How to make a drink from oranges. Drink from oranges at home - quench your thirst with freshness and benefits. What orange drinks can be made at home

There are several similar drinks on the site, one is even in my diary. But I am sure that this option will take root in you. Because it is the most budgetary, the fastest, the most ergonomic... The energy and money costs for cooking are minimal, because in 5 minutes you can easily prepare 3 liters of a delicious drink from 1 orange, which the whole family will definitely like. Plus a bonus - a variant with cloves.

Ingredients for Orange Drink "The Best":

Recipe "Orange drink "The Best"":

First we will prepare the concentrate for our drink. We will need all the ingredients except water. Wash oranges thoroughly. Important: it must be thin-skinned. Thin-skinned oranges are juicier and more aromatic, and have less of the loose white layer under the rind (albedo) inside.

Pour sugar and citric acid into a convenient jug. Cut off the top and bottom of the orange and cut it into slices. The beauty of the pieces is not important, the presence of bones, in principle, is also.

The longest step in preparing a drink: all this must be crushed with an immersion blender. And not just grind, but as finely as possible, into a single thick mass. To make it easier for the blender to cope with the task - add a little water.

While you grind all this, sugar and citric acid will have time to dissolve. The result is a delicious and fragrant concentrate. Then we act as we please. You can leave it in the form of a concentrate, you can pour it into a 3-liter jar and add cold water to the top. Personally, I divide the portion in half and pour it through a funnel into 2 plastic bottles, which I then top up with water and put in the refrigerator. By the way, it is delicious to soak the cakes with the concentrate. You can edit acid and sugar for yourself.

Here, in fact, is all the wisdom. By the way, 3 liters of drink is not a dogma. You can dilute even less, it's a matter of taste. Here is a drink diluted 3 times.

By the way, the color of the drink depends on the color of the crust itself. In any case, the drink will be tasty and aromatic, and also with pulp). Here he is. diluted to 3 liters. We like this particular option: not cloying and no worse in taste than store-bought orange juice. Calculate the price yourself

And - an option for daring lovers of experiments. I share. In the evening, you can stick an orange with cloves. Like that. By the way, an orange stuck in this way is an excellent air odorant if it is located near a heat source. Orange, if not used, dries to full hardness and becomes an excellent interior decoration.

Sorry, I got distracted ... I return to the drink. Leave the orange studded with cloves overnight, and in the morning pull out the cloves. And then - according to the recipe. As a result, the drink will become more exotic in taste.

In a word - cook and drink to your health!

Bon appetit and orange mood to you and your family!

This recipe is part of the "Cooking Together - Cooking Week" campaign. Discussion cooking on the forum -

In the hot season, when the high temperature persists for almost the entire day, thirst haunts every person. A tasty and nutritious drink made from oranges can easily cope with this problem. The modern market offers a huge selection of citrus juices, however, most of the products are saturated with various chemical additives. In our article, we will talk about how to prepare a refreshing drink with a minimum of costs at home.


Among the main features and benefits of an orange drink, there are several.

  • To achieve the rich taste of orange fruit, manufacturers use flavors, emulsifiers, sweeteners and other substances that adversely affect the state of the human body. Homemade drink consists only of natural ingredients. To prepare a tasty and healthy treat, you will need the most common products available to everyone.
  • Citrus fruits are widely known for their beneficial properties: oranges are very rich in vitamin C. This component strengthens the immune system, helping the body to resist various diseases and viruses.
  • The benefits of fruit juices are known to everyone, however, even products manufactured in accordance with GOST cannot be fully trusted. Having prepared a drink at home, you will be sure of its naturalness and safety for health. The whole family will love this product.

  • To get the maximum benefit from the juice, you need to consume it as soon as possible. Due to the fact that the homemade drink is not thermally processed, it cannot be stored for a long time, even in the refrigerator. Homemade drink must be drunk for several days. If you plan to treat children with juice, it is advisable to drink the prepared treat during the day.
  • If the finished drink is slightly bitter - this is quite normal. To get rid of this, you must use freshly frozen citrus fruits for cooking. Also, don't forget to remove the bones. To get rid of bitterness in fruit and juice, carefully peel oranges and lemons before processing.
  • In order for the juice to be stored as long as possible, it is desirable to carry out heat treatment. If you boil the juice, it will be stored much longer, especially during the flight season.
  • The taste of homemade drink is different from the taste of traditional juice. It is more like fruit drink or lemonade.

Popular Recipes

Oranges can be found in almost any store. The price of citrus is very affordable, which has played an important role in the development of the popularity of the product. If you are preparing for a children's party or meeting guests, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with a recipe that allows you to make a lot of delicious juice from just a few oranges.

