Sergey Kurginyan. Biography Personal life of Sergei Kurginyan

Sergei Yervandovich Kurginyan says that a return to modernity is impossible.

Sergei Yervandovich Kurginyan says that only the era of supermodernity can change the postmodern era.

Sergei Ervandovich Kurginyan says that otherwise the transition to countermodernity is inevitable.

Sergey Yervandovich Kurginyan knows what he is talking about!

So love, dialectically connected with post-love (often experienced as hatred or loss), can only be reborn into something fundamentally new - into super-love.

But how to understand this very supermodern? What could he be?

Kurginyan answers this with his mysteries. And I want to talk about his mysteries, symbolize them through an appeal to dance or painting. In other words, I want to abandon all symbolization and find myself in the space of the imaginary. This “want” is natural, and an unacceptable compromise turns out to be an appeal to a song dedicated to dancing. To the old playful song "Dance School of Solomon Klyar". To the very one in which the most important words for the analysis of culture through dialectics sound: "Two steps to the left, Two steps to the right, Step forward and turn."

The direction of dialectical development cannot be revealed in its actual trajectory. The negation of negation describes circles around only the supposed center that is shifting somewhere. Each transition, separated from a number of previous ones, seems to be a spontaneous game of chance (more precisely, a confluence of many causes), devoid of external meaning and purpose. So the constancy of Sergei Yervandovich and his magnificent troupe in turning to political science mysteries can be understood through many different understanding systems. But only the understanding of this constancy as another tact of the dialectical development of world culture gives it meaning. In any case, the meaning that is heard in the speeches of Kurginyan. And he knows what he's talking about!

The transition from one object to another following it turns out to be a tact of dialectical (and not illusory progressive) development only due to the sum of the elements of movement: “step forward” and “turn”. Only their generalized properties allow us to speak of novelty or avant-garde. It is these properties that can be found in the actions taking place in the theater "On the Boards". It is these properties that make one lie, saying "this is the supermodern."

For the “step forward” maneuver, you must at least stand somewhere and know where the front is. The song says clearly: "Where the bow is, there is the front." But in culture, everything is a little more complicated... In the 21st century, we are dancing a postmodern shadow dance. No matter how much one would like to, one can nostalgize about modernity only within the framework of postmodernity - we see it through the magnifying glass of modernity only as another ghost, just as a successful quote in a set. Here we stand. Walk from here. This means that the works of Kurginyan, proving to be supermodern as a result, must be postmodern to begin with. As "Eugene Onegin" and "The Overcoat", (from) turning romanticism to realism, remain romantic works at their core, so "I!" nurtures its supermodernity on the fragments of a completely ordinary postmodernity.

Only all the typically familiar elements of postmodernity are shifted forward here and turned sideways. For example: one can understand postmodern as a defense of culture and the author from psychoanalytic discourse. “I won’t allow myself to be judged, I don’t have my own text at all: only quotes and references,” the postmodernist author silently declares. “The reader is the source of interpretations, and I, the author, am only the linker of the text.” Sergei Yervandovich is not embarrassed by possible interpretations, building his mysteries according to all the laws of postmodernity, he not only introduces the author there as an acting character, but also publicly speaks himself before and after the end of each performance, raising authorship to a power and thereby expanding the stage to life . And not in vain, because Sergei Yervandovich knows what he is talking about!

By bringing himself personally into the performance, the director destroys all possible frames and boundaries. If one could still try to decompose the text, the acting or the set design into a finite number of elements, references or quotes, then one must have remarkable (bordering on stupidity) self-confidence in order to do this with a living Kurginyan. But he also regularly reports on the uniqueness of the actors of his troupe as a result of over-motivated meaningfulness, which anyone can see by opening at least the binder of the newspaper The Essence of Time. By the way, in the time we have at our disposal, authorship can also turn out to be an element of a work of art, of which Warhol and Dali are classic examples, there (seemingly) there is nothing new here ... an end in itself, but only a tool for building a “supermodernity”.

The front in the case of Kurginyan's supermodernity is in the fullness of the works with meaning. Where the modernist author lays out the interpretation in the most prominent place and jewelryly guides the entire work along it, as if along the string of meaning, where the postmodernist author timidly hides the interpretation in the cliffs of someone else's text or fragments of the plot, there are so many meanings and interpretations in the mysteries of the theater "On the Boards" that the viewer consistently experiences "array overflow", "roof departure" and "brain explosion". This is very hard to believe. Yes, and it is not necessary. But on the stage of the theater, a palimpsest is literally played out.

