Victoria Karaseva: biography, photo now. Tori Karaseva does not leave the house after parting with her loved one Old members of the house 2 victoria karaseva

Victoria Karaseva (Tory)- ex-participant. A native Muscovite, born June 23, 1979.

Vika was a gifted child from childhood and dreamed of becoming an actress. She attended a dance studio for five years and also graduated from a music school. The girl participated in many international singing competitions. After school, she studied opera vocals at the Schnittke Institute. Later, she received a second higher education, graduating from GITIS.

Before joining the TV show, she managed to work as a host on the Europe + radio, Victoria, together with Anton Kamolov, hosted the Full Version program.

I came to the project, but the guy was indifferent to Vika.

The first love affair on the project was a relationship with a rapper from Chisinau, Russell (Ruslan Proskurov). The couple looked harmoniously together, they were united by common interests (love of music). Over time, the guys began to quarrel, and the scandals grew stronger every day and often ended in fights! The parting was natural ...

Then in Tori's life was "always smiling". A guy with a beautiful appearance charmed Victoria, and she was even ready to marry him. But, it didn't work out...

Victoria with Dmitry Chizhevsky

The result of being on the project was a relationship with a new participant, Vyacheslav Dvoretsky. An eccentric and charismatic young man won Vika's heart and they formed a strong couple, and a little later, they got married.

Later, a tragedy happened in the life of the couple, in one of the capital's restaurants, due to the negligence of the staff, Victoria cut her esophagus with a fragment of a clam shell in a seafood pizza. The girl ended up in intensive care and miraculously survived. In the operational and postoperative period, Slava looked after his beloved wife.

After returning from the hospital, Tori and Slava decided not to return to the project.

Victoria Karaseva was remembered by many for the TV project "House 2". The girl came to the show in 2005. From the first days, Tori had an affair with Andrey Chuev. It was he who helped the newcomer to prepare a presentation in which Karaseva had to provide some information about her life. This is the tradition of House 2.

History of popularity from Doma-2

However, after a couple of days, the true motives for such assistance became clear. During Tori's speech, Andrei interrupted her, stating that the girl was misrepresenting information. Together with May Abrikosov, the young man distributed eggs to the rest of the participants. Without thinking twice, those present at the presentation threw them at Victoria. The brunette was shocked by such behavior of people.

Photo: 24smi

Beside herself with anger, Karaseva tried to pour yogurt on those around her. However, she failed to do so. The case ended with ridicule against Vicki. After those events, the girl did not even think about leaving the project. Karaseva decided to take revenge on her offenders, to prove that she was not one of the faint of heart.

Photo: dom2life

The next day, Victoria began to explain to the team that they behaved inappropriately. “With this act, you showed the low level of your intelligence,” Karaseva said. She competently stopped people, forced to respect herself. At the end of the conversation, there were no more ridicule and harassment against the girl.

Relations of Victoria Karaseva on the project

Now nothing prevented Karaseva from building a relationship with one of the project participants. Many viewers were shocked by the fact that Vika got along with Andrei Chuev, despite his trick. However, this relationship did not last long. A few days later, the couple broke up. Tori called Chuev a windy person, not capable of a serious relationship.

Photo: starhit

A week later, Vika already met with Ruslan Proskurov. The rapper really liked Karaseva, and he decided to seek her location. It didn't take long to win the girl's heart. Tori herself agreed. Two weeks later, the couple had already moved into separate apartments. Ruslan soon showed his true nature. The relationship began with scandals, during which Proskurov tried by all means to assert himself, humiliating the girl. But Tori is not the type to endure bullying. Every time she ran into a young man to fight. A few months later, the lovers broke up.

Photo: cosmo

In 2008, Victoria still managed to find her soul mate. She was the actor Vyacheslav Dvoretskov. The young man also took part in the show "House 2". In the same year, the lovers got married and left the project.

