Input diagnostics. Input diagnostics for attestation of students of the "initial technical modeling" association. Methodical development. Input diagnostics. Analytical reference and form of input diagnostics

Methodological development on the topic: "Pedagogical diagnostics of the starting readiness of first-graders to study at school."

  1. Analysis of results.
  2. A set of diagnostic materials.
  3. Texts of tasks.
  4. Table of diagnostic data.
  5. Form for performing tasks.

Pedagogical diagnostics of starting readiness of first-graders

The proposed survey includes the following sections:

- examination of the state of spatial perception;

- identification of the level of visual perception (the ability to convey the shape of an object);

- checking the level of mastery of the ideas underlying the account, the account itself, ideas about the operations of addition and subtraction;

– identifying a way to compare two sets by the number of elements;

- identifying the ability to classify and highlight the features by which the classification was made;

– examination of phonemic hearing and perception;

- examination of the formation of prerequisites for the successful mastery of sound analysis and synthesis;

– examination of the state of motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

After conducting group work, the teacher will receive data on the level of formation of each child:

– spatial perception (task 2);

– visual perception (task 1);

– the ability to compare two sets by the number of elements (task 3);

- phonemic hearing and perception (task 4);

- prerequisites for the successful mastery of sound analysis (tasks 5,);

– fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination (tasks 1, 2).

Analysis of results

During the survey, after completing each task, a quantitative score is assigned in accordance with the proposed grading system.

  1. 3 points set at a high level of development of this parameter. Such an assessment for most parameters indicates a high level of children's readiness for learning. If a child has 3 points in most parameters, then his readiness can be considered high - in this case, it is necessary to offer an in-depth training program, provide for a system of more complex differentiated tasks.
  1. 2 points indicate the average level of development of the parameter, and the presence of 2 points for most indicators indicates the average level of readiness of the child for learning. Children who receive such marks are able to cope with most tasks on their own or with little help from the teacher.
  1. 1 point put at a low level of development of any parameter, and such an assessment for most parameters indicates a low level of readiness for learning. In practice, complex low readiness (that is, low readiness for a number of indicators) for mastering literacy and mathematics is more common.

The data obtained during the initial diagnostics can be used to organize individual work with first-graders and their parents, while creating conditions for the successful adaptation of first-graders to new educational activities. These data can be used to assess the dynamics of educational achievements of primary school students, which will allow assessing the performance of primary school teachers and making informed decisions related to ensuring the quality of school education.

A set of materials is offered for the initial diagnostics.

Task texts

Exercise 1

Target. Reveal the ability to convey the shape of a figure (draw an equal or similar figure, observing the proportions between the elements of the figure). In addition, the task allows you to judge the hardness of the child's hand, the ability to draw angles without rounding them, and straight line segments.

Task text. “Look here (the picture for the task is indicated). Here you will complete the task. Inside the little frame you see a figure. Consider it on your sheets. Take a pencil. Draw a similar figure in a large frame"(teacher circles a large frame with a pointer).

Assessment of the assignment:

0 points - the general shape of the figure is not captured, but any closed line is depicted;

1 point - the proportions between the elements of the figure are significantly changed; the general shape of the figure is poorly grasped;

2 points - a similar or equal figure is depicted, the proportions are slightly changed, but not all angles are right, parallel lines are not everywhere observed. The same score is given if the general shape of the figure is well grasped, but the proportions between the elements of the figure are significantly changed, however, all angles are straight and parallelism is observed;

3 points - a similar or equal figure is depicted, the proportions between the elements of the figure are mostly preserved.

If the figure is depicted with an unsteady hand, a minus sign is added to the score.

Task 2

Target. To identify the ability to navigate the plane (left, right, up, down). The ability to count cells is also checked.

Task text. “You will complete the task on the checkered part of your sheet (indicates the place to complete the task). Find a black cell on the checkered field.

1. Take a red pencil, count four cells to the right from the black cell and paint over the fifth with a red pencil.

2. Take a blue pencil. From the red cell, step back down two cells and paint over the third with a blue pencil.

3. Take a green pencil and a cell located to the left of the blue one, one cell from it, paint over with a green pencil.

4. Take a yellow pencil. Count five cells up from the green cell and paint over the sixth with a yellow pencil.

Assessment of the assignment:

0 points - the student did not start the task; several cells are shaded, but their location does not correspond to the instructions;

1 point - only one item of the task was completed correctly, mistakes were made in the direction, recalculation of cells, the beginning of the countdown;

2 points - 2-3 points of the task were completed correctly;

3 points - all items of the task are completed correctly.

If the cells are poorly colored, a minus sign is added to the score.

Task 3

Target. Reveal the ability to compare sets by the number of elements (regardless of counting skill).

Task text. “Find on your sheets a picture that shows circles and triangles.(the figure for task 4 is indicated).Which is more: circles or triangles? If there are more circles, then draw another circle next to it. If there are more triangles, then draw another triangle."

Assessment of the assignment:

0 points - the comparison was made incorrectly (one triangle is drawn);

3 points - the comparison is correct (one circle is drawn).

Task 4

Target. Check the state of phonemic hearing, phonemic perception in the process of selecting pictures with a given sound in their names.

Task text. " Look at these pictures. You see, under them there are small circles. You need to name each picture yourself and, if there is a sound [s] in the name of the picture, cross out the circle under it. The first picture is the sun. In the word sun there is a sound [s], which means that you need to cross out the circle. Now get on with your assignment."

Completion score:

0 points - no differentiation of sounds [s] - [h], [s] - [c], [s] - [w] or complete rejection of the task;

1 point - the presence of errors (there is no differentiation of sounds [s] - [s]);

2 points - the sound is selected only from the position of the beginning of the word, there is no erroneous selection of other sounds;

Task 5

Target. Reveal the degree of mastery of sound analysis at the level of determining the number of sounds in a word.

Task text. “You see a house with three windows and pictures next to it. Each box is a sound in a word. Name all the pictures quietly and think which word has three sounds. Connect this picture with an arrow with a house. (type word)

Completion score:

0 points - complete lack of correspondence between the number of sounds in the word and the number of "windows";

2 points - the presence of errors in one sound (the word wolf is marked);

3 points - the correct performance of the task.

Diagnostic data per class

Pedagogical diagnostics of starting readiness of first-graders.



Last name First name

visual perception



Ability to compare

Phonemic. hearing

Sound analysis




to learning

Input Diagnostics

(held in early September)

Exercise 1

Target. Reveal the ability to convey the shape of a figure (draw an equal or similar figure, observing the proportions between the elements of the figure). In addition, the task allows you to judge the hardness of the child's hand, the ability to draw straight line segments, draw angles without rounding them.

Task text . Look here (). Here you will complete the task. Inside the little frame you see a figure. Consider it on your sheets. Take a pencil. Draw a similar shape in a large box (the teacher draws a large box with a pointer).

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points- a similar or equal figure is depicted, the proportions between the elements of the figure are basically preserved;

2 points- a similar or equal figure is depicted, the proportions are slightly changed, but not all angles are straight, parallel lines are not always observed. The same score is given if the general shape of the figure is well grasped, but the proportions between the elements of the figure are significantly changed, however, all angles are straight and parallelism is observed;

1 point- Significantly changed the proportions between the elements of the figure; the general shape of the figure is poorly grasped;

0 points- the general shape of the figure is not captured, but some kind of closed line is depicted.

If the figure is depicted with an unsteady hand, a "-" sign is placed in addition to the score.

Task 2

Target. Identification of the ability to navigate on the plane (left, right, up, down). At the same time, the ability to count cells is checked.

Task text . The task will be performed on checkered paper ().

1. Take a red pencil, count four cells to the right from the black cell and paint over the fifth with a red pencil.

2. Take a blue pencil. From the red cell, step back down through two cells and paint over the third with a blue pencil.

3. Take a green pencil and a cell located to the left of the blue one and one cell from it, paint over with a green pencil.

4. Take a yellow pencil. Count five cells up from the green cell and paint over the sixth with a yellow pencil.

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points- everything is done correctly;

2 points

1 point- only 1 item of the task was completed correctly (errors were made in the direction, counting, starting point);

0 points- task not completed.

If the cells are poorly colored, in addition to the score, "-" is put.

Task 3

Target. Revealing the ability to select and perform the operation of addition and subtraction; according to the correct understanding of the text of the problem, move from the number to the corresponding finite set of objects (circles, squares).

Task text. Here you will perform the third task (indicates the place to complete the task).

Look at your sheets. Listen to the task.

1. 3 girls and 2 boys are playing in the clearing. How many children are playing in the meadow? Draw as many circles as there are children playing in the clearing. ()

2. There were 6 people in the car. Two people got out of the car. Next to the circles, draw as many squares as there are people left in the car. (The task text can be repeated.)

