The strongest examples of the heroic devotion of dogs. Loyalty and devotion - arguments Devotion of animals to man arguments

Whether a dog is always faithful to its owner is the question that the author discusses.

Yu. Yakovlev with a feeling of sadness talks about the "eternal expectation" of the owner's dog. The dog was not distracted by any joy. He did not want to eat or walk. His eyes were fixed on the sea: he was waiting for the owner. The dog was not "bought" by other people's attempts to tame it, it was faithful to the owner. According to the behavior of the dog, it could be concluded that the owner loved his four-legged friend very much, surrounded him with affection and care.

I fully agree with the opinion of the writer. Indeed, dogs are always waiting for those who "tamed" them. Classics and publicists spoke about this more than once.

I find a striking example of a dog's loyalty to its owner in the film "Hachiko". The owner of Hachiko left, leaving the dog, but the dog believed that the owner would return. The dog lived at the station, where he last saw his owner, and hoped that he would return. Here it is, dog fidelity!

And people do not always differ in this quality! Once I witnessed the betrayal of a dog by a man. Big-headed, on long legs, with thick hair, but at the same time a thin, exhausted dog, people pushed out of the car into the street and drove away. The dog stood numb, confused, not knowing how to live on. The boys called her Weasel. Broshenka soon whelped. She provided food for herself and her puppies. We fed her all the way down the street, we even built housing for her, but Weasel did not “buy in” to other people’s attempts to tame her. The dog every day came to the place where she was betrayed by those whom she loved and waited for. She believed that the owners would return ...

Thus, I can conclude that dogs truly love their owners and remain faithful to them to the end.

The love of Eugene Onegin and Tatyana Larina is tragic in many ways. Onegin did not take seriously the recognition of the heroine in love, and only a few years later he spoke about his feelings. But by that time Tatyana was already married. The heroine still loved Onegin. It would seem that she waited for reciprocity. But Tatyana Larina is a faithful and devoted wife. She acted according to, remaining faithful to her husband, whom she did not love. Her deed deserves respect.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

Loyalty to one's Motherland is the moral principle of Pyotr Grinev. When Pugachev captured the Belogorsk fortress, the hero had a choice: go over to the side of the enemy, recognizing the sovereign in Pugachev, and save his life or die without betraying his country. Petr Grinev chose the second option. He was ready to give his life, but to keep his dignity. The act of the hero is an example of true loyalty to one's moral principles, military duty and the Motherland.

N.M. Karamzin "Poor Lisa"

The feelings of Erast and Lisa were sincere. But, when the girl gave herself to Erast, the feelings began to fade. Lisa is a faithful, devoted girl who knows how to truly love. But Erast was different. He betrayed Lisa. After losing his money, he married a rich widow, and Lisa said that he was leaving for the war. The girl could not survive: not seeing the point in living, she threw herself into the pond.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Natasha Rostova wanted to run away with Anatole Kuragin, although she had a fiancé - Andrei Bolkonsky. The girl was ready for treason because of her inexperience, youth and gullibility. This act does not make her a terrible person. What happened brought Natasha Rostova a lot of torment, she realized the fallacy of her act. Remaining faithful to her lover was a test for the girl.

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba"

Taras Bulba is a man true to his word, to his state. He does not tolerate betrayal, boldly fights with enemies. Andriy, his youngest son, betrays the Cossacks. The concept of fidelity for Taras Bulba is more important than family ties. He kills his son, not wanting to come to terms with his act. The outlook of Taras Bulba is an example of fidelity to one's moral principles, one's Motherland, one's comrades.

based on the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time"

Loyalty of animals to their owners.

It's no secret that animals are distinguished by devotion to their owners. Proof of this can be found in the novel "A Hero of Our Time" by M.Yu. Lermontov. In the chapter "Bela" there is a storyline connected with Kazbich and his horse Karagez. Karagyoz for Kazbich is not just a horse, it is a true friend who was with him in the most difficult moments of his life. When Kazbich was attacked, Karagyoz showed himself very bravely: he distracted the enemies, and then returned for his master. The horse more than once rescued him on campaigns. Kazbich treated Karagez as a close friend, he was the most important being for him. This is how Kazbich describes his attitude towards his comrade-in-arms:

"There are many beauties in our villages,

The stars shine in the darkness of their eyes.

