How to cook crumbly rice porridge in water. Rice porridge on water

Classic, vegetable and dairy variations of rice crumbly porridge

2017-09-16 Natalia Danchishak





In 100 grams of the finished dish

7 gr.

2 gr.


77 gr.

351 kcal.

Option 1. Crispy rice porridge: classic recipe

Rice is rich in fiber, complex carbohydrates and other beneficial substances, which makes it indispensable for people who care about their health and lead an active lifestyle.


  • half a kilogram of round rice;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • four stacks purified water;
  • 5 g table salt.

Cooking method

1. Rice cereals must be washed in cold water, changing it at least five times.

2. Place a thick-walled saucepan on the stove, pour in purified water and bring to a boil. Place the rice in boiling water and add salt.

3. Stir the porridge continuously for the first five minutes. Then reduce the heat to minimum and simmer the rice for another half hour under the lid, stirring occasionally so that the cereal does not burn.

4. When the rice has absorbed all the liquid, remove the pan from the heat and set aside. Wrap in a warm cloth and leave for 20 minutes. Dissolve the butter in a water bath and pour it over the finished porridge.

Wash the rice thoroughly. This is one of the main secrets of proper cooking of rice. This procedure will get rid of excess starch. If you are fasting, you can add olive oil instead of butter. To make the rice crumbly, follow the proportions: take two parts of liquid for one part of rice. Rice prepared according to this recipe can be served as a side dish by adding vegetables, canned corn or peas.

Option 2. Crispy rice porridge with vegetables

The dish can be included in the diet of overweight people. Crispy rice porridge with vegetables can be used as a side dish for fish or meat dishes. This dish will help diversify your diet during Lent.


  • 250 g round rice;
  • 70 ml vegetable oil;
  • 500 ml of drinking water;
  • 5 g table salt;
  • spices;
  • two small zucchini;
  • medium carrot;
  • bell pepper - two pods.

Cooking method

1. Place the rice cereal in a sieve and rinse under running water. Place in a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour in the required amount of drinking water, salt and cook until tender. Place the boiled rice in a colander and leave to remove excess liquid.

2. Wash the vegetables. Cut the tails out of the bell peppers and remove the seeds. Cut the vegetable into long thin strips. We cut the zucchini on both sides and chop it into small cubes. Peel the carrots and chop into medium shavings.

3. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Add zucchini, carrots and bell pepper. Fry, stirring regularly, for a quarter of an hour. Cover with a lid and simmer for another five minutes. Add rice to vegetables, season with salt and spices. Mix and serve with meat, fish or as a separate dish.

You can add any vegetables you like. To ensure fluffy rice, do not stir it during cooking. Take young zucchini, with unformed seeds. It is better to use fleshy peppers. You can prepare porridge for a side dish from any type of rice.

Option 3. Milk rice porridge - crumbly

Porridge is the best dish for breakfast. Preparation does not take much time, which is especially important in the morning when you are in a hurry to get to work, and you need to feed your child in a way that is not only tasty, but also healthy.


  • 150 g steamed rice;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 200 ml milk;
  • kitchen salt;
  • 200 ml purified water.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the rice with warm water. Place the cereal in a saucepan and fill with purified water. Leave for half an hour, then rinse again.

2. Return the cereal to the pan, refill with purified water and place over medium heat. Cook for ten minutes. The rice should absorb all the water.

3. Now pour in the milk and continue cooking. As soon as the contents of the pan begin to boil, add sugar and salt. Stir.

4. Continue cooking until the cereal has evaporated all the milk. Turn off the heat, leave for ten minutes under the lid. Place the porridge into plates, add a piece of butter and serve.

It is advisable to use natural homemade milk. You can add a handful of raisins, dried fruits or nuts to the milk porridge. Steamed rice does not need to be washed for a long time, just change the water a couple of times. It is better to cook crumbly rice milk porridge from steamed rice, as it turns out crumbly even after prolonged heat treatment.

Option 4. Crispy rice porridge with pumpkin in the oven

Our great-grandmothers cooked porridge in ovens. They turned out incredibly tasty and aromatic. Modern housewives can cook this dish in the oven. Rice stewed in the oven, and even in combination with pumpkin, turns out not only tasty, but also healthy.


  • 200 g round rice;
  • salt;
  • 600 ml purified water;
  • 70 g liquid natural honey;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 300 g nutmeg pumpkin.

Cooking method

1. Remove the seeds and fibers from the pumpkin. It is convenient to do this with a tablespoon. Then peel the pulp of the vegetable and cut into small pieces. Take a clay pot, rinse it, wipe it and grease the bottom with a piece of butter. Place pumpkin in it.

