The image of a mop in the work of the captain's daughter. Description of the mop from Pushkin's "Captain's Daughter". What is hidden in the image of Shvabrin

The demoted officer Shvabrin Alexei Ivanovich appears, as the captain introduced him to Grinev.

Pushkin gives a portrait of Shvabrin in one line: “An officer of short stature, with a swarthy face and remarkably ugly, but extremely lively,” is how the author describes his appearance. But much more important are his inner qualities.

He is smart, educated, but for him honor and decency are forgotten concepts. This man is not worthy to bear the title of a Russian officer.

Shvabrin has no idea what it means to love. Therefore, despite the lack of suitors, she was not seduced by his courtship and refused to marry. In the depths of her soul she felt his deep dishonesty. And how did Shvabrin repay her refusal? He tried his best to discredit her in the eyes of others. And he did it “behind the eyes” when neither the Mironovs nor Maria herself could hear him. And it doesn’t matter what motives he was guided by - the desire to avenge the refusal, or to fence off potential suitors from Masha, the very fact of such a denigration of the girl speaks of the meanness of the Shvabrinsky soul. However, this man blasphemed not only Masha. He, like a village woman, gossiped about the captain and other inhabitants of the fortress, without feeling the slightest remorse.

The next episode, which reveals the image of Shvabrin not from the best side, is a quarrel with and subsequent. Peter Andreevich wrote a song. In fact, it was a light, poetic pampering, which he wanted to boast of in his youth to Shvabrin. A more experienced retired officer ridiculed the young poet and once again slandered Masha, reproaching her for venality. The young man, who during his service in the fortress had time to get to know the daughter of captain Mironov, flared up and called Shvabrin a liar and scoundrel. To which Shvabrin demanded satisfaction. A boy stood in front of the experienced duelist, and Shvabrin was sure that he could easily deal with him. He knew perfectly well that duels among the nobles were forbidden, but he did not worry much about this, he was sure that with the help of deceit and slander he could easily get out of the situation. If he had an experienced fighter and swordsman in front of him, Shvabrin would probably have swallowed the offense and retaliated on the sly. Which, however, he will later do anyway.

But the lessons of the French tutor, as it turned out, were not in vain for Grinev, and the "boy" quite well wielded a sword. The wound that Shvabrin inflicted on Grinev was inflicted at the moment when Savelyich called out to his master, and thereby distracted him. Shvabrin vilely took advantage of the moment.

While Pyotr Andreevich was lying in a fever, the enemy scribbled an anonymous letter to his father, in the secret hope that the old warrior would connect all his connections and transfer his beloved child from the fortress.

What do you see in this duel episode, denunciation, slander, a blow inflicted when the opponent turned away. All these traits are inherent in people with a low soul. This can be added disbelief in God. In Rus', Christianity, faith has always been a stronghold of morality and morality.

Shvabrin showed all his baseness to the fullest during the capture of the fortress by robbers. In the face of this soldier, the reader does not see a brave warrior. He was one of the first officers sworn in. Using his "power" and permissiveness, as well as Masha's defenselessness, he tried to persuade her to marry. But he didn't need Masha. He was just furious that she rejected him, and had a nice conversation with Grinev before dinners, loved with all her heart. His goal was to destroy the happiness of Grinev and Masha, to prevail over the one that rejected him. There is no place for love in Shvabrin's heart. Betrayal, hatred, denunciation live in it.

When Shvabrin was arrested for his connection with Pugachev, he also slandered Grinev, although he knew perfectly well that the young man did not swear allegiance to the robber, and was not his secret agent.

Grinev was threatened by Siberia, and only the courage of Masha, who was not afraid to go to St. Petersburg to the Empress, saved the young man from hard labor. The villain received the punishment he deserved.

Making a brief description of the image of Shvabrin, it should be noted that Pushkin introduced this negative character into The Captain's Daughter not only to diversify the plot, but also to remind the reader that, unfortunately, in life there are real bastards who can poison the life of the people around them .

The story "The Captain's Daughter" can be attributed to one of the top works of A. S. Pushkin, made in prose. More than once, even the author of this work himself said that it was historical, since it was based on peasant uprisings led by Pugachev. The author managed to recreate the atmosphere that was typical for those times. He amazingly portrayed the characters of the main characters and ordinary people who lived in that difficult time.

