Russian folk tale to whom the pot is to be washed reviews. Who should wash the pot. V. work on new material

"Open reading lesson Grade 2" - Cheerful Kind Fair Inquisitive. Activate - draw up an act (document). Khikhechka green Bump Bump The tooth is pouring out The tooth is falling out. Speech therapist. Check yourself! Read it right. Find the mistakes in the words. Victor Yuzefovich Dragunsky (1913-1972). Which figure best describes the mood of the story?

"Reading books" - Baron Munchausen. Read a book. A million and one days of vacation. Adventures. Will man run wild or conquer the wild. Cipollino. Fairy stories. Traveling with Ellie Knowledge and practical experience. Resourceful girl. Adventures of Pencil and Samodelkin. Pippi longstocking. The Wizard of Oz.

"Lesson of literary reading" - The subject is built taking into account the psychological characteristics of the reader - a younger student. Lesson 1. What do children dream about? Literary education in elementary school. The content is built in a task form. In total, 14 teaching materials on this subject are named in the Federal List of Textbooks. The main tasks of the implementation of the content.

"Literary reading quiz" - What Irochka did not teach her parrot. When the magazine "Funny Pictures" appeared. Child, address, friends, tram, fools, laughter. When was the Murzilka magazine founded? Through the pages of children's magazines. Who wrote the story "How legends are made." Which of the following animals is not mentioned in the Merry Poems.

"KVN on literary reading" - Literary quiz. The results of the competition are being checked. Staged. The winning team. The book is small, but gave the mind. Competition results. Correct answers for the competition. Summing up. Let's go to the past. Lesson-KVN. We have traveled all over the world. Learn the proverb by its beginning. What happened. The team sings a song.

"Reading lesson in 1st grade" - Give smiles to each other! Reflection. Solve the riddle. Angry intonation - surprise, joking, ironic, indignant. Turn. Let's have a rest. "Oh, and the disorder in Mishka's notebook." Breathing exercises "Blow out the candles" Face - Snow - Bird - Water -. Shash shap shub push pesh kash kas. Mouse mish mosh kep rep chip kosh.

Total in the topic 33 presentations

Municipal budgetary educational institution - secondary school No. 7 x. Novoselovka

Teacher: Valko Valentina Sergeevna

2016 – 2017 academic year year


literary reading in grade 3

Subject: To grab a lot is to lose yours. English fairy tale "The Woman Who Lived in a Bottle"

Lesson type : Lesson mastering new knowledge and methods of action.

Target : Formation of reading competence in the process of reading the English fairy tale "The Woman Who Lived in a Bottle"

Personal tasks of the lesson: contribute to the education of moral qualities; the formation of a positive attitude towards reality among students;

Meta-subject tasks: the formation of motivation for self-improvement, a holistic worldview based on the interaction of literary reading with other school subjects;

Subject tasks: creating conditions for children to obtain aesthetic pleasure from reading fiction;

preliminary work: students were given the task - to find interesting facts about England.

Realizing the goals and objectives of the lesson, I continued to form the following UUD in students:

Personal UUD:

Develop the capacity for moral judgment.

Develop reflection.

Develop empathy.

Regulatory UUD:


Develop the ability to control and self-control.

Develop the ability for self-esteem.

Subject UUD:

Focus on the text.

Predict the content of the text before reading.

Analyze the work in order to determine its idea

Analyze the work in order to characterize the characters.

Compare different works of a common theme.

Communicative UUD:

Communicate, express your point of view, listen to others, follow the rules of communication.

Justify statements.

Build collaboration skills.

Retell what you read.

Lesson stage

Teacher actions

Student activities


  1. Organizational stage - 1 min.

Introduce students to the lesson, set them up for work. Creating a situation


The bell rang, and the lesson began. Good afternoon I'm glad to see you all. Let's give each other a good mood.

The radiant sun is not divided into parts

And the eternal Earth cannot be divided,

But a spark of happiness of a golden ray

You can, you are able to give to friends!

Guys, I smile at you, you smile at me, give a smile to our guests. A smile can warm others with its warmth, show your friendliness and improve everyone's mood. A good mood always helps to cope with any task and achieve good results.

Smiling at each other, teacher and guests

Develop empathy. (L.)