2. Rinse the rice grains under running water several times. Place the rice on top of the pumpkin. Smooth and pour honey. Salt and fill with purified water.

3. Place the clay pot in the oven and turn it on to 200 degrees. Cook the crumbly rice porridge for an hour. Remove the pot from the oven, season the porridge with melted butter and stir.

Place pottery in a cold oven, otherwise it may crack. For sweet porridge, use nutmeg pumpkin; it has a special aroma and taste. You can cook porridge in a slow cooker using the same method.

The easiest way is to cook rice porridge in water. It differs from boiled rice in a more liquid texture, that is, the porridge should be slightly boiled, and not selected. If for cooking rice it is recommended to take 2 parts of water for 1 serving of cereal, then for porridge you can increase the amount of liquid, that is, for 1 serving of cereal you will have to take 2.5 servings of liquid. Sugar is not involved in the preparation of the dish - you can add it after serving the porridge or replace it with other sweet products: syrup, honey, jams or preserves. The main spice is salt, and then only a couple of pinches. Butter is added to the porridge at the very end during steaming. If you serve the dish salty, you can add pork lard instead of butter.


  • 150 g rice
  • 400 ml hot water
  • 2–3 pinches of salt
  • 30 g butter

How to cook rice porridge in water

1. Pour rice cereal into a deep container and fill it with water. To minimize the cooking time of porridge, purchase steamed cereal - it reduces the cooking time by 3-4 minutes. Wash the rice thoroughly in several waters.

2. White rice often contains a lot of starch, so we will rinse the grain until the liquid in the container becomes clear.

3. Pour the washed cereal into a cauldron or other container with a non-stick bottom.

4. Add salt. If desired, you can add a little turmeric - it will give the porridge a bright yellowish color.

5. Pour hot water into the container, preferably boiling water, and place the container on the stove. Boil the rice for 12–13 minutes if using steamed cereal, and about 15–18 minutes if using regular white rice. There is no need to stir the grains while cooking, because if you do this once, the rice may begin to stick to the bottom, so you will have to stir it every 2-3 minutes.

6. As soon as the specified time has elapsed, turn off the heat and cover the container with a lid, allowing the prepared dish to steam.

Simple step-by-step recipes for rice porridge with milk and water for a complete breakfast

2019-03-25 Marina Danko and Alena Kameneva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

2 gr.

1 gr.


19 gr.

97 kcal.

Rice porridge with milk and water - classic recipe

Today we will prepare a delicious and simple dish that will fit perfectly into breakfast or afternoon snack - rice porridge with milk and water. This version of porridge will be especially to the taste of children; they will be happy to taste a plate of porridge, especially if you add delicious fresh vegetables or berries when serving. You can top this porridge with honey or syrup. It’s better to cook the porridge one time at a time so that you can serve it fresh and eat it right away. If you like these types of rice preparations, then you will like this recipe. Well, I suggest we get down to business as soon as possible.


  • Rice - 1 glass
  • Milk - 1.5 cups
  • Water - 1.5 cups
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Butter - 50 g

Cooking process

Prepare all products according to the list. Place a portion of rice into a bowl. Rinse the rice grains under cool running water until the water runs clear.

Now prepare a pan with thick walls and a bottom. Transfer the washed rice to a saucepan.

Separately, combine equal proportions of water and milk, heat slightly and pour into the pan. To balance the taste, add just a touch of regular table salt.

Add a tablespoon of granulated sugar to the pan if desired. If in the future you plan to serve the porridge with honey and fruit, you don’t need to add sugar. The walls of the pan can be greased with butter. So, put the pan on the fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to low and cook the rice for about 45 minutes. Stir the rice periodically to prevent it from burning. Serve the finished porridge with a piece of butter.

I guarantee everyone will like it!

Thick rice porridge with milk and water

Rice porridge prepared according to the classic recipe turns out to be medium thick, and not everyone likes this. We offer a recipe for thick porridge. All components remain unchanged, only cinnamon is added, which is sprinkled on the finished dish, divided into portions. The secret of thick porridge is in a special cooking method; water is used only to slightly boil the cereal. The rice is then dried and cooked in milk.


  • one and a half glasses of selected rice;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • cinnamon powder - a quarter spoon;
  • milk - 1.2 l., pasteurized, medium or high fat content.

Cooking method:

1. Pour the carefully sorted rice into a saucepan and rinse well. Fill with cold water and immediately place on high heat. After stirring, bring to a boil, boil for about a minute and drain in a colander.