The difficult life of Victoria Karaseva

In 2009, a tragic event occurred in the life of Karaseva. She spent two months in intensive care. The reason for this was poor-quality pizza, which Vika ate in a restaurant. It contained a piece of a mussel shell that cut Tory's stomach. At first, Karaseva did not understand what was happening. She felt discomfort in her stomach. Doctors could not make a diagnosis in the shortest possible time. It was necessary to wait for the results of the tests, which revealed that the girl had severe intestinal inflammation. Refusal of hospitalization exacerbated the situation. Vika was getting worse every day. As a result, she was brought to the Research Institute. Sklifosovsky being unconscious.

Photo: dom2top

The doctors managed to make the correct diagnosis in the shortest possible time. A small foreign object was found in Tori's esophagus.

In total, Karaseva survived three operations. During the treatment, I had to remove a couple of ribs. After resuscitation, the girl was transferred to a regular ward, where she was under the supervision of doctors for two months.

Photo: liveinternet

Victoria was seriously concerned about this situation. After being discharged, she sued the owner of the restaurant. In 2014, Karaseva was invited to the show "We Speak and Show". On the project, Vika told the whole country what she had to endure in order to return to normal life.

How is Tori doing today?

After leaving House 2, Victoria prefers not to tell reporters about her life. However, some of them still managed to find out what the star is doing now. Over the past eight years, Karaseva has worked as a designer, tried to get into the business of organizing weddings, and also divorced Vyacheslav Dvoretkov. However, after three weeks, the couple signed again.

Photo: topnews

Victoria is currently actively promoting her YouTube and Instagram accounts. She regularly uploads videos in which she talks about the details of her life. There are a lot of viewers on the stream. In addition, Victoria published her official phone number. She enjoys interacting with fans.

Photo: cosmo

The life story of Vyacheslav Dvoretskov is of interest to many, not only because he spent almost a year and a half on the Dom-2 show. It was there that the young man met his love. Victoria Karaseva has been his companion for many years. And in 2009, the public was shocked by a terrible drama that occurred after a couple visited a restaurant. The girl was between life and death for almost two months, damaging her esophagus with a fragment of a mussel. Vyacheslav Dvoretkov not only did not leave his beloved, but also helped her go through all the difficulties: hospitals, courts, months of rehabilitation. What else is known about this 44-year-old representative of show business?

Famous facts from the biography

Vyacheslav is a native Muscovite who early showed a craving for creativity. He was born in 1973, on August 5. As a child, he not only loved acting, but also sang, was a host at the holidays. Those around him noted his special charisma. That is why Vyacheslav Dvoretskov chose the Shchepkinsky School for admission, from where he, a graduate who graduated with honors, was shown a direct road to the Maly Theater. But the acting profession did not work out. Vyacheslav did not like to learn huge texts and leaf through volumes of scripts, participate in behind-the-scenes intrigues or wait for hours until the lights on the film set were turned on.

Seeing somehow a series of sensational "House-2", the failed actor decided to show his talents on a show where you can play yourself. Vyacheslav Dvoretskov got to the project at the age of 35.

Under the eyes of TV cameras

The appearance of a man at the frontal place turned out to be quite striking. It happened on a January morning in 2008. The actor by education said that his profession was boring, and removed her symbol from his neck - a coil of wire, with which he pulled his throat in advance. Butlers defiantly trampled the noose straight into the ground, confirming that he was done with acting. On the same day, he sang the song "Childhood", thanks to which such an extraordinary personality was left on the project.

The man stayed on it for as much as 527 days. During this time, he managed to prove himself in many qualities, changing masks and appearing all the time in different guises. For those who have forgotten when Vyacheslav Dvoretkov left the Dom-2 project: he did this, already being married to one of the participants, in 2009, on July 6.

A little about the wife

For Tori, as she was called on the project, everything in life turned out in the most wonderful way. A native of Moscow, the girl was born in 1979. Graduated from music school, GITIS. Possessing excellent vocal abilities, she sang in an expensive restaurant, had experience working at one of the largest radio stations - Europe Plus. I came to the project for personal happiness. After spending about four years on it, before meeting with Dvoretkov, she built relationships with Russell (Ruslan Proskurov) for a long time. They entered the history of the show as one of the most scandalous couples. Nobody wanted to give in to each other. After parting, Victoria Karasyova expressed sympathy for Dmitry Chizhevsky, but the relationship did not work out.

