List of school subjects 1975. Drawing, astronomy and the Law of God. School items that no longer exist. educational institutions of the Russian Federation

The transition of children from primary to secondary school is stressful in itself, not only for students. Parents sometimes experience considerable stress from the new educational level. In addition, subjects in 5th grade in 2018-2019 may differ in different schools, which does not always meet the requirements of parents for education. There are also mothers who want to minimize the number of disciplines, so they may be unpleasantly surprised by the number of new subjects the child has. However, both of them should know exactly what children are supposed to take in 5th grade, and for which subjects the time has not yet come.

Basic familiar set of disciplines

Many parents remember that the range of subjects in 5th grade has increased, but not everyone is able to reproduce their list. Although “Foreign Language” comes to mind for most, this subject was definitely one of the new disciplines at the beginning of the secondary level 15 years ago. Now second-graders are being introduced to it, but soon children will expect innovations in this matter.

Attention! Some schools will begin to introduce a second foreign language starting in 5th grade starting in 2018-2019. Those schoolchildren who have already entered the 6th year of study will continue to study one foreign language, and fifth-graders will also receive a second language.

In addition, many are unable to remember most of the new subjects, although there were not very many disciplines. Moreover, earlier the “friendliness” of new lessons was more pronounced, i.e. disciplines were introduced everywhere. Now the situation is somewhat different - the basic set of lessons remains unshakable. In a number of subjects, variability appeared that is not typical for every school. It’s just that somewhere they continue to preserve the plan for introducing new lessons, proven by many years of practice.

Any Russian school, without exception, must have the following disciplines in 5th grade:

  1. Literature.
  2. Technology.
  3. Mathematics.
  4. Russian language.
  5. Foreign language.
  6. Musical culture.
  7. Physical Culture.

In general, parents may have questions about this set of lessons only because of 2 disciplines. We are talking about “Technology” and “Foreign Language”. With the last subject, not everything is clear, you just need to remember one thing - Foreign Language will continue until the end of school, regardless of whether it is studied from the second grade or from the fifth. With “Technology” everything is a little more confusing, but this is the same “Labor” known to parents from their school years. Although now this discipline is variable not only in its name, but also in its content, like a number of other school subjects for study in the 5th grade.

Variative and optional disciplines

Among the variable disciplines, the most frequently identified subjects are “The Environment,” “Natural History,” “Natural Science,” and even “Biology.” Much depends on the specific curriculum and the sequence of presentation of similar material, but in any case, one of these subjects will be on the schedule. In most cases, this is either “Natural history” or “The world around us”.

The relatively new subject “Ethics and Foundations of Religious Cultures” will also be variable. This discipline itself can be included in 1 or 2 years of teaching. That is, this subject can only be taught in the 4th grade or only begin in the fifth, although sometimes it is taught in both years.

Don’t forget about computer science - this is one of the most variable subjects; it “walks” across the school grid on the scale of several classes. Moreover, sometimes this discipline is called differently - “ICT”. In addition, sometimes the time gap between its introduction can reach 2 years - in a number of schools, “Informatics” appears only in the 7th grade. The situation is similar with “Civics” and “Social Studies”. These disciplines can be a replacement for part of the subject “Local History”, dealing with issues of civil relations in a particular region. Also, some schoolchildren may simply have a new subject related to the activities of society.

In addition, there are elective subjects:

  1. Rhetoric and oratory.
  2. General physical training and various sports disciplines.
  3. Additional classes for the development of logic.
  4. Rhythmic, dance and creative activities.

This is just a small list of additional disciplines and electives. Much depends on the location of a particular educational institution, the availability of the necessary teachers, the capabilities of the school, and even on its leadership. At the same time, there are disciplines that are practically mandatory for all students in the 5th grade and are not taught in elementary school.

New subjects in secondary education and in the education system as a whole

Fifth-graders change their status - they not only move to a higher year of study, but also change elementary school to high school. This, by default, requires expanding the requirements in terms of increasing the disciplines studied. For schoolchildren, two new subjects can be introduced at the beginning of the year: geography and history.

Sometimes they are part of a discipline within a block of lessons on studying their own region, or “Geography” can be taught on the scale of the “World around us”. These are “new subjects”, but they are such only for fifth-graders; next year “History” and “Geography” will become familiar disciplines, although other previously unknown lessons will also appear.

While robotics, 3D modeling and programming are included in the scope of other subjects. The first 2 relate to “Technology”, and the last one is included in the study of “Computer Science” and “ICT”. So far there are no plans to separate them into separate disciplines, but you need to understand that the very fact of their presence seriously changes the school subject in a more innovative direction, which many parents know almost nothing about. In fact, the discipline is old, known to parents, but its content will change seriously.

