Eugene Onegin. Eugene Onegin presentation I thought: liberty and peace

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The presentation on the topic "The history of the creation of the novel Eugene Onegin" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Literature. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 14 slide(s).

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This lesson will help you: determine the meaning of the novel "Eugene Onegin" in Russian literature and in the work of A.S. Pushkin himself; reveal the lyrical nature of the novel. Learn about lyrical digressions and their themes; find out the creative history of the novel and correlate it with one or another period of the poet's work; understand the genre and compositional originality of the novel.

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History of the creation of the novel

The writing of the novel took Pushkin over seven years (1823 - 1830). It was published in separate chapters: the first chapter of the novel appeared as a separate book in 1825, the second - in 1826, the third - in 1827, at the beginning of 1828 the fourth and fifth chapters appeared, and in March 1828 - the sixth, seventh came out in March 1830 and the last - the eighth - was published in 1832. The outline of the general plan of the novel included nine chapters, but in the process of writing the plan changed slightly, so that in the first complete edition of "Eugene Onegin" (1833) Pushkin included eight chapters and "Excerpts from Onegin's Journey"

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In addition, at the same time, the tenth chapter of "Eugene Onegin" was written in Boldino, which Pushkin burned, and only separate excerpts from drafts have come down to us (the poet encrypted the draft text, and literary critics managed to decipher incomplete 16 stanzas) containing pro-Decembrist messages dangerous for Pushkin. the utterances, as can be judged from the restored parts, are very caustic and caustic. The tenth chapter is not included in the canonical text of the novel. Completed work on "Eugene Onegin" on September 26, 1830.

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Genre of the novel

The genre of the work is lyrical epic, i.e. in parallel with the traditional narrative (the story of the relationship between Onegin and Tatyana), there is a personal, emotional perception of everything that happens (thanks to the image of the Author). However, one cannot identify the Author with Pushkin himself, although in the personality of the narrator, in his system of values, and in his way of life, much reminds of his great creator (he is also a poet who values ​​the freedom and independence of the individual).

The image of the Author is an artistic generalization, he lives in an imaginary space and is similar to other heroes of the novel. In addition, the Author is a narrator and a hero, playing a subtle game with the reader, creating this “air mass” at ease. The author obeys only his own feelings and declares this: And I, imputing the Passion to a single arbitrariness as a law ...

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The principle of contradictions

In the course of long work on the novel, his idea changed, and the character of the protagonist at the end of the chapter turned out to be far from his appearance in the first stanzas of the novel. The author's attitude towards him also changed, but Pushkin did not eliminate anything, but turned such inconsistencies into a principle of contradictions: I finished the first chapter: I revised it all strictly, There are a lot of contradictions. But I don't want to fix them...

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Composition. "Poetry of reality"

The reception of antithesis, contrast (Onegin - Lensky, Tatyana - Olga), mirroring (two letters, two meetings and two explanations), the internal symbolic connection of scenes (dream and name day), the destruction of reader expectations (the promise to lead the characters down the aisle turns into a tragic denouement) - all this helped Pushkin to overcome the aesthetic canons and any forms of literary conventions, to go beyond the frozen forms, habitual patterns and create the "poetry of reality", a new life reality. Compositionally, the novel does not have a traditional beginning and a traditional ending.

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artistic method

Simplicity and unsophisticated ease of the novel - seeming, in fact, the work is based on a complex poetic alignment of the composition. The main devices that give rise to this freedom of the novel in verse are associated with the poetic independence of the creator and his hero.

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The main techniques can be distinguished: The principle of "contradictions" The creative process of creating a novel in front of the reader's eyes The whim, the whim of the Author as a creative impulse Freedom as the main component of creativity Switching intonations, a plurality of points of view The system of associations Quotes and reminiscences that expand the world of the novel Destruction of reader's expectations, ironic neglect of aesthetic dogmas, laws.

compositional techniques.

Tips on how to make a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, the game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts, you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.

Slides captions:

A.S. Pushkin. "Eugene Onegin".
Complex text analysis.
History of creation. Content.
1) Time of creation: May 9, 1823. Southern link. - September 25, 1830 Boldino. 2) September 26, 1830 The last draft of the plan of "Eugene Onegin", which includes 10 chapters: a detailed description of Onegin's journey (VІІІ Ch.) and the emergence of secret Decembrist societies (Ch. X). 3) October 19, 1830 - burning of the X chapter by Pushkin. 4) 1831 Alteration of the last eighth chapter and writing of Onegin's letter to Tatyana.
Image of the life of the noble youth, contemporary to the author.
Questions of lack of spirituality, education, upbringing.
Showing the socio-public and cultural factors that determined the character of the hero.
realistic method.
Features of a realistic work: Introduction of a broad historical, social, everyday, cultural and ideological background; 27 lyrical digressions and about 50 small inserts of various content; A form of easy conversation with readers. The author is both the creator of the novel and its hero.
"Eugene Onegin". Pushkin and Onegin. Artist N. V. Kuzmin.
"Encyclopedia of Russian life" (V. G. Belinsky.)
A wide and versatile display of reality. Shown are both capitals (St. and Larina's mother, Uncle Onegin, guests at Tatiana's name day), and bourgeoisie, and peasantry. provinces, what performances were staged in theaters, what kind of life the metropolitan and provincial nobles had, etc. M.M. Bakhtin: “… This is not a mute household encyclopedia. Russian life speaks here with all its voices, all the languages ​​and styles of the epoch.”
Genus. Genre.
Rod - lyrical-epic. Genre - novel in verse.
A novel in verse. The image of the author is the compositional basis: thoughts, feelings, moods of the author determine the composition of the work.
An epic novel. A harmonious narration about heroes and events + In some cases, lyrical digressions.
Consistent denial of the laws of the genre of the novel: the rejection of prose speech, the lack of a coherent narrative about the characters and events (lyrical narratives)
Plot features.
2 storylines
Love story. The relationship between Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina
Relations between Eugene Onegin and Vladimir Lensky
The plot is a chronicle of the life of heroes. Time is sometimes compressed, sometimes stretched. The principle of narration is silence about events, or replacing events with a story about them. Fragmentation. Mirror reflection of parts of the plot.
Literary montage technique
Compositional features:1. Symmetry (parallelism) - the repetition of one plot situation (meeting - letter - explanation), the coincidence of one compositional plan and in some parts even the vocabulary of two characters' letters; 2. Lyrical digressions, not always thematically related to the storyline.
Mirror composition. Exposure. Acquaintance with the main character - the "young rake" Eugene Onegin, showing his life in the capital. (І ch.) The plot of the second storyline. Acquaintance of Onegin with Lensky. (II ch.) The beginning of the first storyline. Acquaintance of Onegin with the Larin family, with Tatyana. Development of the action. Onegin's relationship with Lensky and Tatyana. Prophetic dream of Tatyana. Name day. The culmination and denouement of the second storyline. Duel (VІ ch.) The culmination and denouement of the first storyline. Meeting and explanation with Tatyana Larina, a secular lady and “legislator of the hall” in Moscow. (VІІІ ch.) Open final.
"Onegin stanza"
14 lines: 4+4+4+2. This is not a sonnet: quatrains I and II do not have a through rhyme, each quatrain has its own rhyming system (cross, ring, pair), the stanza ends with a couplet (couplet): Many pages were kept and Mark sharp nails; b - cross The eyes of an attentive girl a Are fixed on them alive b Tatiana sees with trembling, with what thought, remark c - the steam room Onegin was amazed, d In which he silently agreed. d On their margins, she meets e The features of his pencil, f - Onegin's ring-shaped soul Everywhere f Involuntarily expresses itself e Now with a short word, now with a cross, g - couplet Now with an interrogative hook, g A stanza is a unit of composition. Each stanza is a small work complete in meaning and form. If the stanza, as it were, is not finished and its ending is transferred to the next one, then the author thus draws the reader's attention to the action or thought.
Image system.
local nobility
Olga Larina
Tatyana Larina
Eugene Onegin
Noble education + education
Unburdened-ness with service + carefree life + "passionate science"
Reading books + Lord Byron portrait + "column cast-iron doll" (Napoleon)
BoredomSpleenFrustration-skepticism ("sharp, chilled mind") "inimitable-weirdness"
ardent love-ness
Vladimir Lensky
Spiritual antipode of Onegin. Romantic and poet. Onegin + Lensky = friendship: estrangement from the landlord environment, interest in philosophical issues. Lensky. Soft, worried. Loves, makes friends, composes.
"Eugene Onegin". Duel of Onegin with Lensky Artist M. V. Dobuzhinsky
Tatyana Larina
"cute ideal"
"Eugene Onegin". Tatiana on the balcony Artist F.D. Konstantinov.
character development
Love for Onegin, explanation
Marriage not for love Recognition as a “legislator of the hall” Observance of moral duty Social realistic adaptation
Thoughtfulness. Intense inner work Proximity to native nature Interest in the unusual (in "terrible" nanny stories Early infatuation with novels Signs of a romantic heroine
Onegin - "an extra person"
EMPTY FIGHT. Seclusion in the village is a kind of protest against the norms of secular society that suppress the individual. Friendship and love are an attempt to be sincere, unspoiled.
"Eugene Onegin". Tatyana and Onegin Artist N. V. Kuzmin
The test of friendship and love has shown that the external denial of generally accepted prejudices and opinions does not mean an internal liberation from them.
The ideal of a woman in Russian literature
Svetlana (“Svetlana” by V.A. Zhukovsky). Katerina (“Thunderstorm” by A.N. Ostrovsky). Olga (“Oblomov” by I.A. Goncharov. Matryona Timofeevna (“Who Lives Well in Russia” by N.A. Nekrasova ).Princesses Trubetskaya and Volkonskaya (“Russian Women” by N.A. Nekrasov). Natasha Rostova, Maria Bolkonskaya (“War and Peace” by L.N. Tolstoy). Sonya (“Crime and Punishment” by F.M. Dostoevsky). Natalia (“Quiet Flows the Don” by M.A. Sholokhov). Matryona (“Matryonin Dvor” by A.I. Solzhenitsyn). Daria (“Farewell to Matyora” by V. G. Rasputin).