In the waterfall of meanings and interpretations, a necessary condition for emerging seems to be not only a thorough knowledge of the work, nominally a prototype of the mystery, in order to clearly understand where, for example, London ends and Kurginyan begins, not only a deep (up to complete immersion) acquaintance with the cultural and historical context of the mystery, not only a superficial (up to a thorough) reading of political texts and viewing Kurginyan's speeches, not only an in-depth acquaintance with various knowledge and logics, not only a personal acquaintance with the greatest (up to no one noticed) works of world art. But (not excluding all of the above), first of all, the ability to live and face the real. The mysteries of Kurginyan are absolutely real, that is, they are extremely traumatic, unbearable, obscene.

But the supermodern would not have taken place if there had not been a “turn” in it. (After all, the palimpsest itself fits well into the postmodern, and is even loved by it). However, a “turn” without a “step forward” also does not make a difference. The turning point is in the form of performance: calling the action unfolding in the theater "On the Boards" "mystery", Kurginyan knows what he is talking about!

He is not joking, this is precisely a mystery - from the Greek mysterion - a sacrament. A genre that, through the theatricalization of Christian mysteries, goes back to the Dionysian rites, from which all theater began. And it should be understood through Nietzsche and his Birth of Tragedy from the Spirit of Music. Once upon a time, this work was intended to kill the theater in general and criticism in particular, and with them the projects of world Western art and the same civilization. And it successfully coped with its task. The theater is dead. Criticism is dying. Art in general and civilization on the way. Nietzsche believed that the error (rejection of tragedy) in favor of "Socratic" optimism occurred in Greece within the framework of its culture, but he proposed to correct this error within the framework of a culture contemporary to him. Kurginyan, entering into a titanic dispute with the irresistible Friedrich, puts on the board not arguments, but mysteries. Living, truly tragic Dionysian-Apollonian mysteries, clearly demonstrating the inevitability (and at the same time being the foundation stone) of restarting the optimistic project.

The actions of the theater “On the Boards” turn out to be mysteries due to an unprecedented turn towards the “spectator”. Everything that happens on the stage and in the hall of the theater is directed and dedicated to just one goal - to build a space of "supermodern", in which a collision with the real is possible for everyone who wishes. The mystical content is not access to conditionally objective knowledge accessible to a few (as in the classical mystery), but a collision with the truth of deep unknowingness (non-symbolization and non-imagination), that is, the reality of oneself and, as a result, the world.
So, in order to appear as a supermodernist on the stage, dialectically denying all postmodernity, Sergei Yervandovich returns the basic, but already obviously untenable elements of modernity - will and knowledge, but with something else. It is this “something” that ensures the legitimacy of the presence of both the prefix super- and the end of modern in this new-old project. It is this “something” that is always lacking in the will and knowledge in order to be fully wealthy.

These are the dances when Kurginyan speaks!

Dmitry Tretyakov

Inevitably, a collision with the insufficiency of the grammatical apparatus of the Russian language. “Spectator” is a word that is clearly not suitable for the situation: the viewer sees, that is, participates in the process indirectly. The urgent need for a word that raises direct labor to the basis of the name forces, following the example of the Franconism “analysant” established in psychoanalysis (where the suffix “ant” is intended to announce activity), to offer horrifying constructions like “spectator” or “scopilant”.

Sergey Kurginyan is a very versatile person - a geophysicist, political scientist, politician, artistic director of the theater, founder of the left-wing movement called The Essence of Time. Representatives of the latter are supporters of the restoration of the Soviet Union. And he also heads the Kurginyan Center Foundation.

General information

Today Sergey Kurginyan's age is 68 years. He writes articles devoted to the analysis of world political processes, current events in public life, the problems of the theory of catastrophes and the strategy of decisions made. He is the author of more than ten books, including such as "Political Tsunami", "Lessons of October", participates in various political programs as a co-host.

In some media, he is portrayed as a representative of the “sixth column” operating inside the Kremlin. Initially, he advocated the so-called European values, for integration with the West, in whose representatives he saw not enemies, but only competitors, for the non-interference of the Russian Federation in the events in the Donbass.

