Presentation of the dead souls image of Sobakevich. Summary of the lesson "terrible image of the landowner Sobakevich" (using rkmchp technology). The character of Sobakevich is superbly captured by the writer and is revealed not only in appearance, but also in his manner of speaking and moving.

"Dead Souls"

Landowner Sobakevich

Business card.

The landowner Sobakevich Mikhailo Semenovich - a hater of education, a strong owner, uncompromising in bidding, will be happy to "sling mud" at all his friends at a hearty dinner in his house.



P. Boklevsky,



Artists Kukryniksy,

1937 - 1939

Sobakevich village

Artist A. Laptev

Chichikov at the Sobakevichs


A. A. Agin

Chichikov at the Sobakevichs


A. A. Agin

Chichikov and Sobakevich


A. A. Agin

Chichikov and Sobakevich


A. A. Agin

Character traits

  • kulaks,
  • misanthropy,
  • obscurantism (reactionary, hostility of progress, culture, science),
  • coarseness,
  • stinginess.

The work of Bekhtina Natalia


Frolova Nadezhda's work


The work of Sergei Kozlov


The work of Knyazkina Lyudmila


The work of Knyazkina Lyudmila


The work of Ekaterina Prytkova

2003 - 04 academic year year

A new stage of human fall - "damn fist" Sobakevich. Gogol writes that it seemed that there was no soul at all in the body of this man. Sobakevich gravitates toward the old serf forms of farming, hates the city and enlightenment. He sees the meaning of life in the passion for profit. In addition to corvée, he also applies dues. Gogol called it “a portrait of the Russian stomach”: food is Sobakevich’s second passion.

Sobakevich is a real landowner, a huckster and a hoarder. He is arrogant and assertive. The author compares him to a bear.

Sobakevich is also a household name. His main qualities are greed, narrowness of interests.


  • N. In Gogol "Dead Souls", Moscow "Olympus. PPP, 1993
  • Slide set of presentations for the poem by N.V. Gogol "Dead Souls". The author of the work is Vshivkova Valentina Mikhailovna, MOU Lebyazhenskaya secondary school
  • Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Site "Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol".
  • Unified collection of Digital Educational Resources
  • Site on the literature of the "Russian Educational Portal".
  • Illustrations by Russian artists for the poem "Dead Souls".

  • Volkova Elena Arkadievna
  • Teacher of Russian language and literature (1 qualification category)
  • MOU "Uryum secondary school"
  • Tetyushsky district
  • Republic of Tatarstan
  • February 2010

Sobakevich. Portrait "A healthy and strong man", whom nature "chopped from the whole shoulder"; very similar "to a medium-sized bear"; “... it seemed that there was no soul in this body at all, or he had one, but not at all where it should be, but, like an immortal koshchey, somewhere beyond the mountains, and covered with such a thick shell that everything, whatever was tossing and turning at the bottom of it, produced absolutely no shock on the surface.

Slide 14 from the presentation "Landlords in Dead Souls". The size of the archive with the presentation is 607 KB.

Literature Grade 9

summary of other presentations

"The theme of love in Bunin" - Love in the works of Bunin. Theme of love. Captain's daughter. The theme of love in the work of I. Bunin. Glossary. Analysis of the works of I. Bunin. Sunstroke. Great happiness. Children. Happiness. The theme of love in the stories of I.A. Bunin. The Secret of the Cup of Life. Love.

"Paustovsky" Simple Oilcloth "" - The main plot elements. "Scarlet Sails" Pirosmani. Love. Konstantin Paustovsky "A simple oilcloth". Scarlet Sails. Word thematic series. Simple oilcloth. Giraffe. "Mosaic" of the Caucasus. Tale of life. Finish the sentences. Time in Paustovsky's story. The best dress. Happiness. Pirosmani's birthday. Oilcloths Pirosmani. Musicality of gradation. What is Paustovsky's work about? Involving students in creativity.

"Analysis of the poem "Cliff"" - Works on etymology. Word groups. Wrinkle. Subject. Linguistics (the science of the Russian language). Groups of words by meaning. Etymological analysis of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Cliff". There were no original words in M.Yu. Lermontov's poem "Cliff". Researched area. Indo-European language family. Night. Origin of words. Parts of speech. Cliff.

"The theme of love" - ​​The theme of eternal love in the works of Russian and foreign literature. M. Bulgakov "Master and Margarita". Works about eternal love. A. Kuprin "Garnet bracelet". I. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Love is selfless, selfless, not waiting for a reward. Romeo and Juliet. Stendhal "Red and Black" Biography of Stephenie Meyer. Novel New Moon.