Eugene Onegin of Pushkin is one of the most popular school works, so many teachers ask to prepare a presentation on various topics of this novel. Below we have selected for you the best presentations on various topics. You can download them and successfully report on the literature lesson!

Analysis of the novel

The presentation contains a deep analysis of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The history of the creation of the work is briefly covered, the main dates are indicated. There are excerpts from critical articles of contemporaries. The composition of the text is determined. The features of the mirror composition are indicated, arguments are given in favor of its choice.

The presentation reveals the plot of the work, compiled a table. Attention is paid to the features of the genre. The main characteristics of the famous "Onegin" stanza are highlighted. The key themes of the work are indicated. The system of images of the novel is presented in the table.

One of the slides will tell the reader why the novel is called the "encyclopedia of Russian life." A brief and capacious description of the main characters is given. The role of lyrical digressions in the text is revealed.

As a conclusion, the features and significance of the novel "Eugene Onegin" are highlighted.

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In the second version of the presentation, one of the slides is devoted to the history of the creation of the novel in brief. The genre and direction of prose are determined, their features are highlighted. The composition of the plot was analyzed. An illustrative table has been compiled. The main plot lines of the text are revealed. Much attention is paid to the system of images in the novel. Lots of illustrations and other visual material.

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The history of the creation of "Eugene Onegin"

The presentation reveals in detail the history of the creation of the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". All major dates and their corresponding facts are indicated. Quotations about the novel by the author and critics are given.

Accessible and briefly disclosed the plot of the work. The characteristic of the main actors is given. Features of the composition, stanzas are revealed. Thesis analysis of the text is carried out.

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In the second version of the presentation "the creation of Eugene Onegin" all the main dates and facts are given by chapter. The features of the "Onegin stanza" are revealed in detail. Lots of illustrations and other visual material.

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Eugene Onegin - encyclopedia of Russian life

Belinsky in his critical article called the novel "Eugene Onegin" an encyclopedia of Russian life. The description was so accurate that it now follows the work relentlessly. Why did the critic give such a definition? The presentation helps the reader understand this.

Theses are given on all spheres of life of Russian society, described in the novel. Each of them is supported by a quote from the work.

There are illustrations from various publications.

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Tatyana visiting Onegin

The presentation "Tatyana visiting Onegin" introduces us to two images of the novel at once. The reader looks at Eugene in a new way through the eyes of Tatyana. Once in Onegin's house, Tatyana studies his way of life. She is especially struck by the books that the hero reads. Everything she finds in the house changes her attitude towards Eugene. And the reader gets to know both characters better. Onegin learns better, thanks to his home, literature. And Tatyana, based on her reactions to what she meets.

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Presentation for preparing for the OGE / USE

The presentation for the teacher is aimed at helping students prepare for the OGE. Topics of essays are given. Briefly disclosed the history of the creation of the work. The features of the direction, genre, stanza, composition are highlighted. The role of lyrical digressions is revealed. Attention is paid to the artistic originality of the novel. The structure of each chapter is described. The roles of the author in the text are revealed.

The presentation introduces students to the system of images in the novel. All the topics raised by the author in the novel are described. The thesis description of all the main characters is given. The key scenes of the plot are analyzed. Answers to common exam questions are provided. There are tasks for training with answers and a detailed analysis. The material is systematized and collected in tables and diagrams.

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Daniel Romanovich

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"... a collection of colorful chapters ..."