The beginning of the biography of Sergei Kurginyan

His nationality is Armenian. Although he was born in Moscow in 1949, his father came from a small Armenian village. The family of Sergei Kurginyan was intelligent. Father - professor, historian, researcher of the Middle East. Mother - philologist, researcher Grandfather and grandmother on the maternal side - hereditary nobles.

Since childhood, Sergei dreamed of becoming an artist, he took an active part in amateur performances, studied in a school drama club, and received roles in performances. Immediately after school, he could not enter the theater. But he began to study at the Geological Prospecting Institute, where in his second year he created an amateur theater and directed it.


After graduating from a university in 1972, the young man worked at the Institute of Oceanology, eventually becoming a research assistant, and then a candidate of science. Since 1980, he worked at the Geological Prospecting Institute, from which he graduated.

Sergey combined scientific activity and creative hobbies, remaining the director of the theater-studio, organized by him in his student years. In 1983, he graduated from the Shchukin School in absentia.

Later, they wrote about Kurginyan that today's adherent of the Soviet Union at that time did not walk in supporters of the socialist system. Moreover, he repeatedly spoke about the horrors of the Stalinist regime. He also emphasized that he, as a descendant of a noble family, had no reason to show respect for the Soviet regime.

ETC formation

In 1986, the theater, which was Kurginyan's favorite brainchild, was recognized as a state theater, it received the name "On the Boards". Sergei left work in the first of his specialties, devoting himself entirely to creative activity. However, his directorial path then was not successful. The only performance called "Shepherd", which he staged based on Bulgakov's play of the same name, was a failure. But Kurginyan succeeded as a business executive.

In 1987, on the basis of the theater-studio, the ETC - "Experimental Creative Center" was established. He was supported by the secretary of the executive committee of the Moscow City Council Yu. Prokofiev, and the center was provided with several premises in the center of Moscow, as well as funds. In 1990, the ETC was renamed the International Public Foundation, or the Kurginyan Center. Since 2004, the center has become an association with the UN Department.

Continuing to consider the biography of Sergei Kurginyan, one cannot but say about him as a politician.

Politician career

During the period of perestroika, Sergei Yervandovich supported the undertakings of Mikhail Gorbachev. However, he did not want the collapse of the USSR, only advocating the modernization of the existing system, which was administrative-command. He became a member of the Communist Party in order to implement his ideas, which consisted in improving and strengthening statehood, opposed the democrats who wanted the empire to die.

With the mediation of M. Prokofiev, the head of the Moscow City Executive Committee, Sergei Kurginyan visited Baku as a member of a group of political experts in order to resolve the conflict between Armenians and Azerbaijanis. The report that he submitted following his trip to the Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party included accurate forecasts about the further development of the situation. In this regard, he was further invited as an expert. He was also heading to Lithuania, Karabakh, Dushanbe.

In 1991, Kurginyan became an unofficial adviser to M. Gorbachev, proposed to the latter a plan for the country's exit from the crisis. As Sergei Yervandovich later asserted, there were disagreements between him and the head of state regarding ways to break the deadlock of the USSR and the party.

Support for the coup and the "Letter of Thirteen"

In the biography of Sergei Kurginyan, conflicting political positions are sometimes seen. So, during the August coup, the politician supported the State Emergency Committee, announcing this in one of the publications, where he called himself its ideologist. The head of the KGB, V. Kryuchkov, one of the conspirators, was subsequently accepted into the ETC. During the period of the internal political conflict, in 1993, he was present in the premises of the Supreme Council, but was put out from there by the adherents of the campaign against Ostankino, since he was against it. He immediately provided information about this to the public.

In 1996, the politician invited big businessmen to take the side of the state, initiating the appearance of an appeal called the “Letter of Thirteen”. Among the signatories were such as Boris Berezovsky, Viktor Gordilov, Mikhail Fridman, Mikhail Khodorkovsky. Subsequently, the result of the alliance between the head of state and big business was the establishment of an oligarchic system.

Sergey Kurginyan: personal life

His wife is Maria Mamikonyan, whom he met during his student days. They got married at the same time. Today she is an artist of the Na Doskakh theater, works at the ETC and heads the RVS - Parental All-Russian Resistance. This organization operates in the field of family protection and education issues. She denies the Western model of education and promotes a ban on the sexual education of children.