It is sweet to love them, an enviable share;

But valiant will is more fun.

Gold will buy four wives,

The dashing horse has no price:

He will not lag behind the whirlwind in the steppe,

He won't change, he won't cheat."

For Kazbich, the loss of a friend was a huge tragedy. When Azamat stole Karagez, the dashing Circassian was inconsolable: "... fell to the ground and sobbed like a child." So he lay "until late at night and all night ..". Kazbich's relationship to his horse is a vivid example of mutual devotion between man and animal.

Do you always have to be true to your principles?

Loyalty to oneself and one's principles is considered a positive quality, but a person who never changes his ideas about life and people is static, he limits himself. The protagonist of the novel M.Yu. Lermontov "The Hero of Our Time" Pechorin is a strong personality with a strong-willed character, a man true to himself. This quality plays a cruel joke with him. Unable to change his ideas about life, he is looking for a catch in everything: he does not believe in friendship, considering it a weakness, and perceives love only as the satisfaction of his pride. Throughout the novel, we see how the hero tries to understand the meaning of life, to find his destiny, but finds only disappointment.

The reason for the disappointment is Pechorin's immunity to the feelings of other people, he cannot forgive them for their weaknesses and open his soul, he is afraid to seem ridiculous to others and even to himself. In the chapter “Princess Mary”, we see how hard Grigory is going through the departure of his beloved woman, he rushes after her, but his horse dies on the road, and he, exhausted, falls to the ground and cries. At this moment, we understand how deeply the hero is able to feel, but even in such a situation, he thinks he looks pathetic.

By morning, he returns to his usual state and attributes the manifestation of humanity to frustrated nerves. Analyzing the behavior of the protagonist of the work, we can conclude that loyalty to one's principles is a positive quality only in a situation where these principles are dictated by philanthropy, and not selfishness. A person must be open to something new, be able to recognize the fallacy of his judgments. Only this will allow a person to become the best version of himself.

Betrayal towards people who trusted you.

The theme of betrayal is reflected in Lermontov's novel A Hero of Our Time. So, the main character Pechorin is a person who cannot be relied upon. He betrays everyone who had the imprudence to trust him. Comrade Grushnitsky revealed his soul to him, told him that he was secretly in love with Mary, turned to Pechorin for advice, considering him his friend.

Pechorin did not dissuade him, but vilely took advantage of Grushnitsky's openness. Pechorin was annoyed by the young cadet. He did not wish him happiness, on the contrary, he dreamed of seeing him in a wounded state, ridiculed him, belittled him in the eyes of Mary, and, in the end, out of boredom, decided to seduce his beloved “friend”. Pechorin needed Mary to annoy Grushnitsky. Such behavior can be called vile, it deserves only condemnation. It doesn’t matter whether Pechorin Grushnitsky considered his friend or not, he had no right to do this with a person who trusted him.

Pechorin's betrayal of Vera/Vera's loyalty.

Vera sacrificed herself for the sake of Pechorin, abandoned family happiness, and risked losing her reputation. In the depths of her soul, she hoped for their eventual happiness. Pechorin's betrayal consisted in the fact that he accepted this sacrifice, but did not give anything in return. When his beloved woman was going through difficult moments, he was not there, he dragged after Mary, whom he did not even love. Pechorin betrayed the only person who truly loved him and accepted him for who he is. He used it "as a source of joys and anxieties, without which life is boring and monotonous." Vera understood this, but sacrificed herself, hoping that one day he would appreciate this sacrifice. For Vera, Gregory was everything, while for Pechorin she was just an episode, important, but not the only one. Disappointment awaited her, because a person capable of spiritual betrayal cannot bring happiness.

Pechorin's betrayal towards Bela.

