Traditional Russian dolls amulets with names. Aloyan folk dolls. Russian folk doll: a master class on sewing a national toy with your own hands with step-by-step photos and videos. How can Kasha help us. Meet by clothes

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 42"

Compiled by the educator

Stepanchenko Natalya Yurievna

Usolie - Siberian


We are puppets. Take it. And take it to your house.
And let on the table, on the wall, on the sofa
We will smile at you whenever you want.
And maybe someone will get warmer.
And if someone once gets sad -
Reveal to us what oppresses your soul.
And the doll will understand, and press her cheek against you,
And, perhaps, your sad circle will destroy.
But do not offend, a fairy tale is hidden in us ...
We have so much warmth and trust in people.
And maybe the doll is just a mask
Dreams of a once unfulfilled miracle...

Who did not play with dolls in childhood,
He did not see happiness.
(folk wisdom)

The history of the folk doll

The Russian word “doll” is related to the Greek “kyklos” (“circle”) and means something rolled up, for example, a piece of wood or a bundle of straw, which girls have long swaddled and wrapped, obeying the instinct of motherhood. Exists legend about when the first doll appeared.

She was molded from clay by the goddess Nuwa when she walked along the river bank.

It happened a long time ago, a very young Earth had just separated from the sky, but mountains were already rising on it and rivers were flowing, flowers and trees were growing, birds were singing songs, and animals were roaming in the forests. But people did not yet exist, and therefore, the world was spacious and quiet. The goddess Nuwa wandered around this beautiful Earth. Once she sat down on the river bank, took a handful of yellow clay, moistened it with water and, looking at her reflection, fashioned a figure of a little girl. As soon as the goddess put the doll on the ground, the clay baby came to life, shouted “wa-wa” and jumped merrily. Nu Wa smiled and gave her the name Ren, which means "man" in Chinese. The goddess liked to sculpt little men so much that she soon made a lot of them. These naked creatures surrounded Nu Wa, began to dance and shout with joy, and then fled in different directions. The goddess was surprised at first, but then she calmed down and decided to continue her work. She got carried away and kept sculpting and sculpting figurines. The little people laughed loudly, and Nuwa no longer felt so alone, because the world around her was now inhabited ...

Only in Russian the word "doll" has several meanings.

First - children's toy in the form of a human figure.

Second - in a theatrical performance, a figure of a person or animal, made of different materials and controlled by an actor (puppeteer): puppets on threads (puppets), cane (on canes), glove (put on the hand), mechanical, riding puppets (glove and cane, playing above the screen), shadow puppets (flat cane puppets projecting shadows or silhouettes onto the screen).

Third - a figure that reproduces a person in full growth. (dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov)

The Russian folk doll occupies a special place in traditional culture. The life of the people is unthinkable without folklore, traditional holidays, rituals, national costumes, objects of applied art, including dolls. Traditional Russian dolls participated in many folk rituals, both festive and everyday. In addition, traditional Russian dolls were also made for children. It was believed that

if children play a lot and diligently with dolls, there will be harmony and prosperity in the family.

Every girl loves to play with dolls, and many adult women would not refuse to return to their childhood. No wonder there was a belief in Rus': "The longer a girl plays with dolls, the happier she will be." There was even sucha sign - when children play dolls a lot and diligently, there is profit in the family; if they carelessly handle toys, there will be trouble in the house.Playing with dolls for girls was especially encouraged among the people, since the doll was also considered a symbol of procreation. In Rus', it was considered bad luck to interrupt a child who was playing. The longer the children played with dolls, the calmer the atmosphere in the family.

The very first dolls (probably at the dawn of mankind) were made from ash. Ash was taken from the hearths, mixed with water. Then a ball rolled up, and a skirt was attached to it. Such a doll was called Baba - a female deity. "Baba" was passed down the female line from grandmother to granddaughter, and was given as a gift on the wedding day. This doll obviously did not have a playful character, but was a talisman of a woman, a home, a hearth. When moving to a new place, they always took this doll from the ashes of the hearth with them, apparently so that in the new place there would again be a hearth, comfort, home.
Another very ancient doll is known. When a woman cut her hair, she collected it in a small bag and made a doll. It was believed that when a person fell ill, he had to be surrounded by such dolls and he would recover.
These dolls were not played with. They were kept in chests and passed on the day of the wedding. In most cases, the doll is the image of a woman, a goddess, and therefore, of course, a woman had a direct connection with her. But men, too, "had the honor" to use the power of the doll. A woman gave a doll to a man when he went on a journey or to war. It was believed that the doll guards the man and reminds of the house, the hearth. Each mistress in the house in the "red corner" (the so-called corner in which the icon and other holy and protective things stood) had a doll, and when there were quarrels in the family, then, left alone, the woman opened the windows and, as if with a small broom - a doll "swept the rubbish out of the hut." This is not material garbage, but rubbish, because of which there are quarrels in the house. Each newborn child had a bright chrysalis in its cradle, protecting the baby from the "evil eye".

Age specificity of a patchwork doll

Rag dolls are an integral part of Russian culture. In rural areas, they had their own age specifics.

Baby dolls (0 to 3 years).This is a doll that the expectant mother sews for her unborn baby. Usually it was made from worn, clean homespun cloth, which absorbed the warmth of the hands that made it. It was considered that with

native, domestic material gives the child a piece of the vitality needed during this period of life. Such a doll helps to develop tactile sensations, and the child could simply sharpen the first teeth on it.

Dolls of early childhood (4-6 years).During this period of his life, with the help of an adult, a child could already make a simple rag doll.

Dolls for ages 7-9.The girl could use “adult” tools (scissors and a needle) while working on the doll, as well as perform the simplest seam.

Dolls for teenagers (10-14 years old).The doll from this period of childhood is made with hair and is dressed in a more elaborate costume.

Dolls for youth (15-18 years old).These puppets were called "freehand puppets". The girl could demonstrate all her skill and knowledge, show accuracy and how well she wields a needle when embroidering and weaving belts.

Rag dolls, in the old days, played a huge role:

  • they were participants in many holidays and rituals;
  • were amulets;
  • were symbols of happiness, kindness, prosperity and procreation;
  • the child, playing with them, joined the culture and traditions of his people.
  • rag dolls provide great opportunities for creative self-realization and development of the child's personality and imagination.

The Russian doll is considered one of the most mysterious symbols of Russia. This is not just a children's toy, it is an essential attribute of ancient rituals. From time immemorial, craftsmen have mastered the art of making such dolls, which have absorbed all the cultural traditions and customs of Rus'.

It was believed that do-it-yourself dolls from improvised materials had magical properties. Our ancestors believed that dolls were able to drive away evil spirits and bring happiness to the house. This is probably why these dolls were often worn as talismans.

For the manufacture of Russian folk dolls, mostly improvised materials were used: fabric, thread, yarn, wood, straw, grass, etc. By purpose there were:ritual, protective and gaming Russian dolls.

Play dolls were made either specifically for children, more often using the same techniques as ritual dolls, or ritual dolls were given to children when they had already completed their ritual function.

Researchers believe that the earliest among the traditional rolled dolls of Russia was the log doll. It existed in the Smolensk province and was a wooden log dressed in stylized women's clothes.

The most common children's play doll is the haircut. It was made from cut grass. When a woman went to the field, she took the child and, so that he could play with something, she made a grass doll for him. Often such a doll was used for medicinal purposes.

When a child was sick, medicinal herbs were woven into such a doll. And when the child played with her, the smell of grass had a healing effect on him.
There were also traditional children's rag dolls.

The simplest folded doll is considered to be a doll Lady , which existed in the Efremov district of the Tula province. It was made for young children. First, the torso was made, covered with a white cloth and bandaged in three places, then they took a long piece, covered part of the torso with it, bandaged it, separating the head. The remnants of the fabric on the sides were cut into three parts and braided pigtails - these were the hands. A skirt, an apron were put on the doll, a scarf was tied on her head.

A play rag doll was distributedThe baby is naked.A distinctive feature of the technique of its manufacture was that the fabric at the bottom was not left as a single "hem", but was divided into two parts and legs were formed, wrapping them with threads. The doll must be girdled. The "baby", as the name already implies, was naked, without clothes, but the belt was not only an obligatory attribute of the Russian traditional costume, but also a very strong amulet.

