The meaning of the word phantasmagoria. Phantasmagoria Phantasmagoria in painting

φάντασμα - ghost and ἀγορεύω - public speaking) - a genre of theatrical performance in Europe in the XVIII-XIX centuries, in which frightening images were shown in the background with the help of a "magic lantern": skeletons, demons, ghosts.
  • Phantasmagoria (film)- a subgenre of science fiction, representing films about something completely unreal, depicting bizarre visions, delusional fantasies.
  • Phantasmagoria (painting)- in the visual arts, a heap of bizarre images, visions, fantasies; chaos, confusion, grotesque (see).
  • Phantasmagoria (cartoon)- silent short cartoon, France, 1908. Director - Kohl, Emil.
  • Phantasmagoria (targeting system)- Russian aviation target designation station for anti-radar missiles Kh-58 and Kh-25MPU.
  • Phantasmagoria
    • Phantasmagoria (game) is a computer game developed by Sierra On-Line in 1995.
      • Phantasmagoria: A Puzzle of Flesh- PC game sequel to Phantasmagoria.
    • Phantasmagoria (band) are a Japanese visual kei band.
    • Phantasmagoria (album)- 3rd studio album by the British prog rock band Curved Air, 1972.
    • Phantasmagoria (song) is a song by Canadian metal band Annihilator from the album Never, Neverland.
    • Phantasmagoria (album, Limbonic Art) is the 7th studio album by Norwegian symphonic black metal band Limbonic Art.
    • Fantasmagoria (song) is a song by power metal band Emerald Sun from the album Regeneration.

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


    See what "Phantasmagoria" is in other dictionaries:

      phantasmagoria- and, well. fantasmagorie gr. phantasma ghost + agoreuo I say. 1. Showing light patterns using optical devices. ALS 1. After the lecture, Strakhov showed experiments on what phantasmagoria is based on (he imagined shadows, say ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

      - (Greek, from phantasma vision, and agora collection). 1) the art of showing ghosts. 2) an image or picture that appears to the viewer. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. PHANTASMAGORIA Greek, from phantasma, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

      Phantasmagoria, phantasmagoria, women. (from Greek phantasma ghost and agoreuo I say). 1. Bizarre delusional vision (book). “Happiness is over for him, and what happiness? phantasmagoria, deception. Goncharov. 2. trans. Nonsense, impossible thing (colloquial) ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

      Cm … Synonym dictionary

      - (Greek phantasma vision, ghost and agoreuo say), something unreal, bizarre visions, delusional fantasies ... Modern Encyclopedia

      - (from the Greek phantasma vision of a ghost and agoreuo I say), something unreal, bizarre visions, delusional fantasies ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

      FANTASMAGORIA, and, for women. Bizarre delusional vision. | adj. phantasmagorical, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

      - (from the Greek phantasma - vision, ghost and agoreuo - I say) a bizarre vision, a fantastic image, a ghost, a hallucination, something unreal. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. 2010 ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

      - (from Greek phantasma vision, ghost and ado geo I say) eng. phantasmagoria; German Phantasmagoric. A ghostly fantastic idea about something, delusional ideas. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

      - (from the Greek phantasma vision, ghost and agoreuo I say) something unreal, bizarre visions, delusional fantasies. Political Science: Dictionary Reference. comp. Prof. floor of sciences Sanzharevsky I.I.. 2010 ... Political science. Dictionary.

      Phantasmagoria- (Greek phantasma vision, ghost and agoreuo say), something unreal, bizarre visions, delusional fantasies. … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary


    • Phantasmagoria, Bruce Julia. This book is the most complete guide to supernatural creatures, magical creatures and vicious monsters. In it you will find the stories that made them famous: from ancient legends to…

    Consider a word that is very rarely used. But football fans should remember him, because one of the most remarkable victories in the history of Russian sports is associated with him. Let's talk about phantasmagoria. What is it, we will analyze today.


    As always in such cases, we take the explanatory dictionary. Our happiness lies in the fact that the word is not newfangled, so there is probably a phantasmagoria in it. Our indispensable assistant defines a noun as follows: "Bizarre delusional vision."