The Ministry of Education and Science monitors the start of secondary education. Officials formulate minimum requirements for studying compulsory disciplines and recommendations for teaching elective, variable and auxiliary subjects.

Despite persistent attempts to standardize schooling, the very nature of education is subject to constant change and innovation. The difference in real capabilities across the region does not allow all schools to simultaneously introduce the most modern trends or switch to new teaching methods. If we add to this the certain powers of the school leadership to change the schedule due to variable parts, then we get a different picture of the subjects taught. As a result, even in one region or city, there may be a situation where there is a complete absence of the disciplines “Nature Studies” or “Art” among the subjects in the 5th grade in 2018-2019 in some schools, while in others “The Environment”, “MHC”, etc. will not be taught. . P.

It is clear that all schools will have a basic set of subjects, and you should find out about other disciplines in a specific educational institution.

It is difficult for a child to study in primary school. It is a fact. But the transition to 5th grade is much more difficult for children. Why? New teachers, new requirements, new subjects... Often, due to unbearable workloads, children's academic performance drops, there is increased fatigue, and frequent illnesses. Therefore, many parents are interested in the question: what subjects will be studied in grade 5? You will find the subject list for 2018-2019 in this article.

5th grade difficulties

While studying in elementary school, the child is already accustomed to a certain teacher, a certain attitude towards himself. And then in an instant everything changes:

  1. One of my classmates enters a new school.
  2. Sometimes students from parallel classes are combined.
  3. New items are being added.
  4. There are many new teachers with their own requirements that you have to get used to.

For most children in Russia, such changes cause extreme stress. Therefore, parents play a large role in the child’s adaptation to new learning conditions.

5th grade: what subjects are studied?

Having completed 4th grade, many children - some with joyful impatience, some with apprehension - are waiting for an important event in their lives - the transition from primary school to secondary school.

And fifth graders have something to look forward to:

  • meetings with several new teachers at once instead of one well-known primary school teacher;
  • opportunities to look at physics or biology classrooms that were previously inaccessible and have long attracted attention with their exhibits;
  • getting to know new subjects, and the subjects in 5th grade amaze with their diversity:
Item Who teaches the subject
1 Russian language Lead by a teacher of Russian language and literature
2 Literature
3 Mathematics Mathematics teacher (from 7th grade he will teach algebra and geometry, that is, 2 separate subjects)
4 Computer science In some schools, from 2-3 grades as an elective. In some schools from 6th grade. Lead by computer science teacher
5 Foreign language This subject starts from 2nd grade. Only one language can be studied.
6 Natural history Biology teacher
7 Geography Geography teacher
8 Story Taught by history and social studies teacher
9 Social science
10 Music Music and singing teacher
11 ISO Drawing teacher
12 life safety fundamentals Life Safety Teacher
13 Physical training Physical education teacher
14 Technology There are changes after elementary school. The class is divided into 2 groups (boys and girls). Only up to 8th grade

In some schools in Russia, as well as in Moscow, additional subjects are studied. These lessons could be:

  • Local history.
  • Rhetoric.
  • ODKNR (fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia).

Parental help

Even in the 3rd and 4th grades, the child learns basic concepts in the Russian language and mathematics. This learning always happens at a fast pace. It seems that the child is learning everything diligently. But does he know everything so well?

Often during Russian language lessons in the 5th grade, the Russian language teacher, for example, asks for the name of a particular part of speech. Children raise their hands and answer willingly. But! You can hear a lot of possible answers to the question. This suggests that many children lack basic knowledge or have forgotten it during the summer holidays.

Why is this happening? The fact is that in elementary school, in lessons and at home, these concepts were memorized, but not fully understood. And I couldn’t understand the material.

Children who have entered the 5th grade really have a lot of knowledge in their heads. But children don’t always know how to use them.

It is important: to develop in the child the ability to hear and analyze, extract the necessary information from memory and logically construct an answer.

Many new subjects will be added in 5th grade. And here the child’s ability to work with printed material, with text, with words comes to the fore.

Recently, there has been a decline in the ability to analyze text information:

  • highlight the main thing;
  • find the right answer to the question asked.

Modern children act much easier. They Google information on the Internet. There is a list of sites where you can read the answer to the question.

Of course, modern technologies have simplified life, but at the same time it is necessary to ensure that the child learns to highlight the main information himself. To do this, even in the 4th grade, while doing assignments on literature or natural history, discuss with your child what you read, ask him questions on the topic.

How to help a future fifth-grader this summer?

5th grade material usually begins with a repetition of facts about the subject already known from elementary school. If a child studied well in elementary school, then it will not be difficult for him to remember the material covered.