The work is a kind of narration, which is conducted on behalf of the protagonist - P. Grinev. He became a witness and participant in all the events described by the author. But the work would be incomplete if it did not find a place for a hero who is the complete opposite of Grinev. We are talking, of course, about Shvabrin. With the help of it, the author managed to make the plot of the story more vivid and exciting. This is probably why the image of Shvabrin and Grinev are considered only together. But in this review, we should consider in more detail the main anti-hero of the story.

What is hidden in the image of Shvabrin?

The image of Shvabrin demonstrated how petty, selfish and cowardly people can be in their desires. With Grinev in the story "The Captain's Daughter" Shvabrina has only one thing in common - strong feelings for M. Mironova. Under the image of the anti-hero is an aristocrat who has already once served in the guard. He got into it because of his not very easy nature. Namely, after the moment when a lieutenant was killed by him at the next duel.

The author of the story pointed out that there was a moment when Shvabrin was already wooing Masha. But the answer, of course, was negative. That is why it was often possible to hear insults addressed to her from him. These impartial expressions became the reason for the duel between him and Grinev. But the image of Shvabrin in the story "The Captain's Daughter" is not endowed with such a quality as honesty. At that moment, when Grinev turned away at the shout of the servant, Shvabrin managed to seriously injure him.

Among the shortcomings that the anti-hero of the story was endowed with, the absence of such concepts as honor and duty stands out especially well. At that moment, when the fortress fell under the onslaught of Pugachev, Shvabrin, without thinking twice, goes over to his side, while receiving the position of one of the commanders. The reason for the transition to the rebellious side was the hatred of Grinev and the desire for Masha to become his wife.

The attitude of the author to the image that was revealed in the face of Shvabrin

Aleksey Ivanovich Shvabrin, devoid of any moral principles, is shown in the story as a guards officer corrupted by intrigues and conspiracies, court morals. He quite strongly despised domestic reality and even spoke exclusively in French. But Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin did not deprive the image of Shvabrin in the story "The Captain's Daughter" and positive qualities. The author endowed him with a sharp mind, resourcefulness and a good education.

On the part of the author, a negative attitude is manifested towards this hero. If you look at his assessment, we can say with great accuracy that it is quite negative. This can be seen at least in the fact that in the story he is mentioned only by his last name. Also, in some places of the work, only the initials of this anti-hero are indicated.

What did Shvabrin eventually lead to his meanness?

And what is the result? Pugachev, to whom Grinev told that Shvabrin was holding Masha by force, became angry. The image of Shvabrin in the story "The Captain's Daughter" has become an excellent demonstration of what can happen to a person if he forgets about honor, courage and courage. But to say that it teaches something is impossible. When Shvabrin got into government troops, he singled out Peter among the traitors. He did this in the first place in order to remove suspicion from himself. Naturally, Grinev was able to get out of a difficult situation without losing his honor and officer courage.

The fate of Shvabrin remained a mystery, since A. S. Pushkin did not write anything definite about this. But most likely, he was simply executed. And it is impossible to call such punishment unfair.

What did A. S. Pushkin try to show readers with the help of the image of Shvabrin?

Probably, the author tried to show that people should not be condemned for their actions, using for this purpose the image of Shvabrin in the story "The Captain's Daughter". It is better to pity them and sympathize with them. Shvabrina can be attributed to those people who cannot get rid of their fears. He sees nothing but what is directly related to him. Not even an aristocratic origin made him so, but the absence of any spiritual qualities.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people like Shvabrin around. They harm other people who at least somewhat resemble such characters as Grinev and Masha. But, as in the story of A. S. Pushkin, all their atrocities always act against their masters. That is the problem with these people. Thus, fear can only give rise to hypocrisy and lies, which, in turn, lead to failure.

What is hidden in the image of Shvabrin?

But after all, the image of Shvabrin was created for a reason. With his help, the author showed that meanness can only lead to failure and failure. Almost every action we take leads to a certain result. So it is necessary to sum up the following result: once forgetting about your honor, you can doom yourself to further failures.

Fate will point to the enemy. War brings pain and loss. In terrible life circumstances, it becomes clear who the acquaintances and close people really are.

The image and characterization of Shvabrin in the story "The Captain's Daughter" will reveal to the reader the cruel truth about how easily a person betrays others, his own homeland. Life punishes traitors, so it will happen with the hero of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

The appearance of Alexei Ivanovich Shvabrin

He was no longer young. From his figure and short stature, it was impossible to tell that he had a military bearing. The swarthy face did not attract at all, but rather repelled. When he was already standing among the rebels, Peter noticed his changes. “Cropped in a circle, in a Cossack caftan”.