    To be clear, specific examples are needed. There is no shortage of them. Our reality is quite absurd and phantasmagoric. But let's not talk about the sick, let's talk about the beautiful, about literature. So, Pelevin's work is quite suitable for illustrating the concept ("The Life of Insects" or "Chapaev and the Void"), Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, and the work of N.V. Gogol. It also seems that "Big Fish" (film and novel) is a phantasmagoria.

    Fantasy and phantasmagoria

    To a person who is not too dedicated to the subtleties, the words seem almost identical, but we will not fall for their similarity. It seems that fantasy is when something completely wonderful, but quite normal, happens. For example, a person conquers Everest. It is clear that, but in each specific case, the question arises: phantasmagoria - what is it? When fantasy is mixed with delirium, then an object of study arises. Remaining in the space of literary examples, it is easiest to explain the difference between one and the other. For example, we know the classic examples of science fiction - these are the works of Jules Verne, HG Wells. Now compare "The Invisible Man" and "The Metamorphosis" by Franz Kafka, do you feel the difference? Although both there and there the reader is offered not the most realistic events in the world.

    Match France - Russia and the prose of Boris Vian

    If those who saw this game are now awakened and asked for the score, they will say without hesitation: “3:2 in favor of Russia!” It was in France, at the Stade de France. When our players scored the third goal against the French, the then match commentator said the word “phantasmagoria”, and it was something unforgettable. Nobody could believe what was happening on the field. Russia played inimitably, or did France underestimate the opponent? One way or another, the stars converged, and we saw a miracle that for the opposite side seemed like a nightmare and delirium. Yes, and Russian fans too, after all, France was the reigning world champion at that time. The game of our team proves that phantasmagoria is something possible, and most importantly, not always terrible and terrible. Yes, the social reality of Russia is often bizarre and absurd, but even we have real holidays.

    For those who are not close to football, we can recommend reading the prose of Boris Vian (“Foam of Days” or “Red Grass”). You can’t call it fantastic, but it’s also realistic. It illustrates the object of our study as fully as possible. And most importantly, the writings of Vian are excellent literature.

    So, we examined the meaning of the word "phantasmagoria". We hope it was not boring, because the subject of conversation does not imply such a thing.

    The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-building dictionaries. Here you can also get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

    The meaning of the word phantasmagoria

    phantasmagoria in the crossword dictionary

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


    phantasmagoria, (from the Greek phantasma - a ghost and agoreuo - I speak).

      Bizarre delusional vision (book). Happiness is over for him, and what kind of happiness? phantasmagoria, deceit. Goncharov.

      trans. Nonsense, impossible thing (colloquial). This is sheer fantasy.

      A ghostly, fantastic image obtained by means of various optical devices (special).

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


    And, well. Bizarre delusional vision.

    adj. phantasmagorical, th, th.

    New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


      obsolete A ghostly, fantastic image obtained through optical devices.

      1. trans. Something that exists only in the imagination.

        Weird visions.

    1. trans. Weird set of circumstances.

    Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


    FANTASMAGORIA (from the Greek phantasma - vision, ghost and agoreuo I say) something unreal, bizarre visions, delusional fantasies.



    Phantasmagoria :

    • Phantasmagoria - a heap of bizarre images, visions, fantasies; chaos, confusion, grotesque.
    • Phantasmagoria is a genre of theatrical performance in Europe in the 18th-19th centuries, in which frightening images were shown in the background with the help of a “magic lantern”: skeletons, demons, ghosts.
    • Phantasmagoria is a subgenre of cinematic fantasy, representing films about something completely unreal, depicting bizarre visions, delusional fantasies.
    • Phantasmagoria - silent short cartoon, France, 1908. Director - Kohl, Emil.
    • Phantasmagoria is a Russian aviation target designation station for Kh-58 and Kh-25MPU anti-radar missiles.

    Phantasmagoria (cartoon)

    "Phantasmagoria"- silent short cartoon by Emil Kohl. It is the world's first hand-drawn cartoon. The premiere took place in France on August 17, 1908.

    Examples of the use of the word phantasmagoria in literature.

    Some expressions of slang relating to both stages of its development, having a barbaric and metaphorical character, are like phantasmagoria.

