Vbulletin folk art crossword puzzle 8 letters. Folklore. (8th grade)

In this lesson, we will repeat the basic information about folklore learned in previous classes. Let's get acquainted with a new genre of oral folk art - a lyrical song.

Folklore (folk-lore) is an international term of English origin, first introduced into science in 1846 by scientist William Thoms. In literal translation, it means "folk wisdom", "folk knowledge" and denotes various manifestations of folk spiritual culture.

In Russian science, other terms were also fixed: folk poetic creativity, folk poetry, folk literature. The term "oral creativity of the people" reflects the oral nature of folklore, in contrast to written literature.

Folklore is a complex, synthetic art. Often in his works different types of arts are combined - verbal, musical, theatrical. Folklore is a subject of study not only for literary critics. He is interested in historians, sociologists, ethnographers. Folklore reflects the life and traditions of the people. Let's recall the main genres you studied in the fifth, sixth and seventh grades.

Genres of folklore

  1. folk tales
  2. tradition
  3. ritual songs
  4. proverbs
  5. sayings
  6. puzzles
  7. epics

folklore properties

  1. Anonymity (absence of the author).
  2. Variability (there are several variants of one plot).
  3. An indispensable connection with the life of the people.

Today at the lesson we will get acquainted with the genre of "lyrical song". Let's read some of them and note the main artistic techniques inherent in this genre.

“Nowhere is there such literature as we, the Russians. What about folk songs?... Such songs could only be born among the people of a great soul...” These words belong to Maxim Gorky.

Folk songs deeply and truthfully reflected the history of the Russian people from ancient times to the present day (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. V. Vasnetsov "The Frog Princess" ()

Russian songs are full of great wisdom, truth and beauty. Composed by unknown singer-narrators, they are kept in the memory of the people and passed from mouth to mouth. From the songs we learn about the conquest of nature by man, about the heroic struggle against foreign invaders, about heroes and folk heroes. The songs clearly reveal the features of the Russian national character: patriotism, courage, love for nature, diligence.

Folk song genres

  1. historical
  2. household
  3. amorous
  4. ritual
  5. calendar
  6. lullabies
  7. dance
  8. military
  9. robbery
  10. labor
  11. ditties

Lyric songs make up the largest group of folk songs. They are distinguished by the variety of musical and poetic language. They reflect the soul of the people. The Russian poet S. Yesenin wrote: “How many songs Russia has - How many flowers are in the field!”.

Many popular folk songs have a long history. It's amazing that they are still loved. So, for example, the song “A snowstorm sweeps along the street” has been known since the 18th century (Fig. 2).

A blizzard sweeps along the street,
My darling is following the blizzard.

You stay, stay, my beauty,
Let me look, joy, at you.

Your beauty drove me crazy
Withered good fellow, me.
You stay, stay, my beauty,
Let me look, joy, at you.

You stay, stay, my beauty,
Let me look, joy, at you.

Rice. 2. Illustration for the song “A blizzard sweeps along the street” ()

This is a love song. Like many folk songs, it is built on dialogue. The first two lines are sung from the face of a beautiful girl who met her beloved on the street. The rest of the song is sung from the perspective of a young man in love with a girl. She withered and tormented him, but he does not lose hope. That is why the song is imbued with a perky and playful mood.

Artistic features of folklore works:

1. Refrain (repetition of lines).

You stay, stay, my beauty,
Let me look, joy, at you.

2. Permanent epithets: white face, good fellow.

3. Words with diminutive suffixes: cute.

4. Syntactic parallelism (syntactic constructions of the same type):

Is it for your pleasant beauty,
On your only white face.

All of these artistic techniques work to create a certain mood. In our song, it is optimism and love of life. But not always only joyful moods are found in songs. Often the songs are sad.

The next song, which we will meet, is imbued with just such a mood. She tells about the fate of an unfortunate and rootless orphan who lost all her relatives and loved ones (Fig. 3).

You are the night, the night is dark
Dark autumn night
The night has no bright moon,
Bright month, not clear stars.
The girl has no native father,
There is no father, but there is no mother,
No brother, no sister,
There is no clan, no tribe.

Sadness in the soul, the girl is sad,
Nobody knows her twist.
And somehow she had a sweet, cordial friend,
Yes, he lives far away...

Rice. 3. Image for the song "You're already a night" ()

The song ends as if interrupted by sobs. We can only guess where he is, a cordial friend. Maybe he was taken as a soldier, maybe he was sold, because serfs at that time could be sold, donated or married without their consent.

Or maybe her darling died and he is not among the living. Now try to find artistic techniques inherent in folklore in the text of the song. Please note: in the text, the girl is compared to a dark night. Such a comparison enhances the tragedy of the image, emphasizes the hopelessness of the position of the heroine. Long, melodious intonations are created with the help of vowels. Let's read any two lines from the song, for example:

Bright month, not clear stars.

This phonetic technique (vowel repetition) is called assonance.

Repetition - the repetition of words or phrases, due to which the attention of the reader (listener) is fixed on them, and thereby their role in the text is enhanced. Repetition gives the artistic text coherence, enhances its emotional impact, emphasizes the most important thoughts.