If the student had difficulties in learning, then parents should think about helping the child improve his knowledge before school. A good solution in this case would be:

  • “Summer school” in a private training center;
  • lessons with a tutor.

It is also recommended to give your future fifth-grader good, age-appropriate books during the holidays. Moreover, this does not have to be literature that children will study in class. Quite the contrary! It's better to read what they don't teach in school. Otherwise, you lose interest in reading.

Children who enter 5th grade often forget how to write some letters over the summer. Give them small texts that need to be copied into a notebook without errors. This will develop the student’s attention and spelling vigilance.

During your vacation, travel with your children and expand their knowledge about countries and cities, rivers and oceans. This will broaden the child’s horizons and allow him to more quickly navigate the school curriculum.

Here you can see an optimistic review from a fifth grader about how easy it is to study in 5th grade:

Let me make a reservation right away - this is my personal opinion as an ex-schoolgirl and mother. Let it be subjective, but reasonable. It’s just a shame to watch how children and teachers spend a lot of energy, time and nerves on lessons that no one needs.

The school curriculum is such a thing that hundreds of copies have been broken. And it seems like they change it every year, the long-suffering one: they add one thing, then take away another. Sometimes they juggle with astronomy, sometimes they dance around Orthodoxy lessons with a tambourine. What do we really want from school? Give a person knowledge that will be useful to him in life? Fundamentals of comprehensive development? Interested in further study of the subject?

I remember my own studies. I know what my own daughter is being taught now. And I have my own ranking of the most useless school subjects.

1. Life safety - basics of life safety

This is an absolute hit. Just deciphering the abbreviation is worth it! She herself is discordant. And in the long form, it’s some kind of stillborn set of words. If you think about it, parents teach their children the basics of life safety. Do not climb into boiling water, do not grab a hot stove, correctly pass the knife and cross the road. What about at school? We had this subject taught by a former military man who enthusiastically told us how to behave during a nuclear explosion. Don’t behave in any way, you will die anyway. And me too. Moreover, like a real hipster with headphones, I will die without even understanding what happened. And knowing how to put on a gas mask correctly will not help at all.

No, knowledge of how to pump out a drowning person, how to wash pepper gas off your face or bandage your arms and legs will certainly come in handy. But military ranks memorized by heart (!) or the practice of writing essays on the topic “The Ideal Soldier” are unlikely. Meanwhile, the first point is usually limited to instructions like “In any unclear situation, apply ice and call an ambulance.” (What kind of practice? What are you talking about?) But the second point is presented in quite a detailed manner. And, in my opinion, this is an extremely mediocre waste of time. The essay can also be written in Russian.

What to replace: first aid classes, how to recognize a stroke, how to act in emergency situations (getting lost, for example). And it would be nice to explain what kind of help a person who finds himself in such a situation is entitled to - from the police, from doctors and officials.

2. Labor education

In the form in which it exists now, it is an anachronism. For example, I was taught to embroider. Guys, are you serious? Embroidery can become a hobby. But devoting school time to it? Of course, the basics of cooking or sewing will come in handy. True, it’s hardly worth sewing an apron or skirt at school. Still, only a few will do this in life. “It would be better if they taught how to darn socks. Or put patches on jeans,” I muttered, hand-stitching with a needle. For what??? Why do I need these skills? However, I don’t even darn my socks – I throw them in the trash with an unwavering hand. And my daughter was taught to sew on a manual machine. Apparently, in case it falls into the Stone Age and electricity is canceled.

What about studying kitchen design? As soon as it comes to my own kitchen, I will be my own designer, and not a single school textbook can tell me.

Boys are taught to sand, saw and plan. No, not bad, of course. Although I have not seen a single adult man who enthusiastically knocks together stools. No, I'm lying. I saw one. He makes a living from this. In general, a stool is much easier to buy than to make. Of course, I welcome the ability to hold a hammer in your hands. But a milling machine is unlikely to appear in my family nest.

What to replace: why not teach girls style lessons, since we've decided to raise ladies? The appropriateness of makeup, the compatibility of colors and clothing elements - everything is better than embroidery. Manicure, maybe even the basics of hairdressing. It would be useful again for career guidance.

What about the boys? You know, every woman probably has a dream that her man would be able to fix a faucet or sink. Do you know many men who knew at least something about the structure of the sink before you asked to fix something there? And one more, in my opinion, useful skill is to understand cars. Change the wheel, tighten the terminal on the battery. Know how the hood opens.

And certainly neither one nor the other could use driving lessons. At least at the stand, at least starting, the basics. Personally, I would trade any hoop for driving practice.

3. Physical education

Don't rush to throw slippers at me. I'm not advocating giving up activism. But there are nuances. In most schools, physical education is taught simply poorly. And in general they don’t count it as a lesson. On the one hand, not every school has the opportunity to teach swimming, for example, or skating. And there is no opportunity to take a shower either. And it sucks.

