Synopsis of aesthetic shaping by art of the environment 9. Presentation on the topic "aesthetic shaping by art of the environment." Presentation on the topic: aesthetic shaping of the environment by art

Aesthetics is the science of the laws of beauty.

Aesthetic (from the Greek aisthetikos - sensually perceived) - man's attitude to a world in which the essence of man is contained in a concentrated form as free and conscious being. Features of the aesthetic attitude to the world are manifested in its emotional fullness, in a special sense of pleasure, "disinterestedness" of aesthetic experience.

It is hard to imagine modern life without large and small cities with multi-storey buildings, wide avenues, squares and parks, monuments and fountains, with a stream of cars, flashy, inviting shop windows, billboards, posters and posters ... And all this noisy, restless, colorful , the polyphonic world is the work of many people.

Man at all times, creating the world around him, sought to make it as convenient and beautiful as possible. At the same time, he was guided by the ideas of beauty and usefulness inherent in his time. The choice of forms, materials, colors was largely determined by national traditions, as well as the technical capabilities of the era.

However, the culture of the modern world is mainly international, there is less and less room for traditional tastes and ideas. Today, at different ends of the planet, people use the same household items, wear similar clothes, drive cars of the same brands, live in typical houses and apartments, listen to the same musical compositions, watch the same films. But despite this, each nation has its own unique art.

Today's objective world is created by means of industrial technologies, which take into account not only the measure (laws) of beauty, but also fashion and functionality. These technologies open up the field of industrial art and are the result of the penetration of aesthetics into technology. There is no longer any need to talk about the artistic value of each individual object. Things created on the basis of industrial technologies are produced quickly and in large quantities, becoming cheaper and more accessible to the mass buyer.

In order to withstand the competition of manufacturers of items and services for everyday life, it became necessary to involve people of creative specialties for their development: architects, artists, designers, decorators, decorators, fashion designers, stylists, advertising managers, etc. The activity of these specialists makes the product of industrial production not only expedient and constructively meaningful, but also artistically significant, forming the aesthetic environment of the life of every person.

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The whole world... It's hard to imagine modern life without large and small cities with multi-storey buildings, wide avenues, squares and parks, monuments and fountains, with a stream of cars, flashy, inviting shop windows, billboards, posters and posters... And all this noisy, restless, colorful, polyphonic world - the work of many people.

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Man at all times, creating the world around him, sought to make it as convenient and beautiful as possible. At the same time, he was guided by the ideas of beauty and usefulness inherent in his time. The choice of forms, materials, colors was largely determined by national traditions, as well as the technical capabilities of the era.

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Modern culture is international However, the culture of the modern world is basically international, there is less and less room left for traditional tastes and ideas. Today, at different ends of the planet, people use the same household items, wear similar clothes, drive cars of the same brands, live in typical houses and apartments, listen to the same musical compositions, watch the same films. But despite this, each nation has its own unique art.

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The objective world today Today's objective world is created by means of industrial technologies, which take into account not only the measure (laws) of beauty, but also fashion and functionality. These technologies open up the field of industrial art and are the result of the penetration of aesthetics into technology. There is no longer any need to talk about the artistic value of each individual object. Things created on the basis of industrial technologies are produced quickly and in large quantities, becoming cheaper and more accessible to the mass buyer.

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In order to withstand the competition of manufacturers of items and services for everyday life, it became necessary to involve people of creative specialties for their development: architects, artists, designers, decorators, decorators, fashion designers, stylists, advertising managers, etc. The activity of these specialists makes the product of industrial production not only expedient and constructively meaningful, but also artistically significant, forming the aesthetic environment of the life of every person.

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Homework Find in the reference literature the concepts: industrial art, technical aesthetics, design. Write in your notebook those words and expressions that reflect their meaning. Track the historical transformation (change) of one of the household items or tools (kettle, iron, saw, etc.) Make a photo montage or prepare a computer presentation on one of the topics: “Area of ​​a modern city”, “Advertising in our city”, “Shops: decoration and interiors”, “Lanterns on the streets of the city”, “Music at city holidays”, “Traditions and modernity in the image of my city”.

The purpose of the lesson:

Show clearly the embodiment of social ideas in artistic images on the example of architectural complexes of different historical and cultural epochs.