Types of poetic repetition

2. Parallelism

3. Anaphora (unity)

4. Epiphora (lines end the same way)

5. Joint (pickup)

For example:

The night has no bright moon,

Bright month, no frequent stars!

Russian folk poetry was tonic (from the Greek "emphasis"): its rhythm was based on the repetition of the same number of stresses in most lines. At the same time, she was devoid of rhyme:

That chara weighs one and a half pounds,

By measure, a chara and a half buckets.

We see that there is no rhyme and there are four stressed syllables in each line.

Recruitment is a way of recruiting the Russian imperial army and navy until 1874. (Fig. 4.)

Rice. 4. I.E. Repin. Seeing a recruit ()

Recruitment duty was introduced in Russia by Peter I in 1699, when, before the war with the Swedes, it was ordered to make the first recruitment of 32 thousand on a new basis. In Russia, the term "recruit" was legalized in 1705. Initially, the term of recruitment service was for life, then it was reduced to 25 years, later this period was reduced.

We have read and analyzed two songs that are completely opposite in mood. This suggests that the song reflects the whole life of the people, with all the sorrows and joys. The soul of the people is reflected in the songs, and that is why they survive for centuries, are stored in the people's memory and are passed down from generation to generation.


  1. Korovina V.Ya. Literature, 8th grade. Tutorial in two parts. - 2009.
  2. Kostina A.V. Youth culture and folklore // Electronic journal “Knowledge. Understanding. Skill". - M.: Moscow State University, 2009. - No. 4 - Culturology
  3. Zhirmunsky V.M. Folklore West and East. Comparative historical essays - M .: OGI (United Humanitarian Publishing House), 2004. - 464 p. - ISBN 5-94282-179-8
  1. Fan-5.ru ().
  2. School-collection.edu.ru ().
  3. Songya.yaxy.ru ().


  1. Read the song "My nightingale, nightingale, young nightingale!" and characterize its themes, characters, artistic originality.
  2. Draw an illustration for a folk lyric song chosen at will.
  3. Do you agree that lyrical songs express the emotional state of a person? Comment on the words of scientists: “it expresses the state of mind of the singer, it is sung always and everywhere. It is sung in moments of rest and at work, sung alone and in a choir, sung in a burlatka strap and a soldier's campaign ”(V.P. Anikin); “the purpose of the song is to reveal the feeling” (V.Ya. Propp); “the main purpose of a folk song is to express thoughts, feelings and moods” (S.G. Lazutin).

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Slides captions:

What do you like the most in Literature class?

The golden heritage of Russian antiquity. Folklore

Ritual Non-ritual Russian folk songs:

The lyrical hero is a simple man, a man of labor, a soldier. Life is perceived through his eyes, mind, and heart. Compositionally a lyrical song: a monologue - an outpouring of feelings, a reflection on fate, often begins with an appeal; dialogue is the conversation of lyrical characters. lyric song

Introduction The works of UNT (folklore) are diverse. These are fairy tales, and songs, and proverbs, and many, many others. We will not be able to find a specific author of these works, their author is the people. Composition-reasoning folklore is the wisdom of the people

Main part Any fairy tale teaches something: kindness, justice, courage. It always condemns cowardice, meanness. In proverbs and sayings……. And what kind of songs the people did not come up with! ....... Many of them, despite their "venerable age", can make the modern generation think and even .... Folklore is also rich in works for children (……..), which ……. Composition-reasoning folklore is the wisdom of the people

Conclusion Thus, the works of UNT show us how to live and act correctly, teach and develop us ... .. Essay-reasoning folklore is the wisdom of the people

Tradition is a genre of oral non-fairytale prose, a story about historical figures and events. Historical song - a kind of chronicle, the history of the people, arose during the struggle against the Tatar yoke. Historical Songs and Tradition

Legends "About Pugachev", "About the conquest of Siberia by Ermak" Historical songs and legends

About Pugachev

"On the conquest of Siberia by Ermak",

Retelling the legend "On the conquest of Siberia by Ermak", answer questions Homework

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The use of oral folk art in biology lessons.

This material provides a rationale for the expediency of using the methods of oral folk art in biology lessons. Examples of the use of the material in the lessons are given ...

scenario of a matinee in the 2nd grade of the secondary school. Oral folk art "Gatherings"

Scenario of a matinee in the 2nd grade of an elementary educational school. It is held after passing the theme "Oral Folk Art". The material contains an explanatory note, script, musical material, chore...

This test can be carried out at the lesson of knowledge control after studying the topic "Oral folk art" in literature in the 6th grade. Runtime - 40 minutes....

Lesson #2


Goals: 1. To replenish students' knowledge of oral folk art.

2. Accumulate and repeat material on this topic, teach

use it in life, understand the meaning of CNT, expand

horizons of students, to cultivate respect for the culture of their


Equipment: 1. Board design.

2. Player.

Epigraph: "Proverb and saying - at the same time

and the phenomenon of language, and the phenomenon of art.