Doll "freehand""was a game sewn doll. It was sewn by girls up to 12 years old and was an exam in sewing and needlework. Then the girls helped prepare the dowry for their older sisters, getting acquainted with traditional types of clothing, along the way picking up something for their dowry. Each girl wanted to quickly make a doll , on which she could show her knowledge of the costume so as not to stay too long with young children and get to gatherings in time.They sewed dolls "for free" mainly during Christmas and Lent, and in the spring, after Easter, they walked around the village, boasted of sewn dolls.In some Locally, these dolls had their own name.- simple-haired. The second is a doll with a scythe. The third is young. Fourth - elegant doll , she was the exam that separated childhood from youth.

Another simple doll Porridge helped the girl learn how to cook porridge. The doll was sewn from unbleached linen canvas in the form of a bag filled with cereals (usually buckwheat), arms and legs were sewn to it. Her body and head were made in proportion and were instructions for preparing the “correct” porridge: on the leg - cereal, on the waist - water, on the neck - porridge.

So that the child was not afraid to be left alone at home, they made a “friend” for him - a small “bunny on a finger ". There was also a Russian folk toy for children -birdie . Also, spinning dolls were usually made for games, and together with the girls. Traditional folk dolls were in every peasant hut. Grandmothers taught their granddaughters, mothers taught their daughters, older sisters taught the younger ones. So the people brought up future craftswomen and needlewomen, accustomed to hard work, and at the same time to a creative attitude towards the world.

The traditional folk doll was an integral part of the holidays of the Russian village: sowing, harvesting, harvesting, numerous rituals and rituals. In ancient times, the doll performed an extraordinary mission, replacing human sacrifices. On holidays, they began to sacrifice traditional stuffed dolls to the gods, which bore their own names: Maslenitsa, Kostroma, Kolyada ... The time of making ritual folk dolls depended on the time of the ritual. Dolls were usually made before traditional holidays. According to the custom, ritual Russian dolls were made by women, since since ancient times, since the era of matriarchy, a woman has been the main guardian of the hearth and folk traditions. Such dolls were made according to strict rules, without the use of needles and threads. Usually ritual folk dolls were made for a certain ritual, and therefore, when they fulfilled their purpose, they were burned (Maslenitsa, Kolyada), drowned (Kupavka), buried in the ground (Likhomanki, Kostroma, Cuckoo) or gave to children to play. In the everyday life of the Russian people, there were many different charm dolls. Already two weeks before the birth of the child, the expectant mother made a traditional amulet dollKuvatka and placed her in the cradle for the doll to keep her warm. After the rite of baptism, the Kuvatka doll was hung over the bed so that it would drive away all evil forces and protect the child. To protect against diseases, thirteen small pupae were made. Likhomanok" - in other words, “shaking sisters”. These traditional pupae were placed on the stove near the chimney. And above the front door to the house they placed a dollBeregin and believed that she protects the house from the evil spirit and the evil eye. So this folk doll was a kind of keeper of the family hearth. There is also a traditional Russian charm dollSwaddle . A swaddled doll was placed in the cradle of the baby, where she was before his baptism, in order to confuse evil spirits and take on all the misfortunes. To have prosperity in the house, they made a traditional doll Grain or otherwise Krupenichka . At the heart of this folk doll is a bag of grain or cereals, which symbolized a well-fed and rich life. In every house, a traditional Russian doll stood constantly in the red corner.column Fertility. Each province made its own Stolbushka doll, usually it was called at the place of manufacture:Vladimirskaya Stobushka , Moskovka , Kursk Stolbushka etc. Often several Pelenashek babies were tied to the body of the main mother doll with a belt. It was believed that a large number of children leads to the prosperity of the family and prosperity in the house. Such a folk Russian doll was often given to newlyweds with wishes for prosperity. For the wedding ceremony, a pair of traditional wedding dolls was made -Lovebirds . These are two kuvatka dolls - the Bride doll and the Groom doll. A peculiar feature of these dolls was that they had one hand, as a symbol of unification for a common common life "both in sorrow and in joy." After the wedding, the Lovebird dolls hung in a conspicuous place, and when a child was born in the family, the dolls were moved apart and a small doll made of thread was hung between them. So, looking at the Lovebirds, one could immediately understand how many children there are in the family.

Every housewife in the house had an interesting assistant doll tenhandle . Traditional folk doll tenhandle has many, many hands to keep up with everything, then there will always be order and prosperity in the house. Such a folk Russian doll was often given as a gift for a wedding, as a kind of helper for household chores. For the bride, at parting, the mother made a specialdoll comforter, in a different way Ash doll . The base of the doll was filled with coals from the hearth, this was a symbol of the fact that the girl takes a piece of her home with her. This traditional folk doll helped to settle in and get used to a new place, and sometimes even became an adviser and comforter.

An interesting folk double composition was made for a wedding feast. For a wedding cake, they made a steam room on a birch branch with a forkworld tree doll. A doll of the Bride and a doll of the Groom are attached to the branch, which is a symbol of unity. After the wedding, the World Tree was also kept in a place of honor next to other protective dolls.

Many traditional folk dolls were made for themselves and gifts. They had different purposes. But for joy and fun they made a dollBell . This Russian folk doll is a charm of good mood. Giving the Bell doll, they wish to receive only good news and always be in a good mood.

Why did she remain faceless for so long?

Mystical facelessness is also one of the ancient secrets of a rag doll. The image of a face in a doll was banned in the peasant environment for a long time. Facelessness kept the doll intact, like a package. The meaning of this persistent symbolism in the puppet tradition has long been forgotten. When asked why the doll did not have a face, the village women answered that she simply did not need it, that there should not be extra eyes in the house. So, a sighted doll is dangerous for a child. After all, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, even drawn ones, are still the gates through which there is a connection with cosmic forces, light and dark, good and evil. Therefore, it is better not to open these gates, it is safer to impose a taboo on them. A doll without a face is detached from everyday specifics, from a living person. She is blind, deaf and dumb - on her own, on her own. Only in such a “deathly” silence can one keep the secret of the clan, the family.

At the end of the 19th century, the desire to make the rag doll more believable was noticeable. The appearance of the doll changed with the change in its function. The conditional faceless figurine was losing its magical ritual role, becoming an entertaining toy bought at a fair.

The rag doll "takes on a face", which becomes the most important element of the doll's appearance. Traditionally, the doll's face was painted with charcoal from the stove, and this indicates the connection of the toy with the hearth. They used simple, chemical and colored pencils, ink. But more often they embroidered using traditional folk embroidery techniques, where women's faces were indicated by cross-shaped and diamond-shaped patterns. The eyes are shown as crosses or marked with dots. Their “peepers” are empty rhombuses, “they don’t see a crumb”, just like in the folk saying “a good girl has neither ears nor eyes”. The mouth, as a rule, was embroidered with red thread with dense stitches or a traditional cross stitch (“locked”). The mouths were small: the doll did not dare to “open its mouth”, was silent, “like taking water in its mouth”.

Rules for creating dolls

1 . The day you make the doll should be good for you. Great mood, positive thoughts - and the doll will delight its owner for a long period of time. You need to be in a good mood to create crafts, because at the time of working on the doll, it absorbs the mood and feelings of the craftswoman.

2 . The chrysalis must be"Not cut, not chipped." The fabric from which the doll is made is not cut or sewn. The fabric is torn into pieces by hand. In extreme cases, if it is very thick, it is put on along the edge with a knife or scissors, and then it is torn. The body of the doll is not sewn, but tied, with the exception: only the bag for Krupenichka-Zernovushka is sewn on the side. But you can sew clothes on it - skirts, aprons, hats, shirts. Also, clothes can be decorated with braid, lace and embroidery.

The thread with which you tie the doll is also not cut, but torn.

3 . The doll's outfit must have a red light. He was considered

the color of the Sun and carried joy, health, protected from the evil eye and troubles.

4 . The number of knots on the doll must be even. In addition, it is desirable, while tying each knot, to say some good words. You can also repeat your desires in the form of a single word: for example, happiness, prosperity, love.

5 . In the manufacture of dolls, in no case was the presence of male energies in the room where the sacrament took place, and if there were little boys in the room at the same time, then they had to be busy with their own affairs, they were by no means allowed to be near and look to the manufacturing process. Girls and women gathered, sat down at the table and worked, singing and talking about their own, about girlish things.