  1. Introduction to the topic

Introduce the title of the topic.

- Today, guys, we start studying a new section of the textbook. Read.

To grab a lot - to lose yours.

How do you understand this expression?

- Turn the pages of this section. Get to know the titles of the pieces.

- What human quality, judging only by the titles of the works, will be ridiculed in them? Why did you come to this conclusion?

Read the title of the section


Predict. (R.)

  1. Checking homework (2-3 min)

Students read interesting facts about England

Guys, what do the messages you listened to have in common?

Guess what kind of people we will meet today?

The messages are about England.

Predict. (R.)

Communicate, express your point of view, listen to others, follow the rules of communication. (TO.)

  1. Formulation of the topic of the lesson, goal setting(3 min)

They find out what work we will work on and prepare for its perception.

And to find out what kind of work we will get acquainted with today, you need to complete the following task:

Read the excerpts from the works and determine how they are similar?(Reading excerpts from fairy tales)

1. Once my wife cooked porridge, flavored it with butter. They ate the porridge, and the hostess says:

I cooked porridge, and you, man, wash the pot!

It’s full of nonsense to talk, - the husband answers, - is it a man’s business to wash pots. Wash yourself.

  1. The next day, Dogbe, as soon as she woke up, took money from her father, bought corn and began to cook bread, as her mother taught her. And then brought to the market to sell. She did this every day and made a lot of money.
  2. There lived a king. He reigned for a year, he reigned for two years, he reigned for three years. Everyone was afraid of him, everyone pleased him. And the king became bored, bored.

He sits on the throne and misses.

Guess what kind of work we will read today?

What kinds of fairy tales do you know?

Read the title of the story we are going to read.

Can you guess what the story is from the title?

What else can you learn from the title of the tale?

Formulate the topic of our lesson completely.

State the purpose of our lesson. (Answers of the student, the teacher adds.)

These are excerpts from fairy tales of different nations.

Russian folk tale "Who should wash the pot?"

African fairy tale "Lazy"

Armenian fairy tale "Golden Apple"

Tales about animals, domestic and magical.

This is a fairy tale, because in real life you cannot live in a bottle.

(The fact that the main character is a woman and she lived in a bottle.

English fairy tale The Woman Who Lived in a Bottle.

Get to know the English fairy tale "The Woman Who Lived in a Bottle"

Predict. (R.)

Compare different works of a common theme. (P-2.)

Justify statements. (TO.)

Predict. (R.)

Communicate, express your point of view, listen to others, follow the rules of communication. (TO.)

Predict the content of the text before reading. (P-2.)

Justify statements. (TO.)

  1. Discovery of new knowledge

(10 min)

Get acquainted with the work, determine its emotional coloring, be able to convey the feelings of the hero when reading using various means of expression

We have determined the topic and goals of our lesson and now we will get acquainted with the English fairy tale.

In order for our story to sound right, we must prepare for reading. The authors of the textbook suggest that we perform a vocabulary warm-up.

Now we are ready to read.

1. Expressive reading by students of the English fairy tale "The Woman Who Lived in a Bottle"

As you read, ask about the meaning of unfamiliar words.

What did you learn about the old woman after reading the first paragraph?

Perform vocabulary warm-up (IAD, TPO)

Reading a fairy tale

(Children confirm their opinion (you can) by reading the first sentence of the tale.)

The temperament of the old woman was grouchy and greedy.

Communicate, express your point of view, listen to others, follow the rules of communication. (TO.)

  1. Consolidation of the new(10 min)

Check the understanding of the content of the read story and its emotional coloring.

The answer to the first question of the textbook:

Did you like the fairy tale? How?


How do you imagine a little merman? Word drawing. At home, you will draw a small merman.

Notice how the mood of the merman gradually changes:muttered, made an angry grimace; the little man growled; snapped; the little man snorted and jumped into the lake. Why did this happen?

– Is it possible to call a merman kind, fair? Why?

What can you say about the old lady? (Refer to the text when answering)

Is it possible to say that the old woman was left “with nothing? Why?

Look at the illustration on page 111, find and read in the text a sentence that can be used to sign this picture.

Student responses

Little green man. He has small arms and legs, is wearing a cap, a tiny blouse and trousers.

