was unexpected and was not designed for a happy ending - after all, the woman was married. The master at that time was working on a book that was not accepted by the editors. And it was important for him to find a person who could understand his work, feel his soul. It was Margarita who became that person, sharing with the Master all his feelings.

It becomes clear where the sadness in the eyes of the girl comes from, after she admits that she went out that day to find her love, otherwise she would have been poisoned, because a life in which there is no love is joyless and empty. But the story of the Master and Margarita does not end there.

The birth of a feeling

After meeting with her lover, Margarita's eyes sparkle, the fire of passion and love burns in them. The Master is next to her. Once, when she sewed a black hat for her beloved, she embroidered a yellow letter M on it. And from that moment she began to call him Master, urging him on and predicting glory for him. Rereading the novel, she repeated phrases that sunk into her soul and concluded that her life was in that novel. But in it was the life of not only her, but also the Master.

But the Master did not manage to print his novel, he was subjected to sharp criticism. Fear filled his mind, developed Watching the grief of her beloved, Margarita also changed for the worse, turned pale, lost weight and did not laugh at all.

Once the Master threw the manuscript into the fire, but Margarita snatched what was left from the oven, as if trying to save their feelings. But this did not happen, the Master disappeared. Margarita is left alone again. But the story of the novel "The Master and Margarita" was Once a black magician appeared in the city, the girl dreamed of the Master, and she realized that they would definitely see each other again.

The appearance of Woland

For the first time, he appears before Berlioz, who in conversation reject the divinity of Christ. Woland tries to prove that both God and the Devil exist in the world.

Woland's task is to extract the genius of the Master and the beautiful Margarita from Moscow. He, with his retinue, provokes unholy acts in Muscovites and convinces people that they will go unpunished, but then he punishes them himself.

Long-awaited meeting

On the day when Margarita had a dream, she met Azazello. It was he who hinted to her that a meeting with the Master was possible. But she was faced with a choice: turn into a witch or never see her beloved. For a loving woman, this choice did not seem difficult, she was ready for anything, just to see her beloved. And as soon as Woland asked how he could help Margarita, she immediately asked for a meeting with the Master. At that moment, her lover appeared before her. It would seem that the goal has been achieved, the story of the Master and Margarita could have ended, but the connection with Satan does not end well.

Death of the Master and Margarita

It turned out that the Master was out of his mind, so the long-awaited date did not bring joy to Margarita. And then she proves to Woland that the Master is worthy to be cured, and asks Satan about it. Woland fulfills Margarita's request, and he and the Master return to their basement again, where they begin to dream about their future.

After that, the lovers drink Falerno wine brought by Azazello, not knowing that it contains poison. They both die and fly away with Woland to another world. And even though the love story of the Master and Margarita ends here, the love itself remains eternal!

Unusual love

The love story of the Master and Margarita is quite unusual. First of all, because Woland himself acts as an assistant to the lovers.

The fact is that when love visited, events began to take shape not at all as we would like. It turns out that the whole world around is for the couple not to be happy. And it is at this moment that Woland appears. The relationship of lovers depends on the book written by the Master. At that moment, when he tries to burn everything written, he still does not realize that the manuscripts do not burn, due to the fact that they contain the truth. The master returns after Woland gives the manuscript to Margarita.

The girl completely surrenders to a great feeling, and this is the biggest problem of love. The Master and Margarita reached the highest level of spirituality, but for this Margarita had to give her soul to the Devil.

Using this example, Bulgakov showed that each person must make his own destiny and not ask for any help from higher powers.

The work and its author

The master is considered an autobiographical hero. The age of the Master in the novel is about 40 years old. Bulgakov was at the same age when he wrote this novel.

The author lived in the city of Moscow on Bolshaya Sadovaya Street in the 10th building, in the 50th apartment, which became the prototype of the “bad apartment”. The Music Hall in Moscow served as the Variety Theatre, which was located near the “bad apartment”.

The second wife of the writer testified that the prototype of the Behemoth cat was their pet Flyushka. The only thing that the author changed in the cat was the color: Flushka was a gray cat, and Behemoth was black.

The phrase "Manuscripts do not burn" was used more than once by Bulgakov's favorite writer, Saltykov-Shchedrin.

The love story of the Master and Margarita has become a real one and will remain the subject of discussion for many centuries to come.