6 . The most important thing in the manufacture of dolls was not the technique itself, but the images that were invested in this process. For example, the craftswoman twists the neat head of the doll with her fingers, and says to herself: “a bright head, clean, filled with goodness, love.” She makes the doll breast and puts into it images of happy motherhood, prosperity in the family, kindness of the owner. Therefore, such dolls could only be made by those whom the craftswoman loved and from the bottom of her heart wanted good for herself, her husband, daughter, son, sister, and so on. And if she was already making a coastline for someone else, then at first she had to be imbued with the image of the future owner, wish him or her well and all the best, and then get to work.

7 . If something went wrong during the work, the thread breaks,

The fold does not work out - they said: “misfortune will come to the doll, but me

(or the name of the person to whom the amulet is being made) will bypass.

8 . The doll must be cross-shaped. The cross is a sacred symbol that endows a magical object with a certain power. Quite often, a wooden cross is used as a base, where the body of the doll is the vertical base, and the hands are the horizontal part of the cross.

9 . Dolls that are used as amulets must be faceless. In no case should you make a doll face. In extreme cases, you can wrap your head with threads, creating a cross.

10 . It is advisable to keep the doll in a place that is visible to you and periodically pick it up and talk to it.

11 . Traditionally, the doll was made "in the hem" on the knees, and not on the table. The table is a common space, and your knees are only yours. On the table lies fabric, threads and tools, and the doll is only in the hem.

12 . The doll had to be done clean, in one go. The reason for this is an old sign: the work done a second time crosses out what was done the first.

13 . You should like the doll and you should be pleased to hold it in your hands.

Following these simple rules, you can create an effective and effective amulet that will protect its owner from various troubles for a long period of time.

Place for the doll:

After the chrysalis has finally found its owner, it must choose a place for itself. To do this, you need to relax and trust her choice. Try to imagine that wherever she wants to sit, it will be the best place on earth. As soon as you manage to feel complete trust, that is, you relax and do not attach too much importance to anything, then put her on your palm and look at her, asking her the question - where does she want to live. Wherever you want to go at this moment, go there, just follow your desires.

She can hide, or she can reign - trust her, she knows better where it is most convenient to help you - from the car or from under the pillow, from the refrigerator or from the purse, from the nightstand or from the center of the mantelpiece.

If you stand in the middle of the room with the doll, and nothing happens, then it's okay, it means that the doll trusts you to choose the best place for her.

Good advice!

Do not forget the most important advice - everything that you believe in can come true. It is not necessary to work too hard in the sweat of your brow to fulfill your desire, it is enough just to calmly work in the right direction and ask the Universe to help you. Of course, the chrysalis is not the only one, but one of the most pleasant guides for helping you.


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Zhernosek Elena Alexandrovna


Zhernosek Elena Alexandrovna


1. Interaction with parents on the education of the child, their direct involvement in educational activities, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard;

2. Development of cognitive and creative activity parents.

3. Turn on parents into the life of the kindergarten through joint creativity - making dolls - amulets« Wishlist» .


1. Getting to know the world folk dolls, rituals, Russian traditions;

2. Formation of ideas about rag toy; familiarity with manufacturing technology Wishlist, the formation of ideas about the meaning charm dolls.

3. Education of accuracy, diligence, independence and culture of work.

Work plan master class:

1. Opening remarks.

2. Presentation on the topic: « Rag folk dolls» .

3. Practical part: manufacturing dolls« Wishlist» .

4. Summing up.

5. Excursion to the mini-museum « folk doll» .

Equipment, tools and materials:

Projector, screen, computer, disk with Russian records folk songs, presentation.

Finished dolls: Wishlist, Herbalist, Kuvadka.

Instruction cards for making dolls.

Red threads.

Scraps of fabric (white and colored fabric).


1. Opening remarks.

caregiver: Hello dear parents! Thank you for taking the time to visit today. Master Class.

What's happened Master Class? This is an opportunity to create, to do the real thing do it yourself! The possibility of joint creativity and development of abilities in different areas. On the basis of MBDOU "Kindergarten "Fairy tale" the village of Veseloe» of the urban district of Sudak successfully passes the project « Doll in the life of a child» . One of the stages of the project is to attract parents to create dolls and replenishment of the mini-museum of the kindergarten. And today we have gathered to learn how to make amulets doll« Wishlist» .

Each of us in life has to face difficulties and overcome obstacles. Their we solve life problems in different ways - we think, we try, we ask for advice, we learn. In Russian fairy tales where the heroes go for with your happiness, they are helped by magical things, fairy-tale heroes and deities. We also dream of having such a powerful assistant, a friend with whom it will be easier and more interesting to live and overcome adversity.

2. Presentation on the topic: « Rag folk dolls»

In ancient times, dolls had a different purpose, it was a person's protection from illness, misfortune, evil spirits. The doll took care of a person, her so and called: guardian or guardian. As a rule, the most "effective" were dolls made without needles and scissors. When making dolls, they tried not to cut the fabric, but to tear it (sometimes the dolls were called that - "rvanki").

Slide 1. Rituals in Rus' have many covenants,

And one of them is sewing amulet dolls.

Slide 2. From various scraps of worn clothes,

Okay knitted knots with faith, hope ...

rag dolls can be subdivided on:



Everything is simple with games, these dolls used for children's games. Ritual dolls were revered and placed in a hut, in a red corner. Slavic rites are the most important and integral part of most traditional folk holidays. Ceremonies and rituals are also timed to coincide with the most important events in people's lives, such as weddings, housewarmings, harvesting, etc.

amulets dolls were intended to preserve the well-being of the home, family, and children. They protect the house, children from dark forces, quarrels, diseases, the evil eye.

Let's get to know them better.

Slide 3. Wishlist.

Slide 4. Krupenichka - a talisman of satiety, prosperity.

Slide 5. Herbalist - it was filled with different grass.

Slide 6. The symbol of the Sun is Kolyada, good relations.

Slide 7. Bell

Slide 8. Swaddle

Slide 9

Slide 10

Slide 11

Rules for making amulet dolls

1. The amulet is performed exclusively according to desire and sincerely. Force or ask someone create a charm for yourself, it is forbidden.

2. You can’t make a charm for yourself, but you can for any loved one. Charms endowed with the most powerful power are performed by blood relatives - parents, children, brothers and sisters.

3. Protective dolls are made with a white face - so that evil thoughts and deeds cannot be transferred to its owner or owner through this doll.

4. dolls-beregini are made without the use of needles, scissors, knives, glue, and so on, so as not to harm those whose health and welfare they will then keep.

5. If in the process of working on the chrysalis something does not go well - the thread breaks suddenly in the wrong place, or it’s impossible to straighten any fold evenly - then you need to say: "misfortune will come to the doll, and me (or the name of the person to whom the amulet was made) bypass".

caregiver: We talked about dolls - amulets, their purpose, manufacturing rules. And now I offer you make a doll - Desire.

There is such a protective doll which performs desires. That's what it's called - « Wishlist» . Here's what she looks like (demonstration dolls) .

Wishlist - standard rag doll based on"pillars" or in another way - twists, that is, it is formed on the basis of a folded flap of fabric. Its main meaning is to help in the implementation of the innermost desires. This amulet was not shown to outsiders, keeping it away from human eye: somewhere in a chest, in a bag. This the doll is very simple. I had to vividly imagine everything I wanted to get, ask her for it and give the motanka something attractive. Wishlist"loved" present: new dresses, beads, bows, embroidery, lace.

Doll Wishlist in the old days, every girl and girl had. However, they carefully concealed this from each other.

The doll could make a wish come true, made to the growing moon. The wording of your request should go without a particle "Not" at the end it is necessary say: Wishlist, beauty! Accept my gift help come true.

3. Practical part: manufacturing dolls« Wishlist» .

I tell and show each at the same time stage:

1. Roll up an old magazine or newspaper with a tube. Try to make the paper tube dense, not loose. Tie it with thread. Then it must be sheathed with a piece of linen or cotton fabric, not necessarily white, you can take a pink or flesh-colored, beige fabric. We tie the resulting base with a thread.

2. We wind a piece of cotton wool on top of the base, forming a head dolls.

3. We fold a piece of light fabric in half diagonally, bend it a little in the corners and tie it with a thread - we got hands rag doll.