9 liters of 4 fruits

This recipe for making a drink from frozen oranges and peels is considered the most common due to its availability, simplicity and excellent results.

Preparatory stage:

  • for a drink you will need 4 large oranges (choose only whole fruits, without damage);
  • the main ingredient must be thoroughly washed, removing wax deposits;
  • after that, the oranges need to be wiped, getting rid of excess moisture;
  • citruses are placed in a bag and sent to the freezer;
  • fruits are stored at sub-zero temperatures from 4 to 12 hours;
  • it is recommended to put the oranges in the refrigerator 12 hours before use.

Consider the step-by-step process of preparing a drink.

  • Frozen fruit must be crushed. Choose any method, the most productive - using a blender or meat grinder. Oranges are not peeled.
  • 9 liters of drinking water are collected in a separate container (for convenience, the liquid can be poured into different dishes).
  • Pureed fruits are diluted with 1-2 liters of water. The composition is filtered, separating large particles.
  • Next, sugar is dissolved in water. The volume of water depends on the size of the container, the minimum figure is not less than three liters. It will take from 500 grams to a kilogram of sugar, depending on taste preferences.
  • Two solutions are mixed, leaving only one liter of pure water. It is necessary to add citric acid to it (from 15 to 30 grams). If it is not at hand, you can use concentrated juice.
  • Acid water is added to the juice and thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous drink is formed. Juice can be poured into small bottles and kept in the refrigerator. Summer treat is ready.

classic juice

Natural juice from citrus fruits should be drunk immediately after preparation. This drink is called fresh (freshly squeezed juice). It retains a maximum of useful vitamins and minerals.

There are many ways to make juice using the classic method, and only one ingredient is used for making - an orange, without the addition of sugar, citric acid and other components. In addition to fruits, ice is added to the juice for cooling.

The cooking method mainly depends on the type of household appliances that are available in the kitchen. As a rule, lovers of fresh juice have a special juicer. With its help, preparing a drink is easy. It is enough just to place the peeled fruit inside the device and quickly get the finished product.

If there is no automatic device, you can completely replace it with a manual juicer. To obtain juice, it is necessary to cut the citrus in half, press the orange against special blades and squeeze the liquid out of the juicy fibers with scrolling movements. This is the easiest and most affordable way to get natural juice, however, you will have to spend time and effort on this process. Of the minuses - the minimum yield of the product.

Another method known to many housewives is the use of an auger meat grinder (you will need a special nozzle for juice to work). Using this technique will allow you to work quickly, but the quality of the drink will not be high enough. In addition, you will have to spend a lot of time cleaning the meat grinder.

You will learn how to make a delicious drink from oranges in the following video.

With lemon

When preparing a drink, in addition to oranges, you can use other fruits. Lemon is great. Sour and rich notes will make the juice more expressive and tasty. This drink is perfect for quenching your thirst on a hot summer day.

The ratio of sweetness from orange to acidity from lemon can be adjusted according to personal taste preferences. By changing the amount of a particular fruit, you can achieve the perfect taste. As a rule, freshly squeezed juice has an overly rich taste and is diluted with drinking water.

There are many recipes for making lemon-orange juice with different ratios of contrasting flavors. The classic version is 4 oranges and 2 lemons.

To prepare a delicious and healthy drink, follow these steps.

  • Wash fruit thoroughly.
  • Grind citrus fruits using kitchen equipment. Fruit does not need to be peeled.
  • Dilute 1-2 cups of sugar in 4 liters of water. The ingredient must be completely dissolved. Some housewives boil the syrup and then cool it to room temperature.
  • Mix crushed fruits with sweet water.
  • Leave the resulting drink for a certain time, a few hours is enough. This is necessary in order for all the taste qualities to be revealed.
  • As soon as the drink is infused, you need to strain the juice through a fine sieve. For filtering, you can use gauze.
  • Place the juice in the refrigerator for a while and enjoy.

with pumpkin

If you like an original combination of flavors, pay attention to orange juice with pumpkin. The second ingredient is affordable and good for health. At home, with your own hands, you can prepare a very healthy juice for the winter. The tastes of citrus and gourds harmonize remarkably. The ratio of products is 7 to 1 (for 7 kg of pumpkin - 1 kg of oranges).


