Painting "Goalkeeper" by Grigoriev. Description of the painting by S. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”. Painting "Goalkeeper" by Grigoriev S. Grigoriev "Goalkeeper": an essay based on the painting. Where to start

The painting “Goalkeeper” by Grigoriev was painted back in 1949. But it’s still interesting to look at it now, because it’s dedicated to a game that never gets old – football.

The painting depicts a match and spectators watching it. The picture attracts attention with its ease. It seems like the kids just ran from school to a vacant lot, made a goal out of their briefcases and started the game. A curious feature of the picture is that there are no field players depicted in it. We only see one of them, the goalkeeper. It is with his description, as I think, that one should begin the description of the painting “Goalkeeper” by Grigoriev.

This is a boy of twelve or thirteen years old. He stands half-bent, waiting for the ball. His face expresses seriousness, he is very passionate about the game. It is clear that the boy is an experienced goalkeeper. He has a confident posture and strong, sinewy legs. Even with his clothes he wants to look like real football players. He is wearing shorts (and judging by the clothes of the spectators, it is already cool autumn outside), and he has gloves on his hands. They help the goalkeeper in the game. He has a bandage on his leg - he was probably unlucky in one of the previous matches.

What is happening on the field is not visible to the viewer, and because of this, I personally find the picture even more interesting. One can only guess where the ball is now, when it will fly into the goal and whether the goalkeeper will be lucky. But judging by the faces of those watching the match, the game is in full swing. And if you look closely at the goalkeeper’s concentrated face, you can confidently say that he won’t miss the ball!

The painted spectators in the film play no less a role than the figure of the main character. There are quite a lot of them. Basically, these are the same as the boy-goalkeeper, schoolchildren. But in the very corner of the picture one can see the figure of an adult man in a suit, wearing a hat and with a folder on his lap. It looks like he was going somewhere on business, but stopped, carried away by the battle. I really like his pose and face, because it is clear that he is truly interested in the game and does not consider it childish nonsense. If he could, he would have run to the field himself.

The little boy in the red tracksuit is no less captivated by the events. He was obviously not taken into the game due to the fact that he is still small, but he desperately wants to be among the players. So he froze behind the goalkeeper, leaning back slightly, so that his whole figure was expressing protest. I think he is offended by the schoolchildren, but he cannot leave - everything that is happening is too interesting.

There are also girls among the spectators. One of them, with a bright red bow, is carefully watching the game. It is clear that she has a fighting character and that she could also act. The second, a very small spectator, sits on her brother’s lap. It is not known whether she understands anything, but she looks very carefully.

Grigoriev - Goalkeeper 7th grade

In the center of the picture is the goalkeeper - a fair-haired boy in blue shorts, a dark sweater and gloves. His posture emphasizes passion and determination. Behind him stands a boy in a bright suit and looks with delight at his idol - the goalkeeper. The rest of the spectators sat on the boards. From their tense poses and rapt attention, it is clear that the game is truly exciting.

Among the spectators is an adult man in a suit, hat and shiny shoes. It can be seen that he passed by, sat down for a minute and got carried away by the game. A baby in a coat, wrapped in a scarf, a girl with a doll in her hands - even they are carefully watching the game. The only impassive participant in the action is a white dog, curled up at the feet of the audience.

In the background of the picture you can see the outline of the city against the background of a light blue autumn sky. Signs of early autumn - fallen yellow leaves, bare tree branches. The artist uses bright colors: shades of yellow, green, red, blue.

The skill of the famous artist allows viewers to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of life after the war. Despite the difficult times, people knew how to rejoice and feel the fullness of life.

The painting “Goalkeeper” allows us to plunge into the world of our parents’ childhood, when, after school, schoolchildren gathered and played football. Thanks to the artist’s talent, we can see details of the lives of our peers from the middle of the last century. A vacant lot on the outskirts of the city - a usual place for games, as evidenced by the trampled grass - the guys turned into a football field. The gates are carelessly thrown briefcases, the viewing areas are stacks of boards. The guys are dressed in school and sports uniforms that are unusual for us.