4. Putting this flap on your head dolls, carefully wrap the fabric, forming a head and tie it with a thread under the neck.

Place a small piece of cotton under your shirt dolls shaping the chest.

5. We turn the shirt from below and tie it with a thread.

6. Making a skirt for the doll Wishlist.

Doll Wishlist should stand on the table leaning on the skirt and base.

7. We tie an apron in a reversible way.

8. You can put a handkerchief on the doll's head.

4. Summing up.

caregiver: master class has come to an end. Everyone turned out different, interesting, unique dolls. Do not forget to give the doll an ornament and make a wish wish!

I hope that our master Did you like the class?

5. Excursion to the mini-museum « folk doll» .

caregiver: Visit to the Mini Museum « folk doll» .

And in conclusion, I want to give you instructions for making dolls - kuvadki. It is easy to make, try to make it at home with the kids.

In the history of each individual people, amulets occupy an important place. For the Slavs, one of the most common protective magical items were folk dolls amulets.

ash doll

One of the very first amulet dolls is an ash doll. The people also called her Bereginya. He guarded such a talisman for the family hearth and well-being. Ash from the hearth was used to create it. The ball of ash was the head of the craft, everything else was made of cloth. This amulet was the only doll without a headdress and hair.

Such a doll amulet was very often passed from mother to daughter when she got married. The craft was considered a link between the two families and passed on the experience of her ancestors to the girl. In addition, a doll was also made when moving to a new place in order to take the power of the hearth from the old house.


According to the ideas of our ancestors, the traditional Slavic doll amulet made of fabric protects the family hearth from everything that can extinguish its light and warmth. An unkind person will quickly leave the house that Bereginya is looking after. Bereginya will also take care of the health and well-being of the household, the prosperity in the house she looks after. protects the house and its inhabitants from misfortunes and evil forces, brings wealth and prosperity. And so that she carries prosperity - in the hands (or on the belt) of the doll "bag of happiness", it can contain grain, grass, coins. This is a family amulet. It was believed that she helps to realize the desire to have a healthy child, as well as create a good relationship between children and parents

North Coast

This is a chrysalis of the peoples of the North, a talisman for the home. The doll protects the house, establishes peace in the family, attracts well-being and good luck. In the old days, the chrysalis personified the universe itself; it contains many symbols of wisdom. Size: 11 - 15 cm.

Krupenichka doll

The krupenichka doll was made by the mistress of the house for the whole family. The craft was installed in a conspicuous place and was a symbol of satiety and prosperity. A magical object was made from fabric, and groats were used as a filler. This doll amulet was considered the main one in the family.

A grain doll is a bag in which grain is located. During the sowing season, the grain from the doll's pocket is used first, and when the crop is harvested, it falls back until the next year.

In modern conditions, it is not difficult to make such a doll amulet. It is enough to make a pocket toy out of fabric with your own hands and fill it with cereal. Folk crafts are placed in the kitchen or in the living room. From time to time, cereal should be taken from a magical item for cooking. It was believed that if the craft is thin, then the family does not live well, so the krupenichka doll should always be filled with grain or cereals. Size: 9 12 cm.


The Rich man doll (fist) is the male incarnation of the Krupenichka (Cernovushki) doll, because even the life of a loneliness doll is not sugar, and whatever one may say, but the peasant brings wealth to the house.
Doll Bogach belongs to the category of ceremonial dolls. These dolls were highly revered in the family, since, according to legend, the wealth and prosperity of the family depended on them. Therefore, one of the following tasks was usually set before the Rich Man:
- protecting the well-being and well-being of the family; - ensuring profit and prosperity for the next year;
- filling and enriching with the strength of those aspects of life that need it;
- to be an assistant: to suggest, advise, protect from troubles associated with the loss of money, damage to property.

doll herbalist

The herbalist doll was in every home and was responsible for clean air and energy.

To make such a doll, fabric and dried herbs were needed. The folk doll was filled with herbs, the aroma of which was pleasantly carried around the house. The herbalist hung over the baby's cradle. Thus, she protected the baby from the evil eye and diseases. Often it was hung in the hallway to cleanse thoughts from the negativity of all incoming guests. It was believed that a person with bad thoughts, passing under the doll, would forget about everything bad.

The grass in the craft changed two or three times a year, which allowed the magical amulet to drive away diseases in time and be always effective. Height: 12 cm

This is a doctor doll, it relieves a person of all ailments, carries out disease prevention, cleans the air in the home. It must be suspended or placed in that part of the house where the air stagnates. In ancient times, it was hung over the cradle of the baby so that he slept in a calm and sound sleep. The housewives put various herbs and roots inside the herbal capsule, depending on what they want to direct its action to. To improve mental activity, develop memory, and also to purify the air, put mint. To disinfect the space and fill the room with a pleasant aroma - lavender. Lemon balm promotes restful sleep and relieves nervous tension. With insomnia and neurasthenia put St. John's wort. Thyme has an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, expectorant and analgesic effect, it is filled with a doll when coughing, but with a sore throat, you need to put oregano, which not only kills the microbial flora, but also has a sedative effect


The Russian folk doll, according to our ancestors, is a talisman for the health of both one person and the whole family. Fragrant dried herbs are placed inside the charm doll, the aroma of which drives away ailments. This Russian doll Herbalist is slightly different from the traditional Herbalist in terms of manufacturing technology and to their sizes. Oberezhka is quite small, only 8cm. The small size of the amulet doll allows you to find more use for it in everyday life. The herbalist doll can be placed next to the pillow, carried with you in your purse. It is very convenient to use the Travnitsa amulet as a sachet, to enhance the aroma, you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the doll. The Russian folk doll Herbalist will be a small but pleasant gift for your relatives, friends or acquaintances.


On the neck, belt or head of this doll, a solar symbol is necessarily hung - a special solar sign. Together with such an amulet, the doll reliably protects its owner from misfortunes and illnesses. Grass overcomer serves as a shield against evil spells, and is also able to reduce witchcraft slander on the one who sent them. If the owner of the amulet does good deeds, then this doll makes sure that they are adequately rewarded


Plantain - Slavic chrysalis amulet. A little keeper, protecting throughout the entire journey and reminding of loved ones who stayed at home. It was given to a traveler for good luck. This doll will become a reliable companion on the road.

Size: 10 cm.


Protective doll.Brings changes in personal life. Lures her husband! For married women - so that the second half does not look "to the side."

Doll for luring suitors. Brings change in personal life. The task of this doll is to draw attention to itself, which is why it is made so beautiful and elegant. Ribbons serve as an element of attraction. The doll will help you find your “soul mate”. And she will protect married women from the fact that her husband does not look at other women. Doll Manilka - a talisman for well-being in family life. Size: 15 cm

Man's Manilka

Protective doll.Designed for a single man. Attracts a woman into his life. The one he wants! Charm doll brings changes in personal life! Married men so that the second half does not look "to the side."

Swaddle doll

When a woman found out that she was expecting a baby, she made a swaddling doll. This folk doll amulet looks like a baby in swaddling clothes. The toy was placed in the baby's cradle and took on all the negativity directed at the unborn baby.

These amulet dolls are intended for babies, the mother should make them in order to protect the child from the evil eye and diseases. This talisman is placed in the cradle if the baby has a bad dream, and when the baby wakes up, the Swaddles are hung over the bed so that they can play with them. During childbirth, this amulet was also often used so that the woman in labor would soon give birth. The mother of the pregnant woman made a few swaddling clothes in advance and hung them on the windows so that passers-by would think that a child had already appeared in the house. It was believed that the thoughts of others help to realize the desired end of childbirth.

When a child was born, a swaddle doll accompanied him until baptism. After that, she was removed in a separate chest and was used only when the baby was sick.

Lovebird dolls

This folk doll amulet was a handicraft consisting of a bride and groom, fastened with one common hand. Lovebird dolls were considered a symbol of a strong union. This is a charm for happiness in love, fidelity, harmonious relationships and well-being in the family. Dolls have one common hand as a symbol of the fact that the husband and wife go through life hand in hand, respect and appreciate each other.

Nowadays, the tradition has been preserved and in many villages such a folk amulet is given to newlyweds for their wedding. Size: the size of the composition of two dolls is 15 x 25 cm.