The old woman asked for more and more each time. Such behavior was unfair to the little green man, as well-bred people do not act. This made the green man very angry.

Yes, the little man wanted to thank the old woman by fulfilling her every wish.

And he punished the old woman fairly for her greed.

The old woman had a grouchy and greedy disposition.

Grunting, she gave the fisherman a penny, took the fish and went home.

Justify statements. (TO.)

Analyze the work in order to characterize the characters. (P-2.)

Communicate, express your point of view, listen to others, follow the rules of communication. (TO.)

Analyze the work in order to characterize the characters. (P-2.)

Communicate, express your point of view, listen to others, follow the rules of communication. (TO.)

Justify statements. (TO.)

Analyze the work in order to characterize the characters. (P-2.)

Analyze the work in order to characterize the characters. (P-2.)

Develop the capacity for moral judgment. (L.)

Communicate, express your point of view, listen to others, follow the rules of communication. (TO.)

Justify statements. (TO.)

  1. Creative work in groups (5 min)
  1. Reflection

Carry out creative tasks

I group. Make a picture plan, title each picture.

II group. Prepare a reading by roles using the materials of the printed notebook. (Determine how many roles you have, think about the intonation with which you need to pronounce the words of each character.)

III group. Read the sentences and correct the mistakes made.

We got acquainted with the fairy tale, worked on its content.

I suggest you work with the test in order to check how you have learned the content of the fairy tale.

What does the English fairy tale "The Woman Who Lived in a Bottle" teach?

  • In today's lesson, I learned...
  • After class, I wanted...
  • I enjoyed today's lesson...

After completing the task, we collectively check the work done.

Work on tests, self-assessment.

Build collaboration skills. (TO.)

Develop the ability to control and self-control. (R.) Develop the capacity for self-esteem. (R.)

Develop reflection. (L.)

  1. Grade

Evaluate student work in class

RATES (verbal commentary on ratings)

  1. Homework

Record homework in a diary.

Annex 1

Card 1.

Read the sentences, find the mistakes and correct them.

  1. One day a little young woman got out of her bottle and went on foot to Ipswich to buy fish in the market there.
  2. But as soon as she took a few steps, the fish opened its mouth and began to sing.
  3. The old woman returned to the village, and what was her surprise when, instead of a red clay jar, she saw a pretty pink house.
  4. The old woman came home and saw a puppy tied up near the porch.
  5. The old woman ran home.

Card 2 Appendix 2

Annex 3

Quiz based on the English folk tale "The Woman Who Lived in a Bottle"

meek and kind
grumpy and greedy
vicious and harmful

big crucian
wish-fulfilling pike
small silver fish
talking ruff


from glass
from porcelain
from clay

ordinary house
New furniture


Sections: Primary School


  • generalize and systematize students' knowledge about fairy tales, their features;
  • introduce the content of the Armenian fairy tale and carry out work on its content;
  • develop speech, the ability to read faces and convey the content of what is read;
  • to continue work on improving the skill of conscious, correct, expressive reading;
  • to consider a fairy tale as a system of relations;
  • develop children's interest in reading,

Micro Skills:

  • independently find passages from the text;
  • navigate the semantic content of the text;
  • to form the ability to work in pairs (dialogue between the king and the poor).


  • musical fragment "Visiting a fairy tale"; multimedia (slides); drawings of children;
  • illustration - Grandmother-Riddle; box with riddles, surprise box with apples; textbook literary reading "Favorite pages" by O.V. Kubasov, 3rd grade. part 1; Evaluation sheet "Mood Fluffy".

Lesson structure:

  1. Organizational moment.
  2. Repetition of the past.
    - Generalization and systematization of students' knowledge about fairy tales, their features
    - Independent work.
  3. Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson
    - Primary perception of the text
    - Learning new material
  4. Work on the title of the story
    - Physical education minute
    - Secondary reading of the fairy tale
    - vocabulary work
    - Analysis of a fairy tale on questions
  5. Summarizing
    - Generalization and systematization
  6. Information about d / z

During the classes.


(To the music in “Guests at the Fairy Tale”) on the board is the image of the guest.