Description of the painting Goalkeeper

Sergei Alekseevich Grigoriev is an outstanding Soviet artist. During his lifetime, his talent was highly valued, as evidenced by the painter’s numerous awards. His most famous work is considered to be the painting “Goalkeeper”, which in our time has found refuge in one of the exhibitions of the Tretyakov Gallery. The Tretyakov Gallery houses two more of his paintings: “Discussion of the deuce” and “Returned”. Other paintings by Sergei Grigoriev can be seen in many art museums in Russia and Ukraine, where the outstanding painter was from.

The main character of the picture

The painting “Goalkeeper” depicts a scene familiar to our yards: boys playing football. The artist did not show us the entire field, but focused only on one character - the goalkeeper of one of the teams. This made it possible to convey as best as possible the tension the goalkeeper experiences while watching the game. Just one look at the boy is enough to understand what kind of confrontation is going on. Not a single team, even a backyard one, wants to give victory to its opponent. If the boys win, they will not receive cups and medals, but nevertheless the boys fight to the last.

Spectators in the painting

In addition to the main character, the picture also depicts other characters: fans and those who were not included in the team. The latter includes the boy in red standing behind the gate. His posture and facial expression indicate that he really wants to be on the field. But apparently due to his age, the older guys did not allow him to play. Probably the guy in red serves the balls - so he will at least somehow be able to join this match.

Children play in an ordinary vacant lot right after school. Apparently, not all of them have good grades from school, and therefore they decided to play the match without going home, in case their parents wouldn’t let them play because of a bad grade. The boys' briefcases found their use; they became improvised barbells.

The painting was painted in 1949. The war ended quite recently. During this difficult time, restoration work was still underway. Construction is underway somewhere nearby. This is evidenced by the stack of boards on which the fans sit. But even in difficult times there is room for joy. Football brings it to both players and fans.

This picture is another confirmation that football is truly a game of millions, played by everyone, everywhere and always. The artist skillfully conveyed the emotions that people experience while watching matches, even amateur ones.

Essay report on the painting Goalkeeper Grigoriev

The painting of a goalkeeper, painted by the artist Sergei Grigoriev, is rightfully located in the Tretyakov Gallery. The master depicted amateur football so colorfully and believably that after a while, the picture never ceases to attract the attention of enthusiastic people.

Today Indian summer began, and it was a warm autumn day outside. The boys decided to play football. School ended and they went to choose a deserted place to play. They made the gate out of their bags and briefcases. Guys from the neighboring yard, as well as a random passer-by, came to support the players. In his youth, he himself loved to kick the ball, and now he enthusiastically watches the growing tension.

They decided to put the most experienced player at the goal; the outcome of the game depends on him. He is the main character of the entire game and picture. The boy tries to look like a professional goalkeeper, his stance and the appearance of his clothes indicate this. The boy is dressed in a dark sweater, comfortable shorts, special leather gloves on his hands, comfortable shoes and pulled down socks, all this emphasizes the seriousness of his intentions not to miss a single ball. The boy, like a seasoned goalkeeper, took care of himself; he bandaged his injured knee before the important match. We don't know if the knee is badly damaged, but he is determined to play. The team is pinning their hopes on him, and he can't do otherwise. Sport made him strong and responsible.

Behind the goalkeeper, there is a little boy in a red suit. He watches the game closely, he also wants to kick the ball, but they don’t take him. It is clear from his enthusiastic appearance that he really likes this sport. He will definitely play when he grows up a little.

It is clear from the faces of the spectators that they are very passionate about the game. The decisive moment has arrived and everyone is anxiously awaiting the outcome of the game. Even a casual passer-by is nervous.

It is not for nothing that the artist depicted a boy as the main figure of his creation. So confident and committed, he will definitely catch the ball, and his team will win this game.