In addition, lovebird dolls are considered an excellent gift for close friends or relatives. With sincere wishes of happiness and well-being, such an item will bring many benefits to the new family.

This amulet is made in the form of two pupae, but they form a single whole. One symbolizes a man and the other a woman. This is the most powerful talisman for love, it is made on the eve of the wedding or to save the family. Lovebirds fill the hearts of spouses with love for each other and create an atmosphere of happiness and prosperity in their home. This amulet must certainly be hung over the head of the matrimonial bed or placed under it, then the husband and wife will never quarrel and will not part.

world tree

They make the World Tree on a slingshot from a branch, place the symbol of the husband at one end, and the wife at the other, and fasten the handles of the pupae. It is customary to give this amulet symbol for a wedding so that the newlyweds live happily and never part. A woman needs to securely store this talisman in a place inaccessible to strangers, if such a gift is lost somewhere, then scandals will begin in the family and the spouses will part

doll for pregnancy

An image of motherhood and a charm for a pregnant woman and those who dream of a child. Pregnancy is an important period in a woman's life, waiting for a wonderful miracle - a long-awaited motherhood. A pregnancy doll is an old Russian charm doll related to the cycle of motherhood. The pupa can be kept in a conspicuous place during pregnancy, and after childbirth it must be removed. Delicate and warm baby doll for the expectant mother. With wishes of joyful motherhood and happiness! Height: 18 cm.


The fat woman is meant to be conceived. This doll should be made by a close relative of a woman who cannot get pregnant for a long time. Such a toy has the strongest feminine principle and promotes early conception. You need to make such a doll with great love and a sincere wish for the happiness of the donee. The woman who was presented with Fatty should put her in a conspicuous place and invite guests to admire the doll, and as soon as pregnancy comes, you need to hide the amulet away from prying eyes and not show it to anyone before childbirth. After the birth of the baby, Fatty is given to the baby for games


Kuvadka is a very simple doll that was made in haste during childbirth. At the origin of life, the ancient Slavs performed a ceremony called Kuvada. The process of the ritual took place with the participation of the husband of the woman in labor, who was seated on a basket with chicken eggs and forced to moan and pretend that he was hatching them. This was done in order to take away the pain from the childbirth. Around the men hung kuvadok dolls and waited for all the pain to go away on them. If the birth was delayed, then the husband was given a doll wrapped in a diaper in his hands so that the child would be born sooner. After giving birth, all the dolls participating in the ceremony were burned.


The doll is purchased for the fulfillment of cherished desires. When making a wish, you need to sew a bead on the doll's dress as a gift or tie a ribbon on the doll's handle.

This amulet helps to fulfill any desire, but only one. A doll is made of fabric and at the time of manufacture it is necessary to think about your most cherished desire. After completing the whole process, repeat your wish three times in front of a mirror with a magical little thing in your hands.

This talisman should only be made for special occasions. The wisher fulfills her most cherished desire, but she does it once in her life. A woman makes this doll only for herself, the Wishful Woman does not help others, but if the wife thinks of what her husband wants, then this is still fulfilled. For the amulet, only the newest and most expensive fabrics are used; you cannot bargain when buying them. Inside the doll, you need to put the most expensive thing that the needlewoman has in order to make a sacrifice and appease the Desire. After the wish is fulfilled, the amulet must be taken to the bridge and thrown into the river

When the wish comes true, the doll must be burned, as it will be useless. As a rule, such a doll was decorated with various ribbons and beads and was very elegant. It was kept until the fulfillment of desire in the most prominent place. Periodically, this amulet doll was taken in hand, and the desire was repeated aloud .. Size: 12 cm.

A textile folk doll is an image of a mother who carefully guides her baby through life. She is always next to him, even in the manufacture of the doll, this is manifested - for mother and baby, the handles are made from one inseparable folded piece of fabric. One of the most touching images among folk dolls. It would be nice for grown-up children to have such a doll in the house as a reminder - do not forget your mothers, please them more often.

Veduchek is usually made by mothers-in-law as a gift to daughters-in-law, so that they would be good mothers and wives for their sons. A woman herself can make this doll for herself if she fears that she will not look after the child. The amulet symbolizes the unity of the souls of mother and baby. This twist fills a woman's life with love for children, and if a mother made such a toy for a baby, then by doing so she protects the child from the evil eye and damage that she takes over

Mommy with children

Mamushka doll is a Slavic family amulet, a symbol of motherhood. Brings happiness to the family, embodies the care and love of the mother. It can be a good gift for a present or expectant mother!

Size: 17-18 cm.

Family (fertility)

The traditional Russian doll has long been considered a talisman for those who want to increase their family, have healthy children, for a family where they care about love and understanding between children and parents. house. Doll A three-part family: the base (wooden column) - father, mother and five children. The doll is placed higher in the house - on the upper shelves, on the closet. This doll is not given to strangers. They are also not used for children's games. As a gift, it is purchased for relatives and close people.

Height: 20-21 cm.

Doll-Family has a magical effect on a man who began to walk from his wife. Such an amulet is made by a woman all alone, and then placed in the most prominent place in the house. This doll protects motherhood and the family hearth, not allowing a man to forget about his beloved wife and children.


Domovushka - a Slavic amulet for the home, is intended to create a cozy atmosphere and order. The doll protects the harmony in the family, prevents the occurrence of scandals. The brownie was made to establish contact with the brownie, who protects the master's property and helps with the housework.

Height: 10 cm.


The feeder is made in difficult times, when the family does not have enough money for the most necessary things. This doll attracts prosperity to the house and makes sure that everyone is fed their fill.


Such a toy is designed to protect the skin of the hands from cuts and scratches during the haymaking period. It can also be used as a talisman for other activities, if they are associated with frequent hand injuries.


Protective doll. Keeper of the dowry. It helps to realize oneself as a part of the family, a mistress who has reserves and opportunities for a decent life. It also helps keep your wardrobe organized.


The Russian folk doll is made with its arms raised up, which means that it asks the sky for help and blessings and gives its gratitude in return. They give a doll with the wish of prosperity, well-being and healthy children. The doll brings the good news to the house, helps to raise children. Raised hands symbolize the transfer of energy from the sky. Size: 18 cm

Dancer. Play doll.

Made on the occasion of a rich harvest. They rejoiced at the harvest and played with this doll. They put the doll in the Red Corner as a sign of respect for the harvest. The doll could dance!


This doll is meant to induce sleep. Most often it is done for babies who do not sleep well, but it also helps adults. This doll is made only from two rags, one is torn off from the pillowcase from the pillow on which they sleep, and the other from the sheet. In no case should you take this doll with you on the road, otherwise it will put the person driving to sleep or bring him unprecedented fatigue

Sleep keeper

Protective doll. Protecting sleep - a strong, healthy sleep! The doll is placed in the cradle when the baby cries to ward off evil spirits and soothe sleep. This doll helps not only children to cope with a bad dream - adults also often sleep badly, and such a doll will reliably save their sleep!

Bird Joy

Ritual! The doll helps a woman understand her purpose and feel her attractiveness. Since ancient times, it was believed in Rus' that birds bring spring on their wings. These dolls were made when meeting the first birds and rejoicing in the coming warmth. The doll is made with birds - symbols of joy. Will bring joy to your home. The doll brings joy to the house, warmth and light. Such a doll is needed so that there is always spring and a good mood in the soul. Size: 17-18 cm.

The joy bird is made during a long winter to attract spring. It is believed that if bright dolls are planted on the windowsills, the frosts will recede and give way to fine days. The ancient Slavs believed that thanks to this toy they attracted birds that would bring spring on their wings.


Protective doll. Welfare - brings joy and fun, good luck to the house, protects the family. Contributes to the prosperity of the house and the increase in wealth. Looks after children. Friends with Domov. Drives away evil forces. Given for the New Year! This doll contains coins.


The doll is a charm for good luck in business, prosperity and well-being. Helps in any undertakings, work and conceived deeds. Promotes career advancement. In order for the doll to help, you need to put a coin in her purse and give her thanks every time you achieve success. Size: 15 cm

beautiful girl

The doll is a charm for a child. Such dolls were made by the people for children, and they served as personal amulets. Dolls, even during the game, protected from evil forces, warded off damage and kept children from adversity and illness. A doll based on the Russian folk doll kuvatkiya Helps its owner in everything, brings good luck and protects from adversity. Size: 15 cm.