  • the pumpkin needs to be washed and cleaned;
  • the pulp is cut into slices or cubes;
  • the vegetable is put in a separate bowl, covered with water and stewed;
  • citrus is peeled, the seeds are removed, the peel is crushed;
  • the finished zest is added to the pumpkin, the amount of water is about 5 liters per 7 kilograms of the product;
  • you need to cook the mixture until the pumpkin softens entirely;
  • at this time, oranges are squeezed, getting fresh juice;
  • the pumpkin mixture is cooled;
  • the melon culture is crushed with a blender and again sent to a container with water;
  • orange juice, a little citric acid and sugar (no more than 2 kilograms) are poured into the container;
  • the composition is mixed and brought to a boil;
  • the product must be boiled for about 10 minutes over low heat;
  • hot drink is poured into pre-prepared glassware (jars and bottles are sterilized before use);
  • then the container is rolled up using metal lids;
  • the drink can be stored at room temperature for a long time, but after opening the product can only be kept in the refrigerator.


For those who want to enjoy delicious and healthy orange juice all year round, there is a simple recipe for making a drink for the winter. After buying the fruit, it is advisable to immediately place it in the freezer.

Step by step preparation:

  • frozen oranges should be thawed;
  • then they are crushed by any of the available methods;
  • the mixture is pressed to obtain juice;
  • syrup is prepared in proportion - 1.5 kilograms of fruit, 100 grams of sugar and 200 grams of water;
  • juice with syrup is mixed and boiled for 30 minutes;
  • the drink is poured into glass containers and rolled up for the winter.

Be sure to sterilize the jars. To keep the drink longer, you can add a little citric acid to it (no more than 5 grams per liter of product).

Lemonade at home can be prepared not only from lemons, but also from oranges. You can add any other ingredients to the drink - for example, lime, mint, cucumbers, kiwi and even watermelons with melons.

A step-by-step description of classic and original recipes for homemade lemonade, a table of ratios for different volumes of the finished drink - this and other useful information can be found in the article.

To prepare a drink from orange and lemon at home, it is very important to know the approximate proportions. After all, small children also want to drink delicious lemonade, but the concentration of acid for them should be minimal. There are other drink drinkers out there who should also be wary of excess acidity.

Therefore, we give the ratio of the number of oranges and lemons for preparing various types of lemonade at home.

* 25 g of sugar is a tablespoon with a small slide. Accordingly, 100 g is 5 such spoons, 200 g is 10 spoons, etc.

This table shows that the classic ratio of oranges to lemons is 2:1. On the other hand, you can take these citrus fruits in equal amounts or even in reverse proportion - 2 lemons and 2 large oranges.

Through such experimentation with flavors, you can get both a sweeter and more sour version. Also, the balance can be balanced by adding sugar or citric acid.


There can be no unequivocal answer here, because often any citrus fruits are generally contraindicated for babies due to allergic reactions. On the other hand, oranges, lemons and tangerines are a source of pectin, fiber, vitamins and other beneficial substances.

Classic orange lemonade at home: recipe with photo

In the classic version, only citrus fruits (oranges and lemons) are used to make lemonade, as well as sugar to taste. For 2 liters of boiled or filtered water, you will need ingredients in the following quantities:

  • 2 medium or 1 large orange;
  • 1 small lemon;
  • sugar - 1 cup (200 g): a little more or less can be.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

Step 1. We wash oranges and lemons, cut them into pieces, remove the seeds. Or just peel and cut one pulp.

Step 2. Grind citruses with a meat grinder or blender, bring to a homogeneous consistency (like gruel), if necessary, add a few tablespoons of water.

Step 3. Pour a liter of water at room temperature and leave the mixture for half an hour - it should brew a little.

Step 4. In the meantime, take another liter of water and dissolve all the sugar in it. Mix thoroughly so that the grains dissolve completely.

Step 5. The last stage - we combine both mixtures and filter the solution through a sieve, remove all citrus cake.

The resulting drink can be cooled, and the pomace may well be useful as a filling for pies or as the main ingredient for orange jam.

Homemade lemonade from oranges and lemons: a hot way

The described classic recipe is the so-called cold method, when room temperature water or even chilled liquid is used for cooking. Most often, it is prepared in the summer, when you want to immediately get a pleasant soft drink.

And here is another "winter", hot version of the drink. To prepare it, you need to take the same ingredients, in the same quantities. However, this time we do it like this:

Step 1. Put a pot with 2 liters of boiled or filtered water on the fire, bring to a boil.

Step 2. While it is heating, peel 2 oranges and 1 lemon, cut the zest into small pieces.

Step 3. We throw them into boiling water, and at the same moment we put sugar - also 1 cup.

Step 4. Mix thoroughly - the sugar should dissolve completely and quickly. But the skins should be boiled for no more than 5 minutes, after which they should be immediately removed with a slotted spoon, otherwise the lemonade will turn out to be quite bitter.