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points- both tasks are completed correctly;

2 points- one task is completed correctly, there is an attempt to solve the second task, but the number of circles or squares is incorrect;

1 point- only one task is completed correctly, there are no attempts to complete the second task;

0 points- there is an attempt to solve one problem, but the number of circles or squares is incorrect.

Task 4

Goals. Identification of intuitive topological representations, understanding of the terms "inside", "outside"; identifying the ability to correctly understand the statement, for example: "Mark a point inside the square, but outside the circle."

Task text . Look at the blackboard (The teacher draws a triangle on the blackboard). I drew a trianglemarks a point inside the triangle). I marked a point inside the triangle (marks a point outside the triangle). I marked a point outside the triangle. Now look at this drawingthe drawing to the task is indicated). Find a circle on your sheets, find a square.

1. Take a blue pencil and mark a point inside the circle but outside the square.

2. Take a red pencil and mark a point inside the square but outside the circle.

3. Take a green pencil and mark a point that would be located both inside the circle and inside the square.

4. Take a simple pencil and mark a point that is located both outside the circle and outside the square.

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points- everything is done correctly;

2 points- 2-3 points of the assignment are completed correctly;

1 point- only 1 item of the task was completed correctly;

0 points- task not completed.

Task 5

Goals. Revealing the ability to compare sets by the number of elements; identifying a way to compare two sets by the number of elements (regardless of counting skill).

Task text. Find on your sheets a picture that shows circles and triangles (the drawing for the task is indicated). Which is more: circles or triangles? If there are more circles, then draw another circle next to it. If there are more triangles, then draw another triangle.

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points- the comparison is correct;

0 points- the comparison is incorrect.

Task 6

Target. Identification of the ability to classify, the ability to find the signs by which the classification was made.

Task text. Consider these two drawingsdrawings for the task are indicated). On one of these drawings you need to draw a squirrel. Think about what picture you would draw it on. From the squirrel to this drawing, draw a line with a pencil.

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points- the line is drawn correctly (to the animals);

2 points- the line is drawn to the birds;

0 points- task not completed.

Task 7

Target. Check the state of phonemic hearing, phonemic perception.

Task text. Look at the pictures on the sheet, you see, there are small circles under them. You will need to name each picture yourself. If there is a sound [s] in the name of the picture, then you need to cross out the circle under it. The first picture is "sun", in the word "sun" there is a sound [s], which means you need
cross out the circle. Now start doing the task yourself.

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points

2 points- the sound is selected only from the position of the beginning of the word; there is no erroneous selection of other sounds;

1 point- the presence of errors (there is no differentiation of sounds [s] - [s]);

0 points- lack of differentiation of sounds [s] - [s], [s] - [c], [s] - [w] or complete rejection of the task.

Task 8

Target. Identification of the degree of mastery of sound analysis at the level of determining the number of sounds in a word.

Task text. You see a "house" with three windows and pictures next to it. Each box is a sound in a word. Name all the pictures quietly and think which word has three sounds. Connect this picture with a line to the house.

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points- the correct execution of the task;

2 points- the presence of errors in one sound;

0 points- rejection of the task, complete lack of correspondence between the number of sounds in the word and the number of "windows".

Stage II - individual examination

An individual examination is carried out using the sheet on which the child performed tasks during the group examination. The child's answers are written on this sheet next to the task.

Task 5-I

If the child made a mistake in completing task 5 in group work, he needs to repeat the task and ask: "Why do you think that there are more circles (triangles?")

If the explanation is correct: "One circle is superfluous", "There is a triangle in each circle, but this one does not", apparently, the error is due to insufficient attention to the wording of the task, and you immediately change the assessment obtained during the group survey, put 2 points.

In case of an incorrect answer or its absence, it is necessary to give the child a simpler similar task (5 circles, 6 triangles) and ask: "What is more?"

If the child completed the task and gave the correct explanation, then instead of the initial assessment, you give him 2 points. If the task is completed correctly, but no explanation is given, put 1 point, if the task is not completed and not explained, the score does not change.

Task 6-I

If the child made a mistake in performing task 6 in the frontal examination, it is necessary to find out the cause of the error. This is done by asking: "Why did you draw a line from the squirrel to this drawing?" If a student says: "I was wrong! I should have drawn a line from the squirrel to the animals," you ask again: "Why do you think that it is necessary to draw a line from the squirrel to the animals?" If the answer is: "The squirrel is not a bird" (or another answer associated with an essential feature of the classification) - change the assessment obtained during the group survey (put 2 points).

If the explanation is given based on external signs ("To have 5 objects in each picture" or "Birds and squirrels live in trees"), you change the assessment received during the group survey, put 1 point. If the child cannot explain his actions, the score does not change - 0 points.

Task 7-I

If, in the course of group work, the child made mistakes in identifying pictures whose names contain the sound [s], you should give him simpler tasks.

1. Independently name a word with a given sound: "Say a word with a sound [s]".

2. Return to task 7 of group work and show pictures whose names contain the sound [s]: "Name each picture. If the title has a sound [s], show this picture."

If the child selected only pictures in the names of which the sound [s] is in the initial position, the teacher tells him: “You chose these pictures correctly, but you missed some. Now listen, I will name the pictures again, and you will say there is a sound [with] or not". The teacher should slightly accentuate the sound [s] when pronouncing words.

If, at the first independent attempt, the child showed, along with the pictures, the names of which contain the sound [s], the pictures, the names of which contain the sound [h] or [w], you need to tell him: "You tried, but among the pictures that you chose, there are superfluous; now I will name all the pictures marked by you, and you will say whether there is a sound [s] or not, you can repeat the words after me. When pronouncing words, the sounds [s], [z], [sh] are distinguished intonation.

If the child independently singled out the sound at the beginning of the word, and from the position of the middle and end of the word singled out the sound after the teacher pronounced this word with intonational emphasis on the given sound, then the assessment of the group examination changes, 2 points are given.




Input Diagnostics

(held in early September)

Exercise 1

Target. Reveal the ability to convey the shape of a figure (draw an equal or similar figure, observing the proportions between the elements of the figure). In addition, the task allows you to judge the hardness of the child's hand, the ability to draw straight line segments, draw angles without rounding them.

Task text . Look here (). Here you will complete the task. Inside the little frame you see a figure. Consider it on your sheets. Take a pencil. Draw a similar shape in a large box (the teacher draws a large box with a pointer).

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points - a similar or equal figure is depicted, the proportions between the elements of the figure are basically preserved;

2 points - a similar or equal figure is depicted, the proportions are slightly changed, but not all angles are straight, parallel lines are not everywhere observed. The same score is given if the general shape of the figure is well grasped, but the proportions between the elements of the figure are significantly changed, however, all angles are straight and parallelism is observed;

1 point – the proportions between the elements of the figure have been significantly changed; the general shape of the figure is poorly grasped;

0 points - the general shape of the figure is not captured, but some kind of closed line is depicted.

If the figure is depicted with an unsteady hand, a "-" sign is placed in addition to the score.

Task 2

Target. Identification of the ability to navigate on the plane (left, right, up, down). At the same time, the ability to count cells is checked.

Task text . The task will be performed on checkered paper ().

1. Take a red pencil, count four cells to the right from the black cell and paint over the fifth with a red pencil.

2. Take a blue pencil. From the red cell, step back down through two cells and paint over the third with a blue pencil.

3. Take a green pencil and a cell located to the left of the blue one and one cell from it, paint over with a green pencil.

4. Take a yellow pencil. Count five cells up from the green cell and paint over the sixth with a yellow pencil.

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points - everything is done correctly;

2 points

1 point - only 1 item of the task was completed correctly (errors were made in the direction, counting, starting point);

0 points - task not completed.

If the cells are poorly colored, in addition to the score, "-" is put.

Task 3

Target. Revealing the ability to select and perform the operation of addition and subtraction; according to the correct understanding of the text of the problem, move from the number to the corresponding finite set of objects (circles, squares).

Task text. Here you will perform the third task (indicates the place to complete the task).

Look at your sheets. Listen to the task.

1. 3 girls and 2 boys are playing in the clearing. How many children are playing in the meadow? Draw as many circles as there are children playing in the clearing. ()

2. There were 6 people in the car. Two people got out of the car. Next to the circles, draw as many squares as there are people left in the car. (The task text can be repeated.)

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points - both tasks are completed correctly;

2 points - one task is completed correctly, there is an attempt to solve the second task, but the number of circles or squares is incorrect;

1 point - only one task is completed correctly, there are no attempts to complete the second task;

0 points - there is an attempt to solve one problem, but the number of circles or squares is incorrect.

Task 4

Goals. Identification of intuitive topological representations, understanding of the terms "inside", "outside"; identifying the ability to correctly understand the statement, for example: "Mark a point inside the square, but outside the circle."

Task text . Look at the blackboard (The teacher draws a triangle on the blackboard). I drew a trianglemarks a point inside the triangle). I marked a point inside the triangle (marks a point outside the triangle). I marked a point outside the triangle. Now look at this drawingthe drawing to the task is indicated). Find a circle on your sheets, find a square.