2. Rinse the cooked cereal with a stream of cold running water and leave it in a colander until all the moisture is gone.

3. Place a saucepan with milk on the stove, add sugar and add a little salt. Bring to a boil, add cooked rice. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally so that the bottom of the porridge does not burn.

4. Serve with butter, sprinkled with cinnamon powder.

Rice porridge should be cooked at a moderate temperature so that it does not boil, but only slightly stirs. If you set the heat to maximum, the moisture will quickly evaporate, the rice will not have time to cook, and the porridge itself will burn. Many culinary experts recommend letting the rice porridge sit for a while so that the rice steams even better. To do this, wrap the pan and leave it for up to a quarter of an hour.

Rice porridge with milk and water with dried fruits in a slow cooker - “Toplenka”

When using a multicooker, milk porridges naturally turn out tastier than in a saucepan. The rice steams evenly in it and the porridge never burns. Many chefs believe that dishes in a slow cooker turn out almost like in a Russian oven and have a richer taste. For even greater similarity, let’s replace regular milk with baked milk. Dried fruits will complement the porridge with useful substances and aroma.


  • dried fruits: dried apricots and prunes - 150 grams;
  • 200 gr. round grain rice;
  • baked milk - 250 ml;
  • 120 gr. Sahara;
  • high-quality butter - 25 gr.;
  • glass of water (250 ml).

Cooking method:

1. We sort the rice, rinse it and leave it on a sieve to dry.

2. After dousing the dried fruits with boiling water, dry them by placing them on a towel. Cut the fruits finely, into cubes or strips.

3. Pour milk and water into the multicooker, add sugar and a pinch of salt, stir.

4. After adding pieces of dried fruit and rice, add butter and mix well again.

5. Turn on the multicooker and select the “Porridge” option on the panel, start the program.

6. After completion, keep the rice porridge on heat for five minutes.

When choosing rice for porridge, try to choose grains with white matte grains. They boil well, easily absorb and retain moisture, due to which they steam well (become soft), but do not become soggy. Transparent rice contains almost no gluten, cooks poorly and does not retain moisture, and therefore milk porridges made from it turn out dry. This rice is good only for side dishes.

Rice porridge with milk and water with pumpkin

Any rice porridge, if cooked in milk and water, is nutritious, but you can make it even healthier if you add pumpkin. This dish looks bright and tastes like a banana. Choose a ripe pumpkin with fleshy orange flesh. The peel and seeds are removed. When cutting off the peel, be sure to remove the greenish layer of pulp underneath. This part of the vegetable has no nutritional value and tastes unpleasant; if you leave it, you risk spoiling the porridge.


  • half a glass of rice;
  • 300 gr. pumpkin (pulp);
  • a glass of milk;
  • drinking water - 0.5 cups;
  • homemade butter - 20 gr.;
  • one and a half spoons of refined sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pumpkin pulp into small cubes into a saucepan.

2. Fill the pumpkin with water so that it doubles its volume. Add sugar, stir and bring to a boil.

3. Pour rice into the pan, thoroughly mix the vegetable pieces with the cereal and leave to cook over the lowest heat. Cook for at least half an hour, remembering to stir occasionally to prevent it from burning.

4. As soon as the pumpkin becomes soft, pour in the milk mixed with water and add a little salt. Bring the porridge to a boil, adjust the heat and continue cooking until it reaches the desired thickness.

5. At the end, mix butter into the rice porridge.

When preparing rice porridge with milk and water, the proportions of liquids can be selected taking into account your taste preferences, and also based on the fat content of the dairy product. When serving hot porridge, be sure to season it with butter. If there is insufficient sweetness, add honey or jam.

Rice porridge with milk and water - original recipe

Porridge is considered the best breakfast. Rice milk porridge is healthy and nutritious, rich in protein, calcium and starch. Due to the content of “long” carbohydrates in rice, they are able to maintain a feeling of fullness for many hours. Such porridges are not only healthy, but also tasty, although it is not always possible to cook them with milk alone - the dish tends to burn. A simple way out of this situation is to cook porridge with milk and water.


  • round grain rice - 220 gr.;
  • half a liter of drinking water;
  • spoon of white sugar;
  • milk, 3.2%, pasteurized - 330 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the carefully sorted and sorted rice. There is no need to bring it to “clean water”; if you want to get a viscous porridge as a result, just rinse the cereal. Be sure to drain the remaining liquid by draining the rice in a colander.

2. Pour drinking water into the pan, pour in sugar and add a few layers, put on maximum heat. As soon as it boils, add the rice and cook over medium-low heat for 20 minutes, stirring.