Capacious proverbial judgment only in

speech reveals its meaning ... "

(folklore researcher V.A. Anikin)


1. Conversation. Page 10 - continue the quote by V.A. Anikina.

? - Tell how folklore was studied, how it was collected, what collectors and storytellers you know.

? What do you know about ritual folklore? What was he dedicated to? How was it performed?

? - Talk about lullabies. What is their content? Wishes? Give examples.

Lullabies are beautiful and kind. The content of the songs is a wish for good luck, prosperity, joyful work in the future, but for now ... "Come, kitty, spend the night, come Vasenka to rock." "You will walk in gold, wear pure silver." “Tired toys are sleeping, Bears are sleeping ...”, “The fish fell asleep in the pond, the birds fell silent in the garden, rather close your eyes, sleep, my joy, sleep ...”.

? - Pestushki and nursery rhymes.

From the words "amuse", "amuse", "nurture", "nurse", "groom". Nursery rhymes and pestles are sung during the first movements of the child, his feeding. "Potyagushenki", "poryushenki", "jumps".

? - Jokes?

Little fairy tales in verse. In jokes - shifters, the opposite is true: (“a big-eared pig made a nest on an oak tree”). The child learns to laugh, to put everything in its place.

? - Calls and sentences?

“Water with a ladle!”, “Rain, rain, thicker, I’ll give you thick!”, “Rain, rain, stop watering my geranium!”, “The sun is the sun! Look out the window!"

? - Calculators?

This is an account in its simplest form. They decided who to drive, using them in a child's game.

“Eniki, beniks ate dumplings. Eniki, Beniki Fox."

“On the golden porch sat the king, prince, king, prince, shoemaker, tailor, who will you be? Speak quickly, do not detain good and honest people.

“A German came out of the fog, took out a knife from his pocket: I’ll cut, I’ll beat, you don’t care anyway!”

“And on D, uriki, faki, bag, orba, Indu relish, deus, deus. Krasnodeus, boxing"

“The bag rolled from the great hump. In this sack there is bread, salt, water, wheat, with whomever you want, share it. Speak quickly, do not detain good and honest people.

? - Tongue Twisters?

A word game, when sounds that are difficult to pronounce are combined in one phrase.

Give examples.

? - Puzzles?

The riddle contemplates, conceives, offers to guess what is hidden by the allegory. Riddles reveal many wonderful things in the world around us. Features of riddles - rhyme, rhythm.

“A pear is hanging, you can’t eat it.”

"A sieve is hanging, not twisted by hands,"

What spoils the fastest? (mood).

"What is the fastest thing in the world?" (thought)

“Behind the bone wall, nightingale, sing!” (language).

“Small, round, you will reach the sky. (eye).

“There is a bath in the belly, a sieve in the nose, one hand, and even then on the back.” (samovar).

“Grandfather is sitting, dressed in a fur coat, who undresses him, he sheds tears.”

“Bows. Bows. When he comes home, he will stretch. ”

“A multi-colored yoke hung over the river.”

"Ten boys live in ten closets."

"A new vessel, but all in holes."

? - Proverbs and sayings? Similarity and difference. Examples.

Weak half way back.

Than hundreds of empty words, one clear one is better.

Verbosity is not without idle talk.

I am the last letter in the alphabet.

It is better to drink water in joy than honey in the torment.

Murder will out.

You don't sink - you don't burst.

The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand.

It is unpleasant for the frog to remember that she was a tadpole.

Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.

! - Let's compare Russian proverbs with proverbs from other countries of the world.

Let's pay attention to how some proverbs sound translated into other languages. (A foreign proverb is read out, students find a Russian proverb that is synonymous in meaning):

1. Lady, leaving the car, thereby increases its speed. (English).

Russian - Baba with a cart - it's easier for a mare.

2. Lack of intelligence is compensated by walking.

Russian - A bad head does not give rest to the legs.

3. A good memory sometimes has a bad effect on vision.

Russian - Whoever remembers the old - that eye out.

4. What cannot be said over a bottle of soda can be said over a bottle of Whiskey.

Russian - What a sober man has on his mind, a drunk man has on his tongue.

5. Whoever hopes for a neighbor's dinner remains hungry. (German)

Russian - Do not open your mouth at someone else's loaf.

6. You can't fool a baker on bread. (ipan.)

Russian - You can't fool an old sparrow on chaff.

7. A scalded rooster runs away from the rain. (French)

Russian - Burnt in milk - you blow on the water.

8. He who asks will not get lost. (Italian)

Russian - Language will bring to Kyiv.

9. It is better to stumble than to make a slip.

Russian - The word is not a sparrow: it will fly out - you won’t catch it.

10. After dinner you have to pay. (German)

Russian - If you like to ride - love to carry sleds.

? - Tell about the originality of the genre of ditties. How are they fulfilled? What musical instruments accompany ditties? How is time reflected in ditties? Can you perform ditties?

Sing ditties.

D / Z 1. Epics. Traditions. (Repeat).

3. Come up with ditties on a school theme.