Today we have an unusual lesson. Grandmother came to visit us. She has prepared riddles and tasks for you. You will be great if you cope with her tasks and get a delicious prize. Do you agree? Then let's start


Slide 1 (Reading lesson, fairy tale illustration)

1. Generalization and systematization of students' knowledge about fairy tales, their features.

RIDDLE 1. (from box)

There are many genres in the world
Fable, story and story,
But from birth, children love
Magic and the world is beautiful.

- What genre of oral folk art does Grandmother-Riddle ask you about? (Fairy tale)

And what kind of literary genre is a fairy tale?

(A fairy tale is a work of art in which there is fiction, elements of the miraculous, fantastic. A fairy tale necessarily teaches something, Good triumphs over evil)

How is a fairy tale different from other stories?

(In a fairy tale, animals, plants can speak, unusual adventures, various miracles happen to them.)

Annex 1. Slide 2 (portrait of A.S. Pushkin and his words: “The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.”

Read the words written on the board.

How do you understand them? (Fairy tales teach, teach us lessons)

What do fairy tales teach? (Goodness, love, justice, hard work, how to act in a given situation)

Who writes stories? (Compose fairy tales people, writers)

And what are the names of the fairy tales that the people composed?

(Folk. People of different nationalities live in our country. Therefore, there are a lot of fairy tales. These are Ukrainian fairy tales, fairy tales of the peoples of the North, Tatar fairy tales, etc.)

And what are the names of the fairy tales that the writers composed? (Literary)

Your answers pleased Grandmother-Riddle, and she hopes that you will cope with task 2 as well.

2. Task


Elements of different fairy tales
We collected in a box.
Guess the name of the story
Be careful, friend.

Guessing fairy tales (we take out the task from the box, read, answer)

Fairy tales ask: “And now you, friends, recognize us!”

Old man, old woman, pot, caftan. (“To whom to wash the pot” - folk).

3rd grade student, evil wizards, walkers (“The Tale of Lost Time” by E. Schwartz - literary)

Annex 1. Slide 3

3. Task (from box) Independent work.

And now let's remember the differences between a literary fairy tale and a folk tale?

(drawing up a table on the cards lying on the tables)

Annex 1. Slide 4 (questions)

  • Who is the creator of the folk tale; literary?
  • Storytelling form?
  • Is it possible to make changes to the story?
  • Is it possible to determine the time of creation of a folk (literary) fairy tale?
  • What genres are used in fairy tales?


Annex 1. Slide 5 (table)




2. Exists orally.

2.Created in writing.

3. Each fairy tale exists in several versions (Creator can make changes)

3. Changes are not allowed

4. It is impossible to determine the time of creation of a fairy tale.

4. The time of creation of the fairy tale is known.

5. Folk tale is limited to a certain genre

- household,
- about animals.

5. Not limited to a specific genre; includes features of both household fairy tales, and fairy tales, and fairy tales about animals, and even fantasy.

Outcome: We repeated the features of folk and literary tales. Of course, these are not all features of fairy tales. You will learn more about them in high school.

Mysterious grandmother, I am very pleased with how well you know the features of fairy tales.


Today we will read a new work, and after listening, you must say and prove what genre this work has? (Fairy tale - elements of fiction)

1. Reading a fairy tale by a teacher.

And who can guess whether this fairy tale is folk or literary? (based on the table) (Folk, limited to a certain genre - household)

Is it possible, listening to a fairy tale, to say which people wrote it (No, no names, customs, place names)

Then at least the name of the fairy tale can you guess? (children's answers)

Mysterious Granny will give you a hint:


round, ruddy,
I grow on a branch;
adults love me
And little kids. (APPLE)

Annex 1. Slide 6 (illustration of the name of the fairy tale, apple)


1. Work on the name of the fairy tale.

To find out what people composed this fairy tale O Open your textbooks on page 82.

Read the title of the story.

What people wrote this story? (Armenian)


2. Secondary reading of a fairy tale from a textbook

(well-reading children) - by paragraph, the dialogue of the king and the poor in roles.

3. Vocabulary work:

There were difficult words in the fairy tale, explain, if you can, their meaning.

