Presentation on the topic "Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko". Presentation on the topic Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko Purpose: To summarize information about Mikhail Zoshchenko

Presentation for the lesson of literary reading UMK "Harmony" on the topic "M.M. Zoshchenko's stories for children" in grade 3. It can be used for extracurricular reading lessons and literary reading lessons of various teaching materials. In the presentation, third-graders get acquainted with the biography of the writer and go on a journey "To the world of books by M.M. Zoshchenko." They are expected by various tasks, quizzes. From the words they will be able to make up the titles of the works that were read by the students. According to the lines from the stories, they will be able to recall and name the work, determine the main idea of ​​the story.



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Lesson of literary reading “Stories of M.M. Zoshchenko for children "Grade 3 EMC Harmony Teacher Gorshkova Irina Vyacheslavovna


Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko (1894 - 1958) Born July 29 (August 9), 1894 in St. Petersburg in the artist's family. The family had 8 children.

Misha Zoshchenko 1897 Museum-apartment of M.M. Zoshchenko Misha with sisters Elena and Valentina 1897 The uniqueness of this museum lies in the fact that in the writer's office all things are genuine.



Determine the name of the story “Great Travelers” “... We will go straight and straight, crossing mountains and deserts. And we will go straight until we come back here, even if it took us a whole year ... "

Determine the name of the story “Golden Words” “... When I was little, I really liked to have dinner with adults. And my sister Lelya also loved such dinners no less than I did ... "

Determine the name of the story “Yolka” “... And Lyolya was such a tall, long-knit girl. And she could reach high. She stood on tiptoe and began to eat the second lozenge with her big mouth ... "

Determine the name of the story “No need to lie” “- Come on, give me your diary here! I'll put one in there for you. And I cried, because it was my first unit and I still didn’t know what it was ... "

Determine the name of the story “The Most Important Thing” “From now on, mom, I decided to be a brave person. And with these words, Andryusha went into the yard for a walk. The boys were playing football in the yard. These boys, as a rule, offended Andryusha. And he was afraid of them like fire. And he always ran away from them. But today…"

Determine what type of literature the works belong to SCIENTIFIC-EDUCATIONAL LITERATURE

Determine what type of literature the works "Golden words" belong to

Find sentences in the text that express the main idea of ​​the story proposed to you.

Find in the text sentences that express the main idea of ​​the story “Yolka” “... And for all these thirty-five years, I, children, have never eaten someone else's apple and have never hit someone who is weaker than me. And now the doctors say that's why I'm so comparatively cheerful and good-natured.

Find sentences in the text that express the main idea of ​​the story “Don't lie” “... The fact that you confessed this made me extremely happy. You admitted that you could remain unknown for a long time. And this gives me hope that you will no longer lie ... "

Find sentences in the text that express the main idea of ​​the story “Golden Words” “Everything must be done taking into account the changed situation. And you need to write these words in golden letters in your heart. Otherwise it will be absurd."

Find sentences in the text that express the main idea of ​​the story “Great Travelers” “- It is not enough to know geography and the multiplication table. To go on a trip around the world, you must have a higher education in the amount of five courses. You need to know everything that is taught there, including cosmography. And those who embark on a long journey without this knowledge come to sad results, deserving of regret.

Find sentences in the text that express the main idea of ​​the story “The Most Important Thing” “Everything must be done taking into account the changed situation. And you need to write these words in golden letters in your heart. Otherwise it will be absurd."

Find in the text sentences that express the main idea of ​​the story “The Most Important” “There is a lot to know. And in order to know a lot, you need to study. Who learns, he is smart. And who is smart, he must be brave. And everyone loves and respects the brave and smart.

What do the stories of M.M. Zoshchenko, which we learned about today? What stories M.M. Do you still know about Lyola and Minka Zoshchenko?