In 2015, the RVS held an action in St. Petersburg related to the distribution of its newspaper in the country's schools, which caused a public outcry. Many of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly were indignant at the fact that children were in fact chosen as a target of political propaganda. In addition, according to the deputies, the publication presented such a view of the country's history, which distorts reality.

The couple has a daughter born in 1977, whose name is Irina. She is also an employee of the Kurginyan Center, has a historical education and a Ph.D., and is raising a daughter.

Kurginyan today

In 2011, he founded the left-wing patriotic movement Essence of Time, earning him the nickname of an aggressive patriot. The emergence of this movement is associated with a talk show called "The Court of Time" and further lectures posted on the Global Web. In them, Sergei Kurginyan revealed his political views.

As the leader of the structure he created, he organized rallies and held various actions. So, he burned a white ribbon in front of the public, symbolizing purity and protest. In 2012, the politician was among the initiators of actions aimed at preventing the so-called Orange Revolution in Russia, similar to the Ukrainian one.

He, in particular, established the "Anti-Orange Committee", directed against the collapse of the Soviet Union. At that time, opposition figures began to accuse him of working for V.V. Putin. In 2013, the politician initiated a parental congress, where the RVS was established, chaired by his wife Maria Rachievna Mamikonyan. President Putin attended the event for some time and made a short speech.

In 2014, Kurginyan made a trip to Donetsk, where he made an attempt to accuse Igor Strelkov of betrayal. Thus, he caused a flurry of indignation and controversy on Internet forums. As noted by the media, Kurginyan is a politician with a unique ability, being in the position of an oppositionist, at the same time remain loyal to the current authorities.

"Aggressive patriot" - this is how the leading media call Sergey Kurginyan. His biography is amazing: despite the fact that he belongs to the opposition, Sergei never spoke out against the current government, demonstrating loyalty. Kurginyan belongs to the "6th column", which stands for integration with the West, for the development of strong partnerships.

Childhood and youth

Sergey was born in 1949 in Moscow, his parents are scientists. Father Yervand Amayakovich is a historian, mother Maria Sergeevna worked as a senior researcher at the Institute of World Literature. Gorky. Sergey's nationality is Armenian. The maternal grandmother is a nee princess, and the grandfather along the same line is a hereditary nobleman of Swedish blood.

Little Seryozha wanted to become an artist, so he was an active participant in amateur performances at school, participated in productions. He failed to enter the theater. But in the 2nd year of the geological exploration university, where Kurginyan was taken, he created an amateur troupe and began to lead it.

After receiving a diploma in 1972, Sergei was hired by the Institute of Oceanology, where he defended his Ph.D. After 8 years, the young scientist returns to his native geological exploration already as a researcher. Despite the stormy scientific activity, he does not leave either the theater-studio founded, or the dream of a theatrical future. In 1983 he graduated from the school in absentia. Shchukin, receiving the specialty "drama directing".

In 1986, the theater was recognized as a state theater, it was renamed "On the Boards". Sergey leaves science and completely devotes himself to creativity. His directorial activity in those years cannot be called successful - the only production based on the play "Shepherd" in 1992 failed. But Kurginyan discovered a talented business executive in himself.

In 1987, on the basis of the studio, an "Experimental Creative Center" was established, which was allocated a building in the center of the capital and funds for development. Three years later, the "ETC" was renamed the International Public Foundation "Center Kurginyan".

Politics and journalism

Vigorous activity led the former researcher into politics. He initially advocated perestroika and supported politics. However, he did not understand the meaning of the ideas of the collapse of the USSR, he proposed steps to modernize and strengthen the union. He became a member of the CPSU, opposed the Democrats and tried to introduce the ideas of preserving a great country. In 1991, Sergei became an unofficial adviser to the head of state.

Thanks to his acquaintance with the head of the Moscow City Executive Committee, Prokofiev, Sergei Kurginyan, together with political experts, was sent to Baku to help resolve the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. The report, which he submitted at the end of his trip to the Central Committee, contained accurate forecasts of the further development of the situation. Sergei began to be regularly involved in such events, sent to Lithuania, Tajikistan and Karabakh.