Onegin and Lensky
At the Larin estate

Tatyana in Onegin's house


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A.S. Pushkin Roman in verse "Eugene Onegin"
"Eugene Onegin" - an encyclopedia of Russian life. V.G. Belinsky
Chronology of Pushkin's work on "Eugene Onegin"
May 8/29, 1823 - the beginning of work on the novel September 26, 1830 - the completion of work on "Eugene Onegin" We find with the author: 7 years 4 months 17 days
Internal chronology of "Eugene Onegin"
Chapter I - winter 1819 - spring 1820 II, III chapters - summer 1820 IV chapter - summer - autumn 1820 Chapter V - night from January 2 to January 3 - January 12, 1821 Chapter VI - January 13 - spring 1821 Chapter VII - Spring 1821 - February 1822. Chapter VIII - Autumn 1824 - Spring 1825. March 1825 - the end of the novel.
1795 - the year of birth of Eugene Onegin. At 18, he healed on his own. After the duel, Onegin was 26 years old. 1803 - the year of birth of Lensky. When Lensky died, he was 18 years old. 1803 is the probable year of Tatyana's birth. In the summer of 1820 she was 17 years old.
"... a collection of colorful chapters ..."
Sheets of the manuscript of the novel "Eugene Onegin"
Illustrations for the novel "Eugene Onegin"
Let me introduce you: Onegin, my good friend... Ch. 1, stanza I.
... life ... Monotonous and motley. And tomorrow is the same as yesterday. But was my Eugene, Free, happy in the prime of his best years, Among brilliant victories, Among everyday pleasures? Ch.1, stanza XXVI
She liked novels early; They replaced everything for her; She fell in love with deceptions And Richardson and Rousseau. Ch. 2, stanza XXIX And ​​a thought was planted in her heart; The time has come, she fell in love. Ch. 3, stanza VII Imagining the heroine of her beloved creators, Clarice, Julia, Delfina, Tatyana wanders in the silence of the forests alone with a dangerous book, she seeks and finds in it her secret heat, her dreams, the fruits of heart fullness ... Ch. 3, stanza X
So people (I repent first) There is nothing to do friends. Chapter 2, stanza XIII He listened to Lensky with a smile. The poet's passionate conversation, And the mind, still in unsteady judgments, And the eternally inspired look, - Everything was new to Onegin ... Chapter 2, stanza XV Between them everything gave rise to disputes And attracted to reflection ... Chapter 2, stanza XVI
Onegin and Lensky
At the Larin estate
They kept in a peaceful life Habits of dear old times... Chapter 2, stanza XXXV
I am writing to you - what more? What else can I say? Now, I know, it is in your will to punish me with contempt. ... Why did you visit us? In the wilderness of a forgotten village, I would never know you, I would not know bitter torment ...
Enemies! How long have they been separated from each other by their bloodlust? Now it’s vicious, Like hereditary enemies, As in a terrible, incomprehensible dream, They are preparing each other’s death in cold blood in silence ... Can’t they laugh until Their hand is reddened, Can’t they disperse amicably? .. But wildly secular enmity Is afraid of false shame. Chapter 6, stanza XXVIII
Onegin hurries to the young man, Looks, calls him ... in vain: He is gone. Young singer Found an untimely end! Chapter VI, stanza XXXI He lay motionless, and strange Was the languid world of his brow. He was wounded under the chest; Smoking, blood flowed from the wound. A moment ago, Inspiration beat in this heart, Enmity, hope and love, Life played, seethed blood, - Now, as in an empty house, Everything in it is both quiet and dark; It has fallen silent forever. Chapter VI, stanza XXXII
Tatyana in Onegin's house
And in the silent study, Forgetting for a while everything in the world, Finally left alone, And she cried for a long time. Then she began to read books. Tatyana devoted herself to reading with a greedy soul; And another world opened up to her. Chapter 7, stanza XXI Everywhere Onegin's soul Involuntarily expresses itself Now with a short word, now with a cross, Now with an interrogative hook. Chapter 7, stanza XXIII
Hey! Not that she shuddered, Or suddenly turned pale, red ... Her eyebrow didn’t move; She didn’t even squeeze her lips. 8, stanza XIX Is it really the same Tatyana ..? … … … … Could it be that with him now she was so indifferent, so bold? Chapter 8, stanza XX
In the anguish of insane regrets, Eugene fell at her feet; She shuddered and was silent; And she looks at Onegin Without surprise, without anger ... Chapter 8, stanza XLI She does not raise him And, without taking her eyes off him, Does not take her insensible hand from her greedy lips ... Chapter 8, stanza XLII
Opera by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Eugene Onegin"
Lensky's ariaAria (Italian) - an episode in an opera completed by construction, performed by one singer.

Onegin's Arioso Arioso (Italian) is a small ariana of a chanting and declamatory nature.
Themes and problems of the novel.2. Read 1,2, 3 chapters.3. Answer questions.4. Compose a quotation description of the heroes (Tatyana, Onegin, Lensky, Olga).