Mommy - nanny

Protective doll. Designed for babies. It is small, fits in the palm of a child so that he can grab it. The mother, giving this doll, thinks about protecting her child. In the doll is the protective power of the mother. When the mother is not around, she comforts and reassures the child.

Girl - happiness

This little girl with a very long braid and arms raised to the sun. The scythe, as a symbol of the feminine and feminine strength, symbolizes health, happiness, prosperity, beauty and long life.

The doll stands firmly on two legs, leaning on a scythe, which speaks of the strong support in life that she brings to her hostess.
This doll is a charm - a symbol of female happiness and beauty. It was believed that she was able to bring happiness to her mistress, one had only to put her on the palm of her hand and understand that happiness was in your hands. Height: 7 - 10 cm.

Mother - Spoon

Protective doll. In the house in which there is Mother - Spoon, all household members will always be full! A doll for satiety in the house! Hanging in the kitchen. A friend of Krupenichka. The base is a wooden spoon.

Slavutnitsa (for a successful marriage)

Protective doll. Wedding doll.

The doll glorifies female beauty, attractiveness, mind, strength, ability to lead a family! The doll shows that the girl is ready for marriage. Given for a wedding, placed on the wedding table!

A doll for girls who dream of a successful marriage. Each of the seven collars on the neck of the doll is a quality that you want to see in your future husband: kind, strong, smart, etc. You need to think about them, imagining the image of your betrothed.
According to popular belief, the doll should not have hands, so that the husband mainly works, and the wife has more rest.

Height: 18 cm.


Protective doll. A doll is a charm for cleansing space, relationships, emotions. This doll harmonizes the atmosphere in the house and office. Indoors, the doll is placed or hung in the direction of the front door.

kitchen helper

The traditional Slavic amulet doll offers its services to lovers of tasty and healthy food, as well as fighters for cleanliness and order in the kitchen. Your assistant, of course, will not redo your affairs in the kitchen, but in her presence all your work in the kitchen will go smoothly, neatly, quickly and in a good mood. The assistant in the kitchen stands firmly, because her base is a birch pole, and she firmly holds a wooden lime spoon in her hands - eat tasty and full, or you can get it on your forehead - for admonition. Handmade apples are tied at the ends of the Helper's belt - for health and longevity. She can play with the children, but her favorite place is in the kitchen, on the shelf, so that it would be more convenient to keep order. For this purpose, our great-great-grandmothers also made Kitchen Assistants, apparently, not in vain, since the Assistants have come down to our times.


This doll helps a woman keep up with the household. Fillipovka is always made with several hands, personifying the speed of work


Six-handle protects needlewomen from fatigue, fills a woman’s thoughts with new ideas and helps to correctly allocate time for work. She looks like Filippovka, but a bundle filled with coins and grain is hung on Shestiruchka's belt so that the woman's labors bring a good income to the house


It is customary to give such a doll to the bride for a wedding. This amulet symbolizes a hardworking and hardworking girl. A ten-handle is considered a great helper in the household, it adds strength and fills a woman's soul with joy from work. This amulet doll is very useful for those who are overwhelmed with business, and ten-handed loafers will be pushed to action. For men, this amulet is not suitable, because such a doll is aimed only at helping in women's work. It is necessary to seat the Ten Hands in the place where the hostess most often does business, in no case should she be given into the wrong hands and children for games, otherwise the amulet will cease to work


Attracts grooms to the girl, and for a married woman brings happiness and joy of motherhood, takes care of the health of her mistress and her children

Brownie on a button

A charm doll. A button-down house is the best charm for a home He is the spirit of the House. He makes sure that everything in the house goes on as usual and there is order! Protects the house from evil people.


These motanki are designed for the speedy healing of diseases. If someone from the family is ill, you need to wind up a few dolls and put them under the pillows for family members. They will lure the disease and keep it in themselves, and as soon as the person recovers, it is necessary to burn Likhomanok and scatter the ashes into the wind so that the disease does not return to the house


Slavic doll - an assistant in fate. You can tell her all your innermost desires, grievances and troubles. And she will help change fate. In Rus', such a doll was called cleansing. Size: 15 cm.


This charm doll brings joy, charges with positive thoughts and fun. For the Bell, it is obligatory to make three skirts from fabrics with blue hues, each of which has its own meaning: one fills the heart with happiness, the second brings peace to the soul, and the third gives health to the body. Since ancient times, people have believed that the ringing of bells protects against serious and deadly diseases.

From above, this doll should look round, symbolizing the sun, and the pleats on the skirts represent its rays. There is a belief that if you hang this toy indoors, then no one will ever quarrel there. This mischievous doll fills the space around her with positive energy.


This doll is designed to protect women's happiness, it must be done at that period of life when everything is fine. Also through this amulet, the ancient Slavs turned to the great goddess. The Paraskeva doll symbolizes Makosh, which the women asked for the sending of suitors. Paraskeva favorably treats the female share, saving her mistress from troubles and sorrows, but if a girl made a doll in a difficult period of her life, the talisman will protect what surrounded him during creation


This doll was given a special place during the celebration of the summer and winter solstices. People offered thanks to the Sun, which gives life, and from the nearest hill they lowered the wheel, which was burned below. This ritual personified the cyclical nature of everything that exists in the world, and Spiridon-solstice was made so that in difficult moments of life a person could turn the wheel in his hands and change his fate for the better. When life changed, the doll was burned in a fire along with unnecessary and old things, thereby showing the spirits of human readiness for change.


This talisman is designed to help in love. Kupalo will find and bring a man to a woman, and vice versa. Most often it was made for widowers who could not find a mistress in the house and a mother for orphaned children. Kupalo allows girls to get married quickly, and for married women it strengthens family ties. In addition to love affairs, this amulet relieves the owner of melancholy and sadness, restores vitality and helps to get out of depression.

Kuzma and Demyan

The amulet of Kuzma and Demyan is intended for men. Women make it to protect loved ones from injury and overwork. Such a talisman is designed to protect those who are engaged in heavy manual labor. This amulet must be placed at the workplace of a man, then Kuzma and Demyan will fill the owner with vital energy and save him from fatigue

Baba Yaga

This doll is a great helper and faithful adviser. She is the guardian of the hearth. Baba Yaga shows evil and deceit only to strangers, she only lets her own and good people into the house, and sweeps out the bad ones. There can be only one such doll in the room, otherwise there will be no peace in the house. Baba Yaga should be hung over the door or on the window so that she sees everyone entering and leaving, and also protects the house from evil spirits


This amulet is a symbol of renewal, Maslenitsa sees off winter and welcomes spring, but this doll also helps to change life for the better. If a person was tormented by misfortunes and misfortunes, it is enough just to make Shrovetide and burn it, after this rite everything will change

thread of fate

The thread of fate helps to expel sadness, despondency and melancholy. This amulet does not allow a person to become depressed, therefore, in difficult moments of life, the Thread of Fate must be carried with you. If this doll is in the house, then it brings prosperity, good luck and prosperity to all family members. A skein of thread in the hands of a doll symbolizes the right path, so for those who cannot figure out their life, this talisman will show the direction, cut off all unnecessary and allow them to find happiness. When the Thread of Fate has helped a person, it must be thanked and given as a gift to someone who needs such support.


This is a very elegant and portly doll, symbolizing a stately and self-confident lady. Kolyada helps to maintain good relations in the family, and for those who have problems, it brings peace, harmony and happiness. This doll symbolizes well-being in all matters, but in order for it to carry positive energy, you need to make it on a piece of birch log, and for a scarf and dress, you should take only the newest and most beautiful fabrics


The traditional Slavic doll amulet was made by our ancestors for Christmas time and it was believed that it protects the house from all evil spirits and evil and makes sure that everything in the house goes according to routine. Kolyada is a serious woman, she doesn’t keep a broom with her in vain: she will sweep the rubbish and sweep away if you do something unprofitable. Don't be afraid, she takes care of you: she keeps bundles with goodness - for health. for satiety, for prosperity, if something is not enough for you - be sure to share


This doll got its name from the rowan tree, which in Rus' was considered a very strong amulet. To make an amulet, you need to make a skeleton of a toy from crossed branches of mountain ash. Such a doll is a symbol of motherhood and female wisdom. She protects family happiness, and brings true love to unmarried girls. Making a doll must be carried out during the ripening period of mountain ash, it is at this time that the tree is filled with the strongest protective properties. It is customary to place the finished talisman in front of the door to the house, but when going on a long journey with the whole family, you must definitely take the doll with you, because Ryabinka does not like loneliness

cleaning doll

According to tradition, a cleansing doll saved a person from illness or some other trouble. It was made only for itself, and at the time of manufacture it was mentally necessary to weave your problem into the craft. The doll, as a rule, was made in the form of a person.