In the service of Pugachev, he turned into a thin and pale old man, his hair turned gray. Only grief and worries could so quickly change the appearance of a person. But there is no going back.

First opinion is deceptive

Officer Shvabrin ended up in the Belogorsk fortress because he stabbed a familiar lieutenant with a sword. Lives here for the fifth year. Being with people for so long, he can easily betray, slander, insult them. His deceit manifests itself in many ways. As soon as he met Grinev, he immediately began to tell him unpleasant things about Ivan Kuzmich's daughter. "He described Masha as a complete fool." Prior to this, a new acquaintance made a good impression on Peter. “Shvabrin was not very stupid. His conversation was entertaining.".

He wooed Masha, and was refused. The young lady intelligently described the reason why she could not become his wife. She simply could not imagine life with someone to whom you do not have feelings.

The honor of the beloved is hurt. Duel

When Peter read poems to Shvabrin dedicated to the daughter of the commandant Mironov, the officer advised her to give her expensive gifts so that she would come to him at night. It was a cruel, baseless insult, and the young man in love challenged the offender to a duel.

In the duel, the officer showed himself low. Grinev recalls that the enemy overtook him at the moment when he was distracted.

“I looked around and saw Savelich running down the path. At this time, I was strongly pricked in the chest, I fell and lost my senses.

It was dishonest, unmanly.

Deceit and duplicity

Shvabrin cannot come to terms with the fact that Masha has chosen his opponent. He understands that the lovers are planning to get married. Then the liar decides to interfere with them once again. He reports to Peter's parents about everything that happened in the fortress: the duel, Grinev's injury, his upcoming wedding with the daughter of the impoverished commandant. Before committing this act, he pretended to be an honest, sincere friend who regretted what he had done.

“He expressed deep regret about what happened, admitted that he was to blame, and asked to forget about the past”


Enemy for own state

For Shvabrin, there is no concept of honor and duty to the motherland. When Pugachev captured the fortress, he went over to the side of the rebels. The traitor, without a drop of regret, looks at all the atrocities committed by the Pugachev gang.

Shvabrin takes the place that belonged to the father of Maria Mironova. He keeps Masha under lock and key on bread and water, threatening her with violence. When the leader of the peasant war demands to release the girl, Shvabrin will tell whose daughter she is, putting at great risk the one to whom he recently declared his love. This proves that sincere feelings are alien to him.

"The Captain's Daughter" is the pinnacle prose work of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The author himself called his story historical, since it was based on the true events of the peasant uprising led by Emelyan Pugachev. The author recreates the atmosphere of those times, depicts characters typical of that era.

The story is a memoir, "family notes", the narration in which is conducted on behalf of Pyotr Grinev, a witness and participant in the events described. In the work, the main characters are: the Grinev family, Savelich, the Mironov family, Pugachev and rebellious peasants, as well as Shvabrin. It is on it that I want to dwell in more detail.

This hero in the story is the direct opposite of Grinev. The latter “preserves honor from a young age”, embodies the best features of a Russian person: breadth of soul, resourcefulness, courage, readiness to help. Shvabrin, on the contrary, is petty and selfish, cowardly and vile. Only one thing unites them - love for Masha Mironova.

Shvabrin is an aristocrat who previously served in the guard. He is smart, educated, eloquent, witty, resourceful. He has been serving in the Belogorsk fortress for the fifth year, transferred to it for murder - in a duel he stabbed a lieutenant. Shvabrin once proposed to Masha Mironova, was refused, and therefore often insulted the girl. This was the reason for his duel with Grinev. But a fair duel is not for Shvabrin. Cunningly, he wounds Peter when he looks back at the servant's unexpected call.

To everything that does not concern his personal interests, Shvabrin is deeply indifferent. The concepts of honor and duty are alien to the hero. As soon as the Belogorsk fortress is captured by Pugachev, Shvarin goes over to the side of the rebels and becomes one of their commanders. He went over to the side of Pugachev, not out of high ideological impulses, but to reprisal Grinev and marry Masha, who lived under the guise of a niece at a local priest.

A morally devastated person, Shvabrin evokes a sharply negative attitude in Pushkin. The author's assessment of this character is sharply negative, in the story he is called by his last name, or only his initials are indicated: A.I.