    And more surprisingly, there is no natural aversion to fantasy, which should have arisen, like an oscom, among my people, who have put so much for the sake of phantasmagoria.

    With these words, I left this office in complete confusion of feelings, feeling more than realizing that something very important had happened, some kind of radical change, which in phantasmagoria common sense kicked in.

    The ghostly image of Nikolai Grigoriev, thin, short, with a restless, hurried look, fanatically devoted to chess, who created the most beautiful etude works, will remain in the memory of many people who encountered him, and when it ends phantasmagoria one-party tyranny, they will write about it in their memoirs.

    Lately such phantasmagoria popped into his head all too often, but the vamp was glad for them.

    However, meaningless phantasmagoria explained by the behind-the-scenes struggle of Diana Vernoy and Rashley.

    Or this: Is it possible to admit that a seemingly rational human being, and even gifted with a bright spark of God, could lose the feeling of reality to such an extent, so befogg his understanding with all sorts of fictions and phantasmagoria in order to sincerely consider the overwhelmed rag tied to a pole as the victorious banner of mankind.

    His knowledge, which put him at the head of the Rosicrucian brotherhood, was not like a pitiful phantasmagoria those weak-minded and almost always ignorant seekers of the philosopher's stone, alchemists, cabalists, magnetizers, who were so numerous in Europe at that time.

    Along with classical moralistic plots and sketches, he has many farces and phantasmagoria which are confusing at first.

    In this colorful myth, along with deep ideas about the Mind that creates a harmonious world, about the sequence of creation, we find faith in the primordial Chaos and gross polytheism, we find ideas about the world process as a result of envy and rivalry of rather unattractive creatures, and in general, instead of a picture of cosmogony before us rather strange phantasmagoria.

    And now it turns out mysticism, phantasmagoria something that the rational realist Raph couldn't believe.

    This kind of psychic travesty materialized phantasmagoria the modern viewer is well aware of the films of Ingmar Bergman and Andrei Tarkovsky.

    Soviet carelessness and ignorance in matters of religious, moral, cultural and historical contributed to the fact that phantasmagoria, which combined satire with mysticism and immorality, was perceived as romantically sublime.

    Riddle, mystery, mystery, strangeness - all this is contained in the semantics of the word phantasmagoria. Subconsciously, everyone feels this when they use this combination of letters in their speech, but not everyone is fully aware of the versatility of its meaning.

    Phantasmagoria in literature

    For verbal creativity, the use of phantasmagoria is quite common. Among representatives of Russian literature, this phenomenon was actively used by N.V. Gogol, M. Bulgakov, Saltykov-Shchedrin and many others.

    The motive of an inverted, strange world, in which the boundaries of the natural and the unnatural are blurred, was fundamental in this case. Phantasmagoria in literature, of course, was used widely and on a large scale.

    We must not forget about the works of the great Edgar Allan Poe, where mysticism and reality are intertwined into close, almost inseparable knots. Another inimitable example of the use of phantasmagoria can be called "Dracula"

    A little about the white rabbit

    There is not a single person in the whole world who has not heard about L. Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. The characters of this book have long and firmly established themselves in the minds of mankind, and yet the author of the work is perhaps the first and most striking example of a writer who turned to phantasmagoria.

    The phantasmagoria of Lewis Carroll is fascinating, mysterious, sometimes absurdly colorful. On its pages, in the literal sense, magic passes into the world of reality, becomes reality itself. That is why his characters and heroes have long been familiar to man.

    In addition to the famous "Alice", from the pen of Carroll came out a collection of poems "Phantasmagoria", which included the poem of the same name.

    In general, it is the phantasmagoria of the dissected soul that is most often used in literature, when the improbability of being, a vast world full of hyperbolizations and puns, becomes an integral part of human existence.

    Phantasmagoria and cinema

    Touching upon the theme of literary phantasmagoria and, of course, the work of Lewis Carroll, one cannot but say about the film, which the leader of the Marilyn Manson musical group intended to release.