1. Take a blue pencil and mark a point inside the circle but outside the square.

2. Take a red pencil and mark a point inside the square but outside the circle.

3. Take a green pencil and mark a point that would be located both inside the circle and inside the square.

4. Take a simple pencil and mark a point that is located both outside the circle and outside the square.

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points - everything is done correctly;

2 points - 2-3 points of the task were completed correctly;

1 point - only 1 item of the task was completed correctly;

0 points - task not completed.

Task 5

Goals. Revealing the ability to compare sets by the number of elements; identifying a way to compare two sets by the number of elements (regardless of counting skill).

Task text. Find on your sheets a picture that shows circles and triangles (the drawing for the task is indicated). Which is more: circles or triangles? If there are more circles, then draw another circle next to it. If there are more triangles, then draw another triangle.

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points - the comparison is correct;

0 points - The comparison is wrong.

Task 6

Target. Identification of the ability to classify, the ability to find the signs by which the classification was made.

Task text. Consider these two drawingsdrawings for the task are indicated). On one of these drawings you need to draw a squirrel. Think about what picture you would draw it on. From the squirrel to this drawing, draw a line with a pencil.

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points - the line is drawn correctly (to the animals);

2 points - the line is drawn to the birds;

0 points - task not completed.

Task 7

Target. Check the state of phonemic hearing, phonemic perception.

Task text. Look at the pictures on the sheet, you see, there are small circles under them. You will need to name each picture yourself. If there is a sound [s] in the name of the picture, then you need to cross out the circle under it. The first picture is "sun", in the word "sun" there is a sound [s], which means you need
cross out the circle. Now start doing the task yourself.

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points

2 points - the sound is selected only from the position of the beginning of the word; there is no erroneous selection of other sounds;

1 point - the presence of errors (there is no differentiation of sounds [s] - [s]);

0 points - lack of differentiation of sounds [s] - [s], [s] - [ts], [s] - [w] or complete rejection of the task.

Task 8

Target. Identification of the degree of mastery of sound analysis at the level of determining the number of sounds in a word.

Task text. You see a "house" with three windows and pictures next to it. Each box is a sound in a word. Name all the pictures quietly and think which word has three sounds. Connect this picture with a line to the house.

Assessment of the assignment:

3 points - the correct execution of the task;

2 points - the presence of errors in one sound;

0 points - rejection of the task, the complete lack of correspondence between the number of sounds in the word and the number of "windows".

Stage II - individual examination

An individual examination is carried out using the sheet on which the child performed tasks during the group examination. The child's answers are written on this sheet next to the task.

Task 5-I

If the child made a mistake in completing task 5 in group work, he needs to repeat the task and ask: "Why do you think that there are more circles (triangles?")

If the explanation is correct: "One circle is superfluous", "There is a triangle in each circle, but this one does not", apparently, the error is due to insufficient attention to the wording of the task, and you immediately change the assessment obtained during the group survey, put 2 points.

In case of an incorrect answer or its absence, it is necessary to give the child a simpler similar task (5 circles, 6 triangles) and ask: "What is more?"

If the child completed the task and gave the correct explanation, then instead of the initial assessment, you give him 2 points. If the task is completed correctly, but no explanation is given, put 1 point, if the task is not completed and not explained, the score does not change.

Task 6-I

If the child made a mistake in performing task 6 in the frontal examination, it is necessary to find out the cause of the error. This is done by asking: "Why did you draw a line from the squirrel to this drawing?" If a student says: "I was wrong! I should have drawn a line from the squirrel to the animals," you ask again: "Why do you think that it is necessary to draw a line from the squirrel to the animals?" If the answer is: "The squirrel is not a bird" (or another answer associated with an essential feature of the classification) - change the assessment obtained during the group survey (put 2 points).

If the explanation is given based on external signs ("To have 5 objects in each picture" or "Birds and squirrels live in trees"), you change the assessment received during the group survey, put 1 point. If the child cannot explain his actions, the score does not change - 0 points.

Task 7-I

If, in the course of group work, the child made mistakes in identifying pictures whose names contain the sound [s], you should give him simpler tasks.

1. Independently name a word with a given sound: "Say a word with a sound [s]".

2. Return to task 7 of group work and show pictures whose names contain the sound [s]: "Name each picture. If the title has a sound [s], show this picture."

If the child selected only pictures in the names of which the sound [s] is in the initial position, the teacher tells him: “You chose these pictures correctly, but you missed some. Now listen, I will name the pictures again, and you will say there is a sound [with] or not". The teacher should slightly accentuate the sound [s] when pronouncing words.

If, at the first independent attempt, the child showed, along with the pictures, the names of which contain the sound [s], the pictures, the names of which contain the sound [h] or [w], you need to tell him: "You tried, but among the pictures that you chose, there are superfluous; now I will name all the pictures you have marked, and you will say whether there is a sound [s] or not, you can repeat the words after me. When pronouncing words, the sounds [s], [z], [sh] are distinguished intonation.

If the child independently singled out the sound at the beginning of the word, and from the position of the middle and end of the word singled out the sound after the teacher pronounced this word with intonational emphasis on the given sound, then the assessment of the group examination changes, 2 points are given.


  1. Conversations with the teacher: Teaching methodology: Grade 1 of educational institutions / Ed. L.E. Zhurovoy. - 2nd ed., revised. And additional - M.Ventana Graf, 2007
  2. Newspaper "Primary School" -
    №13 (624), 1-15.7.2007 15.

Ekaterina Skorokhodova
Input diagnostics for a future first grader

Input diagnostic work for 1st grade students

Diagnostic the work is compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education (Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 655 of November 23, 2009).

Goal of the work:

1. Determine the level of starting opportunities for 1st grade students.

2. Analyze results diagnostic works at a meeting of the methodological association of primary school teachers, to identify general positive and negative trends in students' readiness for learning in grade 1.

3. Present results diagnostics at a joint meeting of preschool and primary education teachers, to outline common methodological solutions.

4. Adjust the teacher's work programs in accordance with the results obtained diagnostic work.

The work consists of 10 tasks that reveal the level of formation of general ideas about the world around us, mathematical concepts, the development of phonemic hearing, the content of the circle of children's reading, and fine motor skills.


The work is carried out on the 2nd week of September during the adaptation period at the second, third lessons, on Tuesday, Wednesday. Tasks can be completed parts: V first day(3-5 tasks at different lessons, on the second day (other tasks in different lessons).

Instruction for the teacher:

1. Students are given time to explore the work on their own (2 - 3 minutes): students look at the student's worksheet, drawings, perhaps read the captions for assignments.

2. The teacher offers to listen carefully to the task, reads the task twice in a row, slowly, highlighting the necessary words in the task, after which the students complete it on their own. If the task contains several questions, then the teacher reads it a second time in parts. Students complete the task step by step.

3. When the task is completed by 70% of the students, the teacher starts reading the next task.

4. Students who have not completed the assignment can return to it after completing all subsequent assignments. The teacher recalls the content of the assignment.

Task number 1.

The purpose of the assignment:

Determine the development of fine motor skills of the hand.

Review the entry carefully. Copy the entry or part of it according to the pattern on the next line.

Performance evaluation:

3 points - the record is completely copied; the entry is located on the working line.

2 points - the record is completely copied; some fragments of the record are located above or below the working line.

1 point - separate fragments of the recording were copied (more than 50%); some fragments of the record are located above or below the working line.

Task number 2.

The purpose of the assignment:

Check the level of formation of the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper; spatial representations "to the right", "to the left", "up", "down".

Find a point on a piece of paper in a box, put the tip of a pencil in it. Draw a line up one cell long, one cell to the right, one cell up, one cell to the right, one cell down, one to the right, one down. Draw a line to the point where you started drawing. (do the drawing without lifting the pencil from the paper)

Evaluation of the assignment.

2 points - the lines are reproduced in accordance with the task;

1 point - mistakes were made (1 - 2) ;

0 points - the task was not completed, or more than three errors were made.

Task number 3.

The purpose of the assignment:

Consider an illustration for a fairy tale "Turnip"

Circle with a red pencil the one who came to the turnip before everyone else, green - the one who came last, blue - the one who stands between the Bug and the Mouse.

Write down the number of how many heroes are pulling the turnip.

Assignment assessment:

4 points - maximum, no errors

For each correct answer - 1 point

Task number 4.

The purpose of this tasks:

Determine the formation of concepts "more", "less", "below"; spatial representations; the ability to correlate numbers and figures.

Draw 5 circles. Draw more circles below than on first picture. Even lower, draw circles smaller than on first picture. Write down next to each picture with a number how many circles are drawn.

Evaluation of the implementation of this tasks:

The maximum number of points is 3 points.

One point for each correct answer (write in a number - one task).

Task number 5.

The purpose of the assignment:

Determine the formation of the ability to hear and listen to the text from the voice of the teacher; select the necessary information to complete the task.