Types of architecture.

the main material of the lesson contains local history material.



Lesson topic : "The Aesthetic Formation of the Environment by Art"

Lesson type: combined.

The purpose of the lesson:

  • Show clearly the embodiment of social ideas in artistic images on the example of architectural complexes of different historical and cultural eras.
  • Define:


Types of architecture.

Lesson objectives:

  • Summarize existing knowledge about the arts.
  • To give an idea of ​​the aesthetic formation of the architecture of the environment.

Pedagogical technologies of the lesson:



Design technologies.

During the classes:

  1. Motivational - indicative stage of the lesson.

Organizational moment of the lesson.

Hello guys! The topic of today's lesson is "Shaping the environment with art." Let's see some images.

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  1. What do you see on this slide? - Pictures of artists.
  2. What do all these paintings have in common? Images of the city or buildings.

In other words architecture.

  1. Search stage of the lesson.

What is architecture?

You have three architecture definitions on your desk, let's read them

1. definition fromBig Encyclopedic Dictionary - "ARCHITECTURE"(lat. architectura, from Greek architekthon - builder) (architecture), the art of designing and constructing buildings and other structures (also their complexes), creating a materially organized environment that people need for their life and activities, in accordance with the purpose, modern technical capabilities and aesthetic views of society.

2. N. Gogol's statement: “ Architecture is the same chronicle of the world: it speaks when both songs and legends are already silent, and when it says nothing about the lost people.

3. Andrey Burov's statement: “Architecture is not a visual art, but a creative one. It does not depict objects, but creates them.

Which of the three, it seems to you, most fully reveals the essence of the concept of Architecture, justify your answer, the number of arguments you have given is estimated.

Each statement reflects the essence of the concept in its own way, but they also have something in common - Architecture is a creative art that organizes (creates) the environment according to the laws of beauty or aesthetics and reflects a person’s idea of ​​the world order.

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Thus, the purpose of our lesson is to show

  • how the concept of beauty is reflected in architecture;
  • how architecture reflects public ideas in specific historical eras;
  • and in practical creative work, you will sum up your project by answering the question: which features speak of tradition in its appearance, and which ones speak of innovation?

Today in the lesson we will not study all the existing styles in architecture. And let's consider only some of them on specific examples of historical buildings.

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The art of ancient Egypt is the architecture that immortalized the deified power of the pharaoh and the belief in the afterlife. This style is called canonical. On the left bank of the Nile, giant tombs-pyramids rise, which, even at a distance, overwhelm with power, grandiosity, geometry of form, and heaviness of material. (Pyramids at Giza, temple ensemble at Karnak.)

These features are also characteristic of Egyptian temples with strict symmetry, with alleys of repeating sphinxes, with hypostyle halls with rows of giant columns in the form of stems and flowers of lotus and papyrus.

The art of ancient Greece embodies the ideal of man, and architecture is no exception, first of all, it expresses the spirit of heroism and the significance of man. "Man is the measure of all things" - this is the motto of all the art of Hellas, which is proportionate to man. The main achievement of Greek architects is the creation of an order. On the basis of the order system, a universal architectural language arose, which has been spoken by mankind for more than two thousand years.(Parthenon, Erech-Teyon.)

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baroque style - bizarre, strange. Outwardly ceremonial, dynamic, restless, plastic baroque style. Buildings of this style are richly decorated with stucco, painting, and sculpture. Their design is dominated by curvilinear and arcuate shapes. Currencies in the form of a wave. The desire for the unity of the facade and the environment, nature, led to the creation of wonderful urban and palace-park ensembles in the Baroque era.(St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome; the ensembles of the architect Rastrelli: the Catherine Palace in Tsarskoe Selo and the Hermitage).

Is there an example of such architecture in our city, where architecture was perceived together with nature?

It turns out that there is, this is the estate of the Goncharovs - Vasilchikovs, the home of the Lansky Museum. The estate was built by the former favorite of Catherine II, in the 18th century, according to the project of Rastrelli, and a regular park with cascading ponds was laid. Regular means organized according to a plan, where symmetry is observed with respect to the main axis, which is determined by the palace (in our case, the Goncharovs' house).

Uncle, the founder of the estate, Sava Vasilchikov built the Church of the Conception of St. Anna in the 17th century.