In the August coup, he supported the Civil Code of the State of Emergency. In 1996, Sergei called on influential businessmen to turn their faces to the state. As a result of painstaking work, the "Letter of Thirteen" was issued, which was signed by the mastodons of entrepreneurial activity, Gorodilov, and 9 other people. The letter contained real proposals for a way out of the economic crisis and support.

Since coming to power, he has not been active in politics, becoming a political scientist and analyst. In 2011, he founded the patriotic movement "The Essence of Time", held rallies and recorded lectures with his views, posting them on his official website. But in general, his vision does not contradict the activities of the current president, some left-wing activists even accused him of working for Putin.

Personal life

The political scientist has been married since his student days to Maria Mamikonyan. The wife also leads an active social activity, plays in the theater "On the Boards" and heads the association "Parental All-Russian Resistance". Maria, together with like-minded people, denies the European model of education, opposes the lessons of sexual education in Russian educational institutions.

In 2017, at the third congress of her organization, Mamikonyan presented an alternative report to the president on the sensitive topic of juvenile justice in Russia, citing horrific, unreasonable examples of the removal of children from families. Note that this congress was attended by deputies of the State Duma and members of the Federation Council, and Vladimir Putin himself was present at the first congress in 2013.

Maria and Sergey are accomplished parents, their daughter Irina is already 41 years old, and she is raising her daughter herself. Irina has an education in history, she is a candidate of sciences, she works for her father at the Kurginyan Center. The woman is not a public figure, she does not maintain accounts in social networks, there are much more articles with her authorship on the Internet than photos.

Sergey Kurginyan now

Sergey is an emotional person, and, as they say in his circles, narcissistic. Sometimes Kurginyan's actions and speeches seem provocative: in 2011, on the air of Ekho Moskvy radio, he threw a glass of water in Roman Dobrokhotov's face. In 2014, a political scientist, having visited Donetsk, tried to convict him of betrayal. Nevertheless, he often becomes a guest of analytical and political programs, an expert and critic.

In 2017, the political program "Right to Know" was released with the participation of Kurginyan. The program is full of interesting arguments, historical facts, looks at one go. Until now, on the TVC website, where the recording is located, viewers leave reviews about the ingenious and consistent logic of Kurginyan.

Currently, Sergei writes articles and books, periodically travels around the country with lectures, which, according to rumors, are forcibly driven to students. On the eve, he wrote down and posted on the Web an opinion about the candidates, including Fr. He supports changing the KPRF representative, but admits that the candidate is too inexperienced for this level of political office. The day after the presidential election, a program was released with Sergei admitting that he had voted in support of Putin.


  • 1993 - "Post-perestroika"
  • 1994 - "Russia: Power and Opposition"
  • 1995 - "The Russian Question and the Institute of the Future"
  • 2006 - “Weakness of strength. Analytics of closed elite games and its conceptual foundations”
  • 2008 - “Swing. The conflict of the elites - or the collapse of Russia?
  • 2011 – “Political tsunami. Analysis of events in North Africa and the Middle East»
  • 2012 - "The essence of time in 4 volumes"
  • 2015 - "Red Spring"

Yuri Fortunatov 25.10.2010 10:23:36

It's disgusting. I'm watching the program: "The Court of Time". Horror!!! Terry STALINIST!!!
As if I got to the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR. It seems to be educated, well-read, but BAM!!!, interrupts, yells, eyes run like a crook. A good transfer is conceived, but disgusting, a flight into yesterday.
The mind is there, but the conscience is not and will not be. IT'S A PITY.

to s.kurginyan
barry 13.03.2009 08:59:31

you are a shmack

A man with a capital letter
Madlenn 04.05.2009 07:10:34

I'm delighted with what I found out about him. I accomplished a lot in my life. How did he do it? Here is a question and an example to follow. To whom?

A young man contemplating life

Sergei Yervandovich Kurginyan
Patriot51 29.07.2010 12:25:41

Dear Sergey Ervandovich, thank you for your, rare today, DECENCY!

Kurginyan Sergey Yervandovich
Patriot51 29.07.2010 12:52:56

Dear Sergey Ervandovich! Today, on the program of Svanidze "The Court of Time", you brilliantly and beautifully defeated the hypocrites and cynics of Yasin and Mlechin! Low bow and good health to you for many years. Thank you for having HONEST, a quality so rare today!

