Presentation "Essay based on I. Levitan's painting "Autumn". Presentation" Description of Levitan's painting "Golden Autumn Sunbeams nature

Autumn was Levitan's favorite season, and he devoted more than a hundred paintings to it. One of the most beloved paintings by the public is this Golden Autumn, although it is not so characteristic of the artist's work - it is too bright, bold, major done. It is possible that Levitan himself was not completely satisfied with it, because a year later he painted another picture with the same name, but painted more softly, gently, and crystal...

Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Golden Autumn In every corner of nature, Levitan was able to find something cherished, intimate. He told his students that it is not enough to paint earth, sky, water well - it is necessary to convey in the landscape a feeling that will unite, bind the earth, water, sky into one whole. Therefore, Levitan's landscapes cannot be described in words. You can name everything that is written on the canvas, but how to find words to say about the main thing, about what is not written? You can list the furry fir trees, the snow, the red sun, but how to express the sadness that seized Levitan and did not disturb his companions? ..

Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Golden Autumn Golden Autumn. White trunks and flaming foliage of birches, transparent blue of the sky, reddish grass, cold blue of the river. And the air that itself rushes into the chest and from which, like spring water, breaks the teeth. And the cheerfulness that this fine autumn day charges us with. And a celebration of gold and blue. And sadness from the fact that the holiday will end, and after it - withering, black and white winter dream. And joyful confidence that later, ahead, again green and blue, because nature lives forever and is always beautiful. And on the canvas - trees, grass, river, sky.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Golden autumn Levitan loved to repeat the verses of the Russian poet Baratynsky: He breathed life with nature alone: ​​He understood the babble of the stream, And he understood the voice of tree leaves, And he felt the vegetation of grass ... "That's what a landscape painter needs - to understand the conversation of water and trees, to hear like grass is growing,” said Levitan. “What a great happiness it is!”

Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Golden Autumn In the painting "Golden Autumn" we see a birch grove in copper-gold autumn decoration. In the depths of the meadow, a river is lost, on the left bank of which there are slender white-yellow birches and two aspens with almost fallen leaves. Reddish branches of a bush are visible in the distance. The ground is covered with yellowing withered grass.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Golden autumn And on the right bank of the river there is a row of still green willows, which seem to resist the autumn wilt. The river surface seems motionless and cold. A light sky with white clouds is reflected on the surface of the water. The autumn day depicted by the artist is full of light. The picture is dominated by cheerful light colors. Almost on the horizon, the outlines of distant buildings, forests, fields sown with winter are visible.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Golden Autumn Landscape "Golden Autumn" depicts the most lyrical of the seasons. "A sad time! Eyes charm! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me," Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin said about the golden autumn. Probably, it was these periods that Isaac Levitan repeated to himself while working on his famous landscapes.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Golden Autumn The artist understood autumn, first of all, as a holiday of colors, as a farewell to summer. The same landscape does not evoke sad thoughts about the upcoming long winter. After all, everything in nature is equally beautiful, and each of the seasons has its own unique charm.

Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Golden Autumn Looking at the picture "Golden Autumn", the viewer is involuntarily imbued with a deep feeling of love for native nature, which gives us unforgettable moments of high enjoyment of beauty.

I.I. Levitan "Forest Lake"

Subject: Preparation for writing an essay based on the painting by I. I. Levitan “Forest Lake”. Lesson Objectives:

To acquaint students with the life and work of I.I. Levitan; develop painting analysis skills; promote emotional perception of works of art; cultivate aesthetic taste; develop students' speech, the ability to logically express their thoughts; develop imaginative thinking; enrich students' vocabulary; develop the ability to express their thoughts, to argue their point of view.

Planned results:

Students will get acquainted with the work of Isaac Ilyich Levitan, learn how to correctly draw up an essay plan, select expressive means, learn to describe a picture, and logically present the text.

Picture gallery

Isaac Ilyich Levitan lived and worked in Russia a hundred years ago.

He painted landscapes - paintings depicting nature.

In them, he sought to convey the moods, experiences that nature causes in humans.

Paintings by I. I. Levitan are stored in the Tretyakov Gallery

in Moscow, in the Russian Museum

Petersburg, in museums of other Russian cities.

Today we have to discover the wonderful world of Russian painting. We will get acquainted with the work of the outstanding Russian painter I.I. Levitan, we will see his paintings.

Work based on the painting by I. Levitan "Forest Lake"

Let's turn to the picture.

- The great Italian artist L. Da Vinci said: "Painting is poetry that is seen, and poetry is painting that is heard."

"It's a sad time! Oh, the charm! - this is how A.S. wrote about autumn. Pushkin. Autumn inspired poets and painters to create masterpieces. The singers of nature felt especially keenly the beauty of this season away from the city - in the forest, among the endless fields, on the shore of the lake. Autumn has become one of the leading themes in the work of the Russian artist I.I. Levitan.

