In what year did Yablonskaya paint a picture of morning. Composition based on the painting by Yablonskaya "Morning". Biography. Composition based on the painting Morning of Yablonskaya

In the picture of Yablonskaya T.N. taken earlier in the morning. The balcony door is made in the form of an arch, it is wide open, fresh morning air fills the room. The sun's rays illuminate it with bright light and cast shadows on the wooden floor. The room is quite spacious, the walls are painted in a calm light shade.

Above the balcony door and window, a green indoor flower is woven. On the wall, next to it, there is a decorative painted plate.

There is a bed on the side, not yet made up after sleep. Near the balcony there is a chair with a back, on which you can see a school uniform and a pioneer tie.

In the middle of the room is a tall, slender girl with a pigtail, wearing a white T-shirt and dark shorts. She does her morning exercises before going to school. It can be seen that the girl often practices and has good plasticity.

Also in the picture you can see a large round table, which is covered with a white and blue striped tablecloth with a hanging fringe. On it is breakfast for the girl: a jug, a mug, a plate of bread and butter.

When you look at the picture, you seem to dissolve in it and even hear the sounds and feel the fresh smell of the early morning.

This picture inspired me a lot, charged me with positive emotions, filled me with energy and a desire to live.

Composition description of the painting Yablonskaya Morning

Painted back in 1954, Tatyana Yablonskaya's painting "Morning" gives a charge of vivacity to people living in the third millennium and increasingly immersed in the virtual world through a variety of gadgets.

Looking at the picture, I also want to open the balcony door wider and fill my home not only with fresh, invigorating air, but also with new emotions and sensations.

The teenage girl depicted in the picture impresses with her grace and positive perception of life. All in the sunlight, with closed eyes and a smile on her face, she enthusiastically does morning exercises, and on the table a breakfast prepared by a caring mother's hand is waiting for her.

It can be seen that in the life of a girl living in Kyiv on Khreshchatyk in a spacious room with high ceilings, harmony reigns. She does not experience financial difficulties, as evidenced by the parquet floor, artsy oval windows and a solid wooden bed rare for that time. Most of the Soviet schoolchildren of the mid-twentieth century slept on standard iron beds with shell nets.

The heroine of the picture has been accustomed to order from a young age: the room is clean, the parquet is shiny, the school uniform, a pioneer tie, scarlet ribbons for braiding braids are neatly laid out and hung on a Viennese chair.

The ivy winding over the window and the balcony door, penetrated by the sun's rays and sparkling with turquoise, creates a picture of a magical corner of nature, which is organically complemented by a ceramic plate depicting two wonderful birds.

The picture, despite the unpretentious and everyday plot, is bright, awakening vitality and showing the beauty and value of every day, especially such a beautiful May morning. Vibes of freshness, youth and anticipation of a happy life seem to flow from the canvas of the master of painting Tatyana Yablonskaya.

Description of the picture

The painting "Morning" was written in the middle of the twentieth century. Looking at this amazing picture, there is a feeling of coolness, which reflects the morning of a new day. It is very pleasant to get out of bed in a clean, fresh room. The room is furnished with modest furniture. Quality wooden bed, wooden table and chair.

There are no curtains or curtains on the windows. There are no tracks on the wooden floors. The walls are modestly covered with yellow whitewash. The only decorations in the room are a painted bird plate on the wall and climbing artificial flowers around the balcony. On the main background of this wonderful work is a girl doing morning exercises. The room is comfortable, and you can see how brightly the sun shines outside the window. It can be seen that the inhabitant of this room is a very neat person.

Morning is the beginning of an unusual day. This picture depicts the spring season, as the doors to the balcony are fully opened. A teenage girl just woke up and immediately began to do morning exercises. So she hasn't made the bed yet. The girl is dressed very simply - she is wearing a light T-shirt and dark sports shorts. It can be seen that the girl is a schoolgirl, since her uniform is carefully lying on a chair near the balcony and a pioneer tie hangs.

In the foreground of the room is a round wooden table covered with a beautiful tablecloth. On this table you can see a plate of bread and a jug of milk with a beautiful painting.

Brightly shining spring sun, beautiful decorated dishes, chic tablecloth. All this makes the little housewife's room very comfortable. And the little mistress of the room herself looks very elegant.