“No, I may not have managed to become very good. It is very difficult. But this, children, I have always aspired to. Mikhail Zoshchenko

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BIOGRAPHY of Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko Prepared by primary school teacher GBOU secondary school No. 349 of the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg Pechenkina Tamara Pavlovna

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Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko 07/28/1984 - 07/22/1958 Russian writer, satirist and playwright

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Mikhail Zoshchenko was born in St. Petersburg (according to other sources, in Poltava). In September 1927, Zoshchenko, at the request of the editors of Begemot, wrote an autobiography. “I was born in 1895. In the last century! This makes me terribly sad. I was born in the 19th century! This must be why I don't have enough courtesy and romanticism for our days - I'm a humorist. I know very little about myself. I don't even know where I was born. Or in Poltava, or in St. Petersburg. One document says so, another says so. Apparently, one of the documents is a "linden". It is difficult to guess which of them is fake, for both are poorly made. Over the years, too, confusion. In one document it is indicated - 1895, in another - 1896. Definitely a linden. I had a lot of professions. I always say this without irony. Even with some surprise to himself.

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Father - Mikhail Ivanovich Zoshchenko, an artist, was a member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions. He participated in the manufacture of mosaic panels on the facade of the Suvorov Museum. A branch of a small Christmas tree in the left corner was laid out by five-year-old Mikhail. Mother - Elena Osipovna (Iosifovna) Zoshchenko, nee Surina played in an amateur theater, wrote short stories. Michael with sisters

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In 1913 Zoshchenko entered the law faculty of St. Petersburg University. By this time, his first surviving stories, Vanity (1914) and Two-kopeck piece (1914), date back. The study was interrupted by the First World War. In 1915, Zoshchenko volunteered for the front, commanded a battalion, and became a Knight of St. George. Literary work did not stop during these years. Zoshchenko tried his hand at short stories, in the epistolary and satirical genres (composing letters to fictitious addressees and epigrams for fellow soldiers). In 1917 he was demobilized due to heart disease that arose after gas poisoning.

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Upon returning to Petrograd, Marusya, the Meshchanochka, the Neighbor and other unpublished stories were written, in which the influence of G. Maupassant was felt. In 1918, despite his illness, Zoshchenko volunteered for the Red Army and fought on the fronts of the Civil War until 1919. Returning to Petrograd, he earned his living, as before the war, in various professions: a shoemaker, a carpenter, a carpenter, an actor, an instructor in rabbit breeding, a policeman, a criminal investigation officer, etc. In the humorous Orders on the railway police and criminal supervision written at that time, Art. Ligovo and other unpublished works already feel the style of the future satirist.

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In 1919, Zoshchenko studied at the Creative Studio, organized by the publishing house World Literature. K.I. Chukovsky supervised the classes, highly appreciating Zoshchenko's work. In 1920-1921 Zoshchenko wrote the first stories of those that were subsequently published: "Love", "War", "Old Woman Wrangel". Zoshchenko's first book was published in 1921. These were "The Stories of Nazar Ilyich Mr. Sinebryukhov." And ten years later, his six-volume collected works were published twice. Many words and phrases immediately entered the everyday life of readers. Quotes from the works of the young writer sounded like sayings. Zoshchenko entered literature as an innovator, developing in a peculiar way Leskov's manner of narration, in which one must be able to discern the author's position behind the narrator's mask.

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“By the mid-20s of the 20th century, Zoshchenko became one of the most popular writers. His humor appealed to the widest readership. His books began to sell out instantly, as soon as they appeared on the bookshelf…” (K. I. Chukovsky) The writer had his own, hard-won theme, he did not just entertain readers. Zoshchenko did not think about how to become famous. He thought about people. About how to help people get rid of bad habits faster and better. And he began to write about very serious things, funny, funny. People, reading his stories, seemed to be cured, gradually parting with those unworthy habits that, like the heroes of Zoshchenko, they found in themselves.

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Immediately after the start of the Great Patriotic War, Zoshchenko goes to the military registration and enlistment office and submits an application with a request to send him to the front, as having combat experience. Receives a refusal: “Not fit for military service” and enters the fire defense group and with his son is on duty on the roof of the house during the bombing. Performs the work necessary for the front, and as a writer - writes anti-fascist feuilletons for publication in newspapers and on the radio. In 1944-1946 he worked a lot for theaters. Two of his comedies were staged at the Leningrad Drama Theatre, one of which - "Canvas Briefcase" - withstood 200 performances in a year. In April 1946, Zoshchenko, among other writers, was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