Usually asked in 7th grade.

Description 4 (grade 7)

Recently we were in the Tretyakov Gallery, and my attention was attracted by S.A. Grigoriev’s painting “Goalkeeper”. From the guide I learned that it was painted in 1949 and was awarded high awards. S.A. Grigoriev created many paintings that are now in various museums in Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria and Japan. The theme of childhood is one of the most favorite for the artist. The paintings “Discussion of the Deuce”, “Admission to the Komsomol”, “Young Naturalists”, “Pioneer Tie” and many others are dedicated to children.

Let's talk about the painting Goalkeeper.

In the picture I see a tense moment of the game... You can really feel the tension! They're probably taking a penalty or something like that is happening. I’m not very good at football, but judging by the tense poses of the players and spectators, everything is clear.

The picture is called “goalkeeper”. The main character is not in the middle, but slightly on the edge. A boy of about eight years old, hands on his knees, is waiting for the ball to hit. There is no gate behind it, but this is a simple yard game, so nothing surprising. The guys simply agreed that the gate was “here.” Behind him is another serious boy in red, he is younger. I think he is entrusted to catch the ball if the senior fails. And all this so that the windows are not knocked out if the ball flies out of the “gate”!

On the other side are the spectators. There is even an adult here, probably a young teacher. He is watching the game intently. There is also a girl here - a schoolgirl. There is a dog lying under the guys’ feet - she doesn’t care about all this. There is a boy with a younger brother or sister - a very small child. But the baby is also watching carefully. Everyone stretches, bends, catches the ball with their eyes. Briefcases and textbooks are discarded, the game does not wait!

Autumn – yellow grass and leaves. Some children are wearing hats and hoods. But these are all spectators - it’s cool for them to sit. The children have definitely gone to school (the girl is in uniform), but have not yet gotten used to playing in the yard. And soon it will become very cold, it will rain, so they probably want to play enough now. Besides, this match may be the last one this year. And it is very important who goes on the “football holiday” as a champion. Maybe two teams from neighboring yards played all summer!

This is how I drop my briefcase when my favorite series is on TV and I’m late. Mom swears... But she also does this when she is late to watch her favorite show.

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Class: 7

Lesson objectives:

  • prepare students to describe the actions of the people depicted in the picture;
  • consolidate the ability to use participles in your speech;
  • collect material for writing an essay on the painting;
  • give an idea of ​​the composition of a painting as one of the means of expressing the artist’s intention.

Lesson equipment:

Multimedia Presentation for the lesson, background notes.


A story about an artist.

Sergei Alekseevich Grigoriev - People's Artist of Ukraine, was born in Lugansk (Donbass) in a large family of a railway worker.

He became widely known as the author of works on family and school topics. The artist's best paintings dedicated to children. Among them are the famous paintings: “Discussion of the deuce”, “Fisherman”, “First words”, “Young naturalists”. The painting “Goalkeeper” brought well-deserved fame to the artist. The author was awarded the State Prize.

Conversation on the picture:

What time of year and day is shown in the picture? How did you determine this?

(Autumn. The castings have turned yellow and are falling from the trees. They are scattered on the ground. The artist depicted a fine autumn day, probably midday, because the shadows from people and objects are short, straight. The sky is clear, it feels like the sun is shining.)

Where does the action depicted in the picture take place?

(The guys play on an empty area behind the house, and not on a real football field: they “built” the goal, returning from school, from briefcases, bags and berets.)

Who is the main character in the picture?

(Goalkeeper boy)

How did the artist depict the goalkeeper? Describe his posture, figure, facial expression, clothing.

(The goalkeeper leans on his knees, stands bent over in a tense position, waiting for the ball, intently watching the game. From his pose it is clear that the ball is far from the goal. But the goalkeeper is ready at any moment to enter the game and defend his goal. The boy wants to be like like a real goalkeeper, he tries to imitate them even in his clothes: he is wearing a dark sweater, short pants, large leather gloves on his hands, overshoes tied with a ribbon, he probably often had to fall while defending his goal. It is clear that the goalkeeper is a brave, fearless boy.)