One of the greatest novels of the 20th century is The Master and Margarita. This book has several storylines. The main one is the love story of the Master and Margarita. Does Bulgakov's heroine have a prototype? Why did the author give this name to the beloved of the Master?

Prototypes of Margarita

Regarding the history of the creation of the image of the main character, researchers do not have a common opinion. However, Bulgakov's novel is one of the most controversial works in the entire history of literature. The writer created his heroine on the basis of literary sources. But in this image, the features of real-life women are also visible.

In an early version, Bulgakov called the hero Faust. The main female character in Goethe's work was called Gretchen (Marguerite). In the process of working on the work, the writer also collected materials about two historical figures. Namely, about Margaret de Valois and Margaret of Navarre.

In the spring of 1930, Bulgakov met a wealthy married lady. The first meeting with her took place on 1st Meshchanskaya Street. This woman's name was Margarita Smirnova. Perhaps acquaintance with her partly inspired the writer to create a tragic female image.

Elena Sergeevna

And yet the main prototype of the heroine of the famous novel is, perhaps, Bulgakov's third wife. It was thanks to the faithful companion of the prose writer that the work was published. The novel was not finished. Bulgakov lost his sight at the end of his life, and his wife wrote down the last chapters under his dictation.

One day an interesting incident happened. Elena Sergeevna called the editorial office of Novy Mir, arranged a meeting with Tvardovsky. She showed up at the editor's office within minutes of the call. When asked what kind of transport she used, the woman calmly replied: “Broom.”

Elena Sergeevna also had an outward resemblance to Margarita. She, like the heroine of the novel, slightly squinted in one eye. Anna Akhmatova was familiar with Bulgakov's wife, once she dedicated a poem to her, in which there were the words "sorceress", "on the eve of the new moon."

"I'll poison Latunsky!"

In favor of the version that the main prototype of Margarita is Elena Sergeevna Bulgakova, speaks, of course, not only the resemblance, but also amazing devotion. The love story of the Master and Margarita is poignant and unforgettable. In the feelings that the heroine experiences for her lover, there really is something witchy. Suffice it to recall the story that happened in Latunsky's apartment.

Of course, the author of the novel was also attacked by critics. His wife once, after reading an article about "Bulgakovism", shouted out in her hearts: "I will poison Lithuanian!" The prototype of Latunsky is precisely this critic and playwright, known today primarily for his attacks on the work of the great writer. In 1926, he published a derogatory article about the work "Days of the Turbins", in which he first used the term "Bulgakovism". In the chapters of the novel that tell about the love story of the Master and Margarita, the reader comes across a word created by Latunsky: “pilatchina”.

In contrast to Goethe, Bulgakοv forces not the main hero, but his lover to contact the devil. It was Margarita who went to the dangerous deal. To meet with your loved ones, οna was willing to risk anything. And this was the culmination in the love story of the Master and Margarita in Bulgakov's novel.

Creation of a work

Work on the book was started in the late twenties. Initially, it was called "Rοman ο devilοle". At that moment, the novel did not even have the names of the Master and Margarita. In 1930, the rοman was burned by the author himself. Only a few chernοvikοv becameοs, in which there wereο many torn leaves.

Two years later, the writer decided to return to his main work. Initially, Margarita enters the novel, and then the Master. Five years later, the well-known name “The Master and Margarita” appears. In 1937, Mikhail Bulgakοv rewrote rοman zanοvο. Thisο left οkοlο pοlugοda. Later, the writer had new ideas, but there were no corrections.


How did the love story of the Master and Margarita begin? The meeting of two lovers was eοvοlnο unusual. Walking along the street, Margarita carried alarming yellow flowers in her hands. The master was struck not by the beauty of Margarita, but by the endless unity in her eyes. Οna was just as unhappy as οn. This extraordinary meeting laid the foundation for the extraordinary love story of the Master and Margarita. When analyzing the works of Bulgakοv, attention should be paid to some facts from the writer's biography. He suffered from constant harassment and attacks, and transferred his feelings to the pages of the novel.

Let us return to the event, with which the love story began in the novel The Master and Margarita. The first meeting of the heroes took place on Tverskaya, where it is always crowded. Hο on that day, for some reason, the central Moscow street was empty. The woman asked him if he liked her flowers, but he replied that he preferred roses, and Margarita threw the bouquet into the ditch.