The novel by Karaseva and Dvoretskov was not immediately believed. For a long time it was believed that the couple was a design couple and they would not have a future outside the perimeter. The surprise was the fact that back in 2008, long before leaving the show, Tori and Vyacheslav Dvoretkov secretly registered a marriage. True, they played a noisy wedding a year later, when the girl was discharged from the hospital.

What happened?

2009 changed Tory's life, as if testing her for strength. The couple were in a restaurant, and both ate pizza with seafood. The girl suddenly became ill, and she felt a sharp pain in her neck. The worst thing happened later - the doctors could not give the girl a correct diagnosis, checking either the thyroid gland or the spine. When she could no longer swallow, she was sent to the Sklifosovsky Research Institute. It was there that a perforation of the cervical esophagus was found, but time had already been lost. The girl underwent several operations, the doctors regarded her chances as 50/50.

After a successful outcome, a long rehabilitation was required. All this time, Dvoretskov was next to his young wife. Later it turned out that a tiny fragment of a mussel shell, which ended up in the ill-fated pizza, had cut the esophagus. The couple decided to sue the restaurant, as well as the hospital, which did not provide timely assistance, having incorrectly diagnosed. Tori was discharged from the research institute, weighing only 32 kg. Currently, the young woman remains on a disability of group II and periodically suffers from severe pain.

Personal life after the show

Due to a tragic incident, the couple left the television project, but got married as soon as Victoria felt better. Their celebration was attended by many participants of the show, with whom they still continue to communicate: Olga Buzova, Andrey Cherkasov, Stepan Menshchikov, Victoria Bonya.

There have been numerous reports in the press that the couple broke up. At the beginning of the year, Victoria posted a post in which she thanked her husband for his support and 10 years of relationship. Without the help of influential lawyers, the couple managed to win three lawsuits, but Victoria refused to take further measures to hold doctors accountable.

Now the family lives in their own mansion not far from Moscow, where there is a wonderful winter garden, a pond, and a gym. It is interesting that Dvoretskov was accused of hidden wealth (he already owned a well with water before the project), and was even called a gigolo. Both of these are incorrect. The money was made together. The couple has many joint and personal projects.

What is Vyacheslav Dvoretkov doing now?

On YouTube, Vyacheslav has his own channel, where he uploads clips for his songs. Creativity remains an important matter in his life. He once performed "Plasma Love" in a casino, which became his debut performance. But his works are not very successful, the author has about 15 thousand subscribers on Instagram. This was the reason for one of the participants in the show - Rustam Solntsev - to call Dvoretskov a loser.

Victoria did not appear on the Web for almost four months, which made it possible to make an assumption about the break in relations between Karaseva and Dvoretkov. However, Tori herself, having resumed activity on the Internet, does not comment on this in any way. On her page, photos are still posted along with Vyacheslav. The woman invites everyone interested in her performances to contact Dvoretskov's agency.

Married August 5, 2008

Victoria Karaseva came to the project not only to build love, but also to start a musical career. Vika's voice was really strong at that time. Many men courted the burning brunette, but Karaseva chose Vyacheslav Dvoretskov. The guys left the project and started a new life. Victoria's marriage was successful, but she had to forget about music: the beauty injured her esophagus with a seashell, which she caught while eating, and spent two months in intensive care. Karaseva sued the cafe where she got hurt and won the case. True, Vika cannot sing.

Evgeny Kuzin and Rita Agibalova

Were married from 2009 to 2011

The family life of Margarita Agibalova was not as successful as that of her sister Olga. On the TV project, Rita met her future husband, Eugene. Rita and Zhenya had many problems in their relationship, but the girl became pregnant, and the lovers went to the registry office. In 2009, Agibalova and Kuzin got married, and in the same year the couple had a son, Mitya. Despite the birth of the baby, Rita and Zhenya did not manage to save the family. In March 2011, the couple filed for divorce.