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The reason was the publication of Zoshchenko's children's story The Adventures of a Monkey (1945), in which the authorities saw a hint that monkeys live better than people in the Soviet country. At a writers' meeting, Zoshchenko declared that the honor of an officer and a writer did not allow him to accept the fact that in the resolution of the Central Committee he was called a "coward" and "a bastard of literature." In the future, Zoshchenko also refused to come out with the expected repentance from him and the recognition of "mistakes." In 1954, at a meeting with English students, Zoshchenko again tried to state his attitude to the 1946 resolution, after which the persecution began in a second round. The saddest consequence of this ideological campaign was the exacerbation of mental illness, which did not allow the writer to work fully. His restoration in the Writers' Union after Stalin's death (1953) and the publication of his first book after a long break (1956) brought only temporary relief to his condition. After reaching retirement age (in 1954) and until his death, Zoshchenko was denied a pension.

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Zoshchenko Mikhail Mikhailovich

Born in 1895 in St. Petersburg, in the family of a poor itinerant artist Mikhail Ivanovich Zoshchenko and Elena Iosifovna Surina. The family had eight children. On February 17, 1939, in the Kremlin, M. I. Kalinin presented the Order of the Red Banner of Labor to the writer Mikhail Zoshchenko.

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Occupations and professions.

Train controller on the railway line Kislovodsk - Mineralnye Vody; in 1914 - platoon commander, warrant officer, and on the eve of the revolution - battalion commander, wounded, gassed, holder of four military orders, staff captain; chief of post and telegraph, commandant of the Main Post Office in Petrograd; border guard in Strelna, Kronstadt, commander of a machine-gun team and regimental adjutant on the Narva front; after demobilization (heart disease, a defect acquired as a result of gas poisoning) - an agent of the criminal investigation department in Petrograd, an instructor in rabbit breeding and chicken breeding at the Mankovo ​​state farm in the Smolensk province, a policeman in Ligov, a shoemaker, a clerk and an assistant accountant in the Petrograd port.

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About creativity

Zoshchenko's first book, The Stories of Nazar Ilyich, Mr. Sinebryukhov (1922), and the stories that followed brought the author wide fame. Often the author contrasts the stupidity, rudeness and selfishness of his "heroes" with dreams of bright friendliness and spiritual subtlety, which relations between people will be imbued with in the future. All works were written in various genres, and also translated into foreign languages. The reader laughed at what, in the opinion of the writer, was the problem of the present day.

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Success in literature

The share of Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko fell to fame, rare for a person of the literary profession. Journals contested their rights to publish his works. Books sold out at lightning speed. Glory followed him around. The postman brought bundles of letters, called on the phone, pursued on the streets. He had to leave Leningrad. Some citizens pretended to be him.

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Reasons for his success.

An unusually great variety of professions, which made it possible to learn all the features of the life of the people. He knew how to get used to the role of a person and understand his point of view. People were very eager to "get on his pencil." MM Zoshchenko felt guilty before the poor for his birth on white sheets. By the beginning of the 20th century, he had a lot of experience to create great works for which the language of the people was necessary. Zoshchenko's cheerfulness made it possible to saturate his works with laughter. Timeliness of writing stories.

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  • Father - Zoshchenko Mikhail Ivanovich (1857-1907), nobleman, artist.

    Mother - Surina Elena Iosifovna (1875-1920), noblewoman, actress before marriage. after that she wrote articles for the Kopeika magazine.

    Misha Zoshchenko was born on August 10, 1894 in St. Petersburg. In addition to him, 7 children grew up in the family. Parents often argued.

    In 1903 he became a student of the Eighth Gymnasium. Studied mediocre. After a unit for the Russian language exam, he tried to commit suicide.

    In 1913 he entered St. Petersburg University as a lawyer, from where he was expelled in 1914 for non-payment. To earn money for his studies, he got a job as a controller for the railway. But in September 1914 he volunteered for the war. For excellent service he was awarded 4 orders. In 1916, as a result of a gas attack, he ended up in a hospital, a consequence of poisoning - heart disease and prolonged depression. Demobilized in 1917

    In 1917 he joined the Red Army. He fought until 1919. After a heart attack, he was commissioned.

    In one year, Zoshchenko tried about 10 different professions - a shoemaker, a carpenter, a carpenter, an actor, a rabbit breeder, a chicken breeder, a policeman, an investigator, a court clerk!

    In 1920 he marries Vera Vladimirovna Kerbits-Kerbitskaya. Finally stops the choice on literary activity.