I.I. Levitan "Forest Lake"

What do you see in the foreground of the picture, and what is in the distance?

It seems that the foreground dissolves in the picture. He blurs into the depths of the lake, which reflects the tops of the trees that surrounded him around. All the attention of the viewer is riveted by the depth of the picture, that is, its background.

What time of year and what time of day did the artist depict? Explain why you think so.

The artist depicted autumn. The predominance of dark tones makes it possible to conclude that this is the evening time of sunset. Pine trees, yellow and illuminated by the setting sun, outline the rounded edges of the coast.

Tell me about the water of the lake. Is it always as bright as in the picture of I. I. Levitan, the banks are reflected in the water?

In the center of the picture, the artist wrote a clear deep lake. By this, the author tried to draw the viewer's attention to his main subject, to which special attention was paid when writing the picture - to the lake.

Forest lake in the wilderness. Breathe the autumn sky. And don't be surprised That the forest is more transparent and higher. Mysterious rustling of leaves. And the wind shakes the water a little, Like he's looking for something Or talking about something But sleepily the lake is silent. Perhaps waiting for something from above? When the gliding rays Touch the waves like moths. So that their living lights, Like flocks of birds ……………… fell off the roof, Brighten up gloomy days.

Forest Lake

Natalia Muradova

What colors did I. I. Levitan use when creating this picture?

What feelings did

do you have this picture?

If you were on the shores of this lake, what would you do there?

What sounds do you think you could hear on the shore of the lake?

What other paintings by I. I. Levitan have you seen?

Nature was the main theme of Levitan. In the paintings of this remarkable artist, modest Russian nature came to life, was remembered and loved by everyone who is familiar with his work.

He felt the magical nature, heard the delightful music, was imbued with its amazing silence.

Once upon a time in "Native speech" Passed with the picture meeting And in the memory is bright! What could be faster? Birch Grove, Osinki, meadow, river. Ah, Golden Autumn! Beautiful blue sky Village in the distance The water in the river shines And the winter is green. And so warm cheek And dreams float

I. I. Levitan

Gold autumn. 1895

When I snuggle up to the birch For a moment, one cheek. And the heart will tremble And joyfully beat From such beauty!

Ivan Esaulkov

I. I. Levitan Autumn. 1897

Spruce in the foreground on the left Entered the branches in watercolor. To the right form a grid Trees thin, bare branches. Somewhere they keep the sheets. And the colors are soft and clean. Autumn day, calm, gray, In its transparent atmosphere. brooding silence In this landscape we can see. There is a lot of sadness and sadness in it. Deserted shores and distances Where is the forest, or the hills We see against the sky.

Here, the viewer, we looked Levitan has watercolors! And autumn is visible on one - How wonderful she is! The picture is very poetic, charming, lyrical And the expressive river: Her deserted shores Covered entirely with foliage; The river captivates with blue.

Ivan Esaulkov

I. I. Levitan

Autumn. Bright day

How good was the job Under the radiant-bright sky! The landscape of the Russian expanse! In the picture in the foreground Wattle, behind him an empty field, And to the right of the wattle fence is a clearing. Burning autumn trees Behind them are huts and estates. The village will finish threshing - Then the river will flow weddings. Today is such a beautiful day And brightly sunny. Although autumn, but it seems What an Indian summer has come!

Although autumn, but it seems That Indian summer has come. Today is such a beautiful day And it's bright and sunny! The trees lit their fires, The fire reflects their sky. The village waited from the fields Unforeseen harvest.

The sheaves will dry, thresh - And again people will be with bread.

Ivan Esaulkov

Speech training

  • a) Find synonyms for the following words: artist - painter, landscape painter, brush master, creates, writes. A painting is a canvas, a reproduction.
  • B) Pay attention:

in the foreground, here, on the right, on the left, near, far, above.

  • IN) What name colors and shades can be used in the description?

D) Dictionary

  • Painting, landscape, image.
  • The artist (what did he do?) wrote, created, worked, captured, showed, reflected. The picture depicts, shown, captured. Verbs: think, admire, admire, reign, dream, tremble, smell sweet, show, be seen, want, love.
  • Air (what?) - transparent, clean, fresh.
  • Lake (what?) - clean, deep.
  • Foliage (what?) - green, emerald, yellow, gold.
  • Pines (what?) - tall, slender, evergreen.

Drawing up an essay plan


1. The artist and his painting.

2. Description of the painting by I. Levitan "Forest Lake".

3. My attitude to the picture.

Painting essay I.I. Levitan "Forest Lake"

The painting "Forest Lake" was painted by I.I. Levitan in 1889. It depicts an autumn landscape.