Looking at this canvas, I want this beautiful sunny day to never end. This picture is full of bright colors, love, kindness and faith in a prosperous future that will certainly come.

3. Composition based on the painting Morning of Yablonskaya

The painting "Morning" was painted in 1954 by a true master of genre painting Tatyana Nilovna Yablonskaya. Her paintings have always been full of love for Russia, socialism and the people. Among the famous works of Tatyana Nilovna, one can single out such works as “Rest”, “The Enemy is Approaching”, “At the Start”, etc. Looking at the painting “Morning”, I am imbued with good emotions, a desire for accomplishments.

It would seem that a simple way of life is depicted - a spacious room, an unmade bed, ordinary life, but how much light, if you look at the picture, you can see in it!

In the foreground, an ordinary girl appears before me, apparently just woken up, judging by the unmade bed. From clothes on the girl only black shorts and a T-shirt. She does morning exercises, the girl's movements are flexible and graceful.

Behind her is a chair on which a school uniform is neatly folded, and a pioneer tie hangs on the back. The parquet on which the girl is standing is also clean. It is immediately clear that she loves neatness and comfort.

The door to the room is open, the balcony is open to the fresh and cool morning air. The atmosphere of freshness and nature is reinforced by flowers hanging down the wall.

In the foreground, I see a table covered with a blue tablecloth. A jug of milk, butter and bread lay neatly on the table - a simple and healthy breakfast.

One of the most important features of the picture is the contrast between the big, unknown world that can be seen outside the window and the small, cozy, safe room. The vast world calls to study it and to know it. And it seems that the girl is about to put on her uniform, take a briefcase and set off across the wondrous planet towards a beautiful morning.

I really liked the picture, it exudes bright colors, goodness and future hope for a happy future that will definitely come.

4. Composition based on the painting by Yablonskaya Morning for grade 6


  1. About the artist
  2. Room
  3. Colors
  4. Conclusion

Tatyana Nilovna Yablonskaya is a well-known artist who painted many beautiful paintings. The painting "Morning" depicts a girl who has just got up and is doing exercises. She is dressed in a T-shirt and short shorts, which means that she does exercises every day. The room in which the girl is located is very large and bright. The open door to the balcony indicates that it is warm outside, the sun's rays break through the large window. There is a pot hanging on the wall, with a very beautiful and large flower. It looks like ivy, or a creeper, because it weaves along the wall and hangs from the window and from the door to the balcony. A beautiful painted plate hangs under the flower.

An unmade bed indicates that today is a day off and the girl slept for a long time. But after morning exercises, she will boldly do all her household chores. And she has a lot of things to do, things hang on the chair - they will need to be folded and put away in the closet, and the girl will also need to help her mother with the housework.

Her mother is very caring, there is fresh bread and a jug of delicious milk on the table - probably this is her handiwork. After charging, the girl will eat this delicious breakfast with pleasure.


The atmosphere in the room is very cozy and calm, this indicates that order and serenity reign in this house. The room is very clean - the girl looks after it. At first glance, it is clear that the owner of this room is a very stylish and creative person.After all, the interior in the room is simply incredible: a clay pot is decorated with painted flowers, a hanging plate that matches the color of the pot boasts beautiful painted birds. The table is covered with a blue tablecloth.

The girl looks about ten or eleven years old, she is tall and athletic. The fact that she exercises in the morning says a lot about her character. Most likely, she is very purposeful and stubborn. Always gets what he wants.

The artist very skillfully described the morning of this girl. And looking at the picture, we can roughly imagine her daily routine.

Colors in the painting Morning

To paint the picture, the artist did not use too bright colors, because this is not at all necessary and you can paint a masterpiece in pale and dull tones.

The main thing is that the character of the picture and the author's idea are conveyed to the viewer.Looking at this picture, we can safely say that Tatyana Yablonskaya succeeded in both. After all, it is not easy to describe all the smallest details so accurately.

Having become acquainted with this canvas, any person will be inspired, and just like this little girl, spreading her arms wide, she will rush towards a new day.

