What is genesis definition. What is genesis? Genesis in philosophy

Greek - genesis) - the origin, formation and development, the result of which is a certain state of the object under study. G. natural and social phenomena interested and interested in philosophy and science from antiquity to the present day. G.'s explanation of natural and social objects received a scientific explanation in evolutionary theories of a disciplinary, interdisciplinary, general scientific, and philosophical nature. The consideration in modern science and philosophy of the studied natural and social objects as self-organizing, self-regulating, self-developing multi-level complex systems led to the formulation of the concept of system genesis (P. Anokhin) and the identification of such natural tendencies of this process as: minimal support for the formation of an emerging system, heterochronous laying of its components, their consolidation in the direction of obtaining a result useful for the system, the relativity of the principle of historicism in explaining the switching of a functional system from one program to another. G.'s explanation of natural and social existence in modern science is also associated with the principles of global evolutionism, structural-synchronous and genetic-diachronic study of objects.

GENESIS [ne]; (colloquial) GENESIS, [ne], -a; m. [Greek. genesis] origin, occurrence; the history of the origin and subsequent development, education, creation of smth. G. Slavic languages. G. feudalism, capitalism. ◁ Genetic (see). Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov

  • genesis - Genesis, m. [Greek. genesis - origin] (scientific, philosophic). Origin, occurrence. Amphibian genesis. || The history of the origin of an idea, a system, of some kind. cultural phenomena. The Genesis of Marx's Philosophy. Genesis of Tolstoy's novels. Large dictionary of foreign words
  • Genesis - (or genesis) (from the Greek genesis origin) - the process of the emergence and development of something (synonymous - origin). Physical anthropology
  • genesis - -a, m. Origin, occurrence. We not only say that man, with all his thoughts and feelings, is a product of the social environment; we are trying to understand the genesis of this environment. Plekhanov, On the development of a monistic view of history. [Greek γένεσις] Small Academic Dictionary
  • genesis - GENESIS [ne], a, m. (book). Origin, history of origin. G. Slavic languages. | adj. genetic, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  • genesis - noun, number of synonyms: 7 occurrence 14 genesis 1 origin 13 source 60 book 160 beginning 92 origin 26 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • GENESIS - GENESIS (from the Greek genesis - birth, origin) - English. genesis; German Genesis. ne.ze. 1. The emergence, formation, origin of an object, phenomenon, process, thought, doctrine. 2. In the theory of social. evolution of L. Worth - the emergence of h.-l. sociological dictionary
  • genesis - Genesis, genesis, genesis, genesis, genesis, genesis, genesis, genesis, genesis, genesis, genesis, genesis Zaliznyak's grammar dictionary
  • genesis - genesis m. Origin, occurrence; the process of formation, formation. Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova
  • genesis - G'ENESIS, genesis, male. (Greek genesis - Origin) (scientific, philosophical). Origin, occurrence. Amphibian genesis. | The history of the origin of an idea, system, some kind of cultural phenomenon. The Genesis of Marx's Philosophy. Genesis of Tolstoy's novels. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov
  • GENESIS - GENESIS (Greek - genesis) - origin, formation and development, the result of which is a certain state of the object under study. G. natural and social phenomena interested and interested in philosophy and science from antiquity to the present day. The latest philosophical dictionary
  • genesis - GENESIS - 1. The origin of species, floras, communities or any other systematic, floristic and coenotic units. 2. In a broader sense - the origin and subsequent development process, which led to a certain state, type, phenomenon. Botany. Glossary of terms
  • Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


    Syn: origin

    Dictionary of Efremova


    Origin, occurrence; the process of formation, formation.

    Terms of Cinematic Semiotics


    from Greek genesis - Origin, the process of emergence and development.

    Anthropological explanatory dictionary


    (or genesis) (from the Greek genesis origin) - the process of the emergence and development of something (synonymous - origin).

    Culturology. Dictionary-reference


    (Greek genesis - origin)

    origin, occurrence; the process of formation and the formation of a developing phenomenon.

    Ozhegov's dictionary

    G E NESIS [ne], A, m.(book). Origin, history of origin. G. Slavic languages.

    | adj. genetic, oh, oh.

    Beginnings of Modern Natural Science. Thesaurus


    (from Greek genesis - origin) - the process of emergence, formation, formation and development in time of any natural or social phenomenon (for example, biogenesis - the emergence and development of life, or the name of the 1st book of Moses, depicting a picture of the emergence of the world (Book of Genesis)).