Listen carefully to the poem. Connect with lines which each hero of the poem saw the rainbow.

The rooster saw the rainbow:

What a beautiful tail!

The ram saw a rainbow:

What a tall bridge!

And the horse looks at the rainbow:

The horseshoe is big.

The river looks into the rainbow:

And there's a river in the sky?

(I. Gamazkova)

Assignment assessment:

2 points - no errors

1 point - 1.2 mistakes made

Task number 6.

The purpose of the assignment:

Determine the reading circle of students.

Consider the drawings of the heroes of literary works. Circle with a red pencil which of them you know.

Assignment assessment:

2 points - more than 3 heroes are indicated

1 point - 1-2 heroes are indicated

Task number 7.

The purpose of this tasks:

Determine the formation of phonemic hearing based on the selection of the desired sound in words.

Look at subject pictures. Say in a whisper what is drawn in the picture. Listen to yourself. Underline the pictures that have sound in their names. "sh".

Evaluation of the implementation of this tasks:

For each correct answer one point.

Task number 8.

The purpose of this tasks:

To reveal the formation of the ability to determine the number of sounds in a word and correlate with subject pictures.

Look at subject pictures. Name the words that are drawn in the pictures. Determine the number of sounds in each word and mark with a number.

Evaluation of the implementation of this tasks:

The maximum number of points is 3 points.

For each correct answer - one point.

Task number 9.

The purpose of the assignment:

Determine the formation of general ideas about the world around; correlate animals and plants and food products that are obtained with their help

Consider the drawings. Make up pairs (connect with lines)

Assignment assessment:

2 points - everything is correct

1 point - 1 mistake made

Task number 10.

Purpose of this assignment:

Determine the formation of general knowledge about the world around; match the name of the tree with the shape of the leaf.

Consider pictures. Find leaves of the same shape, circle them. Color yellow the leaves that fell from the maple.

Evaluation of the implementation of this tasks:

Maximum amount points: 4 points. For each correct answer - one point

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The article deals with the main problems that necessitated the creation of a model for the professional training of radiologists to work on a magnetic resonance tomograph in a non-state medical diagnostic center in accordance with the Concept of continuing medical education. The developed model is presented in graphical form: folded in the form of a generalized structure and expanded in the form of algorithmic and structural models of individual blocks. The authors provide a detailed description of the components of the model and their functional purpose.

<...> <...> <...> <...>


At the 10th ECNC, the problems of anti-terrorist security were discussed in a separate section, where more than 20 reports were presented

The report presents the results of the study, which formed the basis of software and hardware diagnostic tools<...> <...> <...> <...>At the meeting of section 3 "Environmental diagnostics" 9 sectional and 11 poster presentations were presented


The genesis of the diagnostic approach in the history of Russian pedagogy (until 1917)


Thus, the diagnosis of school readiness was studied by J. Schwanzara, R.V.<...>Ovcharov, didactic diagnostics of knowledge and skills by K. Ingenkamp, ​​diagnostics of upbringing by B.P.<...>Here we see two views on diagnostics: on the one hand, diagnostics is a science ("research"), on the other<...>It is important to emphasize that for the first time diagnostics is considered as a system.<...>Ostrogorsky a new subject for diagnosing self-esteem.

Preview: The genesis of the diagnostic approach in the history of Russian pedagogy (until 1917).pdf (0.0 Mb)


No. 1 [Equipment and technologies for the oil and gas complex, 2016]

Recent achievements of scientific and technological progress in the oil and gas industry; online catalog of domestic equipment and materials.

<...> <...>Laboratory input control of physical and mechanical properties of steel gas pipelines / G.G.<...>Key words: non-destructive testing; capillary flaw detection; diagnostics .<...>Key words: diagnostics; steel tanks; control; safety.

Preview: Equipment and technologies for the oil and gas complex No. 1 2016.pdf (0.7 Mb)


Experience in the operation of gas transmission system facilities shows that the biggest accidents with severe consequences occur due to untimely detection and elimination of gas leaks in underground gas pipelines. The amount of lost gas depends on many parameters, in particular the parameters of the defect itself, the initial compressor station and the environment. The article presents the results of calculating gas losses through simulated through defects of a real section of the Soyuz gas pipeline.

Technology for diagnosing the bottoms and walls of steel vertical tanks using scanning magnetic<...> <...> <...>Prevention of gas losses through defects in the body of the pipes lies, first of all, in effective incoming control<...>Laboratory input control of physical and mechanical properties of steel gas pipelines / G.G.


Coaxial electrolytic cell with an axial narrow-cylindrical electrode and its application for water purification from iron compounds. dis. ... cand. tech. Sciences

In the presented dissertation work, a coaxial electrolyzer with an axial narrow-cylindrical electrode and its application for water purification from iron compounds are considered. In this work, an attempt was made to solve a new scientific problem in the field of applied electrochemistry, which is to create and use a non-diaphragm electrolyzer that allows electrochemical correction of water pH and, at the same time, electrocoagulation of interfering impurities, for example, iron compounds.

Acoustics, diagnostics "(Kazan, 1998-2000); at reporting scientific conferences of the Kazan State<...>at the 10th scientific and technical seminar "Internal processes in power plants Acoustics, diagnostics<...>at the 11th scientific and technical seminar "Intra-chamber processes in power plants Acoustics, diagnostics<...>at the 12th scientific and technical seminar "Intra-chamber processes in power plants Acoustics, diagnostics

Preview: A coaxial electrolyzer with an axial narrow-cylindrical electrode and its application for water purification from iron compounds. Abstract.pdf (0.1 Mb)


The current state and problems of capillary control in Russia and in the world are considered; ways of solving the most pressing problems are proposed.

th International Specialized Exhibition and Conference "Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics"<...>Diagnostics series of articles on the fundamentals of the capillary method of control (CMC), explaining the unique advantages<...>Diagnostics" for 2009


The article discusses the issues of using a set of technical solutions to improve the reliability of X-mas trees, non-destructive testing methods as a way to assess the safe operation of technical devices and increase the level of safe operation of oil fields.

Khizhnyakov (Level II flaw detector) (LLC "Technical Expertise and Diagnostics")<...>control of raw materials and control of the stages of the production process in the conditions of the manufacturer: 1) input<...>the most important elements to ensure the reliable operation of X-mas trees is its timely diagnostics<...>


Approaches to the creation of technical means at the modern level of designing systems for diagnosing complex technical objects in the nuclear power industry are considered. A mixed method for diagnosing objects is presented as one of the promising ones. The concept of building an automated system for diagnosing technical objects is proposed.

<...>In this case, the MM of the object degenerates into a certain coefficient relating the values ​​of the input action<...>This coefficient will represent some constant parameter in the case of a linear relationship between the input<...> <...>Diagnostics "No. 9 (147) an error was made. Instead:" Syasko V.A.


At the meeting of section 3 "Environmental diagnostics" 9 sectional and 11 poster presentations were presented

robotic tools designed to solve a wide range of problems of non-destructive testing and diagnostics<...>As a result, we can conclude that in order to maintain peace on earth, anti-terrorist diagnostics should<...>At the meeting of section 3 "Environmental diagnostics" 9 sectional and 11 poster presentations were presented<...>The report formulates the main problems and tasks of environmental diagnostics, gives a description of<...>A number of interesting reports were made on the construction of the principles of diagnostics, the creation of a classification



The scientific novelty of the study is as follows: - for the first time a comparative economic, agronomic, energy and environmental assessment of software developed by various countries on computer technologies for studying the problem was carried out;

Germany) and DIAGNOSTICS (VIUA Moscow, Russia).<...>approaches for using a unified program; . ; . . "optimization of the composition and structure of the input<...>LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" 6 Experience in creating systems, methods for calculating fertilizer doses and organizing the input<...>>r^r iu^ systems, approaches to solving problems of diagnostics in > t m.<...>Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 19 Comparative assessment of input information



The article considers the issue of using capillary flaw detection as an integral and important part of the non-destructive testing system. Improving the methods of capillary control can significantly increase the efficiency of diagnosing dangerous technical devices.

Khizhnyakov (Level II flaw detector) (LLC "Technical Expertise and Diagnostics")<...>Improving the methods of capillary control can significantly increase the efficiency of diagnostics<...>The capillary method is used in many industries, in the diagnosis of various technical<...>Steam boilers of various designs are no exception, the complex diagnostics of which implies<...>LLC "Technical expertise and diagnostics" 357500 Russia, Pyatigorsk, st. Moscow, 34A.


The complex of problems of the 1st method of selective measurement of the parameters of the welded bead of a ferromagnetic joint was solved by analytical methods. The calculation and numerical calculations of the threshold depth of an internal crack are given; quantitative dependencies between the relative increment of the coordinate 1.2 and the dimensionless parameter A have been established; developed a new method for determining the gap between the measuring sensor and the surface of the sample; a criterion for the possible determination of two different gaps has been established.