Daria and Chernykh and Sergey Pynzar

Married May 5, 2010

Sergey Pynzar and Daria Chernykh are one of the strongest pairs of the TV project. In 2010, Serezha and Dasha got married, and later the couple had a son, Artem. The guys are happily married, and Dasha is in a position again.

Sergey Adoevtsev and Maria Kruglykhina

Married since 2010

Sergei Adoevtsev and Maria Kruglykhina met before the TV project, but broke up. Later, Sergei came to build a new love on the show "Dom-2". Following Adoevtsev, Masha also came to the project, and then feelings flared up again between the young people. In 2010, the couple decided to get married, and later the Adoevtsevs had a daughter, Lisa. Masha and Sergey were one of the exemplary couples of the TV project, but now, according to family friends, the Adoevtsevs decided to take a break in the relationship.

Ilya Gazhienko and Olga Agibalova

Married September 21, 2011

The participant of "House-2" Ilya Gazhienko managed to melt the ice in the heart of Olga Agibalova. The guys did not immediately like each other: at first Ilya tried to build love with Evgenia Feofilaktova, but nothing happened. Then Ilya began dating Olga and, apparently, met "the one."

Young people settled in the house, and in 2011 they got married. The participants of "House-2" recognized the celebration of the Gazhienko couple as one of the most luxurious in the framework of the project. On their honeymoon, the newlyweds went to the Maldives, and a year later the couple had a son. Olga and Ilya are still together.

Tigran Salibekov and Yulia Kolisnichenko

Married December 13, 2011

Before the wedding, Tigran and Yulia met only a few months. Gossips claim that the reason for legitimizing the relationship was not great love, but Kolisnichenko's pregnancy. However, despite the gossip, the guys are still together and are already raising two common sons - Roland and Eldar. Also, soon the lovers plan to get married.

Ventseslav Vengrzhanovsky and Ekaterina Tokareva

Were married from 2011 to 2012

The TV project "Dom-2" proves that everyone can build love here. Even the "informal" Wentz Vengrzhanovsky met his fate in the perimeter - Ekaterina Tokareva. Young people immediately liked each other and decided not to delay marriage. On December 31, 2011, the couple held a chic celebration in the "royal" style. Wentz and Katya were dressed in golden suits, and the bride wore a crown on her head. The newlyweds, by the way, signed a marriage contract, and one of the clauses stated that "spouses have the right to a free personal life." However, even this did not save the marriage of Tokareva and Vengrzhanovsky: in the fall of 2012, the guys divorced.

Nikita Kuznetsov and Nelly Ermolaeva

Were married from 2011 to 2013

Nelli Ermolaeva and Nikita Kuznetsov walked for a long time to the wedding. The guys constantly quarreled and often parted. Despite numerous disagreements, in 2011, the lovers nevertheless decided to get married. The wedding celebration took place on February 14 in the Italian town of Verona. Only relatives and close friends of the couple went on the trip. It is noteworthy that none of the other participants of "House-2" was present at the wedding. Despite the magnificent celebration, in 2013 the guys divorced.

Evgenia Feofilaktova and Anton Gusev

Married June 15, 2012

Evgenia Feofilaktova was considered one of the brightest girls in the TV project. The beauty had affairs with many guys on the show until she met “the one” - Anton Gusev. Zhenya and Anton quarreled a lot at first, but then they realized that they could not live without each other, and got married. The wedding took place in 2012, now the Gusevs are raising their son.

Alexander Gobozov and Aliana Ustinenko

Married November 30, 2013

An idyll never reigned in this pair. Alexander and Aliana then converged, then parted, then got married, then divorced. For the first time, lovers staged a celebration in 2013. However, despite the birth of the baby, the young people could not save the family and divorced. Later, Gobozov and Ustinenko realized that they still could not live without each other, and went to the registry office again. We hope that this time the guys will succeed.

Victoria Karaseva, for whose life doctors are still fighting, tried to commit suicide.

Tori was taken to Sklif with a burn of the esophagus and a closed craniocerebral injury. According to doctors, the girl drank acetic acid and collapsed dead, hitting her head hard.