    Dictionary Ushakov


    genesis, genesis, husband. (Greek genesis - origin) ( scientific, philosophy). Origin, occurrence. Amphibian genesis.

    | The history of the origin of an idea, system, some kind of cultural phenomenon. The Genesis of Marx's Philosophy. Genesis of Tolstoy's novels.

    Philosophical Dictionary (Comte-Sponville)



    ♦ Genesis

    Becoming, which is of paramount importance, is more important than birth or reality. Not so much the origin as its result. Not so much the beginning as the process that leads to it and determines it. Every genesis takes time, so it can be either historical or mythical.

    encyclopedic Dictionary


    1. "Genesis"(Genesis), an English rock band, formed in 1967. Members: Tony Banks (keyboards), Peter Gabriel (vocals, flute), Mike Rutherford (bass guitar, guitar), Phil Collins (drums, vocals). Albums "Nursery Crime"(1971) and "Selling England By The Pound"(1973) in the style of hard rock became masterpieces of world rock music. In 1974, Gabriel left the group. Album with symbolic title "... And Then There Were Three..."(There are three left) (1978) became "golden". In further works, the group's classic hard rock style was noticeably simplified and closer to pop rock. The most significant of the subsequent programs - Genesis(1983). Currently, the members of the group are mainly engaged in solo projects.
    2. (genesis), origin, occurrence; in a broad sense - the moment of origin and the subsequent process of development, which led to a certain state, type, phenomenon.


    genesis, m. (Greek genesis - Origin) (scientific, philosophical). Origin, occurrence. Amphibian genesis.

    The history of the origin of an idea, a system, of some kind. cultural phenomena. The Genesis of Marx's Philosophy. Genesis of Tolstoy's novels.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


    [ne], -a, m. (book). Origin, history of origin. G. Slavic languages.

    adj. genetic, th, th.

    New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    m. Origin, occurrence; the process of formation, formation.

    Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


    GENESIS (genesis) origin, occurrence; in a broad sense - the moment of origin and the subsequent process of development, which led to a certain state, type, phenomenon.


    "GENESIS" "Genesis" (Genesis), English rock band, formed in 1967. Members: Tony Banks (keyboards), Peter Gabriel (vocals, flute), Mike Rutherford (bass guitar, guitar), Phil Collins (drums, vocals). Albums "Nursery Crime" (1971) and "Selling England By The Pound" (1973) in the style of hard rock became masterpieces of world rock music. In 1974, Gabriel left the group. The album with the symbolic title "... And Then There Were Three..." (There are three of them left) (1978) became "gold". In further works, the group's classic hard rock style was noticeably simplified and closer to pop rock. The most significant of the subsequent programs - "Genesis" (1983). Currently, the members of the group are mainly engaged in solo projects. GENERAL (from lat. generalis - general, chief) military rank (rank) in the armed forces. First introduced in France in the 16th century, in Russia - in the 2nd half. 17th century; in the beginning. 20th century in the Russian army there were major generals, lieutenant generals, full generals: infantry general, cavalry general, artillery general, engineer general; field marshal general. The ranks of generals were established in the USSR in 1940: major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army general; for generals of the branches of the armed forces and branches of the armed forces, the corresponding title was added to the rank of general (except for the general of the army), for example. major general of artillery (since 1984 only for generals of aviation, medical service and justice). The ranks of generals have been retained in the Russian army: major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army general.

    Genesis (geology)

    Genesis- in geology, the origin of any geological formations: rocks, mineral deposits, etc., which arose under certain conditions under the influence of geological processes. The identification of the genesis is of fundamental importance for understanding the nature of geological formations, for the correct direction of the search for minerals, for the development of general theories of geological processes, for example, the processes of ore formation, etc. (see Genesis of ore deposits).

    Genesis (Quantum Leap)

    Genesis - pilot episode of a fantasy series Quantum leap. Lasts twice as long as all other episodes of the series. The episode was originally billed as a regular two-hour TV movie. Quantum leap. When it was repeated before the start of the second season, NBC billed it as 90 minutes long and gave it a headline Genesis. When reruns were shown on the USA Network and on the Sci-Fi Channel, this name was dropped. However, those released after VHS and DVD had titles The Pilot Episode .