Diagnostics" for 2009


The processes of interaction with surface and subsurface volumetric defects by the combined eddy current-magnetic method of control are considered. Eddy current and magnetic processes of interaction are modeled by the finite element method. Volumetric defects are simulated by blind holes on the outer and back sides of the plate. The main relationships of the recorded signals with the conditions of control and parameters of the controlled object are investigated.

Tests, control, diagnostics, monitoring ______________________________________________________________<...>TESTING, CONTROL, DIAGNOSIS, MONITORING<...>»Copyright OJSC Central Design Bureau BIBCOM & LLC Agency Kniga-Service Testing, control, diagnostics, monitoring<...>Proceedings of the XVIII All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference on Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics<...>Moscow Candidate of Technical Sciences, doctoral student of the department "Metrology, certification and diagnostics" Shkatov Petr


The article considers the design of a direct-flow centrifugal separation element with a profiled flow part used to reduce the effect of secondary droplet entrainment. The results of bench tests of modernized centrifugal elements developed by JSC "NIPIgazpererabotka" with different geometric characteristics of the profiled flow part are presented. Based on the test results, conclusions were drawn about the geometrical parameters of the profiled flow path, which are the most beneficial in terms of aerodynamic characteristics and the efficiency of capturing liquid particles in the form of an aerosol. Experimental data are presented on the change in the direction of the linear velocity of the gas flow in the horizontal section of the centrifugal separation element. Regularities of change in the linear velocity of the swirling gas flow in the main sections of the flow part of the centrifugal element are revealed. Based on the analysis of experimental data, a conclusion was made about the positive effect of reverse flows in the axial zone on the efficiency of capturing the liquid phase by the centrifugal element. A significant increase in the efficiency of the centrifugal separation element was noted as a result of a decrease in the effect of re-entrainment of the droplet liquid.

LLC "Technical expertise and diagnostics" 357500 Russia, Pyatigorsk, st. Moscow, 34A.


The article deals with the issue of complex, systemic diagnostics of steel vertical tanks, which is necessary to objectively take into account the possibility of various forms of control, which will increase the effectiveness of research and will contribute to an increase in the level of safety in the operation of hazardous production facilities.

A systematic approach to the diagnostics of steel tanks The article considers the issue of complex, systemic diagnostics<...>Timely and high-quality diagnostics of tanks, including non-destructive testing<...>Khizhnyakov (Level II flaw detector) (LLC "Technical expertise and diagnostics") Copyright OJSC "TsKB"<...>Rules for technical diagnostics of tanks. LITERATURA 1. GOST 14782-86. 2. GOST 25706-83. 3.<...>LLC "Technical expertise and diagnostics" 357500 Russia, Pyatigorsk, st. Moscow, 34A.


The article summarizes the materials of our own observations, studies of scientists and regulatory documents, which will allow us to better navigate the reliability of welded joints of steam boiler elements and conduct timely diagnostics, which will ultimately contribute to the safe operation of boiler units.

Khizhnyakov (Level II flaw detectorist) (LLC "Technical Expertise and Diagnostics") The article summarizes<...>navigate in matters of reliability of welded joints of steam boiler elements and conduct timely diagnostics<...> <...>LLC "Technical expertise and diagnostics" 357500 Russia, Pyatigorsk, st. Moscow, 34A.


The article is part of a series of articles that describes accelerated methods for monitoring electrolytes, solutions, melts and industrial wastewater. Most of the methods have been developed and implemented by the authors, the remaining methods have been modernized and adapted to the conditions of control of specific objects.

<...>The Markov approach to estimating the operation of a moving contact in diagnostics is proposed.<...>The analysis of the possibility of using the apparatus of stochastic chains and the method of biological evolution for diagnosing<...>Key words: diagnostics, electrical contact, evolution, random model.<...>contacts as a phenomenon and an element of measuring technologies are widely used in control and diagnostic tools


A new method for large-scale control of the presence of low-altitude temperature inversions in the urban atmosphere is proposed. It is shown that the well-known three-wave measurement method with two-parameter correction used in photometric measurements is also applicable to multi-wavelength lidar measurements.

<...>Diagnostics No. 7, 2011 1 Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service"Copyright OJSC<...>Diagnostics № 7, 2011<...>Diagnostics No. 7, 2011 SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE SECOND HALF OF 2011 CONTINUES Subscription indices: 47649 in<...>Diagnostics "The cost of one journal is 1150 rubles.


The article describes a cathodic protection device, which can dramatically reduce the cost of repair and maintenance of this type of protection against corrosion of the inner surface of the tank, improve the reliability, durability and safety of its operation.

Lukyanchenko (expert in the field of industrial safety of lifting structures) (LLC "Technical expertise and diagnostics<...>LLC "Technical expertise and diagnostics" 357500 Russia, Pyatigorsk, st. Moscow, 34A.


Rationale for considering the suction process of the main modifications of gear pumps. Stages of experimental research and their characteristics [Electronic resource] / Mineev, Kaverzina, Timko // Equipment and technologies for the oil and gas complex. - 2016 .- No. 1 .- P. 17-20 .- Access mode: https://site/ efd/405152

In the presented article, the main definitions and methods for cavitation characteristics are given and justified, studies of gear pumps with volumetric constants of 10.53 (NSh-10), 32.35 (NSh-32) and 46.93 cm / rev. (NSh-46) on a unit with open circulation of liquid. When determining the conditions for carrying out cavitation tests of the range of change in the speed of the pump shaft and the temperature of the working fluid, the actual operating conditions of these pumps in hydraulic systems of various types of equipment at the intersectoral level were taken into account. Each cavitation characteristic of the pump was taken at a constant value of the discharge pressure, simultaneously with the removal of the characteristic, the power on the pump shaft was measured using a motor scale, and the physical properties of mineral oils were also determined - density, viscosity, saturated vapor pressure.

navigate in matters of reliability of welded joints of steam boiler elements and carry out their timely diagnostics<...>LLC "Technical expertise and diagnostics" 357500 Russia, Pyatigorsk, st. Moscow, 34A.<...>Khizhnyakov (Level II flaw detector) (LLC "Technical Expertise and Diagnostics")


Considered developed in the All-Russian Research Institute of Metrology. DI. Mendeleev (St. Petersburg) mock-up of the stress standard, the results of its testing and the evaluation of the uncertainty of stress measurement using the Barkhausen effect method on test samples from two steel grades: steel 20 and 44NKhTYu.

Introscan magnetic noise analyzer developed at the Institute of Applied Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and NPF Diagnostics<...>The lack of standards also hinders the widespread use of physical methods for diagnosing stress-strain<...>Principles and practice of diagnosing the stress-strain state of structures, products and welded<...>Bayesian approach to nondestructive testing of the stress-strain state // Technical Diagnostics<...>Diagnostics . 2010. No. 2. 17. Akulov N.S. Ferromagnetism. M.–L.: GITTL, 1939. Control.




The main aim of the work was to standardize the method of sampling leaves for foliar diagnostics of the mineral nutrition of citrus crops, primarily orange under Cuban conditions.

LLAMASARES TERESITA DE JESUS<...>Sheet diagnostics "should be carried out taking into account all methodological requirements, starting with the selection<...>In connection with this, the task was set to develop, in relation to the conditions of Cuba, the technique of "" leaf diagnostics<...>The main goal of the work was to standardize the method of sampling leaves for "leaf diagnostics 4<...>The results obtained in the studies allowed; ̂ to improve the method of leaf diagnostics of "mineral



Self-determination of a professional teacher: essence and educational support

The monograph reveals the theoretical foundations of self-determination of a professional teacher: structural and content model, pedagogical concept, pedagogical principles, content, technologies and psychological and pedagogical conditions of educational support for self-determination of a professional teacher in the system of additional pedagogical education. The book is addressed to researchers, teachers and students of institutions for advanced training of educators, teachers who are interested in issues of professional and personal self-determination.