The story of the mussel shard in the seafood pizza that allegedly caused the dark-haired beauty to suddenly fall ill, as it turned out, is only half true.

This is evidenced by the documents that were at the disposal of the online publication: Tory was first taken to the psychosomatic department of the Sklifosovsky Institute - where they bring everyone who tried to commit suicide. Vika was taken to the Department of Psychosomatics with a diagnosis: “TBI, burns of the esophagus, damage to the wall of the esophagus”

A few weeks ago, one of the brightest participants in the Dom-2 project, Victoria Karaseva, ended up in a hospital bed. Her common-law husband, Vyacheslav Dvoretkov, told a touching and outrageous story that the girl ate a pizza with seafood, which turned out to be a fragment of a mussel that cut her esophagus.

As it became known to, in a regular hospital in Victoria, they really did have a diagnosis: acute thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid gland), swelling of the throat. But this disease is not so dangerous that a person ends up in intensive care. What happened in those few days until Tori was taken to Sklif is known only to her and, perhaps, to Slava, Olga Buzova and other closest friends on the show. But in the clinic, she was immediately put into psychosomatics, where, according to the doctors, “only those who tried to poison themselves, hang themselves, rushed from the balcony” are delivered.

As the girl's friends say, Victoria has repeatedly spoken out about suicide as a way to solve all problems. “On the project, Tori showed herself to be a very wayward girl, sharp-tongued, straightforward,” Karaseva’s friends from Dom-2 say. She was always open about whatever she wanted to say. Once it was about what girls should do, for love ended. Vika then stated that it was impossible to love life in which the most important person no longer exists. She said that life no longer makes sense. Then they had an idyll with Slava. But still, when she talked about suicide, she was uncomfortable with such conversations.

Friends of the star believe that Vika was killed by acetic acid, which Tori swallowed to get away from problems. Indeed, the entries in her medical record speak of this. The girl was brought to the clinic with a severe burn of the esophagus and a closed craniocerebral injury. Apparently, after drinking poison, the girl fell and hit her head.

The condition of the 29-year-old star of "House-2" doctors still assess as critical. The girl is still in the emergency room.

Recall, according to the channel, Victoria Karaseva, a participant in the scandalous TV show Dom-2, was hospitalized after she ate a pizza in one of the capital's restaurants, which contained a piece of a mussel shell - it cut the girl's esophagus and stomach.

Prior to this, Victoria turned to the doctors of two hospitals, including a paid clinic. But the doctors failed to give her a correct diagnosis. Tori complained of severe pain in her neck, and blood tests revealed an elevated white blood cell count, indicating severe internal inflammation.

Due to an erroneous medical diagnosis, Tori was first treated for osteochondrosis. But the pain kept getting worse. It became difficult for Tori to swallow food. Then the doctors suggested thyroid disease - but this was again an erroneous diagnosis. Tori was brought to the Research Institute of Sklifosovsky in a critical condition. There, too, it was not immediately possible to establish the correct diagnosis, because neither ultrasound nor X-ray showed any problems.

Finally, an experienced doctor suggested that Tori be tested again, but this time with barium (the fluid that coats the esophagus and intestines). When the doctors looked at the pictures, they finally made the correct diagnosis: perforation of the cervical esophagus with a foreign body (a piece of shell). At the Sklifosovsky Research Institute, Tori underwent a complex operation.

The girl's husband, Vyacheslav Dvoretkov, is preparing documents for the court - he intends to punish the cooks who prepared the deadly food, and the doctors who failed to make a diagnosis in time.

Muscovite Victoria (Tori) Karaseva spent 1,256 days on the Dom-2 show, that is, almost 4 years. She came to the project to Andrei Chuev on September 30, 2005, but the relationship between the guys did not work out. On the project, Tori had a serious relationship twice: with the Moldovan rapper Russell Proskurov (he proposed to her) and her current husband, actor Vyacheslav Dvoretkov. Tori and Slava secretly got married this summer, hiding their marriage from everyone. They promised to arrange a magnificent wedding in a year.