Multimedia. Slide 7 (words from the text)

  • Pleased - to do something pleasant, necessary, desired.
  • Pipe - a musical instrument in the form of a pipe made of wood.
  • Zither is a stringed musical instrument in the form of a flat box.
  • Decree - order, order, instruction, having force.
  • Great sadness - a great feeling of sadness.
  • A fiction is a funny story or poem. That which does not exist did not exist. Artifice
  • Nobles are noble rich people.

4. Questions after listening. Parsing a fairy tale.

Who do you think are the main characters in the story? Why? (King and poor man)

Who can give a brief account of the king's life? ( Reigned ... ... and bored)

How did the king want to get rid of boredom? (Support your answers with words from the text. - convened musicians, dancers, riders, strongmen)

Who made the king not to be bored? (Poor man, telling him a fable)

What advice would you give to a king when you are bored? (Let him get to work)

But don’t you think that the king does not have to do physical work, he is the head of state, he must think about the life of his people, issue decrees and laws, and then he will not be bored. For him, out of boredom, you need to do state affairs, think, think. Not every person needs the same medicine.

Back to the poor man, not every person would dare to go to the king with such an offer. What can you tell about the poor man, what he is, what qualities of character he has ? (Brave, smart, resourceful)

What do you think helped the poor man in this? (Cunning, ingenuity, resourcefulness)

Why, after the incident with the poor, the king stopped being bored ? (He took up his immediate business, began to think further and solve state affairs. He began to think how the poor man could outwit him.)


The Grandmother-Riddle is old, her memory is weak, she has become, she asks you to remind you which fairy tale you met.

1. Tell us all about the fairy tale you met today?

According to the plan:

Annex 1. Slide 8. (plan)

  1. Name
  2. Author.
  3. Genre (What?) Why?
  4. the main idea
  5. What did you take away from this fairy tale? How do you deal with boredom?

Outcome: From boredom there are many different activities, they should be to your liking and not in vain: a book, music, guessing puzzles and crossword puzzles, keep yourself busy with useful work. Any job, both mental and physical

2. You have a sheet with a proverb on your table. Read this proverb to yourself. The one whose proverb fits our fairy tale, let him stand up and read it aloud and prove What does the proverb you have chosen mean?

(Children do the task)

Examples of proverbs and sayings.

  1. Try on seven times, cut once.
  2. To live without work is only to smoke the sky.
  3. In what you blunder, for that you are responsible.
  4. There is enough simplicity in every sage.
  5. The chatter is both red and motley, but empty.
  6. There was a pie, there will be an eater.
  7. Without difficulty, you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond.
  8. Everyone lives by their own mind.
  9. The tongue is soft - whatever it wants, it murmurs.
  10. A bargain is a bargain.
  11. Hood of a soldier who does not expect to be a general.
  12. Having given the word, hold on, but if not given, be strong.
  13. By merit and pay.
  14. Lies - does not blink an eye.
  15. No matter what the child amuses, if only she does not cry.
  16. Business time, fun hour.
  17. Every man is the blacksmith of his own happiness.


1. Self-assessment of work.

Annex 1 . Slide 8. (criteria)

Mysterious Grandmother invites you to conduct a self-assessment according to the criteria:

"5" - everything was clear in the lesson, worked actively, answered questions correctly, performed tasks correctly;

"4" - there were difficulties in the lesson, did not answer all the questions, did not complete all the tasks correctly;

"" - I didn’t really like my work in the lesson,

  • stand up those (raise your hand) who have not graded themselves for their work;
  • now those who rated "4";
  • now those who rated "5".

3. Reflection.

Grandmother-Riddle has prepared for you a sheet of “Mood Fluffy”, circle the Fluffy with what mood you will leave this lesson. Show everyone and each other.

Me and Mysterious Grandmother are very pleased with your work.

I give everyone five. And the Riddle Grandmother gives you a delicious prize - apples.

Outcome: So that you remember that from boredom there is a different work, both physical and mental.

Ah, what a woman has, that from the Russian folk tale “The Pot”, noble porridge turned out: crumbly, tasty, steamed in a Russian oven ... You can’t spoil the porridge with butter: the woman did not regret the butter. Yes, there is only one problem: there is no one to wash the pot after eating porridge. Neither the woman nor the man wants to clean it out. Mother Sloth won. Who still washed the notorious pot? While a secret. Read the story and find out for yourself.