We used: 1) the basic scheme "Procedures for making a pedagogical decision", including: diagnostics<...>Diagnostics of personality-developing potential: method. manual for school psychologists / S.L.<...>Diagnosis of features of self-determination of professional teachers / E.R.<...>the theme of the pedagogical workshop is preceded by a preliminary diagnostic work (the so-called "input<...>diagnostics of "students, which is carried out on the opening day of the courses), which involves the search for supporting motives

Preview: Self-determination of a professional teacher essence and educational support.pdf (0.4 Mb)


Political conflictology method. instructions

Forecasting and "early diagnosis" of conflicts. Partial and complete conflict prevention.<...>Early diagnosis of conflicts. 20. Organization and operation of the conflictological monitoring network. 21.<...>Conflict diagnostics - knowledge of the main parameters of a conflict collision (composition of participants, object

Preview: Political Conflictology Guidelines.pdf (0.6 Mb)


No. 2 [Problems of social hygiene, health care and the history of medicine, 2015]

Founded in 1994. The editor-in-chief of the journal is Schepin Oleg Prokopyevich - Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Scientific Director of the National Research Institute of Public Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. The journal covers theoretical issues of social hygiene, the main directions of the formation of public health and medical and social assistance, issues of economics, scientific organization of labor, sanitary statistics, history of medicine and health care. Publishes articles on new forms and methods of work of medical and anti-epidemic health care institutions in organizing medical and sanitary services for the urban and rural population. The journal publishes materials on the methods and results of studying the social conditions of life and health of the population. It reflects the state of healthcare, issues of organization and activities of medical institutions in foreign countries, contains articles on the design and equipment of medical institutions. The development of medical science and health care is widely covered, important historical dates are noted, the activities of scientific societies are published, information about various conferences and meetings is published.

surgery, radiation diagnostics.<...>other methods of radiation diagnostics.<...>The model consists of three functional blocks: input control, formation of professional competencies<...>The input control block is designed to determine the initial level of knowledge of candidates for the position of a doctor<...>Algorithmic model of the input control block. Rice. 3.

Preview: Problems of social hygiene, health care and the history of medicine No. 2 2015.pdf (2.4 Mb)


No. 7 [Clinical laboratory diagnostics, 2013]

Wedge. lab. diagnostics . 2013. No. 7. 1-64.<...> <...>What method of microbiological diagnostics is the gold standard in the diagnosis of urogenital chlamydial<...>Secretory iga is synthesized at the entry gate of the infection - it is first detected in the ejaculate and vaginal<...>What method of microbiological diagnostics is the gold standard in the diagnosis of urogenital chlamydial

Preview: Clinical laboratory diagnostics No. 7 2013.pdf (22.1 Mb)


No. 4 [Clinical laboratory diagnostics, 2013]

Founded in 1955. Editor-in-Chief – Titov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry of Lipid Metabolism of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex of the Russian Ministry of Health. The journal has been published as a monthly professional scientific and practical publication since 1955 (until 1992 under the name "Laboratory Business"). For many years, the journal has been the main source of scientific and practical information for employees of clinical diagnostic laboratories and has played the role of an incentive to improve the laboratory provision of medical care. The journal publishes scientific and practical materials prepared by employees of scientific, educational and medical institutions in Russia and foreign countries: original articles, literature reviews, lectures by prominent specialists in various disciplines of laboratory medicine, descriptions of complex clinical diagnostic cases of diseases, information on scientific and practical events, discussions between supporters of different approaches to solving urgent problems, the answers of scientists and healthcare organizers to the pressing questions of laboratory practitioners. It publishes translations of articles by foreign authors that are of the greatest scientific and practical interest to specialists in our country and published in professional scientific literature abroad (in particular, in the journal Clinical Chemistry, with which a corresponding agreement has been concluded).

Wedge. lab. diagnostics . 2013. No. 4. 1-64.<...>Medical products for in vitro diagnostics.<...>Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics. 2012; 6:9–12.<...>208 11 in vitro diagnostics 209 12 histological and cytological diagnostics 210 13 genetic<...>Classification of medical devices for in vitro diagnostics 8.

Preview: Clinical laboratory diagnostics No. 4 2013.pdf (17.9 Mb)


#11 [Control. Diagnostics, 2010]

In this diagram, the source of input effects (IVV) - the working power supply is a generator<...>and parallel measurement of input and output signals to gain some amount of experimental<...>General Specifications" only refers to standards for input and output signals.<...>Diagnostics . 2007. No. 3. S. 18–23. 2.<...>Diagnostics . 2004. No. 8. S. 53–62. 6. Vengrinovich V.L.

Preview: Control. Diagnostics №11 2010.pdf (1.0 Mb)


#8 [Control. Diagnostics, 2010]

Published since 1998. The journal publishes scientific and methodical articles by leading scientists of Russia, countries of near and far abroad, industry representatives about methods, instruments and technologies of non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics, their implementation, development and application. The publisher publishes issues with a delay of 1 year!

The report was devoted to a review (for more than 70 years) of the state of the art of vibration monitoring and diagnostic methods with<...>Definition of anti-terrorist diagnostics as a set of principles, methods and means of preventing<...>hardware for localizing the places of hidden microminiature television cameras from the entrance<...>As a result, we can conclude that in order to maintain peace on earth, anti-terrorist diagnostics should<...>Arakelov (Russia); "Training of specialists in the field of technical diagnostics" S.M.

Preview: Control. Diagnostics №8 2010.pdf (6.1 Mb)


#1 [Control. Diagnostics, 2010]

Published since 1998. The journal publishes scientific and methodical articles by leading scientists of Russia, countries of near and far abroad, industry representatives about methods, instruments and technologies of non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics, their implementation, development and application. The publisher publishes issues with a delay of 1 year!

Simplified structural model of electrical circuits of an electric train with indication of input, output and internal<...>The input signals are those corresponding to the working influences applied to the train wires of the circuits<...>the circuits of each section can be represented as a single discrete logic device, whose input<...>control circuits, 60, 61 - train wires of signaling circuits); XU7(n–1) – corresponds to the state of the input<...>Diagnosis of the state of electrical circuits of electric trains // Non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics

Preview: Control. Diagnostics №1 2010.pdf (0.9 Mb)


#2 [Control. Diagnostics, 2011]

Published since 1998. The journal publishes scientific and methodical articles by leading scientists of Russia, countries of near and far abroad, industry representatives about methods, instruments and technologies of non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics, their implementation, development and application. The publisher publishes issues with a delay of 1 year!

Input potentials of received n, m beams for an acoustic channel, in accordance with equations (1)<...>astronomical time of the beginning of discrete emission of AE signals, which can be taken in calculations as zero for input<...>Diagnostics . 2011. No. 1. P. 12–15. 2. SO–2003.<...>Diagnostics "- further KD, 2000. No. 6. P. 51).<...>Diagnostics . 2009. No. 10.

Preview: Control. Diagnostics №2 2011.pdf (0.8 Mb)


1 [Fundamental and applied problems of engineering and technology, 2010]

The results of scientific research and advanced achievements in the field of mechanical engineering and instrumentation are published.

In the input part of the COP there is a channel switch and an analog-to-digital converter (ADC).<...>Input parameters, among which may be kinematic and force. 5.<...>Force perturbations and input parameters (points 3 and 4) - the environment surrounding the object.<...>Figure 2 - An object simulating a mechanical system with one input and one output links<...>input signal frequency at a rate of 100fV kHz/ms.

Preview: Fundamental and applied problems of engineering and technology 1 2010.pdf (0.3 Mb)


#7 [Control. Diagnostics, 2011]

Published since 1998. The journal publishes scientific and methodical articles by leading scientists of Russia, countries of near and far abroad, industry representatives about methods, instruments and technologies of non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics, their implementation, development and application. The publisher publishes issues with a delay of 1 year!

<...>Diagnostics No. 7, 2011 2.<...>Diagnostics No. 7, 2011 1.<...>A further increase in the input voltage at point g from -8 to -18 V will lead to the opening of the zener diode<...>In these elements, the value of the output signal is equal to the value of two identical input signals.

Preview: Control. Diagnostics №7 2011.pdf (0.2 Mb)


No. 1 [Clinical laboratory diagnostics, 2012]

Founded in 1955. Editor-in-Chief – Titov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry of Lipid Metabolism of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex of the Russian Ministry of Health. The journal has been published as a monthly professional scientific and practical publication since 1955 (until 1992 under the name "Laboratory Business"). For many years, the journal has been the main source of scientific and practical information for employees of clinical diagnostic laboratories and has played the role of an incentive to improve the laboratory provision of medical care. The journal publishes scientific and practical materials prepared by employees of scientific, educational and medical institutions in Russia and foreign countries: original articles, literature reviews, lectures by prominent specialists in various disciplines of laboratory medicine, descriptions of complex clinical diagnostic cases of diseases, information on scientific and practical events, discussions between supporters of different approaches to solving urgent problems, the answers of scientists and healthcare organizers to the pressing questions of laboratory practitioners. It publishes translations of articles by foreign authors that are of the greatest scientific and practical interest to specialists in our country and published in professional scientific literature abroad (in particular, in the journal Clinical Chemistry, with which a corresponding agreement has been concluded).