Step 5. Turn off the fire - let the liquid cool for now. In the meantime, we cut the citrus pulp into pieces or into slices, remove all the seeds, pass through a juicer or meat grinder to get juice.

Step 6. Add it to the rest of the liquid, let it cool, filter - and the drink is ready. If desired, the pan can also be put in the refrigerator so that the lemonade is properly cooled. Serve with pieces of fruit like a tropical cocktail.

The advantage of this variant of homemade orange lemonade is that you can immediately get a hot drink that will perfectly warm you on a winter evening. And this lemonade turns out to be very fragrant thanks to the boiling of the zest, which contains the main aromatic substances and essential oils of citrus fruits. Simply put, the pulp of an orange is its taste, and the zest is its aroma.

Step-by-step instructions on the video will help in preparing the drink in a hot way (proportions are given for 3 liters of finished lemonade).

5 Ways to Improve Your Lemonade Recipe

An orange and lemon drink can be greatly improved in taste by using various flavorings or sparkling water. The main condition is to choose high-quality, ripe, but not overripe fruits; then everything will work out for sure.

Lemonade with sparkling water

If someone suddenly has a siphon in the house, then he can turn ordinary water into carbonated water in a matter of minutes.

And if it wasn't there, no big deal. You just need to buy sparkling water - and it’s better not to have mineral water, because mineral water has a noticeable aftertaste due to the presence of various salts. For example, you can buy low-mineralized water - this option is also good.

The further sequence of actions is exactly the same, just ordinary water is replaced with sparkling water. Of course, carbonated lemonade can only be prepared in a cold way - when heated, all gases from the liquid will quickly leave.

And serving such a drink is worth it along with ice cubes, which will additionally cool the orange and lemon drink and allow it to remain carbonated for a very long time.

Homemade spiced orange lemonade

The aroma of citrus fruits goes very well with various spices - cinnamon, cloves, which are always used to make mulled wine. Therefore, at home, you can also prepare spicy orange lemonade, for which you need to take the following ingredients:

  • cinnamon - 2 sticks;
  • star anise - 8 stars;
  • carnation - 6 buds;
  • mint - a few branches.

All other components are taken in exactly the same ratio as in the classic recipe. Such lemonade is prepared in a hot way, and all the spices, together with sugar, must be put in cold water, brought to a boil, and then proceed according to the general scheme.

After the mixture has cooled, it is necessary to remove not only the remains of citrus fruits from it, but also all spices. Garnish with fresh mint leaves when serving.

Lemonade from oranges with lime

In the classic version, oranges are taken together with lemons in a 2: 1 ratio. On the other hand, you can try other proportions - for example, take these fruits in equal amounts or even slightly increase the amount of lemons.

There is another, more original way - to use lime. However, there are 2 important points to keep in mind:

  1. Lime is about 2 times more acidic than lemon (based on the same mass), so you need to take it much less or balance the taste with the addition of sugar.
  2. This citrus is also distinguished by its particular bitterness, so it is not recommended to use its zest at all. And of course, before grinding in a blender or meat grinder, you must carefully remove all the bones.

Otherwise, the cooking technology is exactly the same - you can use both hot and cold methods. And of course, it does not hurt to add a sprig of fresh mint.

Lemonade at home from oranges, lemons and strawberries

This drink is distinguished not only by a pleasant, balanced taste, but also by an interesting noble shade, which is guaranteed to cheer you up and awaken your appetite. To prepare it, we need the following ingredients:

  • oranges - 2 pieces;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • strawberries - 300 g;
  • water - 2 liters;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • mint - a few branches.

We will act like this:

Step 1. We clean and thoroughly wash the strawberries. First we need 15-20 berries, you can, of course, take more.

Step 2. Grind it with a blender into gruel. We put the remaining berries in a saucepan, where we also place the gruel.

Step 3. Add lemons, oranges (they can be cut into circles or also turned into gruel in a blender), as well as mint sprigs.

Step 4. Pour a glass of boiling water and let stand for half an hour.

Step 5. Remove the mint, add sugar and mix.

Step 6. Now you can add the remaining water (a little less than 2 liters), and it can be cool. It turns out that in this case we kind of combine 2 methods of making lemonade - hot and cold.

Step 7. Send to the refrigerator for 1-2 hours, serve with fruit or filter through a sieve.

Original drink options with other fruits

What other fruits can I take to make lemonade at home? As a matter of fact, any. And even some vegetables - for example, the same cucumber, which has a neutral taste and at the same time gives an additional refreshing aroma.