    Genesis- origin, origin, birth, birth. It comes from the name of the Old Testament Book of Genesis:

    • Genesis - the origin of any geological formations.
    • Genesis is the pilot episode of the television series Quantum Leap.
    • Genesis is the pilot episode of the Terra Nova television series.
    • Genesis-class cruise ships are a project of giant cruise ships.
    • Genesis is an album by Klimbatika band.
    • Genesis is a 2004 French documentary film.
    • Genesis 2075 is a philosophical novel by New Zealand author Bernard Beckett.
    • Terminator Genisys is a science fiction action movie directed by Alan Taylor.
    • Genesis is a British rock band.
    • Genesis is an album by the band Genesis (1983).
    • Genesis is a spacecraft for collecting and returning samples of solar matter to Earth.
    • Genesis I and Genesis II are two space modules developed by Bigelow Aerospace.
    • Genesis is a premium sub-brand of Hyundai Motor Company.
    • The Hyundai Genesis is a business class car manufactured by Hyundai Motor since 2008, renamed the Genesis G80 in 2016.
    • The Sega Genesis is the fourth generation video game console developed by Sega.
    • Genesis - operating system created at Deakin University
    • Genesis is a song by Canadian singer Grimes from her third studio album visions.

    Examples of the use of the word genesis in the literature.

    Let's not go into genesis this barrage - let Ozol deal with such issues, this is his part.

    Later it turned out that our tastes are very similar - the Beatles, the Stones, Elvis Costello, Genesis, new wave, in general, traditional.

    Tsoi, although less talkative, kept up the conversation not without interest, and said that he was surprised in his turn that a man like me liked the Beatles and Genesis, we laughed and went to friends extremely pleased with each other, hot wine and meaningful conversation.

    We will not understand anything about the relationship between German natural philosophy and science, considering these relationships in isolation from their historical genesis and cultural context.

    The human dimension of development is the structure of human civilization, genesis which is the general consequence of measurement.

    Unlike other forms of materialism, with which it is in fundamental disagreement, dialectical materialism is closely connected in its genesis and at the basis of his judgments with idealism in its Hegelian form.

    In addition to directing the entire work and an article on the material, Frank-Kamenetsky owns a large concluding article of high fundamental importance, in which for the first time a stage-by-stage path of the history of the plot is outlined, parallel to the history of language, from genesis in the undivided worldview of pre-class society and up to literary formation in feudal society.

    In this case, not only genesis turns out to be false genesis ohm, but also neutrality - pseudo-neutrality.

    Reactive, family conditioned genesis stubbornness is confirmed by his presence in the family and absence outside the home, emphasized by the suggestibility of such children.

    Period 1921-1925 - the beginning of Piaget's work on systematic research genesis intellect.

    Together with Inelder and Sheminskaya Piaget, he conducted research genesis number, quantity, space, time, movement, etc.

    After listening to Jacob's urgent appeal for the speedy appointment of a new Genesis, Munro St. Clair and Daniel Sutherland reacted quite calmly, they gave their consent, almost without objecting.

    It sometimes seems that in order to avoid one-sidedness, speech should be included in a wider range of factors that determine in genesis all specific human activities.

    We remember that suggestion in its physiological genesis opposes and contradicts the first signal system, namely, what prompts and dictates to the organism its own sensory sphere.

    Both ideological systems - theistic and spiritualistic - for many centuries coexisted, coexisted and interacted, but did not merge, because dogma and genesis were different.

    Genesis, translated from Greek, literally means "Origin". Today, the term is used in more than one sense.

    Genesis in geology

    Learn more about Genesis. First of all, in science, genesis explains the origin of species, various metamorphoses, the development and formation of living organisms.

    From the point of view of geology, genesis is the origin of all geological rocks, mineral deposits, anomalous landscape forms that have arisen under the condition of geological influences of certain factors.

    Calculation and explanation of the genesis of certain rocks is necessary for a rational direction of the search for minerals. Also, with the help of this, almost all geological theories are developed. Such as the theory of ore formation, the theory of the movement of soil masses, and so on.

    Genesis in philosophy

    However, not only traditional science uses the concept of genesis. For example, many philosophical schools use the concept of genesis to track the origin, formation and development of all social and natural masses. Self-organizing, self-regulating and self-developing multi-level natural and social systems have been explained by genesis since ancient times.

    The explanation of the genesis of natural and social being in modern science is also associated with the principles of global evolutionism.

    The basis of the origin of species from species with the help of various mutations, the totality of which is called evolution, is genesis. From the point of view of modern evolutionary theory, this applies to absolutely all species, and not only to living organisms, as was previously thought. Genesis is inherent in both complex, multicellular organisms and the simplest unicellular organisms.