Wedge. lab. diagnostics . 2012. No. 1. 1-56.<...>Organizational aspects of laboratory diagnostics of emergency conditions (lecture). . . . . .<...>Diagnosis of emergency conditions is one of the most important tasks of laboratory medicine.<...>. // Wedge. lab. diagnostics . - 1998. - No. 12. - S. 15-18. 6. Kishkun A. A., Chentsova M.<...>diagnostics of LN does not currently exist, and most methods of specific diagnostics are informative

Preview: Clinical laboratory diagnostics №1 2012.pdf (1.6 Mb)


No. 8 [Clinical laboratory diagnostics, 2012]

Founded in 1955. Editor-in-Chief – Titov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry of Lipid Metabolism of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex of the Russian Ministry of Health. The journal has been published as a monthly professional scientific and practical publication since 1955 (until 1992 under the name "Laboratory Business"). For many years, the journal has been the main source of scientific and practical information for employees of clinical diagnostic laboratories and has played the role of an incentive to improve the laboratory provision of medical care. The journal publishes scientific and practical materials prepared by employees of scientific, educational and medical institutions in Russia and foreign countries: original articles, literature reviews, lectures by prominent specialists in various disciplines of laboratory medicine, descriptions of complex clinical diagnostic cases of diseases, information on scientific and practical events, discussions between supporters of different approaches to solving urgent problems, the answers of scientists and healthcare organizers to the pressing questions of laboratory practitioners. It publishes translations of articles by foreign authors that are of the greatest scientific and practical interest to specialists in our country and published in professional scientific literature abroad (in particular, in the journal Clinical Chemistry, with which a corresponding agreement has been concluded).

Wedge. lab. diagnostics . 2012. No. 8. 1-64.<...>Principles of diagnosis and treatment: A guide for physicians. - M., 2011. - S. 35. 18.<...>Momota "Diagnostics and controlled therapy of disorders of hemostasis".<...>Cytological immunophenotyping in the diagnosis of T-cell lymphomas.<...>Morphological diagnosis of pathology of lymph nodes. - M., 2008. 9.

Preview: Clinical laboratory diagnostics No. 8 2012.pdf (2.4 Mb)


Topical issues of natural sciences and solutions: collection of materials of the V scientific-practical conference of students and schoolchildren with international participation.


The collection contains materials from the presentations of the 5th scientific and practical conference of students and schoolchildren with international participation. Topical issues of applying modern achievements of the natural sciences (physics, mathematics, computer technology and information technology) in various fields of activity of a modern person are considered.

Treatment of any disease begins with diagnosis.<...>The input layer introduces the initial data.<...>Input layer Hidden layers Output layer 2.<...>"Weight" determines the importance of each input parameter.<...>data in the neurons of the input layer are conducted.

Preview: Topical issues of natural sciences and ways to solve the collection of materials of the V scientific-practical conference of students and schoolchildren with international participation. .pdf (1.3 Mb)


No. 3 [Energy security in documents and facts, 2006]

The peculiarity of the publication is informativeness, scientific validity, innovative orientation. Only reliable materials of scientific and practical value are published. The magazine covers the issues of safety and efficiency of energy in all industries, energy saving, labor protection, personnel training, the latest developments of leading industrial and scientific organizations, trends in the development of alternative energy, regulations and documents.

LWP, which includes, among other things, the necessary technical examination: verification and diagnostics<...>Safety signs placed on the gates and on (above) the entrance (s) doors (s) of the premises mean:<...>Consider the possibility of additional funding for replacement, modernization, overhaul and diagnostics<...>neurology", "urology", "obstetrics and gyna: cology", "therapy", "roentgenology", "clinical laboratory diagnostics

Preview: Energy security in documents and facts No. 3 2006.pdf (0.8 Mb)


No. 5 [Clinical laboratory diagnostics, 2013]

Founded in 1955. Editor-in-Chief – Titov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry of Lipid Metabolism of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex of the Russian Ministry of Health. The journal has been published as a monthly professional scientific and practical publication since 1955 (until 1992 under the name "Laboratory Business"). For many years, the journal has been the main source of scientific and practical information for employees of clinical diagnostic laboratories and has played the role of an incentive to improve the laboratory provision of medical care. The journal publishes scientific and practical materials prepared by employees of scientific, educational and medical institutions in Russia and foreign countries: original articles, literature reviews, lectures by prominent specialists in various disciplines of laboratory medicine, descriptions of complex clinical diagnostic cases of diseases, information on scientific and practical events, discussions between supporters of different approaches to solving urgent problems, the answers of scientists and healthcare organizers to the pressing questions of laboratory practitioners. It publishes translations of articles by foreign authors that are of the greatest scientific and practical interest to specialists in our country and published in professional scientific literature abroad (in particular, in the journal Clinical Chemistry, with which a corresponding agreement has been concluded).

Wedge. lab. diagnostics . 2013. No. 5. 1-64.<...>Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics. 1994; 5:25–7. 6.<...>Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics. 1994; 5:27–31. 7.<...>Serological methods in the diagnosis of cholera.<...>Using PCR diagnostics, no VLN RNA was detected.

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No. 5 [Pharmacy, 2002]

Scientific and practical journal for pharmacists, pharmacists, manufacturers of pharmaceutical products. Published since 1952. Editor-in-Chief of the journal: - Professor I.A. Samylina. By the decision of the Plenum of the Higher Attestation Commission “Pharmacy” is included in the list of journals in which it is recommended to publish the results of dissertation research for the degree of Doctor of Science. The subject of the journal: the technology of production of medicines; new methods of drug research; falsification of medicines; clinical pharmacology; pharmaceutical market news; pharmacopoeial articles; consultations for pharmacy workers; personnel training. Periodicity of issue - 8 journals per year Target audience: manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, distributors, pharmacists, pharmacists, employees of healthcare facilities, libraries.

Federal Scientific Clinical and Experimental Center for Traditional Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment of the Ministry of Health<...>Differential diagnostics " Registration of participants of the seminar from 9 to 10 am on November 6.<...>Karpeev Federal Scientific Clinical Experimental Center for Traditional Methods of Diagnosis and Treatment<...>The use of high-capacity modified immunocarriers in the diagnosis of viral infections//State and<...>prospects for the development of drugs for the diagnosis of viral hepatitis and infections controlled by specific

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№6 [Clinical laboratory diagnostics, 2013]

Founded in 1955. Editor-in-Chief – Titov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry of Lipid Metabolism of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex of the Russian Ministry of Health. The journal has been published as a monthly professional scientific and practical publication since 1955 (until 1992 under the name "Laboratory Business"). For many years, the journal has been the main source of scientific and practical information for employees of clinical diagnostic laboratories and has played the role of an incentive to improve the laboratory provision of medical care. The journal publishes scientific and practical materials prepared by employees of scientific, educational and medical institutions in Russia and foreign countries: original articles, literature reviews, lectures by prominent specialists in various disciplines of laboratory medicine, descriptions of complex clinical diagnostic cases of diseases, information on scientific and practical events, discussions between supporters of different approaches to solving urgent problems, the answers of scientists and healthcare organizers to the pressing questions of laboratory practitioners. It publishes translations of articles by foreign authors that are of the greatest scientific and practical interest to specialists in our country and published in professional scientific literature abroad (in particular, in the journal Clinical Chemistry, with which a corresponding agreement has been concluded).

Wedge. lab. diagnostics . 2013. No. 6. 1-64.<...>, No. 6, 2013 26 but three cases of cytological diagnostics are of interest.<...>Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics. M., 2011; 12:25–35. 4.<...>In this regard, methods of express diagnostics are of particular relevance.<...>Keywords: macroenzymes, macro-AST, diagnostics, healthy people V.V.

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No. 8 [Clinical laboratory diagnostics, 2013]

Founded in 1955. Editor-in-Chief – Titov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry of Lipid Metabolism of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex of the Russian Ministry of Health. The journal has been published as a monthly professional scientific and practical publication since 1955 (until 1992 under the name "Laboratory Business"). For many years, the journal has been the main source of scientific and practical information for employees of clinical diagnostic laboratories and has played the role of an incentive to improve the laboratory provision of medical care. The journal publishes scientific and practical materials prepared by employees of scientific, educational and medical institutions in Russia and foreign countries: original articles, literature reviews, lectures by prominent specialists in various disciplines of laboratory medicine, descriptions of complex clinical diagnostic cases of diseases, information on scientific and practical events, discussions between supporters of different approaches to solving urgent problems, the answers of scientists and healthcare organizers to the pressing questions of laboratory practitioners. It publishes translations of articles by foreign authors that are of the greatest scientific and practical interest to specialists in our country and published in professional scientific literature abroad (in particular, in the journal Clinical Chemistry, with which a corresponding agreement has been concluded).

Wedge. lab. diagnostics . 2013. No. 8. 1-64.<...>Diagnosis and treatment of arterial hypertension.<...>At the biomaterial reception points, input control is carried out, which includes an assessment (in the presence of<...>What is incoming control, and for what purposes is it carried out? 5.<...>60 106 Cytological diagnostics (control preparations) 459 274 107 Cytological diagnostics (preparations

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#6 [Control. Diagnostics, 2011]

Published since 1998. The journal publishes scientific and methodical articles by leading scientists of Russia, countries of near and far abroad, industry representatives about methods, instruments and technologies of non-destructive testing and technical diagnostics, their implementation, development and application. The publisher publishes issues with a delay of 1 year!

diagnostic systems 12 Control.<...>Diagnostics . 2011. No. 3. S. 24–33. 3. Aldes F., Candelais A.<...>Diagnostics . 2009. No. 5. P. 47–50. 4. Ilyin V.A., Popov A.V.<...>Diagnostics . 2007. No. 5. S. 22–26. 5. Shport V.I.<...>Diagnostics . 2010. No. 4. Control. Diagnostics No. 6. 2011 43 D.A.