Russian folktale

There lived a man and a woman. Both were so lazy... They strive to push the matter onto other people's shoulders, they just don't want to do it themselves... And the door to the hut was never laid on a hook: in the morning, get up and stretch out your hands, but again throw off the hook... And so we will live.

That time, a woman and cook porridge. And the porridge is cooked! The blush is crumbly, the grain falls off the grain. The woman took the porridge out of the oven, put it on the table, flavored it with butter. They ate porridge and licked the spoons ... Look, in the pot, porridge was boiled on the side and on the bottom, it is necessary to wash the pot. Here the grandmother says:

Well, man, I did my job - I cooked porridge, and you wash the pot!
- Yes, full of you! Is it a man's business to wash the pots! And wash yourself.
- I don't think so!
- And I won't.
- But if you don't - let it be so!

The woman said, put the pot on the hearth, and she herself on the bench. The pot is unwashed.

Baba, baba! Gotta wash the pot!
- It is said - your business, you and mine!
- Well, that's it, baba! An agreement is more valuable than money: whoever gets up first tomorrow and says the first word will wash the pot.
- Okay, climb on the stove, you'll see.

Have settled down. The man is on the stove, the woman is on the bench. A dark night came, then morning came.

Nobody gets up in the morning. Neither one nor the other will move - they do not want to wash the pot.

Baba needs to water the cow, milk it, and drive it into the herd, but she doesn’t even get up from the bench.

The neighbors have already driven the cows away.

What is Malanya something not to be seen? Am I all well?
- Yes, sometimes it's late. Let's go back - will we meet ...

And they go back - no Malanya.

Yes, no! You can see what happened!

Neighbor and put yourself in the hut. Grab! And the door isn't locked. Something is wrong. She entered and looked around.

Malanya, mother!

And the woman is lying on the bench, looking into her eyes, she herself does not move.

Why didn't you drive the cow away? Ay unwell? Grandma is silent.
- Yes, what happened to you? Why are you silent? The woman is silent, does not say a word.
- Lord have mercy! But where is your man? .. Vasily, and Vasily!

She looked at the stove, and Vasily was lying there, his eyes open - and he would not stir.

What's up with your wife? Ay did it?

The man is silent, that he took water in his mouth. Neighbor got excited:

Go tell the women!

Ran through the village

Oh, baboons! It’s not okay, after all, with Malanya and Vasily: they lie - in a layer - one on the bench, the other on the stove. They look with their little eyes, but they don’t say a little word. Hasn't damage been done?

The women came running, lamenting around them:

Mother! But what is it with you, then? .. Malanyushka! Vasiliushka! Why are you silent?

Both are silent that they are dead.

Yes, run, women, for the priest! The thing is getting really ugly.

They ran away. Pop came.

Here, father, both lie - they do not move; the eyes are open, but the little word is not spoken. Haven't they been damaged?

Pop straightened his beard - yes to the stove:
- Basil, servant of God! What's happened?

The man is silent.

Pop - to the shop:

God's servant! What's with the husband?

Grandma is silent.

Neighbors talked, talked - and out of the hut. It's not worth it: who will heat the stove, who will feed the children, who will have chickens, who will have pigs.

Pop and says:

Well, Orthodox, it’s so scary to leave them, someone sit down.

That once, the other once.

Why, - she says, - let grandma Stepanida sit, it’s not the guys who cry with her - she lives alone.

Grandma Stepanida bowed and said:

No, father, no one will work for nothing! And put a salary, so I'll sit.
- Yes, what kind of salary do you put? - asks the priest and moved his eyes around the hut. And by the door hangs on the wall Malanyin's torn katsaveyka, cotton wool dangles in tufts. - Yes, - says the priest, - take a katsaveyka. Bad, bad, but everything is good enough to even cover your legs.

As soon as he said this, the woman, as if scalded, jumped from the bench, stood in the middle of the hut, hands on her hips.

What is this? - speaks. - My something good to give? I myself still vilify and from my hands I will give it to whomever I want!

Everyone freaked out. And the peasant somehow quietly lowered his legs from the stove, bowed down and said:

Well, woman, you said the first word - you wash the pot.

Questions to the Russian folk tale "Pot"

What were the man and woman like: hard-working or lazy?

Who cooked crumbly porridge?