    1921 - joins the literary circle "Serapion Brothers".

    In May 1921, Zoshchenko's son Valera was born.

    Until 1930, Zoshchenko was one of the most popular writers, even published in a Belgian magazine. Works with humorous magazines "Begemot", "Amanita", "Auditor", etc.

    During this period, he lives comfortably with his family. They occupy a large apartment, visit restaurants. But the relationship with his wife is complicated because of Zoshchenko's love affairs.

    In 1932, the satirist works with the magazine "Crocodile". During this period, he studies medical literature, trying to get rid of frequent bouts of depression on his own.

    In 1934 he was admitted to the Writers' Union.

    In 1939 he was awarded an order.

    In 1941, he was declared unfit for conscription and sent to the rear in Alma-Ata, from where he returned to the capital in 1943. Zoshchenko publishes the work "Before Sunrise", which becomes a turning point in his life.

    Scandal, ruthless criticism, insults, persecution, expulsion from the Writers' Union in 1946, deprivation of food cards - such persecution broke Zoshchenko. His mental illness worsened. He worked as a translator without the right to indicate his last name, a shoemaker, and mended clothes.

    In 1953, after the death of Stalin, the disgraced writer was again accepted into the Writers' Union, even in 1958 he was assigned a special pension of 1200 rubles. But Zoshchenko no longer writes, he is fading before our eyes.

    07/22/1958 the satirist died.

    Since 1907, Zoshchenko devoted his entire life to literature. He wrote stories, feuilletons, articles about the work of fellow writers, plays, stories for children. His books have been reprinted hundreds of times, and the play "Canvas Briefcase" has been staged in the theater more than 200 times.

    Main works: collections "The Blue Book", "Sentimental stories", "Humorous stories", "Historical stories", "Letters to the writer", "The story of one life", "Returned youth".

    M. M. Zoshchenko "Great Travelers". Why Styopka did not want to take Minka at first. How much money did the guys take with them on the road. Where the children stopped for a halt. Why was it so hard to carry the bag. Where the children met their parents. Why Lyolya and Minka were no longer happy with the trip. What did dad say about traveling around the world. What Minka did with the bag. How old was Minka. Minka was stung by a wasp.

    "Poet Zabolotsky" - Poems of Zabolotsky. Juniper bush. Cranes. The value of creativity. Returning from the camps. Storm. Discoveries. Philosophical lyrics. Don't let your soul be lazy. Tasks. Biography milestones. First publication of poetry. Nikolay Alekseevich Zabolotsky. Spring thunderstorm. Studies. Student years. Song text. Make a score plan. Life and art. Confession. It was a long time ago. Portrait. Moral and ethical issues.

    "Poems of Zakhoder" - There are many famous cats. Literary Institute named after M. Gorky. Children's writer Boris Zakhoder. Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder. Five questions for connoisseurs. Even such a pig has its own merits. Meeting with Winnie the Pooh. Sea battle. Crossword. Animals tell stories. Return from the Finnish War. Gray Star. Quiz. Here is a riddle. Heroes of Zakhoder. Messed up letters. The main books of the poet.

    "Biography of Zakhoder" - Comrades. The life of a future writer. Translator. Moved to Komarovka. Winner of many literary awards. Musical education. Zakhoder's life. Boris' father. Dear readers. Poems for children. The theme of poetry. Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder. Famous writer. Zakhoder family. Boris Zakhoder finished school.

    “Brief biography of Zoshchenko” - Zoshchenko, like a kind wizard, accompanies the guys. Who are the main characters of the story. Mikhail Zoshchenko at a meeting of the Serapion Brothers literary circle. Monument to M.M. Zoshchenko in Sestroretsk. In 1917 he returned to St. Petersburg. He died on July 22, 1958, but was not allowed to be buried in Leningrad. State Literary Memorial Museum. Mikhail Mikhailovich Zoshchenko (1895-1958). In 1920-1921. his stories appeared.

    "Biography of Nikolai Zabolotsky" - Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky. Youth. The poet was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery. Moscow years. Ready-made poetic systems. Heart attack. Cycle "Last Love". The storm is coming. Childhood and adolescence. The fate of the lyrical hero. Biography and creativity. Analysis of the poem. Landscape details. Youth. years of imprisonment. Lyric hero. Poet of thought.