"Satire in the story "Heart of a Dog"" - A satirical image of the owners of the new time. The tragic fate of the writer. What is the difference between satire and humor. Laugh at yourself. House committee members. The play "Inspector". What is your relationship with the dog? means of satire. Professor Preobrazhensky. Quiz. Remember Russian writers and poets. Moments. The character of the novel "The Master and Margarita". Desk M. A. Bulgakov. Dog's heart. Dogs. Learned head.

"Storytellers" - Distinctive features of European fairy tales. Acquaintance with the biographies of Ch. Perro. New material. The meaning of fairy tales. Great storytellers of Europe. Storytellers of Europe and the modern reader. We need a fairy tale today. Knowledge of European fairy tales. Tales of G.H. Andersen. Tales of Ch. Perrault. Hans Christian Andersen. Charles Perrot. Tales of E.T.A. Hoffmann. Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann.

“Tales of Gogol's Overcoat” - The story “The Overcoat” describes not only an incident from the life of a hero. And each of the stories was a new phenomenon in Russian literature. An anecdote as a plot idea. Criticism about the ''Overcoat.''. A.A. Rozin. M.A., Sirotinin.S.A. Completed the work: Samorodov. In Petersburg Tales, the accusatory orientation of Gogol's work was revealed with great force.

"Gogol Dead Souls" - Provincial Society. Gogol's writing biography lasted 23 years. House in Vasilievka. Nastasya Petrovna Korobochka. Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov. Prosecutor. “… what a huge, what an original plot! All Rus' is in it!...” N.V. Gogol. N.V. Gogol. Petersburg. Ivan Antonovich "jug snout". A scorcher and a reveler, Nozdryov shamelessly boasts and deceives everyone who meets him.

"Gogol's Overcoat" - N.V. Gogol's story "The Overcoat". Try to look into your spiritual world. Why did all Russian literature come out of Gogol's "Overcoat"? Plan for the study of the topic: Titular adviser Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin in Gogol's story "The Overcoat". To understand Gogol, and with this help our lives and ourselves. Conclusion: Robbery.

“Taras Bulba lesson” - A fragment of a lesson based on the story by N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba”. Purpose: To show the heroism of Taras and instill a sense of patriotism. … Rus! The Cossacks sailed briskly on narrow two-wheeled canoes and talked about the ataman. Rus! What does this vast expanse prophesy? Taras is a typical Cossack. Konstantin Simonov "Taras Bulba". Vocabulary work.

“May night or a drowned woman” - Night - Month - Fog - Pond - Air - Earth -. This is real fun, sincere, unconstrained. N.V. Gogol "May Night, or the Drowned Woman". What do you think were Ganna and Levko? Find Gogol's epithets in the story. Do you know Ukrainian night? NIKOLAY VASILIEVICH GOGOL (1809 - 1852). Funny and scary stories are told by beekeeper Rudy Panko.


Sobakevich Mikhailo Semenych - landowner, the fourth "seller" of dead souls. The very name and appearance of this hero (reminiscent of a “medium-sized bear”, the tailcoat on him is “completely bearish” in color, steps at random, his complexion is “red-hot, hot”) indicate his power of his nature. . PORTRAIT

The character of Sobakevich is superbly captured by the writer and is revealed not only in appearance, but also in his manner of speaking, moving, in his whole way of life.

Every thing in Sobakevich's house, from "a pot-bellied walnut bureau on absurd four legs" to the last chair, grew surprisingly closely with its owner and seemed to say: "I am also Sobakevich. And I am also very similar to Sobakevich."

In S.'s house, there are paintings on the walls depicting exclusively Greek heroes who look like the owner of the house. The dark-colored speckled thrush and the pot-bellied nut bureau (“perfect bear”) are similar to S. In turn, the hero himself also looks like an object - his legs are like cast-iron pedestals. S. is a type of Russian fist, a strong, prudent owner. Its peasants live well, reliably. The fact that S.'s natural power and efficiency turned into dull inertia is more likely not the fault, but the hero's misfortune. .

Sobakevich is characterized by an extremely hostile attitude towards everything connected with the spiritual principle in human life. In his eyes, enlightenment and culture are all just inventions, useless and harmful to anyone.

According to Sobakevich's firm conviction, the only important thing in life can only be concern for one's own existence and well-being. Saturation of his stomach under any circumstances (at home or away - it does not matter) is always in the foreground.

During the entire conversation with Chichikov, Sobakevich's posture betrayed his bestial grip of a predator and his swift ambush to meet his prey when it was within reach.

SOBAKEVICH lives exclusively in modern times, in the 1820s. From the height of his power, HE sees how the life surrounding him was crushed. During the bargain, he remarks: “... what kind of people are these? flies, not people ", much worse than the dead. SOBAKEVICH occupies one of the highest places in the spiritual "hierarchy" of heroes, because, according to the author, he has many chances for rebirth. By nature, he is endowed with many good qualities.