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No. 3 [Clinical laboratory diagnostics, 2012]

Founded in 1955. Editor-in-Chief – Titov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry of Lipid Metabolism of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex of the Russian Ministry of Health. The journal has been published as a monthly professional scientific and practical publication since 1955 (until 1992 under the name "Laboratory Business"). For many years, the journal has been the main source of scientific and practical information for employees of clinical diagnostic laboratories and has played the role of an incentive to improve the laboratory provision of medical care. The journal publishes scientific and practical materials prepared by employees of scientific, educational and medical institutions in Russia and foreign countries: original articles, literature reviews, lectures by prominent specialists in various disciplines of laboratory medicine, descriptions of complex clinical diagnostic cases of diseases, information on scientific and practical events, discussions between supporters of different approaches to solving urgent problems, the answers of scientists and healthcare organizers to the pressing questions of laboratory practitioners. It publishes translations of articles by foreign authors that are of the greatest scientific and practical interest to specialists in our country and published in professional scientific literature abroad (in particular, in the journal Clinical Chemistry, with which a corresponding agreement has been concluded).

Head Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics EITI, StGMA, prof. Yu. V.<...>Wedge. lab. diagnostics . 2012. No. 3. 1-56.<...>Pirogov, Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics).<...>-lab. diagnostics Address: 654057, Novokuznetsk, st.<...>Suggest to the heads of the departments of clinical and laboratory diagnostics of HPE, PDO, courses of laboratory diagnostics

Preview: Clinical laboratory diagnostics №3 2012.pdf (4.2 Mb)


No. 12 [Clinical laboratory diagnostics, 2012]

Founded in 1955. Editor-in-Chief – Titov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry of Lipid Metabolism of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex of the Russian Ministry of Health. The journal has been published as a monthly professional scientific and practical publication since 1955 (until 1992 under the name "Laboratory Business"). For many years, the journal has been the main source of scientific and practical information for employees of clinical diagnostic laboratories and has played the role of an incentive to improve the laboratory provision of medical care. The journal publishes scientific and practical materials prepared by employees of scientific, educational and medical institutions in Russia and foreign countries: original articles, literature reviews, lectures by prominent specialists in various disciplines of laboratory medicine, descriptions of complex clinical diagnostic cases of diseases, information on scientific and practical events, discussions between supporters of different approaches to solving urgent problems, the answers of scientists and healthcare organizers to the pressing questions of laboratory practitioners. It publishes translations of articles by foreign authors that are of the greatest scientific and practical interest to specialists in our country and published in professional scientific literature abroad (in particular, in the journal Clinical Chemistry, with which a corresponding agreement has been concluded).

Wedge. lab. diagnostics . 2012. No. 12. 1-64.<...> <...>Medical products for in vitro diagnostics.<...>Medical products for in vitro diagnostics.<...>In order to ensure input control in each laboratory division of the RLD, journals have been opened in which

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No. 11 [Clinical laboratory diagnostics, 2013]

Founded in 1955. Editor-in-Chief – Titov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry of Lipid Metabolism of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex of the Russian Ministry of Health. The journal has been published as a monthly professional scientific and practical publication since 1955 (until 1992 under the name "Laboratory Business"). For many years, the journal has been the main source of scientific and practical information for employees of clinical diagnostic laboratories and has played the role of an incentive to improve the laboratory provision of medical care. The journal publishes scientific and practical materials prepared by employees of scientific, educational and medical institutions in Russia and foreign countries: original articles, literature reviews, lectures by prominent specialists in various disciplines of laboratory medicine, descriptions of complex clinical diagnostic cases of diseases, information on scientific and practical events, discussions between supporters of different approaches to solving urgent problems, the answers of scientists and healthcare organizers to the pressing questions of laboratory practitioners. It publishes translations of articles by foreign authors that are of the greatest scientific and practical interest to specialists in our country and published in professional scientific literature abroad (in particular, in the journal Clinical Chemistry, with which a corresponding agreement has been concluded).

Wedge. lab. diagnostics . 2013. No. 11. 1-64.<...>New criteria for the diagnosis of fetal growth retardation.<...>-lab. diagnostics Address: 119991, Moscow, st.<...>applications; 4) in vitro diagnostic reagents for self-testing; 5) diagnostic tools<...>Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics. 2011; 4:53–5. 5.

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No. 1 [Clinical laboratory diagnostics, 2013]

Founded in 1955. Editor-in-Chief – Titov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry of Lipid Metabolism of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex of the Russian Ministry of Health. The journal has been published as a monthly professional scientific and practical publication since 1955 (until 1992 under the name "Laboratory Business"). For many years, the journal has been the main source of scientific and practical information for employees of clinical diagnostic laboratories and has played the role of an incentive to improve the laboratory provision of medical care. The journal publishes scientific and practical materials prepared by employees of scientific, educational and medical institutions in Russia and foreign countries: original articles, literature reviews, lectures by prominent specialists in various disciplines of laboratory medicine, descriptions of complex clinical diagnostic cases of diseases, information on scientific and practical events, discussions between supporters of different approaches to solving urgent problems, the answers of scientists and healthcare organizers to the pressing questions of laboratory practitioners. It publishes translations of articles by foreign authors that are of the greatest scientific and practical interest to specialists in our country and published in professional scientific literature abroad (in particular, in the journal Clinical Chemistry, with which a corresponding agreement has been concluded).

Sechenov, Laboratory of Problems of Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics, V.V. Menshikov. Tel.<...>Wedge. lab. diagnostics . 2013. No. 1. 1-64.<...>Diagnosis and treatment. – M.: Medpress-inform., 2008. 14.<...>Serological diagnosis is effective starting from the third week of the disease.<...>Conducting a comprehensive etiological diagnosis of acute respiratory diseases using reagent kits for PCR diagnostics

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No. 3 [Clinical laboratory diagnostics, 2013]

Founded in 1955. Editor-in-Chief – Titov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry of Lipid Metabolism of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex of the Russian Ministry of Health. The journal has been published as a monthly professional scientific and practical publication since 1955 (until 1992 under the name "Laboratory Business"). For many years, the journal has been the main source of scientific and practical information for employees of clinical diagnostic laboratories and has played the role of an incentive to improve the laboratory provision of medical care. The journal publishes scientific and practical materials prepared by employees of scientific, educational and medical institutions in Russia and foreign countries: original articles, literature reviews, lectures by prominent specialists in various disciplines of laboratory medicine, descriptions of complex clinical diagnostic cases of diseases, information on scientific and practical events, discussions between supporters of different approaches to solving urgent problems, the answers of scientists and healthcare organizers to the pressing questions of laboratory practitioners. It publishes translations of articles by foreign authors that are of the greatest scientific and practical interest to specialists in our country and published in professional scientific literature abroad (in particular, in the journal Clinical Chemistry, with which a corresponding agreement has been concluded).

According to his specialty, a doctor of functional diagnostics should know: modern methods of diagnostics;<...>; modern methods of molecular genetic diagnostics; molecular genetic diagnostics<...>Performs differential diagnosis.

Preview: Collection of job descriptions for employees of medical organizations No. 1 2016.pdf (0.5 Mb)


No. 12 [Clinical laboratory diagnostics, 2013]

Founded in 1955. Editor-in-Chief – Titov Vladimir Nikolaevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Clinical Biochemistry of Lipid Metabolism of the Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex of the Russian Ministry of Health. The journal has been published as a monthly professional scientific and practical publication since 1955 (until 1992 under the name "Laboratory Business"). For many years, the journal has been the main source of scientific and practical information for employees of clinical diagnostic laboratories and has played the role of an incentive to improve the laboratory provision of medical care. The journal publishes scientific and practical materials prepared by employees of scientific, educational and medical institutions in Russia and foreign countries: original articles, literature reviews, lectures by prominent specialists in various disciplines of laboratory medicine, descriptions of complex clinical diagnostic cases of diseases, information on scientific and practical events, discussions between supporters of different approaches to solving urgent problems, the answers of scientists and healthcare organizers to the pressing questions of laboratory practitioners. It publishes translations of articles by foreign authors that are of the greatest scientific and practical interest to specialists in our country and published in professional scientific literature abroad (in particular, in the journal Clinical Chemistry, with which a corresponding agreement has been concluded).

Wedge. lab. diagnostics . 2013. No. 12. 1-64.<...>Problems of early diagnosis of chorioamnionitis in PIOV.<...>Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics. 2011; 11:13–9. 6.<...>Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics. 2009; 9:6–14. 9.<...>Medical products for in vitro diagnostics.

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