Why didn't the woman want to wash the pot?

Why didn't the man help the woman wash the pot?

Why were the neighbors upset?

Why did the woman play silent with her neighbors?

Why did Vasily become a silent man?

Who ended up washing the pot?

Are you familiar with the word "lazy"?

What kind of people do you like more: lazy or hardworking?

UMK "Harmony" Grade 3 Theme: Russian folk tale "Who should wash the pot"; S. Marshak "Old woman, close the door!" Purpose: to get acquainted with the work of S. Marshak “The old woman, close the door!”, The Russian folk tale “Who should wash the pot”. Learn to find various means of linguistic expression in a work of art (comparison, personification, epithet, artistic repetition, understand their role in the text. Determine the similarities and differences between works of different genres. Transmit the emotional tone of a character, work. Choose the pace of reading depending on the meaning of what is being read. Use the power of voice to set logical stresses and convey the nature of the text. The course of the lesson. Organization of the class. Work in the lesson. I. II. 1. Checking homework and preparing for the perception of works. - At home you read the poem by Sergei Alekseevich Baruzdin "Log". Answer the questions to the text. What does his act say about the third traveler? (When answering the first question, you can use the reference material "Character Qualities" located at the end of the notebook.) Imagine yourself in such a situation. What would you do? Why? What unites the last two poems?To characterize the third traveler, words such as “disinterested” (doing something not for their own benefit, self-interest, but for others), “sharp”, “caring”, “responsible”, “independent” can be taken from there. What proverbs did you choose for these works. Which of the following proverbs do you think expresses the main idea of ​​this poem? A small deed is better than a big idleness. Patience and hard work will grind everything. See the tree in its fruits, and the man in his deeds. (The first and last proverbs convey the main idea of ​​the poem.) - You need to know and be able to do a lot in order to be useful to people. Such a person was the author of this poem, Sergei Alekseevich Baruzdin. From the age of ten, he began to write poems that were published in children's newspapers and magazines. This writer created about a hundred books for children and adults. S. Baruzdin - a participant in the Great Patriotic War, he wrote many works about military exploits. Some of his works you will meet in high school. At the end of the homework check, several people take turns reciting the poems they have learned. 2. Preparation for perception. - Get acquainted with the title of the next work, as well as with an illustration for it. What can you say about the character of this work before reading it? Why are some fairy tales called folk tales? A folk tale is the fruit of the imagination of not one person, but many people. How was it created? One person came up with and told. They talked not only about what really happened, but also invented it. Some memorized the story they heard and then retold it to other people. In ancient times, fairy tales were passed down orally. At the same time, the narrators often added something of their own. Therefore, fairy tales are the result of the collective creativity of the people and reflect what people thought at that time. Further, the exercises located in the notebook, as well as in the textbook before the text, are performed aloud. 3. Acquaintance with the text. Reading the Russian folk tale "To whom the pot should be washed" by the teacher. Learn to read independently. Preparation for expressive reading of the work. 4. Discussion of what has been read. A). b). Pick up a piece of text corresponding to the illustration of the textbook; V). Word drawing. What pictures would you like to draw for this story? G). Reading by roles of the beginning of the tale. Starting with the words "I cooked porridge", ending with the phrase "the morning is wiser than the evening." e). Determine the type of fairy tale (tales are about animals, magical, everyday. In everyday fairy tales, ordinary people are told, but the situations they find themselves in often turn out to be unexpected and incredible. What kind of fairy tales does the one you read belong to? 5. Physical education minute. 6. Preparation for the perception of the work of S. Marshak "The old woman, close the door!". Listening to an audio recording. 7. Students independently get acquainted with the text. 8. Discussion of what they have read. - What advice can you give to the heroes of this work? - What questions do you have about the content of this tale? can you ask each other? - What illustrations can be drawn for the text of this tale? What Russian folk tale does the work of S.Ya. Marshak remind you of? How are they similar? How are they different? The answer to the second question will be something like this: Marshak retold a folk tale in verse. As a result, this tale turned out to be both a folk tale and an author's one, but most likely it can be considered an author's (literary) tale written on the basis of a folk tale. III. Homework assignment. At home, students complete task number 3 of the textbook. I.Y. Summarizing.