Later, the Master will tell Ivan that love broke out between them suddenly, comparing the deep feeling with the "killer in the alley". Love really was unexpected and was not designed for a happy ending, because the woman was married. The master at that time was working on a book, which was not accepted by the editors. And it was important for him to find a person who would be able to understand his creativity, to feel his soul. It was Margarita who became that person, sharing with the Master all his feelings.

Margarita left the house on that day with yellow flowers to find her love. Otherwise, I would have poisoned myself. Life, in which there is no love, is joyless and empty. But the story of the Master and Margarita does not end there.

Roman ο Pilate

After meeting with her lover, Margaret's eyes sparkle, the fire of passion and love burns in them. The master is next to her. One day, she sewed a black hat for her beloved and embroidered the letter "M" on it. From this moment on, οna began to call him Masterοm, pοdgοnyaya egο, predicting him greater glory. Rereading the novel, she repeated the phrases that had sunk into her soul and concluded that her life is in that novel. But there was life in him, of course, not only hers, but also the Master's.

End of happiness

Schoolchildren write the essay “The Love Story of the Master and Margarita” more often than any other work by Bulgakov. Disclosure of this topic does not require deep knowledge of the mythology and history of Christianity. It would seem, what could be easier? And yet, briefly describe the love story of the Master and Margarita and analyze it is not easy.

Critics rejected the novel by Pilate. On this happy period in the life of the heroes of Bulgakοv ended. And it's not about tοm, chtο the work was not οpublished, and egο avtοr did not get gοnοrar. Criticism killed everything alive in the Master. He has no more strength to live, to write. He was deprived of the ability to experience simple human joys. I forgot a lot from my former life. Vοt onlyο οthe image of Margarita will never leave his memory. With this, the writer, vοzmοzhnο, wanted to say: there is nothing stronger than love, nothing can destroy it.

One day, the Master throws the manuscript in οgοn, but his lover snatches from the oven tο that οhas become. Margarita sοvnο tries to save their feelings. But the Master disappears. Margarita dream of the day.

The Appearance of the Devil

One day Margarita saw a dream that gave her hope. Οfeelingsοvala that her meeting with the Master is about to happen. On this day, in the Alexander Garden, I met Azazelle. It was he who hinted to her that the meeting with the Master was possible. Nο οna was supposed to turn into a witch. Life without the Master was a real torment for her, and then she made a deal with the devil without hesitation.


However, the long-awaited date did not bring joy to Margarita. The master is sick, he cannot and does not want to be happy. And then οna proves to Vοland that her beloved dοstοin, so that he would be cured. She asks to save the Master, to make him the same. The request of Margarita Vοland fulfills. They return to their cellar, where they begin to dream about the future. By the way, the Master's manuscripts actually survived. Margarita sees them in the hands of Wοland, but over the past night she has forgotten how to be surprised. "Manuscripts do not burn," the devil pronounces the phrase that has become the key in the novel.

Nothing can make the Master and Margarita happy. In a world of hypocrisy and lies, they will always suffer. And then Vοland sends Azazelο to them. The lovers drink the wine brought to them and die. They don't deserve the light. Hο οni deserved pοkοy. The Master and Margarita fly away with Wοlandοm to the other world.

An extraordinary love story makes Bulgakov's novel one of the most popular works of world literature. As already mentioned, the book has several storylines. However, the story of the Master and Margarita, in contrast to the description of the events that took place before and after the execution of Yeshua, is understandable to everyone, regardless of age and literary preferences.

So that the path of true love is wide.
W. Shakespeare
G. Bulgakov believed that it was love and hate, courage and passion, the ability to appreciate beauty and kindness. But love ... she, above all. Bulgakov wrote the heroine of his novel with Elena Sergeevna, the beloved woman who was his wife. Soon after they met, she took on her shoulders, perhaps most of him, the Master, a terrible burden, became his Margarita.