In the center of the picture, the artist wrote a clear deep lake. I.I. Levitan used cold tones.

In the foreground of the picture are tall pines with evergreen needles. They are brightly reflected from the steep shore in the clear water of the lake.

In the distance, along both banks, a birch grove burns with bright gold. The air is clear and fresh. The rays of the cold autumn sun glide over the yellow, green, purple tops of the trees.

This picture evoked a sad feeling of farewell to summer.

Painting essay I.I. Levitan "Forest Lake"

The lake is spread wide in the picture of I.I. Levitan. Trees are reflected in it, as in a mirror. Pine trees stand along the shore like a big friendly family. Big pines are like dads, moms, grandparents, and small ones are babies.

In the background are trees, as if the Firebird has sat down and spread its colorful tail. And on the right bank, where it is dark, the trees play hide and seek with the sun. Looking at this picture, I got into this quiet, fabulous world. I heard birds chirping, leaves rustling, and light splashes of water. So I would sit and listen to this magical song of nature.

  • How did we work in class? What did you like? What have you learned? In the second lesson we will write an essay. And in order for it to turn out interesting, it is necessary to achieve coherence in the presentation, colorfulness in the description, the correct construction of sentences, and competent writing. Refer to spelling dictionaries.

List of sources used


  • easel
  • Drawings from the textbook "Literary Reading" by E.E. Katz

Primary school teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 8 of Mozdok

Suk Natalia Ivanovna

Lesson number 15 Composition based on the painting by I. I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”

slide 2

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Landscape - a drawing, a picture depicting nature, a view, as well as a description of nature in a literary work. The artist talks to people without words, strokes, lines, color.

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Isaac Ilyich Levitan was born in 1860. The artist was left an orphan early on. His childhood was so difficult that later he tried never to remember him again. When Levitan studied in Moscow at an art school, he often had to go hungry. He even spent the night at the school, as he did not have his own corner.

slide 6

But, despite all the hardships of life, Levitan was a gentle and sympathetic person. He was very strict with his work. For 25 years he painted about 1000 paintings, drawings, sketches. For his works, he chose such moments when changes occurred in nature. The artist felt the life of nature well. His paintings are those of a magician, an artist who loves his country.

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MARCH 1895

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For the most part, Levitan chose such motives when there are changes in nature in its state. The artist keenly felt the life of nature. He wrote: “It is not enough to write the earth, it is necessary to convey feelings in this earth.” His love for his homeland, for his native Russian nature, determined such a poetic perception of it.


slide 12

Autumn was Levitan's favorite season, and he devoted more than a hundred paintings to it. One of the most beloved paintings by the public is this "Golden Autumn", although it is not so characteristic of the artist's work - it is too bright, bold, major done. It is possible that Levitan himself was not completely satisfied with it, because a year later he painted another picture with the same name, but painted more softly, gently, crystal ... ISAAC LEVITAN The river valley. Autumn. 1896


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Golden autumn


Slide 14

One could say about him in the words of a poet: With nature alone he breathed life, He understood the babble of the brook, And he understood the voice of tree leaves, And he felt the vegetation of the grass. Russian nature was the only theme of Levitan's works.


slide 15

What mood does the landscape evoke in you? What do you feel when you look at the picture? What state is the artist conveying? Have you experienced something similar? When? Why did the author give the picture such a beautiful name? Guys, would you like to be in the place that the artist depicted? Why? Think about how the author ensured that you could feel all this?


slide 16

1) What was the mood of the artist when he painted his picture? 2) What colors prevail in the description of the autumn landscape 3) What is shown in the foreground 4) Compare the color of the water in the river near the left bank with the color in the background. 5) Why? How do you think? 6) What grows along the banks of the river? 7) Why is autumn in the picture called golden? Explain the expression: "Forests clad in crimson and gold." What does it mean? 8) When is the forest golden, as it is depicted in Levitan's painting, at the beginning of autumn or at the end, in dry or rainy weather? 9) Are all trees dressed in golden clothes? What trees stay green? 10) Compare the nearby birches with the birch that stands at the turn of the river. Why are their colors different? 11) What do we see on the high bank in the distance of the picture? Why are peasant houses so small? 12) What impression does the painting make on you? What is especially beautiful about her?


Slide 17

Plan 1. Artist I.I. Levitan and his painting. 2. Autumn day. 3. Trees in golden dress. 4. Forest river. 5. My impression of the painting.


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Consider the sky and the river. Describe them. Sky: blue, with white clouds, clear. River: not wide, calm, deep, quiet, with a slow flow.


Slide 19

Consider trees and grass. Describe them. Trees: yellow, golden, multi-colored, elegant, colorful, beautiful. Grass: dry, yellow, brown.