The Purifier Doll is made to get rid of spiritual or physical ailments. It can be done only in a very difficult situation, when a person has already despaired of being cured. In its manufacture, one of the things of the future owner is necessarily used, this doll should be as similar as possible to the owner. An outsider can do it, but it is better that it be done by the one for whom it is intended. During production, you should concentrate on the problem and make every effort to make the doll perfect. The finished doll takes over the misfortune of a person, so it is burned so that all the bad things go away with smoke

When the doll was ready, it was burned with the words:

“Everything bad is leaving me!”

After that, the person got rid of his problem.

Handmade magical talismans, charms and amulets were very revered by our ancestors. By making folk amulet dolls, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from negative influences, black magic, illnesses and troubles. Naturally, one should strictly follow all the recommendations and rules regarding the manufacture of a magic item.

It was very interesting for me to get acquainted with such a variety of folk ritual dolls. I hope you enjoyed this post too!

The article uses photographs from free access on the Internet, including - I thank the craftswomen of this site.

Charm dolls are considered to be the property of the past. But in fact, these special handmade amulets can serve us today. During pagan times, they were an obligatory attribute of every Slavic house. Dolls were made for holidays, important events and other special reasons.

Slavic dolls, or as they were called,lyalki, protected, helped to harvest, heal from diseases, strengthen the family. Many traditions associated with the manufacture of these amulets and their use have survived to this day. Armed with this knowledge, you can apply it to your own life and change it for the better.

Slavic dolls amulets appeared a very long time ago. Our forefathers believed that the World consisted not only of human lands, but also of habitats for light and dark gods. They worshiped the light gods, asked them for protection or fulfillment of desires, fearing the dark ones. They were afraid not only of Chernobog, but also of his minions: strong demons, weaker spirits, people serving him - witches, sorcerers.

Offering prayers and bringing gifts to pagan deities, the Slavs additionally made various protective objects. That is how the first doll appeared.

The folk doll amulet served different purposes - it brought prosperity to the house, attracted love, helped to conceive a child or protect loved ones from evil forces.

The history of the doll-amulet in Rus' began with the simplest materials at hand - tree branches or vines. Gradually, fabric began to be added to them, and over time, some of the pupae were made only from matter. In pagan times, many were engaged in the study of herbs. With their help, the Slavs treated, expelling diseases and evil spirits, prolonging youth. Therefore, often such amulets were stuffed with dried herbs, which enhanced its magical properties.

Experienced women who had seen a lot in their lifetime worked on them. Most often, these were great-grandmothers, but sometimes the mothers of the family were engaged in the manufacture of amulets. Interfering with them was strictly forbidden. The needlewoman had to fully concentrate on the process. It was necessary to make a chrysalis at a time, without stretching this matter into several stages.

Such amulets were treated with great respect and were passed down from mother to daughter.

Types of dolls in Rus'

Some still perceive dolls as ordinary toys, thinking that they will fit only to entertain the child. Others treat them with great reverence, believing that toys help prepare a child for interaction with society. And only a minority knows that earlier lyalki acted as magical objects.

All Slavic dolls were divided into three types:

  • gaming;
  • ritual;
  • protective.

Each of these types had its own task and rules of use.

play baby dolls

The Slavs made children's play dolls in the form of people, animals and even birds from wood.

Children's are considered the easiest to manufacture. Deprived of any magical background, they were designed to entertain and bring joy. A variety of materials were chosen, but most often it was wood. They made these toys in the form of people, animals and even birds.

Ritual dolls in Rus'

A scarecrow for Maslenitsa is a vivid example of a ritual doll among the Slavs.

This subspecies was made exclusively for a specific event. Not only for such important holidays as Shrovetide or Ivan Kupala, but also for family celebrations. For example, childbirth. This is a painful and dangerous process that robs the mother of strength. Unable to protect the child at such an important moment, a woman can shift this task to Kuvadki. For the wedding celebration, the newlyweds also received ceremonial dolls, called Lovebirds, as a gift. Such a charm strengthened love and helped to maintain family happiness. Dolls for the holidays were usually decorated with special magical symbols - most often.

A protective doll or a protective one can be of several types - individual or family. The first was made for a specific family member. Usually for a woman, because it is she who is responsible for the continuation of the family and therefore must be healthy. The second was made for the whole family. With its help, they defended themselves from the envy of neighbors, homeowners and dark forces.

What are Slavic dolls made of?

Slavic dolls were made from natural foundations. It could not be otherwise, because then there were no such artificial materials as there are now. But even if they were, it would never occur to anyone to use them to create talismans.

The Slavs respected and loved nature, and therefore believed that the natural base would be the best choice for a talisman. She will give him her power. For wearable decorations that protect against all sorts of troubles, a tree was chosen. But protective dolls were not made from it - only children's toys.

The Slavs preferred natural materials in the manufacture of amulets.

The Russian doll-amulet was made by craftswomen in sewing, knitting or embroidery. Therefore, needlework accessories were most often used for it: threads, ribbons, laces, beads, buttons. Sometimes a vine or tree branches.

In some cases, a special filler was added - ash, cereals or herbs. They selected it in accordance with the goal that they wanted to achieve. The grains were hidden in a chrysalis when they wanted to lure wealth - so that there was always food on the table. Ash - to ward off evil spirits, and herbs to purify energy or prevent diseases.

Having decided to make a talisman with your own hands, do not rush into it. Think carefully about the purpose for which you need it, and then study the rules for its manufacture. This is a serious task that requires a careful approach.

The most famous amulet dolls

The amulet doll was an important element of Slavic culture. They were placed in prominent places in the house, put in a baby's cradle, and sometimes carried with them. Having learned about what Slavic amulets are and what their meaning is, you can make one for yourself and your family, continuing the traditions of your ancestors.


An ash doll helps protect the house from evil spirits, attracts prosperity to it. The name of the amulet comes from the word "ash", because it was it that was used as a filler. A handful of ash from the oven was placed in a piece of cloth, from which a ball was then made - this was the head.

A distinctive feature of Zolnaya is the complete absence of hair on her head. They did not make her a headdress either. And they passed it on to the next generations instead of burning it.

The herbal capsule helped clean the air in the house. They put it in places where energy stagnation was felt. If someone did not sleep well, then they left him for the night near this person. The amulet spread a pleasant herbal aroma that helps to normalize sleep.

They also used the Herbalist to ward off diseases - they hung it on the cradle of a child. Unlike Zolnaya, she was filled with special contents not in her head, but in her torso.

Children are more vulnerable to evil than adults. To protect their descendants from darkness, the Slavs made Pelenashki dolls for children. Such amulets were placed directly in the cradle. They averted diseases and troubles from the kids, taking them for themselves.

The Lovebirds doll was not made independently. But they could be received as a wedding gift. It was given by close relatives - it could be mothers or grandmothers from any of the newlyweds.

Lovebirds are easy to recognize by one conspicuous sign - the hands with which they hold each other are woven into one, which symbolizes a strong union. The amulet was made from different materials - straw, fabric or thread.

The meaning invested in the doll of the Desire can be easily guessed by its name. But do not rush to write out a dozen wishes on a piece of paper. She can only fulfill one request. Therefore, it is better to focus on the most important.

In order for the Desire to understand what is required of her, after her creation, talk to her. Tell us in detail what you want to receive. You need to do this in front of a mirror. When the dream turns into reality, burn the amulet, and before destroying, thank you for the good work.


The purifier was used to heal from physical illnesses and ailments inspired by evil spirits. She never acted as a talisman for the family - she was made especially for a sick person. He or his close relative had to mentally transfer all the bad things to the object during the creation of the doll.

Upon completion of work on it, they spoke a conspiracy: “Let everything dashing leave me for you, take away the evil, the alien”. Then it remained only to burn it away from home, and the disease soon receded.