Composition based on the painting by Yablonskaya Morning No. 3

Tatyana Nilovna Yablonskaya was known in the art world. The main theme of her paintings was the depiction of ordinary people and their daily lives. Tatyana Nilovna was able to depict even ordinary moments from her life in her own bright and interesting way. The painting entitled "Morning" was created in 1954, the main idea of ​​​​Yablonskaya was to convey the beauty of everyday life through paint. Let's move on to the consideration of the picture "Morning".

In front of me, I see a canvas on which the artist most likely depicted the morning, when everything around us has not yet woken up, but the girl has already got up and begins her day.

We see the girl in the center, her face reflects joy and a smile, most likely she is pleased with the good weather outside the window, because it is sunny and warm there. This smile sets the mood for the whole day. Obviously, the girl starts her morning with exercises, as you know, exercises help our body wake up sooner. The girl has blond hair collected in a braid, it can be seen from the physique that the girl is an athlete. She froze in a pose from the classics, so most likely her occupation is dancing. Dressed in a light T-shirt and dark shorts, she raised her hands up and spread them wide, one leg stands straight, and the other on the toe, her back is even, it seems that the girl is reaching up. With her elegance and sophistication, she reminds me of a bird that is about to take off.

The room in the painting by Yablonskaya Morning

Let's move on to what else is in this room. We see the bed, the girl has not yet had time to remove it, she probably just woke up and got up, there are things on the chair, apparently they were prepared in the evening, the table is covered with a beautiful tablecloth and the girl is apparently waiting for her breakfast cooked by her parents on it. We see a jug, in which, most likely, milk for breakfast, there is bread, a piece of butter and a knife. On the wall you can see a white canvas with birds, the balcony doors are wide open, from this you can judge the warm weather. The room must have a pleasant temperature and fresh spring air. A pot of flowers hangs near the balcony door, the leaves spread over most of the wall.

The shadow from the balcony railing is visible on the floor, the windows are made in a special style and look like an arch. In general, one can single out the cozy mood of the picture, the yellow walls once again emphasize the warmth of the room. The room itself does not contain unnecessary details, it is spacious and contains only the necessary things. Looking at the picture, I am filled with positive emotions, I see purposefulness, activity and cheerfulness in it. Therefore, I believe that such a picture will have a place in the bedroom, as it awakens optimism and generates good features.

The painting was painted by the artist Andrei Ivanov according to the ancient chronicle of Nestor about the events that took place in 968. The chronicle tells of a young Kievan who, during the Pechenegs' attack on Kyiv, rushed through the enemy army to the Dnieper River.

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  • Every day brings us something new and interesting, and it always starts in the morning. It was this time that the famous artist Yablonskaya depicted in her work Morning. It is easy and not difficult to write on the picture of Yablonskaya “Morning”, because the work itself is light, and causes only positive emotions. Mornings are also different. It can be cold, wet, gray, or it can be, as in the reproduction of Yablonskaya's painting "Morning", sunny and warm. On such days, you want to quickly get out of bed and run outside, exposing your face to the sun's rays.

    Description of the painting by Yablonskaya Morning

    I would like to start the description of the painting by Yablonskaya “Morning” with a general impression. When you look at a reproduction of the painting "Morning", joyful emotions appear, and your soul becomes warm at home. In the picture we see a girl who just got out of bed. She didn’t even have time to make the bed yet, because the first thing she wanted on this sunny morning was to stretch her arms up, resembling with her posture a bird that flies towards the sun, towards a new day, new achievements. The girl herself is graceful, slender, perhaps she is dancing, because we see how she pulls her toe, as if she is about to perform a dance “pa”.

    In the foreground, we see the food that awaits the girl on the table. This is probably a caring mother who made sure that her child did not go to school hungry.

    Working on an essay-description of the painting by Yablonskaya “Morning”, I would like to note a spacious, bright room. There is nothing superfluous here. A bed where you can relax after a hard school day, a table where you can do homework, as well as a snack and a chair where you can hang prepared things.

    In the background is a balcony, which is the source of sunlight entering the room. The balcony opening is entwined with greenery, which brings additional freshness to the overall look. Yellow walls only add a hint of warmth, comfort, and also add more light to the picture.

    The picture of the wonderful master of painting Tatyana Nilovna Yablonskaya “Morning” shows the light and relaxed atmosphere of everyday life in an ordinary house. Waking up in the early spring morning, a thin girl of ten years old was delighted with a fine day and involuntarily stood in the “swallow” position, like a ballerina. It seems that now we will hear quiet music.