Slide 20

Describe the field and village. Field: spacious, green, fresh, like a soft velvet rug. Village: small distant.


slide 21

Choose colorful definitions for the words: It's time (autumn) - Day - Air - marvelous, delightful, wonderful, beautiful; sunny, wonderful, wonderful; fresh, clean, clear as glass.


slide 22

Find synonyms for the words. picture - artist - creates - shines - canvas, reproduction, work; landscape painter, painter, master; writes; sparkles, shines, plays.


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Composition Draft. I am editing. Clean copy.


slide 24

An example of an essay Before us is a reproduction of a painting by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn". This is a landscape on a clear day. The sun's rays brightly illuminate nature. Young birches are completely covered with golden foliage. Pinkish light clouds float across the pale blue sky. On the left, on the high bank of the river, a small birch grove is shown. On the right is a river running into the distance. In the foreground is a river. The water in the river is dark blue, and in the distance it is blue. A lonely standing birch determines the turn of the river. Peasant houses are visible in the background. They are small and dark. Around them, fields are green, on which winter crops have sprouted. The whole picture of Levitan is permeated with light. There are no dark, gloomy colors here. Bright, rich colors predominate: blue, blue, red, golden. You look at the canvas and seem to feel the cool, invigorating autumn air. The landscape does not cause sadness. Together with the artist, we admire and admire the beauty of our native land.


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On the canvas I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn" we see a characteristic Russian landscape. A calm day in the middle of autumn. The sun is shining, but not so bright. A Russian expanse opens up before your eyes: fields, groves, a river. The blue sky with white clouds on the horizon converges with the line of the forest. A narrow river with low banks crosses the picture vertically, helping the viewer's eye to see the perspective. With clear vertical strokes, the artist shows the movement of water. Before us is a birch grove. Birch is a very picturesque tree. Levitan, like many artists, loved birch trees and often depicted them in his landscapes. Autumn has already painted nature in its autumn colors: yellow, golden orange. They are so bright that at first it seems: the whole picture is written in different tones of yellow. But this is only at first glance. Looking closely, we see that the grass in the foreground is still green, just beginning to turn yellow. And the far field, behind which you can see several village houses, is still green. And the grove on the right bank is still cheerfully green. But our attention is riveted to the yellow birches. Their foliage flutters in the wind, shimmers like gold in the sunlight. There is no sadness in the landscape, on the contrary, the mood is peaceful, calm. This is golden autumn. She captivates with beauty. Together with the artist, we admire the beauty of our native land, which has always attracted Russian artists.


The last slide of the presentation: Lesson No. 15 Composition based on the painting by I. I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”

summary of other presentations

“Essay about autumn” - It is very beautiful in autumn. The summer was fun and flew by quickly. I like autumn. Late fall. I love autumn. Seasons. Here comes autumn. I love autumn very much. Autumn has come. Why I love autumn. Special feeling.

"Essay about winter" - Independent work. Reading essays. For us, winter is, first of all, snow. Spelling preparation. What changes have taken place in the city in winter. What feelings does the beauty of the Russian winter evoke in us. What winter trees and bushes look like. Planning. Composition on observations "Winter City". Read the title. Tell us about winter fun for children. Speech preparation. spelling reading.

“Composition“ The end of winter. Noon»» - What people are going to do. Konstantin Fedorovich Yuon. The hut is old, dilapidated. July. Basic vocabulary. What serves as the background of the picture. "Dear Ligachevo". Summer day. The foreground of the painting. March sun. Winter. Liberty. Painting essay. Preparation for an essay-description based on the painting by K.F. Yuon. Reproduction of a painting by K.F. Yuon. K.F. Yuon. Yuon loved joy and beauty in nature and life. Winter sorceress. Trinity Lavra in winter.

“An essay based on Popov’s painting“ The First Snow ”” - Sky. Igor Alexandrovich Popov. Diary. Means of artistic expression. Developing the ability to keep diaries. VD Polenov "Early snow". I. Shishkin "Winter". First snow. Early morning. E.E. Volkov "Early snow". I.I. Shishkin "First Snow". A.A. Plastov "First Snow".

“Composition based on the painting by Levitan “March”” - A work of art. Vocabulary work. Paintings. Levitan. Russian artist. Sad artist. Take a look at the sky. The mood of the picture. Evil watchman. Spring began. Let's look at the big picture. Painting by I. I. Levitan “March”. Snow. Fracture. Highland. Try to determine the color scheme of the picture. Trees. New picture. Do you like the picture. Levitan did not like the Sun. Picture "March".

“Description of the painting by Levitan “Golden Autumn”” - Landscape “Golden Autumn”. Describe your feelings. Painting. Artist. A conversation between water and trees. Isaac Ilyich Levitan. Try to "enter" the picture. Gold autumn. The ground is covered with yellowing withered grass. The river surface seems motionless and cold. Viewer. Autumn.