What, in the end, does the neglect of male and official honor turn out for the hero? Pugachev, who learned from Grinev that Shvabrin is holding the girl, is angry. A traitor aristocrat is literally lying at the feet of a runaway Cossack in search of mercy and forgiveness. Meanness, thus, turns into shame, which, unfortunately, did not teach the hero anything. Having fallen into the hands of government troops, Shvabrin points to Grinev as a traitor Pugachev.

Probably, you should not condemn this hero, but pity and sympathize with him. Personally, he does not cause any feelings in me, except for pity. A person who has not been able to overcome his fears, who cannot see anything beyond his own nose, is weak and insignificant. It's not even about an aristocratic origin and a brilliant education, but about the lack of spiritual qualities. What could be worse than constantly being dependent on someone because of the fear of expressing your thoughts and desires directly, because of the habit of going with the flow? Why fight Pugachev when it is easier to take his side? Why do you need to wait until you fall in love, because you can force a girl to marry!
What honor can we talk about if a person thinks in this way?

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people like Shvabrin around us. Because of them, others suffer, similar in spiritual qualities to Grineva and Masha. But, as a rule, committed meanness and betrayal turn against the mop. This is their trouble: fear breeds lies and hypocrisy, and they, in turn, are the causes of failure.

Why did I like the image of Shvabrin? Perhaps the fact that on his example you can clearly see what meanness and submission to circumstances lead to. Each of our actions has a consequence, so the epigraph to the story "Take care of honor from a young age" after analyzing the image of Shvabrin acquires a new meaning. Once having sacrificed honor, a person dooms himself to lifelong failures.

Alexey Shvabrin is one of the heroes of the story "The Captain's Daughter". This young officer was exiled to the Belogorsk fortress for a duel in which Shvabrin's opponent was killed. When Shvabrin meets Grinev, it is noteworthy that Alexei treats the inhabitants of the fortress with contempt and arrogance. Shvabrin approaches Grinev in order to "finally see a human face."

However, not only arrogance determines the character of this hero. The author characterizes Shvabrin as a cynical empty person, capable of slandering a girl only because she refused him reciprocity. Shvabrin commits a number of vile acts that characterize him as a low person, capable of treason, cowardice, and betrayal. Grinev and Shvabrin arrange a duel over the commandant's daughter, and, taking advantage of Grinev's inattention, Shvabrin wounds him.

The list of further actions of Alexei is crowned with the scenes of the assault and capture of the Belogorsk fortress. Realizing that the siege of a poorly fortified fortress could not be sustained, Shvabrin went over to the side of Pugachev. When, however, the false emperor instigates a trial, sitting on the porch of the commandant's house, Shvabrin is already among the foremen of the rebels. In order to save his life, Shvabrin kowtows to Pugachev. In truth, the fate of Alexei is unenviable: he is doomed to forever remain a stranger among his own, his own among strangers. Probably, Shvabrin simply tried to forget about such important concepts for a Russian officer as duty to the fatherland, honor, loyalty to this oath. Here is one example of the behavior of a traitor: "Shvabrin fell to his knees ... At that moment, contempt drowned out all feelings of hatred and anger in me. I looked with disgust at the nobleman, wallowing at the feet of a runaway Cossack."

Through torture and hunger, Shvabrin tried to force Masha to become his wife. This episode is resolved safely thanks to the intervention of Pugachev himself. Aleksey Shvabrin remains one of the most striking images of a traitor in Russian literature. The theme of betrayal occupied Pushkin very much. No wonder the hero of his other famous historical work - the poem "Poltava" - is the rebellious hetman Ivan Mazepa, who committed treason against Peter the Great. However, Alexey Shvabrin is, first of all, the embodiment of a petty traitor. From the history of the Pugachev region, it is known that officers often went over to the side of the rebels. After the defeat of Pugachev, the trial of such people was ruthless and harsh.

Betrayal has many faces. Common to all varieties of betrayal is the abuse of another person's trust. Aleksey Shvabrin betrayed his homeland, his girlfriend, friend, all the inhabitants of the Belogorsk fortress. This is quite enough to be tormented by pangs of conscience for the rest of your life. Did Aleksey Shvabrin, this low and double-hearted hero, who found himself between the whole and true to himself characters of the story "The Captain's Daughter" experience them?