You can also make a drink in a combined way - first brew the fruit with a small amount of boiling water, let it stand for half an hour, and then dilute it with pre-chilled water. The only thing to consider is the proportions. For 2 liters of water we take 2 oranges, 1 lemon and such additional components:

  • 2 small cucumbers without skin;
  • 5-6 peeled kiwis;
  • 1 grapefruit (can be taken instead of lemon);
  • 300-400 g pitted cherries;
  • 2-3 medium apples of any variety;
  • 3 ripe peaches (or nectarines)
  • 1 kg of watermelon pulp (it will also serve as the main source of water);
  • the same amount of melon pulp;
  • berry mix - 300 g of a mixture of raspberries, black, red currants and other berries.

Of course, all these components must be added separately - for example, orange with lemon and watermelon or orange with lemon and peaches, etc. On the other hand, no one forbids experimenting and creating a unique author's drink recipe.

At the same time, in any case, it will rightfully be considered lemonade, since it is citrus fruits that are the basis, and other ingredients enrich the dish with their piquant flavors.

5 useful tricks

Now that it has become quite clear how you can make lemonade from oranges at home, we will reveal some tricks that will help preserve fruits and make the drink even tastier:

  • Particular attention should be paid to the choice of oranges. It should be ripe, fairly large fruits without any external defects.

  • On the surface of citrus fruits, wax is often felt, with which they are coated for longer storage. To wash it off, just pour the fruits with boiling water and hold them in it for 5-7 minutes. You don’t have to worry about the safety of useful substances - most of them are destroyed not because of boiling water, but as they gradually heat up (as when cooking).
  • Many homemade lemonades are guilty of giving a slight bitterness, which may seem rather unpleasant to many. To get rid of it, just put fruits (both oranges and lemons) in the freezer for several hours, and even better - at night. Then the taste of the drink will perfectly match the preferences of most lemonade lovers. You need to defrost them naturally, leaving them to lie down for 1-2 hours at room temperature.

  • You can also avoid a bitter aftertaste if you carefully remove all the seeds before chopping the fruit. And of course, it is undesirable that the zest or a white film covering the fruit from the inside gets into the juicer.
  • If there were no fresh lemons in the house, and at the same time you want to get a rather sour lemonade, you can replace the citrus with citric acid. The calculation is as follows: 1 medium lemon in terms of acidity corresponds to 10 g of citric acid (this is 1 teaspoon without a hill).

And of course, the main advice is to experiment with proportions and ingredients. Add one or the other component, arrange a real family tasting. After all, this is the only way to achieve the perfect ratio that is right for you.

Bon appetit!

Is it possible to get a bucket of juice from four large oranges? Of course not, you say. You can't squeeze that much juice out of four oranges. And it is true.

But to prepare 9 liters of an orange drink, which is not inferior to juice in taste, will work out very well. This recipe will come in handy if you are expecting guests, especially children. They will definitely like the orange drink. Yes, and there will be more benefits from it than various Fant and Kol.

Drink Ingredients:

- 4 large oranges or 5 medium ones;

- 1 kg of sugar;

- juice of one lemon.

Making an orange drink

We take four large (or five medium) oranges. Wash them thoroughly under running water, then scald them with boiling water. You can hold them a little in boiling water, half a minute or a minute. Then wipe dry and put in the freezer overnight.

The next morning (or when you prepare an orange drink), we take out the frozen oranges from the freezer, where they spent the whole night, and cut them into several pieces (as you personally find it convenient). I cut the oranges into 8 pieces, so they fit better in the meat grinder.

Safety precautions! Frozen oranges are immediately cut with great difficulty. So be very careful when trying to make the first cut. For this purpose, it is better to use a short knife with a thick, rigid blade. After the first cut is made, further oranges are cut more easily.

Frozen sliced ​​oranges are passed through a meat grinder. You will immediately have a question: so the juice will flow from oranges. No, it will not. After all, our oranges were frozen precisely so that there would be no juice when crushing. Here's an interesting trick.

When all the oranges are twisted, pour the resulting mass with three liters of boiled cold water, mix and let it brew for 10 minutes.

Then we filter the mass through a colander or cheesecloth to remove large particles. Add another 6 liters of boiled chilled water to the filtered orange drink. Add 1 kg of sugar to this and mix well. You can adjust the sweetness yourself (whatever you like). If you like a less sweet drink, add as much sugar as you need. Also add the juice of one small lemon.

We mix everything well. Once again, we check the orange drink for taste. If the taste suits you, then pour into three liter jars or simply leave to infuse in a clean container for 1 hour.

As a result, an orange drink turns out 9 liters. For one evening of any holiday, guests will drink the entire drink prepared by you! They even ask for the recipe at the end. Because an orange drink prepared at home is much tastier and healthier than a store-bought one.

Bon appetit!