On the other hand... I don’t even know. Maybe tradition? After all, for the last 30 years, physical education lessons have looked the same: for most of the quarter we fool around, play volleyball in a circle, or chatter. And we pass three or four lessons out of the entire quarter like crazy. Despite the fact that the majority cannot do push-ups, sit-ups, or pull-ups correctly. Maybe you learned the rules of playing volleyball or basketball? Nope. What did you do for so many years in physical education? Unclear.

But we wrote abstracts. About the same basketball. This is how armchair fans grow up.

And yet - my, personally, my physical education teacher was so mediocre that he trusted the most active students from my class to conduct relay races. They came up with the stages themselves and carried them out themselves. We felt incredibly cool. For me, the relay races ended when I broke my arm right in class. After this incident, just the sight of the gym scared me to the point of hiccups. And my own appearance scared the teacher to the point of hiccups.

What to replace: basics of self-defense and choreography. It will be useful for both. And also - at least some theory of a healthy lifestyle: nutrition, metabolism, other basics of fitness.

Or you send it to school, lyceum or gymnasium; educational assistants are never superfluous. We have selected 35 sites with which studying the school curriculum will become a real holiday for both the child and the parents.

1. is a real treasure trove, there are video lessons, simulators and tests on all school subjects from grades 1 to 11.

2. - a stunningly beautiful program that simulates a planetarium. Indispensable for anyone interested in astronomy, given that this subject will soon appear in the school curriculum.

You can spend hours searching for nebulae and galaxies on this site.

3. - the site has ready-made homework assignments on various subjects and textbooks, but the sections with online versions of school textbooks and biographies of Russian writers are more valuable here.
4. - “high-speed” English lessons for entry-level.
5. - this is 2000 works of the school curriculum in a brief summary.
6. - an interactive service for learning English. There is free and extended paid access (the cost for a year is comparable to 2-3 lessons with a tutor).
7. is a large online children's library that contains texts of program works on literature from grades 1 to 11.

You can read software works online on the portal

8. - a huge reference and information portal on the rules and complexities of the Russian language.
9. - a portal that contains links to useful resources, books and texts on all subjects of the school curriculum.

On the site you can find textbooks and assignments on many school subjects.

10. - an interesting service for learning English for students of varying levels of preparation.
11. - a site with a huge number of biographies of writers, summaries and full texts of literary works and hundreds of critical articles.
12. - a program in mathematics from grades 1 to 11, preparation for exams in the subject and ready-made homework.
13. - online solver and calculator with solutions to examples and equations in mathematics of varying complexity.
14. - textbooks, problem books, laboratory work and tests in physics for students in grades 7-9 and physics teachers.
15. - project of the Department of General Nuclear Physics, Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University. Lectures on physics and a separate section for schoolchildren “Popular about science”.
16. - a collection of publications on chemistry, contains textbooks and workshops on the subject, developed including at Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
17. - interactive multimedia textbook on organic chemistry for schoolchildren.
18. - electronic training course “Open Biology” divided into the areas of “Botany”, “Zoology”, “Human”, “General Biology” and “Ecology”.
19. - mega-encyclopedia about animals inhabiting the planet. is a national project that contains the author’s developments and presentations of teachers in all subjects.
21. - an educational portal with a huge number of lectures, reports and reference books on various subjects.
22. - universal popular science online encyclopedia.
23. - universal dictionary and interdisciplinary encyclopedia.
24. - electronic library of non-fiction literature
25. is an online platform where students learn school subjects in an interactive and fun way. In addition, subject Olympiads are held here and archives of already held Olympiads are stored.
26. - interesting quests and tasks in mathematics, logic, reading and English for children 5-10 years old.

Pixelmania is one of the most interesting tasks on the site; children can complete them for a long time.

27. - a collection of elementary school lessons from grades 1 to 4 on mathematics, the Russian language, the environment and literacy. Access is paid, but the cost for a year does not exceed a thousand rubles.
28. - a magazine dedicated to entertaining questions and tasks in mathematics, linguistics, physics and other sciences.
29. - online courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, technology, architecture, art history, linguistics.
30. - free educational videos and lessons in physics and mathematics.
31. - online school from 5th to 11th grade. The resource provides preparation for the Unified State Exam, Unified State Exam and Olympiads.
32. - online clubs and olympiads in foreign languages, chess, mathematics and natural science subjects for students in grades 1-9. Access is paid.
33. - a convenient and simple service for learning English.
34. - mathematics service for students in grades 5-11. Detailed analysis of topics and step-by-step solutions to problems.
35. - online translator from a dozen languages, as well as a grammar of English, German and French.

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