Describe the little boy who stands behind the goalie.

(Behind the goalkeeper, standing in a calm pose with his hands behind his back and his stomach sticking out, is a kid in a red ski suit. He also considers himself a football expert, he wants to take part in the game, but he is not accepted yet).

How did the artist show the audience's interest in the game of football? Who is particularly passionate about what is happening? Describe them.

(The views of all spectators are directed to the right, to the field, to where the intense struggle for the ball is going on. An adult fan who ended up here by chance (he is not dressed for sitting on the boards in the yard: in an elegant embroidered shirt, medal strips on the lapel of his jacket, a folder in his hand with papers, a hat on his head), completely captivated by the spectacle of the game, the boy in a dark green ski suit with a red tie will rush into battle. with a baby in her arms and a girl with a red bow on her head. Other girls - with a doll, in a red cap, in a hood - watch what is happening more calmly, although they do not take their eyes off the game).

Who is indifferent to what is happening on the field?

(Baby wrapped in a warm scarf and a lop-eared dog curled up at her feet).

Why is the painting called Goalkeeper?

(The goalkeeper is the main character of the picture. The artist showed a brave, enthusiastic goalkeeper who arouses our sympathy).

What do you think the artist wanted to say with his painting, what is its main idea?

(Football is interesting to everyone.
Football is my favorite sport.
A fearless goalkeeper with experience in his goal.)

Unlike a writer, an artist depicts one specific moment in a picture. It is interesting that S.A. Grigoriev did not depict the football match itself in his picture: from the tense pose of the goalkeeper, from the expression on the faces of the spectators, we guess that there is now an acute moment of the game on the field. To reveal his idea, the artist uses such means of painting as color, lighting, and composition.

Let's look at how the picture is constructed. Where - in the foreground or in the background - did S.A. depict? Grigoriev of the main character, the goalkeeper?

(The goalkeeper is depicted in the foreground, almost in the center of the picture, separately from other team players. He is clearly visible and immediately catches the eye, attracting our attention)

Who is depicted in the background of the picture?

(Children and a young man, they are positioned so that everyone is clearly visible)

What do you see in the background?

(City, huge buildings, residential buildings)

Let's pay attention to the details in the picture (gates made from briefcases, bags and hats, the goalkeeper's bandaged knee and leather gloves, etc.), and find out their role in revealing the artist's intention.

What colors and shades did the artist use to emphasize the cheerful nature of the event depicted in the picture?

(Warm colors and shades of yellow, light brown, red. The ground is light brown, on the bushes and on the field the leaves are golden, orange, the boards on which the fans are sitting are light yellow. The boy who stands behind the goalkeeper is wearing a red suit. a hat on a girl, embroidery on a man’s shirt, a bow on a schoolgirl, ties. These colors and shades help convey the intensity of the depicted action, delight our eyes, and contribute to a cheerful, good mood.)

Do you like this picture?

(Yes, because everything is depicted on it as it happens in life. I want to be on this field myself and play football.)

Vocabulary work. In order to prevent spelling errors, the spelling of words such as football, competition, match, leather gloves, jacket, sweater(pronounced hard [t]), hood, in a light haze, outlines of construction sites.

Exciting match, football competition, bend slightly, start the game, react quickly, take possession of the ball, attack the goal, cover the goal, fearless goalkeeper, not touching the ball with his hand, rubbing his bruised knee with his hand

Vocabulary and stylistic work.

1. Select the appropriate participial phrases.

1) The boy was walking towards the gate….
2) No one could rush forward with such sharpness as the player and... brake just as unexpectedly.
3) He accelerated powerfully and... struck on the move.
4) ... sharply extended his hand forward, indicating where he would hit

For reference:

Not reaching the ball two steps, just before the strike; without losing the ball; slowing down and changing direction; without changing the rhythm of steps, without mincing.