According to tradition, the Ten Hands were given to young women who got married. She has ten hands for a reason. It was believed that such a charm would help the young hostess to keep up with everything: look after the children, cook, eat, clean.

Ten handles were made only from straw. The head of the doll was decorated with a scarf, and the body was decorated with an elegant apron. One of the main colors was red, symbolizing vitality and prosperity.

Day Night, like Lovebirds, is hard to confuse with others. This is a double sided guard. You can make it in several ways: take two separate figures and fasten them back to back. Or make one figure with two front sides.

One side symbolizes the day and the other the night. The main task of such a talisman is to keep track of the usual order of things. Day Night watches the change of day and night, looks for the night to be as calm and favorable for the inhabitants of the house as day. In the daytime, the daytime appearance was turned to face the residents, and in the dark, the nighttime one.


The fat woman will become a good amulet for every woman who dreams of creating a full-fledged family. The image of Fatty is a growing girl. Used it to help get pregnant. The Slavs believed that the doll's long braid helped to attract the child's soul.

If, after a year of married life, a woman could not conceive an heir, relatives made such a charm for her. Only relatives in the female line could do it - mother, grandmother or great-grandmother, but not a sister.

The Slavs made amulets not only with the expectation of protecting the house, but also tried to protect relatives outside it. So they made amulets for travelers.

The plantain protected the person on the way. This was provided by a special ritual associated with a small bag of Plantain. They put a handful of earth from their native lands into it - it was believed that this gives a person strength. In addition to it, grains or bread crumbs were added to the bag - thanks to this, the traveler never went hungry.

The Slavs believed that spring did not come by itself - it was brought on the wings of a bird. In order to summon the blooming time as soon as possible, they made a special ritual doll - the Bird of Joy. She was covered from head to bottom with birds, symbolizing spring, good luck and happiness.

You need to make an odd number of birds, and one of them must be fastened to the chrysalis on the head. They also tried to make a headdress, a scarf, in the form of a bird - with wings on the sides and a beak on top.

Veduchka was made by women who knew the joy of motherhood. One of the most important women's tasks was considered the continuation of the Family. The woman had to not only feed the child, feeding him with her juices, but also educate him.

Veduchka helped in this difficult task, supporting the mother and providing contact with the child. Outwardly, the amulet stood out among the rest - there was not one figurine, but two. Mother with a child. The hands of the woman and the baby are united, which meant a strong spiritual connection between them.

Krupenichka, also called Zernushka, helped feed the family. Not only figuratively, but also literally. They did it after harvesting, filling the hidden inner bag with grain. When the family had nothing to eat, the women took grain out of it and let it in for lunch. They did this not only during the period of famine, but regularly, replacing old grain with new.

Krupenichka was considered the main one in the pair, but the Rich Man accompanying her is also important. He helped financially. In fact, this paired amulet is the image of a happy Slavic family - a skilled hostess and family breadwinner.

Baba Yaga

Many associate Baba Yaga with an evil character, but in fact this is not entirely true. Even in folk tales that have come down to us, the old sorceress sometimes acts as an assistant, helping the heroes out of all sorts of troubles.

Baba Yaga is not only a good adviser - she can become the keeper of the hearth. It was hung on the front door or on the windows of the house. So she swept away from the house with her whisk all the muck - visible and invisible.


Rowan was one of the most revered trees among the Slavs. This influenced the emergence of such a talisman as the Ryabinka doll. Made it in the fall. The basis for Ryabinka was a cross made of real mountain ash - this made the amulet more powerful.

Such a talisman protected from evil, protected family happiness and maintained an atmosphere of love in the house.

The benefactor was given to friends and relatives in order to attract wealth and prosperity to their home. Prosperity in this case is understood as wealth. But they wanted not so much money as what they could buy with it - food that filled the entire table, clothes for each family member, useful household items.

The successful woman was a motanka with a mandatory attribute - a bag. This item symbolized success in business. What kind of business should be successful - the owner of the lyalka himself decided.

To become successful, directly tell the amulet what you want to receive. For example, ask him about marriage or money. If you need financial support, put a bill in your purse.

The bell brought good news. She not only warned of good news, but also attracted them. The owner of such a talisman was more often in a good mood, had more fun and received many joyful events from life. The bell is characterized by clothes of three skirts resembling a herringbone.

Spiridon Solstice belongs to a number of ritual dolls. They made it for the holidays. Such a charm was made with a specific purpose - to bring changes into life. But not any, but those that I would like to receive.

The wheel in the hands of Spiridon symbolized life. The Slavs believed that, thanks to him, you can turn life in the right, right, direction. Such an amulet will be equally useful to any gender and will bring happiness in any of the selected areas.

Rules for making amulet dolls

Amulet dolls cannot be made like ordinary toys. This is a much more serious matter, requiring not only taking into account the well-being of the craftswoman, but also the selection of materials, tools, and the method of manufacture.

A protective doll should be done with positive thoughts and in a good mood.

Needlewomen who decide to try on the amulet with their own hands must adhere to the following rules:

  • Work on the amulet only when you are in a good mood and well-being. Even a simple headache, not to mention chronic diseases, is considered a good reason to put off work.
  • During such sacred needlework, you need to think positively. Positive thoughts and emotions will help the amulet gain strength and quickly begin to complete its task.
  • Keep an eye on the lunar cycle as you get down to business. Talismans should be made for the growing moon.
  • You may have noticed that all motankas do not have a face. This is connected, of course, not with laziness, but with superstitions. Our ancestors believed that dolls with the features of the owner could become a refuge for evil spirits. To protect themselves from her, they did not make their faces, leaving them empty. This was done not only with protective and ritual dolls, but also with toys.
  • Do not use sharp objects when making rag dolls. The current needlewomen will find it incredible to refuse needles and scissors, but these are the rules. Their non-compliance will turn the amulet into an ordinary item, devoid of magical power.
  • Now natural fabrics are rarely used because of their impracticality. But the presence of synthetic materials in talismans is unacceptable.

The amulet doll, made in accordance with all Old Slavonic beliefs, will become a full-fledged protector and fill your life with all the blessings.

How to part with a doll amulet

Protective dolls cannot be made with bad thoughts, stored anywhere and thrown away like ordinary garbage.

A protective doll is something more than an ordinary children's toy. Such a doll requires a reverent attitude in all respects. It cannot be made with bad thoughts, stored anywhere and thrown away like ordinary garbage.

Our ancestors passed homemade talismans from generation to generation, practically not throwing them away. However, in some cases it had to be done. Moreover, sometimes the destruction of the amulet was a mandatory action.

In what situations you need to get rid of the amulet:

  1. He's worn out. This applies more to fabric amulets than to straw ones. A frayed fabric or a thread that has come out of it is not considered a serious obstacle to use. But when the amulet literally disintegrates before our eyes, so that it cannot be repaired, it is better to part with it.
  2. Stopped working. Dolls made to avert trouble from a person or his family become unusable faster than others. Outwardly, they may look like new, but suddenly stop working. This happens when the amulet takes on a powerful blow of negative energy inflicted by an evil sorcerer. In this case, you should put it in salt to clean it. Or try to perform a ritual of purification by fire, but this must be done very carefully so that a fire does not start. If the purification did not help, there is only one way out - to bury in the ground or burn it.
  3. Among the folk dolls, there were also those that demanded mandatory destruction after they completed their mission. For example, Desire. When she embodied the innermost dream of a person in life, she was burned.

Knowing about these Slavic customs, you can easily navigate how to say goodbye to amulets.

But here it is important not to forget about some features:

  • Before burning or burying, say goodbye to the chrysalis. It can be a conversation we are used to or a mental conversation. Say thank you for all the good things she brought you.
  • Pay attention to your emotions when breaking up. If the doll does not want to let go, most likely, its time has not yet come. Clear the amulet of negativity and continue to use. With an amulet that has fulfilled its mission, they say goodbye with a light heart, without regret.
  • Dolls that help attract wealth, prosperity or love do not have to be completely destroyed. Can be dissolved by using materials for other purposes. With defenders from diseases, witchcraft and misfortune, this cannot be done. They are burned as far away from home as possible.

Parting with beloved amulets that brought happiness is sad and painful. But it is necessary to do so. Do not store damaged or stopped working amulets as a keepsake, because in this way you will contribute to the delay of negativity around you.