The presentation was made by a student of the 9th "B" class of the MBOU "Ulyanovskaya secondary school" of the Lukoyanovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region Vladimir Gorbunov. Teacher: teacher of Russian language and literature of the 1st category Nesterova O.A. February 10, 2012

Sobakevich's possessions Mikhail Semenovich Sobakevich in the poem "Dead Souls" in the gallery of images appears before readers as the fourth character in a row. Acquaintance with him begins long before the appearance of the hero himself. Chichikov's gaze opens up a large village with strong and solid buildings. The house of the landowner himself seemed to have been determined "for eternal standing." The buildings that belonged to the peasants also surprised Chichikov with their reliability and good quality. In the description of the landscape, attention should be paid to the forests that surround the village. On one side there was a birch forest, and on the other, a pine forest. This also indicates the thriftiness of the owner of the estate. Gogol compares the forest with the wings of the same bird, but one of them is light and the other is dark. Perhaps this is an indication of the nature of the character. So Gogol prepares the reader for the perception of the difficult image of the landowner Sobakevich.

The appearance of Sobakevich Gogol gives a description of Sobakevich, his external characteristics in comparison with animals and inanimate objects. This is a medium-sized clumsy bear. He moves by stepping on someone's feet. His coat is bearish. Even the name, Mikhailo Semenovich, causes the reader to associate with an animal. This was done by Gogol not by chance. The characterization of Sobakevich, the description of his inner world begins precisely with the perception of the character's appearance. After all, we first of all pay attention to such features. The complexion of Sobakevich's face, which was red-hot, hot, like that of a copper penny, also indicates some kind of strength, inviolability of character.

Description of the interior and the image of the hero of the poem The interior of the rooms where Sobakevich lived is unusually similar to the image of the owner. Here the armchairs, the table, the chairs were as clumsy, cumbersome, heavy as he was. The reader, having familiarized himself with the description of the appearance of the hero, his environment, can assume that his spiritual interests are limited, that he is too close to the world of material life.

What distinguishes Sobakevich from other landowners The image of the landowner Sobakevich, having many similarities with other characters in the poem, at the same time is very different from them. It brings some variety. The landowner Sobakevich not only loves reliability and strength in everything, but also gives his serfs the opportunity to live thoroughly and stand firmly on their feet. This shows the practical acumen and efficiency of this character. When a deal was made with Chichikov for the sale of dead souls, Sobakevich personally wrote a list of his deceased peasants. At the same time, he remembered not only their names, but also the crafts that his subordinates owned. He could describe each of them - name the attractive and negative aspects of a person's character. This indicates that the landlord is not indifferent to who lives in his village, who he owns. At the right moment, he will use the qualities of his people, of course, to his advantage. He absolutely does not accept excessive stinginess and condemns his neighbors for this. So Sobakevich speaks of Plyushkin, who, having eight hundred souls of serfs, eats worse than a shepherd. Mikhailo Semenovich himself is very happy to please his stomach. Gluttony, perhaps, is his main thing in life

Making a Deal This is an interesting point in the poem. The moment of concluding a deal related to the purchase of dead souls tells a lot about Sobakevich. The reader notices that the landowner is smart - he understands perfectly what Chichikov wants. Again, such features as practicality and the desire to do everything for the benefit of themselves come to the fore. In addition, in this situation, the straightforwardness of Sobakevich is manifested. Sometimes it turns into rudeness, ignorance, cynicism, which is the real essence of the character.

What is alarming in the description of the image of the hero Characteristics of Sobakevich, some of his actions, statements make the reader alert. Although much of what the landowner does, at first glance, seems worthy of respect. For example, the desire to ensure that the peasants stand firmly on their feet does not at all indicate the high spirituality of Sobakevich. This is done only for the benefit of oneself - there is always something to take from a strong economy of subjects. About city officials, Sobakevich says that they are swindlers, "Christ-sellers." And this is most likely true. But all of the above does not prevent him from having some profitable business and relationships with these scammers. His attitude to science and education is sharply negative. And the people who do this, Mikhailo Semenovich would have hanged - they are so hated by him. This is probably due to the fact that Sobakevich understands that education can shake the established foundations, and this is unprofitable for the landowner. Hence his heaviness and stability of views.

Mortality of the soul Sobakevich's characterization, with all its positive and negative aspects, allows us to draw the main conclusion: the landowner Mikhailo Semenovich is dead just like his neighbors, officials from the city, the adventurer Chichikov. Having an established character, lifestyle, Sobakevich and his neighbors will not allow any changes around them. Why do they need it? To change, a person needs a soul, and these people do not have it. Gogol never managed to look into the eyes of Sobakevich and other characters in the poem (except Plyushkin). This technique once again indicates the absence of a soul. The deadness of the characters is also evidenced by the fact that the author tells very little about the family ties of the characters. One gets the impression that they all came from nowhere, they have no roots, which means there is no life.