2. Name the gerunds that can be used to describe the posture and actions of those playing football. Make up phrases with them.

(Taking possession of the ball, throwing the ball, throwing the ball, scoring a goal, attacking the goal, attacking the goal, closing the goal, covering the goal, rushing towards the goal, bending slightly, putting one foot back, rushing from the spot, starting a long run, starting the game, reacting quickly, instantly slowing down.)

Drawing up a plan for describing the painting.

First, let's name the main subtopics of the story, for example:

1) place and time of action;
2) athletes;
3) spectators;
4) the artist and his painting.

We emphasize the conventionality of the named sequence of description and the possibility of constructing a story differently, for example, it can begin with a message about the artist, then describe the athletes, then the spectators, and at the end - the time, place of action, etc.

After this, we propose to turn the description scheme into a plan, that is, to specify each point of the scheme and make it more meaningful. As a result of such work, students write down (on their own) a plan for describing the picture, for example:

1 option

1) Behind the house on a fine autumn day.
2) Fearless goalkeeper and his assistant.
3) Spectators “get sick” in different ways.
4) The artist’s skill: successful composition, expressive details, soft coloring of the picture.

Option 2

1) The theme and main idea of ​​the picture.
2) Description of the painting by S.A. Grigoriev “Goalkeeper”:

a) in a vacant lot on a fine autumn day;
b) fearless goalkeeper;
c) a boy in a red suit;
d) fans and spectators.

3) Features of the composition of the picture.
4) The role of details in the picture.
5) Color of the picture.
6) My attitude in the picture.

Supporting notes

What time of year and day is shown in the picture?
Where does the action depicted in the picture take place?
How did the artist depict the goalkeeper? Describe his posture, figure, facial expression, clothing.
Describe the little boy who stands behind the goalie.
How did the artist show the audience's interest in the game of football?
What did the artist want to say with his painting, what is its main idea?
Where - in the foreground or in the background - did S.A. depict? Grigoriev of the main character, the goalkeeper?
Who is depicted in the background of the picture?
What do you see in the background?

Details in the picture

What colors and shades did the artist use to emphasize the cheerful nature of the event depicted in the picture?

Sergei Alekseevich Grigoriev is a famous Soviet artist of the twentieth century, People's Artist of the USSR, full member of the USSR Academy of Arts and laureate of two Stalin Prizes of the second degree. Sergei Alekseevich got all this through painstaking and long work. His paintings are still appreciated in all countries of the CIS and beyond, because his works have always been famous for their realism, abundance of characters and colors. The work “Goalkeeper” was no exception.

In the picture we see a large number of people, each of whom is drawn by the artist down to the smallest detail, which makes it stand out from the numerous works of the same subject.

In the foreground of the picture we see a boy standing on the gate and preparing to take a blow from his opponent. It is clear that the boy has just left school and has not even had time to go home, since all his things: his briefcase and school supplies are lying right on the ground. They represent the gates in the game.

The guy looks to be about twelve years old, he has a muscular body and a strong build. The goalkeeper has short, very blonde hair, tanned skin and a slight blush on his cheeks. The boy is wearing a white shirt with a high collar, a blue jacket on top, blue gloves on his hands, and short blue shorts, brown socks and black sneakers with untied white laces on his feet.

Despite the fact that the guys apparently decided to play football somewhere in a vacant lot, they attracted a large number of spectators. Each of those who came has his own character and is depicted in a certain color scheme. Let's start with a boy of about eight who stands behind our goalkeeper; his shirt and pants are red, which makes him stand out from the crowd. He is watching the game intently. Next, our attention is drawn to an adult man who is dressed in a blue suit with a white shirt peeking out. He has a brown hat on his head and black boots on his feet. The man cheers wildly for the players.

Overall, the painting depicts a large number of individualities and characteristics. Each of the characters presented here has their own soul, which is what makes this picture so special.