Chronicle is the history of Rus'!!!
Nicholas 18.09.2010 11:59:35

You need to know the chronicle so as not to look like a Russophobe in the "Court of Time" program and not to mislead the Russian people !!! Batu Khan (correct Batai) means the owner of the Aryan people (Khan), Batai is a white Aryan
-tai - the highest, i.e. the Highest Khan of the White Aryans! Mogul (we are from the head, that is, initially from the mind !!! Ready to give an explanation: "Who are we Slavs" !!!

TRUE journalist!
Dmitry Alyoshin 28.10.2010 06:07:09

When I read his works in Mr. "TOMORROW" - I heard a LIVE speech with all the virtues of the "Great and Mighty" (according to Lomonosov). It’s just a pity that in TV debates he has to spend his LIFE time throwing BISSERA .... But the State Mayfly MLECHIN looks so much like a “decent” one - EXTERNALLY with a Masonic “Canadian” PURPLE on his NECK ..

Kurginyan is a provocateur
podzavalsky 07.12.2010 12:18:26

He joined the party when everyone ran out of it ... And in the 80s he carried out orders from the Central Committee of the CPSU ...

03.03.2012 12:05:26

Generally speaking, democracy is democracy. That is, the participation of the people in the management and organization of society. It is surprising that the intelligent people of the Russian people cannot understand this issue at all and are trying to reinvent the wheel. And this bicycle has already been invented by V. I. Lenin and implemented in the life of I.V. Stalin. And the invention, as always, is simple and ingenious. meetings of the people, where the minutes of the meeting are necessarily kept and all the proposals of the speakers are taken into account and decisions are made on them by voting on the implementation of all comments and proposals and, at the next meeting, the implementation of the decisions taken earlier is necessarily considered. This is democracy in its purest form. But the transfer of their powers to someone unknown This is not democracy, but the authorization of power (monopolization). So the transfer of power to the president is one of the types of usurpation of power along with the monarchy, dictatorship, etc. So Stalin was neither a dictator nor a tsar. in the country, top-level governance was collegial. If an intelligent person does not understand this, then we should begin by clarifying and agreeing on terms. Otherwise, everyone will say and mean different things with one term. then it is impossible to find the truth.

Sergey Ervandovich Kurginyan
political scientist, public figure, theater director
Date of birth: November 14, 1949
Place of birth: Moscow, USSR
Country: USSR →Russia
Scientific field: physics, mathematics
Place of work: Experimental creative center
Academic degree: Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Alma mater: Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute,
Theater School. B. Schukina
Known As: political scientist

Sergey Ervandovich Kurginyan(November 14, 1949, Moscow, USSR) - Soviet and Russian political scientist, public and political figure, theater director. Until recently (March 2012) - a permanent co-host of the political talk show "Historical Process" on the TV channel "Russia". On the first specialty - geophysicist.

Born in a Moscow family of scientists. Father - Ervand Amayakovich Kurginyan(1914-1996), was a professor of modern history and a specialist in the Middle East. Mother - Maria Sergeevna Kurginyan(Beckman) (1922-1989) was a senior researcher at the Literary Theory Department of the Gorky Institute of World Literature, an expert on T. Mann, and the author of a number of monographs. Maternal grandfather was a white officer who went over to the Reds, was shot on 11/02/1938.

Sergey Kurginyan- A graduate of the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute with a degree in geophysics (1972). Graduated from the Theater School. B. Shchukin (1983) majoring in drama directing. Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Researcher at the Institute of Oceanology of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1974-1980). Until 1986, he was a senior researcher in the Laboratory of Applied Cybernetics of the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute.

Sergey Kurginyan was a member of the commission on new theatrical forms of the Union of Theater Workers of the RSFSR and the initiator of the socio-economic experiment "Theatre-studio on a collective contract." Created by S. Kurginyan in his student years (1967), the theater-studio in 1986, together with the studios of M. Rozovsky, "In the South-West", "Man", etc., took part in the experiment "Theater on a collective contract". According to the results of the experiment, the theater received the status of a state theater (the theater "On the boards"). S. Kurginyan Theater professes a philosophical and metaphysical approach to the phenomena of modernity.

Since the 80s Sergey Kurginyan in parallel with theatrical activities, he analyzes the political process. In November 1987, the executive committee of the Moscow City Council, by its decision No. 2622, created the "Experimental Creative Center" on the basis of the theater-studio "On the boards" and provided it with a complex of premises on Vspolny per. Moscow, opening funding for their reconstruction.