3. Bring the milk to a boil, pour it into the rice and continue cooking the porridge at the same temperature for another 20 minutes. Don't forget to stir occasionally so that the porridge does not burn. Cook, be sure to cover with a lid.

There are many varieties of rice. For milk porridge, it is best to choose round grain cereals. It contains a lot of starch, which is released during cooking and makes the porridge viscous. Porridge should be cooked in pans with a multi-layer bottom, then it will not burn and the rice will steam evenly.

Everyone knows that porridge is prepared from grains of various cereal crops. Their diversity allows us to eat deliciously and enjoyably, even if we are currently on a diet, or simply follow recommendations for a healthy lifestyle.

One of the most popular dishes is crumbly rice porridge with water, and today we will tell you how to prepare it. It may have variations, for example, liquid rice porridge with water or with raisins.

Rice porridge on water

Kitchen appliances and utensils: a medium-sized saucepan, a tablespoon, kitchen scales, a deep bowl for serving the finished dish on the table.


Step-by-step preparation

Did you know? Be sure to add oil when cooking, this way you will avoid a high rise in foam when boiling.

Recipe video

The step-by-step recipe for preparing crumbly rice porridge in water describes in detail the entire cooking process and indicates how long to cook it. All this can also be seen on video.

  • The porridge will turn out crumbly if you use long-grain varieties of rice to prepare it. Round-grained varieties give a milder taste to the dish.
    Important! Do not use an enamel pan for cooking. Porridge often burns in enamel dishes.
    It is very important to maintain a 1:2 ratio of rice and water, since if there is not enough water, the rice may turn out to be hard and undercooked.
  • To prepare a liquid variation, take a larger amount of liquid, in a ratio of approximately 1:3.
  • If you are preparing porridge with raisins, we recommend frying the washed raisins in butter over low heat until they soften. Then add everything to the cooked rice and mix well. Some people also add a little sugar.
  • I highly recommend checking out the recipe.

An inhabitant of the Asian expanses, rice has long become an international product. Different cuisines around the world have developed their own names, recipes and methods for preparing rice dishes.

This grain makes excellent porridges, casseroles, salads and even desserts. There are a lot of ways to prepare them. But the preliminary process - cooking - is quite traditional. Rice is cooked in water, milk, or broth, although each country does it a little differently.

Japanese version

Before cooking rice porridge in water, the cereal should first be thoroughly washed (at least three times), ensuring that the draining water becomes completely transparent. Then you need to pour 0.5 kg of rice into a large container and fill it with cold water. The volume of liquid required for cooking can be determined this way: touch the grain with the tip of your middle finger and make sure that the water level above it reaches the middle of your finger.

The pan must be securely covered and placed over high heat: boiling should begin as soon as possible. 10 minutes after boiling, the temperature should be sharply reduced and reduced to a minimum. After 20 minutes, remove the pan from the stove and let the rice steam for a few more minutes under the lid.

According to Japanese culinary tradition, rice is cooked in fresh water, but is served accompanied by spicy and salted fish, cabbage, and meat.

Polish version

You will need:

  • 1 glass of rice,
  • 2 glasses of water,
  • salt,
  • a tablespoon of butter or margarine.

Water is boiled and thoroughly washed rice cereal is immersed in it, adding salt, butter or margarine. As soon as the water boils again, tightly cover the pan with a lid and place it in another, more spacious container with boiling water. Continue cooking the rice in this form for about 1 hour.

French version

You will need:

  • 200 g white rice,
  • 2 liters of water,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt.

Place the rice in a colander and place under a strong stream of water. Pour it with a large volume of salted water and let it boil. It is necessary to cook for about a quarter of an hour at high temperature, stirring thoroughly. They check for readiness, and, feeling that the grain is still a bit hard, continue cooking, but no more than 5 minutes. Then immediately drain the water and wash the rice under a cold stream so that it becomes snow-white and crumbly. This rice is also perfect for making salads.

The principle is the same for everyone

If you want to prepare crumbly rice porridge, then prepare 2.1 liters of water for 1 kg of cereal. For viscous porridge, 1 kg of rice requires 3.7 liters of water, for liquid porridge - 5.7 liters.

Whatever method of preparing rice porridge you choose, remember that you must first sort the rice, discarding damaged grains, and then rinse it several times.

You can immerse rice cereal in either cold or boiling water, but in any case, it must be stirred constantly until it thickens. After waiting until the rice has absorbed all the water, it is better to cook it in the oven or in a water bath - this way the porridge will turn out more tender and will not burn.