    Probably in the yard - May, the end of the school year. The sun sent its first rays to the ground - the shadows on the floor are quite long. The pioneer tie, which hangs on the back of a chair, which in those days was called a Viennese chair for the curves of the tree, means that school hours are not over yet. Illuminated by the first rays of the sun, the room is shrouded in morning coolness, behind the glass doors leading to a small balcony, it is clear that the fog of the past night is hovering over the city.

    The girl had not yet made her bed, she was stretched out towards the new day, as if welcoming it. The girl rejoices in the sunny morning, and with her all living beings and even plants rejoice. The leaves of overgrown ivy, illuminated by the rays of the sun, shimmer with all shades of green-malachite color, decorating the room.

    Judging by the decoration, it can be assumed that people of art live in the apartment - on a large ceramic plate hanging in the wall, the pattern repeats the one depicted on the jug standing on the table. Ampelous plants climbing along the top of the wall and those that are visible on the balcony testify to the craving of the owners of the apartment for natural beauty. There is a cache-pot above the plate. Ivy branches stretch from the pot in the flowerpot, one of them is attached above the doors leading to the balcony, the second is suspended above the window. Intertwined, small leaves form arches. In the shade, they are rich green, and when illuminated, they acquire an almost turquoise hue.

    The picture of Yablonskaya Morning attracts with its naturalness and not compulsion, the movements of the schoolgirl seem to be simple, but at the same time refined, and from this, at first sight, there is great sympathy for her. Her thin figure - personifies cheerfulness. Eyes are covered, perhaps from sunbeams dancing on the parquet and walls. In the background, in some ghostly haze, the outlines of houses are barely visible.

    It is morning outside, the warm rays of the sun brightly illuminate the room, on a table covered with a tablecloth with a blue-beige sea pattern, breakfast is laid out: a jug of milk, a fresh loaf and butter. Perhaps the parents have already left for work, and so that the daughter does not forget to have breakfast before school, they prepared food for her

    The light falls on objects in bright spots and the girl smiles warmly and gently, she is sure that such a beginning of the day promises many interesting discoveries in her life.

    The room is quite spacious, but it has only the necessary furniture. A wooden bed speaks of the prosperity of the family, since in 1954, when the picture was painted, it was a rarity and, in general, the beds were made of iron, even the so-called “armor mesh” was considered a luxury for many people at that time. There is a warm blanket on the bed, tucked into a snow-white duvet cover, which means that the nights are still often cool. The uniform is folded on a chair, and a scarlet tie is hung on the back so as not to wrinkle.

    Parquet floors also indicate prosperity. Probably, this apartment, located on the second floor, is located in an old house. Door with two doors open to the outside. At the top, the glazed part of the balcony door, like the window, has an oval shape.

    We seem to feel the freshness of the morning through the ajar doors to the balcony. It seems that a few more minutes and a breeze will blow from there, picking up the girl, he will spin her in a beautiful dance. The leaves will tremble, dance, and the birds depicted on the plate will cheerfully chirp to them a beautiful motive.

    Tatyana Yablonskaya, for her long life, 88 years old, had many awards, took part in many exhibitions. But the artist considered the biggest reward that her talent was recognized by true connoisseurs of painting, ordinary people who visited exhibitions and sincerely admired her canvases.

    Yablonskaya's painting "Morning" is a hymn to youth, a feeling of joy in anticipation of something new and amazing. We look admiringly at the girl and imagine her future, towards which she so trustingly stretches out her hands, rising on her toes to see all the beauty of the world around her.

    Consider an essay based on the painting by T. N. Yablonskaya “Morning”. Let's get acquainted with the work of the famous Let's look at the picture in detail, feel the mood of the author, get in touch with the world of beauty.

    Brief biography of the artist

    Tatyana Nilovna Yablonskaya was born in 1917 in the city of Smolensk. Eleven years later, the family moved to Odessa, and then to Lugansk. After graduating from a seven-year school, Tatyana Nilovna entered the Kiev Art College. The technical school was liquidated in 1935. After that, Yablonskaya became a student at the Kyiv State Art Institute. She graduated from which in 1941 and received the specialty "artist-painter". Talented, creatively gifted, a master of her craft.