January 1989 Sergey Kurginyan headed the organization of a new type created by the Moscow City Executive Committee on the basis of the theater - “ Experimental Creative Center". Repeatedly traveled to "hot spots" on behalf of the Central Committee of the CPSU (then - the leadership of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR) for an independent examination.
After unsuccessful attempts to offer their services to the Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Alexander Yakovlev (1987), Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR Vitaly Vorotnikov and Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Viktor Chebrikov (1988) Sergey Kurginyan was approached by the second (then first) secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU, Yuri Prokofiev, and introduced into the circles of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Central Committee of the CPSU. In September 1990, at a brainstorming session in the Council of Ministers, Kurginyan proposed harsh confiscation measures and mass repressions against the “shady economy dealers”, prompting the remark of Deputy Prime Minister Leonid Abalkin: “We already went through this in 1937.”
In that particular time and historical period Sergey Kurginyan maintains close ties with the Soyuz group.

In 1990 Sergey Kurginyan ran for people's deputies of the RSFSR (in the Chertanovsky territorial district N 58 of Moscow). Candidate's electoral program Sergei Kurginyan proposed a strategy for the national salvation of Russia, capable of preventing the collapse of the Russian economy, society, state. As an answer to the question of where to get money for the implementation of this program, in the campaign materials of the candidate Sergei Kurginyan it was pointed out that Russia annually loses huge amounts of money due to the unfair distribution between the union republics of the USSR, on long-term construction and allied "projects of the century", etc. national salvation of Russia.

In 1991 Sergey Kurginyan refused to become an adviser to Gorbachev due to differences of opinion on how to bring the Communist Party and the country out of the impasse. The idea of ​​S. Kurginyan about relying on the intellectual layer (primarily the scientific and technical intelligentsia) for the country to take the modernization barrier was supported by Yu. Prokofiev, secretary of the CPSU MGK. In the center of Moscow Sergei Kurginyan, which united a number of organizations and laboratories with breakthrough developments in the Experimental Creative Center, was provided with several houses.

In 1993 Sergey Kurginyan became an adviser to R. I. Khasbulatov, during the October events of 1993 he was in the building of the Supreme Council. He was the developer of a scenario for the behavior of the opposition forces, an alternative to the one that was implemented on October 3 (“the march on Ostankino”). In his opinion, the plan to march on Ostankino was provocative.
Several times he thwarted provocations organized among the “Belodomovites” (the so-called “Sokolov rebellion”, etc.), categorically objected to the incorporation of Barkashovites and other provocative elements into the environment of the Belodomovites. Conducted political dialogue and information campaign in favor of the Supreme Council. On September 30, the “party” of supporters of the campaign against Ostankino, who was inside the building of the Armed Forces, achieved expulsion Sergei Kurginyan as a dangerous adversary.

In the same day Sergey Kurginyan appealed to all supporters of the Supreme Council with a warning about the impending provocation. The warning was transmitted through the channels of the Koltso information system that existed at that time, and also appeared on the tapes of official news agencies (full text in the Russia-XXI magazine, No. 8, 1993).
In 1996 Sergey Kurginyan invited representatives of big business to unite and take a constructive pro-government position. The result of this was the famous "Letter of Thirteen".
In my own words, Sergey Kurginyan participated in the dismissal of General A.I. Lebed from the post of Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

In 2007, before the presidential elections in Russia Sergey Kurginyan expressed the opinion that “the very principle of presidential power in Russia is more fundamentally constitutional than the principle that speaks of two terms of the presidency,” and also expressed the fear that “if Putin tries to move even a millimeter from the presidency, he will destroy the system ".

July to December 2010 Sergey Kurginyan was a co-host of the TV program "Court of Time".

In 2011, after the congress of the United Russia party, commenting on the nomination of V. Putin by D. Medvedev as a candidate for the post of President of Russia, S. Kurginyan said that “the process that they wanted to turn towards a return to radical liberalism did not turn in this direction”, and also with the fact that “with the de-Stalinization of radical liberalism, a return to already dead mythologemes and types of social and other cultural being, - with This will all be over for the time being." Addressing your supporters Kurginyan also stressed that this did not happen thanks to "including our modest efforts."