    It should immediately be noted that this, even if not accomplished, was significantly different from the original. Despite the obvious dedication to the writer, his own phantasmagoria invented by the author of the film (the film was supposed to be called "Phantasmagoria: Visions of Lewis Carroll") - a completely new, strange, in some way even disturbing reading of the famous Alice in Wonderland.

    Work on the tape was started, but the work did not come out on the big screens for unknown reasons.

    Computer games industry

    Phantasmagoria is, first of all, an incredible image, and nothing gives a more powerful sense of image than computer games. A more or less well-thought-out plot, good graphics and high-quality musical accompaniment allow you to immerse yourself in the world of mysteries and mysteries. This kind of work has always been and will be in demand among lovers of adventure and mystery.

    "Phantasmagoria" is a game that owes its appearance to the famous Roberta Williams, who became the ideological inspirer and one of the creators of the masterpiece. Despite the fact that horror cannot boast of powerful graphics, it simply has no equal in terms of the atmosphere of indescribable horror.

    Of course, this is far from the only example of the use of phantasmagoric elements in the creation of video games. The same sensational "Silent Hill" or "Amnesia" use this phenomenon in full.

    Painting and phantasmagoria

    If we take into account the fact that phantasmagoria is, first of all, going beyond the usual, a certain amount of madness, mental insanity, then the biggest admirer of this phenomenon, no doubt, can be called Hieronymus Bosch. It is difficult to find works more phantasmagorical, strange, surprising and frightening at the same time.

    Of course, this example is far from the only one. Phantasmagoria is Dali, and Rodney Matthews, and, no doubt, Goya, for whom this direction was the final one.

    The phenomenon of phantasmagoria is quite difficult to correlate with one or another time period, a specific era. Of course, in the era of classicism, recourse to this kind of figurative system was unusual, but baroque architecture and painting can provide countless examples of phantasmagoria.

    Appeal to this kind of art, first of all, an attempt to convey, to broadcast the vulnerability, fragility of human nature, its place in the context of the immensity of the soul, consciousness, world. This is an attempt to focus attention on how frightening and at the same time beautiful the world can be, passed through the prism of human perception.

    And, well. fantasmagorie gr. phantasma ghost + agoreuo I say. 1. Showing light patterns using optical devices. ALS 1. After the lecture, Strakhov showed experiments on what phantasmagoria is based on (he imagined shadows, say ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (Greek, from phantasma vision, and agora collection). 1) the art of showing ghosts. 2) an image or picture that appears to the viewer. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. PHANTASMAGORIA Greek, from phantasma, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Phantasmagoria, phantasmagoria, women. (from Greek phantasma ghost and agoreuo I say). 1. Bizarre delusional vision (book). “Happiness is over for him, and what happiness? phantasmagoria, deception. Goncharov. 2. trans. Nonsense, impossible thing (colloquial) ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    - (from the Greek phantasma vision of a ghost and agoreuo I say), something unreal, bizarre visions, delusional fantasies ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    FANTASMAGORIA, and, for women. Bizarre delusional vision. | adj. phantasmagorical, oh, oh. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    - (from the Greek phantasma - vision, ghost and agoreuo - I say) a bizarre vision, a fantastic image, a ghost, a hallucination, something unreal. Philosophical encyclopedic dictionary. 2010 ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    - (from Greek phantasma vision, ghost and ado geo I say) eng. phantasmagoria; German Phantasmagoric. A ghostly fantastic idea about something, delusional ideas. Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009 ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    - (from the Greek phantasma vision, ghost and agoreuo I say) something unreal, bizarre visions, delusional fantasies. Political Science: Dictionary Reference. comp. Prof. floor of sciences Sanzharevsky I.I.. 2010 ... Political science. Dictionary.

    Phantasmagoria- (Greek phantasma vision, ghost and agoreuo say), something unreal, bizarre visions, delusional fantasies. … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary


    • Phantasmagoria, Bruce Julia. This book is the most complete guide to supernatural creatures, magical creatures and vicious monsters. In it you will find the stories that made them famous: from ancient legends to…
    • Phantasmagoria, Lewis Carroll. Phantasmagoria and Other Poems is a collection of the writings of Lewis Carroll, compiled and published by him in 1869. This edition includes a significant part of the poems that made up ...