    Throughout her life, starting from a young age, she had more than thirty solo exhibitions in Moscow, in neighboring countries. Tatyana Nilovna also took part in all-Ukrainian and international exhibitions. A special place was occupied by exhibitions in cities such as Venice and Brussels. The owner of many awards and titles: the second degree, a member of the Union of Artists, People's Artist, Professor and many others.

    Detailed description of the painting "Morning"

    A spacious room, illuminated by the bright rays of the morning sun, is depicted on the canvas. With her arms spread out to the sides, a young girl stands in the center of the room and, rejoicing at the new day, does her exercises. Her movements are soft and relaxed, it can be assumed that the girl just woke up.

    In Yablonskaya "Morning" one should emphasize the artist's love for the simple life of ordinary people. This work reveals the theme of the joy of life - this is the ability to enjoy such simple things as dawn, the beginning of a new day. On the back of the chair we can see a pioneer tie, the girl is going to go to school. On the canvas you can see household items of the past: a table, a bed, a climbing plant framing a semicircular window. A round porcelain plate hangs on the wall. The same element that decorates the room can be seen on the table, this is a jug.

    Working on an essay based on the painting by Yablonskaya “Morning” and describing the general impression, you involuntarily feel the atmosphere of spring. The story itself is beautiful in that this happens in the life of every person. Each viewer can remember in his life such a wonderful spring morning, which he sees in the picture of Yablonskaya "Morning". Essays on the picture are especially interesting written by children of middle school age. Uncomplicated, simply stated thoughts are original and sweet.

    I would like to delve a little into the history of writing this work. Referring to the author's memoirs, I would like to note that the girl depicted here is the artist's sister. In the essay based on the painting by Yablonskaya “Morning”, it is important to note that the room depicted here is an apartment on Krasnoarmeyskaya Street, located in the center of Kyiv. Lelechka - so tenderly, at home, they called Tatyana Yablonskaya's sister Elena.

    Impression and mood from the work of the master

    Like a breath of fresh air, like the beginning of a new day, like an expectation of joy and happiness - this is the stream of thoughts that arise when viewing this canvas. Back in 1954, T. Yablonskaya painted the painting “Morning”. The essay on this work is written by middle school students. This work teaches children, considering the details of the interior, studying the storyline, to see and understand the deep meaning of this work. Teaches you to guess the meaning conveyed by the author of the work.

    In the essay based on the painting by Yablonskaya “Morning”, it should be noted how one moment of life depicted on this canvas reflects the meaning and significance of such universal values ​​as home comfort, family, love for one’s neighbor. It reminds the viewer how important it is to be able to enjoy every moment, how life in all its diversity is good and beautiful. How unique every moment is. This is what we see in Yablonskaya's painting "Morning". In the essay on the picture, it is also necessary to pay attention to the symbolism used by the master. The figurine of a fragile girl symbolizes the beginning of a new life, as the beginning of the awakening and flowering of nature itself.

    Conclusion. Outcome

    Summing up, I would like to draw attention to the talent of the famous artist. The composition based on the painting by T. N. Yablonskaya “Morning” should convey the meaning of the plot conceived by the author. The canvas leaves a pleasant and unforgettable impression.

    Description of the painting "Morning" by T. Yablonskaya

    The painting by T. Yablonskaya “Morning” is not only the ease and lightness of a homely environment and the slender figure of a girl that appeared before the viewer’s eyes, but also an amazing love story.

    On the canvas, painted in 1954, the artist depicted her eldest daughter Lena. They then lived with their first husband at the intersection of Krasnoarmeyskaya and Saksaganskoye in Kyiv. Now there is an antique shop there, but then an atmosphere of creativity and comfort reigned (Yablonskaya's first husband, Sergei Otroshchenko, was also an artist). They raised the girl Lena, and a simple boy from Kazakhstan, who dreamed of drawing, once saw a reproduction of "Morning" in the magazine "Peasant Woman".

    She attracted him with her light, amazing girl and calmness. The boy grew up, went to art school, and then entered the Moscow Art Institute. Lenochka also became a student of the Faculty of Applied Arts of the same university with the light hand of her mother. Having met by chance at lectures, the young people met, fell in love and are now nursing four grandchildren.