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Russian style: original, incorporating the traditions of wooden architecture, the so-called Russian patterning, and the trends of European baroque, classicism. But Russian baroque and classicism is a completely new idea of ​​beauty that reflects our mentality. Let's look at this in our church.

Whoever noticed that it combined two styles of architecture at once?

What do you think?

Russian baroque, Naryshkin baroque, five-domed church, and the bell tower in the style of classicism. The explanation is very simple, it was built at different times and by different people, Sava Vasilchikov began, and continued and added Lanskoy.

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Let's go back to the definition of architecture.

In this definition, there are words that architecture -creating a materially organized environment that people need for their life and activities, in accordance with the purpose, modern technical capabilities ...

How do you understand these words, what are we talking about here?

On the types of architecture.

Let's list them together using the example of our city:

Residential architecture: residential buildings.

Temple: Church of the Conception of St. Anna.

Public facilities: Administration, post office, school, hospital, bank…

Industrial architecture: power engineering plant,

Communicative: Station building, bus station, road junctions…

Landscape gardening: square Veterans, them. Local historian Prokina, city park ...

- And now I have a question for you: was our city built according to a certain urban plan or not? How do you think? Explain why.

What does urban planning mean?

The art of city planning and construction.

There are two types of city planning: ring - the basis of such a city is a fortress or a kremlin, as they used to say in Rus'; radial - at the heart of the city lies the main avenue that leads to the city center.

Give examples of such cities.

Moscow, Saint Petersburg.

And our city Chekhov belongs to what type of urban planning?

It turns out that there is also a third type of development, which initially did not have a plan, but was built up randomly. A vivid example is the microdistrict of our city Venyukovo, and infill development, this is when old houses are demolished, and modern buildings are erected in their place. But the Gubernsky microdistrict was built according to the general plan.

  1. Practical lesson.

Here we come to the practical part of our lesson.

In the previous lesson, you made a mini-poster on a given topic.

And now I give you the floor, for the defense:

  1. City - the past, cinquain.
  2. The city is real, cinquain.
  3. City - the future, seqvein.

Reflective-evaluative stage of the lesson.

So, we have come to the end of the lesson.

- What can we conclude from what we have learned? We have proven that:

  1. Architecture creates buildings according to the laws of beauty, the material human environment. Yes
  2. How does architecture reflect social ideas in specific historical eras?

The solution of the task on the cards correlate the concept with the image.

  1. The purpose of the lesson: how the concept of beauty is reflected in architecture; how public ideas are manifested in architecture in specific historical epochs; and in practical creative work you will sum up your project by answering the question: which features of our city speak of traditions in its appearance, and which ones speak of innovation?



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    Description of the slide:

    Man at all times, creating the world around him, sought to make it as convenient and beautiful as possible. At the same time, he was guided by the ideas of beauty and usefulness inherent in his time. The choice of forms, materials, colors was largely determined by national traditions, as well as the technical capabilities of the era. Man at all times, creating the world around him, sought to make it as convenient and beautiful as possible. At the same time, he was guided by the ideas of beauty and usefulness inherent in his time. The choice of forms, materials, colors was largely determined by national traditions, as well as the technical capabilities of the era.

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    Description of the slide:

    However, the culture of the modern world is mainly international, there is less and less room for traditional tastes and ideas. Today, at different ends of the planet, people use the same household items, wear similar clothes, drive cars of the same brands, live in typical houses and apartments, listen to the same musical compositions, watch the same films. But despite this, each nation has its own unique art. However, the culture of the modern world is mainly international, there is less and less room for traditional tastes and ideas. Today, at different ends of the planet, people use the same household items, wear similar clothes, drive cars of the same brands, live in typical houses and apartments, listen to the same musical compositions, watch the same films. But despite this, each nation has its own unique art.

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    Description of the slide:

    Today's objective world is created by means of industrial technologies, which take into account not. Today's objective world is created by means of industrial technologies, which take into account not only the measure (laws) of beauty, but also fashion and functionality. These technologies open up the field of industrial art and are the result of the penetration of aesthetics into technology. There is no longer any need to talk about the artistic value of each individual object. Things created on the basis of industrial technologies are produced quickly and in large quantities, becoming cheaper and more accessible to the mass buyer.

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