The theme of spiritual betrayal is revealed in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". So, Grigory Pechorin once meets an unusual girl Bela. She captivates him with her beauty and mystery, so Pechorin decides to steal her. Bela initially resists, but then she herself falls in love with the "thief". Her loyalty to her beloved knows no bounds. She is willing to give up her home, family and traditions to be with her loved one.

Pechorin becomes bored over time. He comes to the conclusion that all women are the same, and is no longer happy with the love that Bela gives him. He does not cheat on her physically, but in his heart he refuses her, dreaming of travel. The girl understands this, but cannot leave Gregory, because she is true to her choice. Even before her death, she only cares that they cannot be together in heaven, because Bela belongs to a different faith. From the relationship between Bela and Pechorin, we can conclude that the worst betrayal is not associated with external manifestations, it is deep inside a person, but can do much more harm. Spiritual betrayal hurts just like physical betrayal, sometimes even more.

Treason of the Faith (marriage without love).

People cheat for a variety of reasons, but the most common betrayal happens when people marry for reasons other than love. Such an example can be seen in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". One of the main characters, Vera, marries an unloved person, therefore, having met true love, she cheats on her husband. Vera cares little about the feelings of her unloved husband; she does not consider herself obliged to be faithful to him. The novel does not tell what circumstances forced her to marry, but it led to the misfortune of both spouses. Living with an unloved person is unbearable, but even worse is the one who is being deceived.

Irina, thank you for the prompt and diplomatic response!
As for Jack London - if I'm not mistaken, I read somewhere in the criticism that he was the first of the classics "in a big way" to get into the "dog's skin", i.e. wrote works of large form, in which the main characters are dogs. In addition to the three stories mentioned, he also has the novel "Michael, Brother Jerry", as well as the cool humorous story "Marked", which will add variety to this list.
2018 is the year of the dog, so this topic is relevant now on the eve of the New Year. I was just looking for lists of the best dog stories and came across this list. At first I was delighted - the list was compiled by the staff of the Pushkin Library of my city! And I've been to this library, read it, maybe I'm still on the list! But I looked at the collection and was a little disappointed.
You say that any list is personal, subjective, but this one is not even rated. And how could you understand that it was not rated? What does the visitor see? This is a blog of the central library of a million-plus city, in which the list of references is numbered from 1 to 22, obviously not in alphabetical order. Here is an example from our Chelyabinsk industrial life - one elderly person decided to make a book (namely, to make, not write: there are more photos) about such and such a plant, and called it loudly: "Such and such a plant." People became interested - what kind of fundamental work is this, since it is called so. And it turned out that he paid more attention to such and such a workshop (where he himself worked), such and such people (with whom he himself communicated) and such and such a period of history - 60-70 years (the period of his youth). Here, you can also say a personal view of the history of the plant, society, country. And people were perplexed, someone was offended: “Why did you bypass me, come on me - but that one, that one - these were the outstanding people of the plant of that time! And why the 60-70s, the plant has existed since the 30s?! About those who built it, it was not necessary to mention at all? In general, this author was advised then to consult with professionals before taking up such work again.
Why am I doing all this? Like I said, I was looking for lists of the best dog stories, and I found others. There, the same works are in a different order, and you wonder in which: "Kashtanka", "White Bim ..." do not find a place in the top ten! Ahead are only foreign works such as Dog Dogs. But there are less solid organizations - and here is the central library of the city! I do not agree that any list is personal, subjective. That's why ratings are created in order to find some kind of objective picture, and one could expect something more from the library than a personal rating. There are indicators by which it was possible to check the popularity of works - for example, the same Jack London during the Soviet era in our country was the second most published foreign writer after G.Kh. Andersen (the total circulation of 956 editions amounted to 77.153 million copies - Wikipedia). It was possible to compare the ratings of the Soviet era, modern Russia, Western countries, etc. That is, to carry out some kind of systematic work and issue an interesting selection, where all these indicators would be indicated. But what, apparently there is no such approach already. Thanks anyway!