    But the same picture "Morning" after almost half a century still attracts its viewers. A thin ten-year-old girl resembles a ballerina or a swallow about to soar up. It seems that melodic measured music is about to play and we will see the performance of a young gymnast.

    Everything is flooded with spring May light. It's the end of the school year and the sun is already sending its morning rays onto the floor. A pioneer tie hanging on the back of a chair takes the viewer to a distant era of their youth and evokes memories of a happy childhood. The whimsical curves of the Viennese wood chair attract sunbeams.

    The room, although cheered up by the first bright glare, still retains the morning coolness. Behind the small glass door leading to the balcony, you can still see the mist-shrouded city. Lenochka has not yet made the bed, but you can already see how she enjoys the new day. Her feelings are transferred to the green-malachite ivy, and to the audience looking at the picture.

    The girl is surrounded by such a familiar environment - a crystal-white bed, a table with a blue tablecloth, a panel with amazing birds. Breakfast is waiting for her on the table - a jug of milk, bread and butter. A pot of flowers above the balcony, whose color of the leaves creates harmony with the yellow walls, interesting arched windows, things collected from yesterday, among which is the notorious pioneer tie.

    Yablonskaya does not promote communist ideas, as many believe, she simply pays tribute to her time. Then people lived in a positive and clean world, smelling of early lilacs and "Red Moscow", pioneer fires and May breezes. Men aspired to be strong, women - to raise cheerful and happy children. This USSR - antique arches of windows, monumental compositions on the theme of collective farm labor. Here the girls kept their innocence, and the boys acquired knowledge. The time of Yablonskaya is a time of creation with some completely overcome difficulties. It was a world in which there was a place for both the working class and the creative intelligentsia.

    People of art living in the apartment together with the awakened girl decorated the wall with a ceramic plate with a bizarre pattern that repeats the lines on the jug. Plants speak of the desire of parents to instill in the child care for all living things.

    And the natural ease of a schoolgirl at home fills everyone's heart with calm and makes you believe in harmony. The girl's movements are ordinary and simple, but surprisingly noble and refined - quite in the spirit of noble Victorian ladies. Many are imbued with sincere sympathy for her, because this small figure contains incredible activity and vivacity. Lena narrowed her eyes slightly to hide from the nimble sunny best running along the parquet and walls. Light, meanwhile, does its job: it slowly but surely falls on objects, revealing a new side of them to the world. The girl is very observant and enjoys the new day, which will bring her amazing discoveries and opportunities.

    Spacious room, interestingly, not overloaded with furniture. There is only what you need: a table, a chair and a bed. By the way, the latter is the best way to reflect the earnings of the artist in Soviet times. Many probably remember the terrible "shell nets", but parents love their child very much and care about his comfort. Despite May, you can see a warm blanket, which means that the nights are not just fresh, but rather cool.

    The accuracy of the girl in black shorts and a white T-shirt is striking. Despite the unmade bed, she folded her school uniform on a chair, hung up her scarlet tie, and even braided her pigtails.

    Beautiful parquet floor - echoes of the past. Most likely, this apartment is located on the second floor of one of the old Kyiv houses. The elegant lines of the arched windows, the glass doors of the balcony - all this is wrapped in memories of a carefree childhood long gone.

    And only the fresh morning remains low. It, after 50 years, will slip into the room through the balconies, leaving its indescribable aroma. Just looking at this picture, we will see a weightless slender girl who can fly away with the May breeze or dance an amazing dance. The chirping of swallows outside the window will also be heard a year later, and the birds painted on a ceramic plate will come to life, sing a joyful song and fly away into the world of the May morning.

    Not without reason T. Yablonskaya chose the lightest palette for her work. Only in this way could she convey the whole cloudless, warm and sunny atmosphere of a new spring day. Sunlight, furniture, even the air is painted in bright yellows, warm browns, pale creams and light greens.

    It is not only the skill of the artist, her ability to feel the light that surprises, but also the talent to create the right composition, take into account all the small details, create a festive mood in everyday bustle and the ability to see beauty in the ordinary.

    The painting "Morning" is a real anthem of youth, a foretaste of a bright and joyful moment. And, against the background of the somewhat strange "Mother and Child", "Youth" or "Summer", it has the same light and pacifying meaning as the dying "Bells".