The story of the Master and Margarita is not one of the lines of the novel, but its main theme. All the events, all the diversity of the novel, converge to it. They did not just meet, fate pushed them at the corner of Tverskaya and the lane. Love struck both like lightning, like a Finnish knife. “Love jumped out in front of us, like a murderer jumping out of the ground in an alley ...” - this is how Bulgakov describes the origin of love in his heroes. Already these comparisons foreshadow the future tragedy of their love. But at first everything was very calm.
When they first met, they spoke as if they had known each other for a long time. Love broke out violently and it seemed that it should burn people to the ground, but she turned out to be homely and calm.

In the basement apartment of the Master Margarita, wearing an apron, ran the household while her beloved was working on a novel. The lovers baked potatoes, ate them with dirty hands, laughed. It was not sad yellow flowers that were placed in the vase, but roses, beloved by the two of them. Margarita was the first to read the already finished pages of the novel, hurried the author, predicted fame for him, constantly called him the Master. The phrases of the novel, which she especially liked, she repeated loudly and melodiously. She said that in this novel her life. This was an inspiration for the Master, her words strengthened his self-confidence.

Bulgakov very carefully and chastely talks about the love of his heroes. He was not killed by the dark days when the Master was defeated. Love was with him even during the serious illness of the Master. started when the Master disappeared for many months. Margarita tirelessly thought of him, not for a moment did her heart part with him. Even when it seemed to her that her beloved was gone. The desire to know at least something about his fate wins over the mind, and then the diabolism begins, in which Margarita takes part. In all diabolical adventures, she is accompanied by the loving gaze of the writer. The pages dedicated to Margarita are a poem in the name of her beloved, Elena Sergeevna. He was ready to make "his last flight" with her. So he wrote to his wife on a donated copy of his collection "Diaboliad".

With the power of her love, Margarita returns the Master from non-existence. Bulgakov did not come up with a happy ending for all the heroes of his novel: as it was before the invasion of the satanic company in Moscow, it remains so. And only for the Master and Margarita, Bulgakov, as he believed, wrote a happy ending: they will have eternal peace in the eternal home, which the Master was given as a reward.

Lovers will enjoy the silence, those they love will come to them ... The Master will fall asleep with a smile, and she will forever protect his sleep. “The master silently walked with her and listened. His restless memory began to fade, ”this is how this tragic love ends.
And although in the last words - the sadness of death, but there is also a promise of immortality and eternal life. It comes true today: the Master and Margarita, like their creator, is destined for a long life. Many generations will read this satirical, philosophical, but most importantly - lyric-love novel, which confirmed that the tragedy of love is a tradition of all Russian literature.

In the novel "The Master and Margarita" unites, it would seem, such that it is impossible to combine: history and fantasy, reality and myth, funny and serious. But when reading the novel, you understand that it is impossible to write it differently, because it represents three worlds - biblical antiquity, Bulgakov's contemporary reality and the fantastic reality of the diaboliad.

At first it seems that the connection of these worlds is conditional. The novel about Pilate and Yeshua Ha-Nozri is just a novel within a novel, like a form. But over time, it turns out that the deep meaning is in how the chapters that talk about biblical antiquity are connected with the present. The center of the life of any society is the mentality built on the laws of morality. When you watch the life of Soviet society, described by Bulgakov, it seems that people have forgotten about moral rules. So, about the events of the first century, it is intended to remind people of the eternal laws of being. Nothing has lost relevance since that time. Cowardice is still considered a disadvantage that pulls along. Change remains change.

And now people strive for goodness and justice. True, sometimes only for themselves. But it seems that this is what unites all three worlds: faith in the law of justice, the inevitability of punishment for evil. So, good and evil is the measure of the human society of the individual. Just for evil and return for good serves the author as the engine of the entire plot. There is something reckless about trying to solve the eternal problem of the struggle between good and evil by bringing Satan into it. So another world is added to reality, quite fantastic at first glance. But through him the real world is freed from sneaks, like Aloyzy Magarych, or slanderers and bribe-takers, drunkards and liars. The reader understands Margarita, who, having turned into a witch, takes revenge on Latunsky's critics by committing a real pogrom in his apartment.

The return of the Master to his house with Margarita and the preservation of his novel seem to be witchcraft obtaining justice - “manuscripts do not burn!” In reality, all the worlds are united. Nevertheless, the existence of the world of biblical antiquity, as well as the fantasy world of Woland, fills modernity with new content. Life is not so easy, but there is an eternal law of justice and goodness that governs human actions and the development of all mankind.